Mystery of the Beast

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from your Mansion….did you saw that horde besides it wasn’t just a

horde it was a beast unlike other hordes it was much faster than any

other hordes” Detective Isaac said “That cannot be true I was sleeping

all night” Victor said “Did you saw that horde Mr. Van?” Detective

Isaac said “No I did not“ Victor said “hmm! I heard from the people in

town that you were attacked by a horde while going to the forest of

the hordes” “Um yes I was but I am okay now” Victor said “All right if

you ever see that horde again report me about it “Detective Isaac

said. He gives a card of his department containing his number. Victor

took the card and says “Yeah of course”. Victor went to Café Original

for a morning drink. There was lot of people talking about the horde

last night which really made Victor regrettable. A Gentleman sat next

to him, he was looking everywhere seeing if anyone is hearing or

looking. “I know about that horde Mr. Van” the gentlemen said “Who

are you?” Victor said “My name is Jeremy Talbot I am a hunter just

like you and I used to work for your father as his assistant” the

gentlemen said “What do you know about that horde?” Victor said “I

was there at night and I know that….” Jeremy said He paused and

looked everywhere again then he mumbled “I know that was you,”

“You are crazy and delusional” Victor said. Victor went out and

Jeremy says “Wait Mr. Van I can help you to get away from this

sickness,” “I don’t need your help…I’m better off without you” Victor

said. On the next night, He turned again but this time there were

officers in the forest. There were 5 officers including Detective Isaac.

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