Prodromal Labor_ Definition, Causes, How To Cope-Up (3)

Prodromal labor originated from a Greek word means “Precursor” and is considered as false labor. Prodromal labor is a kind of labor that starts and stops before actual active labor begins.

Prodromal labor originated from a Greek word means “Precursor” and is considered as false labor. Prodromal labor is a kind of labor that starts and stops before actual active labor begins.


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● Your water broke. ​If it’s real labor, your body might

be giving you clues in other ways. For example, if your

water is leaking or you’re having a bloody show, it’s

probably the real deal.

● Drinking water does not end your labor

symptoms.​ Dr. Ruiz explains that if your contractions

are actually prodromal labor, guzzling a lot of water or

taking a warm shower will stop them completely. That’s

because water can relax smooth muscles in the body,

such as — you guessed it — the muscles of the uterus. If

your contractions are the real deal, however, no

amount of chugging water or bathing is going to stop


● Your contractions are 5/10 minutes apart.​ Dr.

Ruiz advises women pregnant with their first baby to

wait to go to the hospital until they experience a

pattern of contractions that are painful enough to take

your breath away, last 45 seconds to one minute, and

occur every five minutes for two hours. “You’re looking

for a very regular pattern of painful contractions. You

should really feel uncomfortable,” he explains.

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