Story Number One

When quarantine became a deadly hell

When quarantine became a deadly hell


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Story Number One

When quarantine

became a deadly hell

A 28-year-old woman escaped from the

darkness of her house. She had beautiful, light

coloured hair, eyes like honey and she was a

tall woman. She was from one of the poor

streets of Garmian and had two daughters

and one son. With tears in her eyes she told

her story: “My house is like an oven in flames

to me. We had to leave our former home in

January due to an unaffordable rent. The

landlord kicked us out and we moved to

another old house, which was cheaper. My

husband was working before, but due to the

Corona virus he lost his job and the spendings

for his family became difficult for him. I am

breast-feeding my new-born baby, so that I

do not have to pay for baby food.

Everyday he said bad words to me and

kept lamenting making me mentally ill.

Before the lockdown, things were better,

because each day he was working, and he

only came back home in the evening. But

during these days he stayed at home and

he filled my home with bitterness. He was

complaining and talking in a depressed

way. And I tried everything to find a

solution, but there was nothing left. It was

all senseless. Each day when he came

back home, I forgave him everything that

had happened before and gave him a new

chance. I decided not to get mad having

my children in my mind and them being

the victims in the end.

I welcomed him with a glass of water, but

he spilled the water and he became angry

and said bad words to me. After a while he

told me to stop visiting my parents‘ house

and I agreed, so my parents would not find

out that we have issues. I told my parents

that everything was okay and that I am not

visiting them due to the virus. My husband

made my children spit into my face and

encouraged them to say bad words to me,

he influenced them until they were

annoyed with me and he said bad things

about my parents. He warned me not to go

outside the house and I stopped visiting my

parents and any of my other relatives. So,

there was no one I could go to, to speak out

and ask for help.”

The hopeless woman said: “Secretly I visited

my mother-in-law’s house and I told them

everything, hoping they would help me

solving our problems. But they blamed me.

My mother-in-law and my sister-in-law said:

Why did you marry him then? Why don’t

you adjust to him? Leave your children to us

and go back to your parents. I returned to

my dark and cold house hopelessly and

wished to die. And I started to think low of

myself because everyone hated me and said

bad things to me. There was not a day that

my husband would give me some money. He

made me stop working, forced me to put a

veil on and locked me inside the house.

As my last option I called my mother. She was

angry with me and said: Do not come back. It

would be a shame for us because of your

children. One day my husband said: I do not

want to see you anymore. Get out of my sight...

We started arguing. He hit me so badly that my

entire body was full of bruises. And I left my

house and went to stay at my parents’ house. I

do not know where to start to tell the story of

my life, how should I end? I have so much

sadness inside me and it is extremely hard. My

mother wanted me to go back to my husband’s

house, so not to lose the right over the children.

My father was angry, and he swore: You should

not set feet into your husband’s house again.

Get the divorce.

My children werde with me. My husband’s

family sent a lot of people to talk to me and to

ask me to go back to him, but I did not go. I

do not want to return to that bitter life. I

wanted to kill myself so many times, to burn

myself, but then I told myself, carry on, it will

get better soon, I have to endure it. But it was

senseless. I finally decided to give the

children back to my husband“. Saying those

words, she was crying, and she carried on:

“The last time, my parents-in-law wanted to

come to pick me up and my father handed

my children to them. It was like the end of

the world to me.

My children where crying and clinging on to

me while screaming. They pulled them away

holding them tightly, while my children were

screaming. My mother was screaming and

said: Do not take them. I will die without the

children. Under the pain of the loss of my

children I lost control over my body: The

screams of my children echo in my brain ever

since. And every second is a death to me. My

parents-in-law were shouting loudly: Why

don’t you come back? Your children are your

responsibility and they will die without you.

My husband gave me so much pain I cannot

go back to that hell again, not even for my


If I could, I would go back in time and never make

the mistake of marrying. Because I was a child; I

was studying at that time. I was 15 and a half

years old when my husband asked for my hand

and I decided to get married. My parents

disagreed to the marriage. But I did not listen and

got married. After the wedding he made me stop

studying. In the beginning he was good to me.

Until the beginning of this year. But during the

time of this quarantine my life got completely


Being far away from my children haunts me.

Every day from dusk till dawn I am drowning in

thoughts, tears, and dreams”.

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