Prodromal Labor_ Definition, Causes, How To Cope-Up (3)

Prodromal labor originated from a Greek word means “Precursor” and is considered as false labor. Prodromal labor is a kind of labor that starts and stops before actual active labor begins.

Prodromal labor originated from a Greek word means “Precursor” and is considered as false labor. Prodromal labor is a kind of labor that starts and stops before actual active labor begins.


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because water can relax smooth muscles in the body,

such as — you guessed it — the muscles of the uterus. If

your contractions are the real deal, however, no

amount of chugging water or bathing is going to stop


● Your contractions are 5/10 minutes apart.​ Dr.

Ruiz advises women pregnant with their first baby to

wait to go to the hospital until they experience a

pattern of contractions that are painful enough to take

your breath away, last 45 seconds to one minute, and

occur every five minutes for two hours. “You’re looking

for a very regular pattern of painful contractions. You

should really feel uncomfortable,” he explains.

Prodromal labor can be a frustrating experience for

moms-to-be who go through it, but if you do encounter it, just

keep in mind that it’s a natural process your body is going

through to get ready for the main event. Your body is doing

what it needs to do to prepare and just like with motherhood,

we all do things a little differently, even when it comes to labor

and contractions.

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