Maree Makom

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The broken wooden shutter in the building across

is still knocking on the window pane, pounding on

the cement wall and back against the glass. No

one is inside. The blue light falling on a wall-patch

exposes long crooked crevices in the grey plaster

and a blush of mould. The adjacent balcony is

deser ted as well. On a loose nylon cord crossing it

from corner to corner hangs a sun-faded rag, the

torn edges of which quiver like a broken winged

bird in the cold breeze. The entrance to the house

has been locked several months now and the

curtain is drawn shut over the glass door. Only the

shadows of the branches of the thin tree poking

out through tattered dusty sheets, beer cans and

shreds of newspapers scattered-tossed on the

ground of the interior cour t yard, slide moonstruck

over the wall and into the dark hollows in the

cement sur face.

Video Recording Site

Florentine, a working class neighborhood in

the south of Tel Aviv

Low three-four story cement apartment

buildings housing foreign workers side by

side with older local residents and a growing

young artists’ community

Video Recording Occasion

1998. Unstructured assembly of scenes from

the neighborhood’s life


L. - An Israeli videographer. At the time in

which the scene is taking place L. is residing

in a three room apartment across from the

depicted building.

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