Our Students Union V6

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Our Students Union

2020 - 2021

New Strands @ BPCSU

You may have noticed that BPCSU have had a bit of a makeover. We did this in

order to make everything easier for you our students.

Our Voice is the strand that

will give you the voice you

deserve and allow you to be

properly represented at The

College. This was formally

known as Student Voice.

The Our Union strand is

dedicated to everything

about BPCSU. Check out

the Our Union section of

the website to find out

more about BPCSU and

everything it does.


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The Our Advice Strand will

contain the new Student Advice

Portal which is packed with

useful information and Advice

that you might need. The portal

houses a range of information

from staff at The College and the

services we offer as well as

useful information that we think

you will might need. We have a

section dedicated to advice

blogs on things that they are

passionate about.

The Our Opportunities

strand is the fun strand it

will have information on all

events, activities and clubs.

It will also have everything

that BPCSU is currently

doing within its campaigns

that BPCSU runs through

the year. This strand has

Volunteering opportunities.

Our Voice

Our Voice, Our College

OVOC covers everything that lets

our students have a voice. This can

include the Our Voice, Our College

Weeks, Focus Groups or Conference.

If it’s asking you as a student for

your view it will be covered under

Our Voice, Our College.

Our Voice, Our College Weeks

They are four set weeks throughout

the academic year, dedicated purely

for students to give your views on

student experience.

Our Voice, Our College


It’s an annual event where all reps,

ambassador, executives and students

have the opportunity to meet to help to

improve the college. This is where

students can discuss issues

regarding anything. Students also had

the chance to meet a member of the

Board of Governors so they could find

out more about how the College is run.

OVOC Conference is on 10th March 2021

OVOC Weeks

16th to 20th November 2020


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Our Voice, Our College Focus Groups

They are created from the top three

themes from the OVOC weeks. Each

focus group will be facilitated by the

Head of that area the focus group is

relating to (for example if the focus

group was concerning student support

the Head of Student Support would

facilitate). This means that students

get to meet and discuss the issues they

have with the staff that can implement

the changes directly.

Your Big ideas

On the student first website

there is a page where students

can submit their ideas. If there

is something that you are really

passionate about and would

like to see happen at The

College, then submit your idea

at Studentfirst.org.uk.

Get like-minded students such

as yourself involved and watch

as your idea turns into a reality

with the help of BPCSU.

Our Voice


BPCSU Elections

Each year BPCSU run student elections in

order for current students to campaign

for positive change at the college. These

students represent the views of the

students within their remit and form part

of the Our Voice, Our College Committee.

Once elected though a cross campus vote

these students become the Student

Executive Team, they are elected on a

manifesto (a range of points that they

want to change for you, them and all

other students at The College) which

they campaign for throughout the

academic year.


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Student Executive Committee

The Student Executive Committee is a

group of students that are elected each

year by you to work with us in making

big decisions for the Students’ Union.

Student Exec’s work with staff to make

sure we make students time at the

College the best it can be.

You can be a Student Officer

Some of these are Clubs and Societies

Officer, Green Impact Officer, Mental

Health Officer, ESOL Student Officer,

Foundation Officer, Inter Faith Officer,

LGBTQ+ Officer, Equality Officer,

Community and Engagement Officer, Site

Officer, Sixth Form Officer, Volunteering

Officer and International Officer.


Student Ambassadors are there

to represent students and be

Ambassadors for the College.

You could be a College Ambassador,

a Mental Health Ambassador or a

Higher Education Ambassador.

You can be a Senior Executive

These are BPCSU President, Vice

President Welfare, Vice President

Further Education and Vice

President Higher Education.

Our Voice

National Union of Students

The National Union of Students (NUS)

is a voluntary membership organisation

which makes a real difference to the

lives of students and its member

students’ unions.

Visit the NUS website for

more information on what

they do for you!


NUS champions students to shape the future

of education and create a better world. They

promote, defend and extend student rights.

They fight discrimination, isolation and

injustice. Through practical information and

national action, they make sure students can


They support and strengthen students and

their unions. They are developing research

that influences national policy. They are

taking on all the issues that affect students’

lives now and in future.

Our Opportunities


TOTUM, the new name for the NUS

extra card, brings you over 200 UK

student discounts ranging from

Amazon to Zavvi and comes with

1-year Free International Student

Identity Card unlocking over

42,000 international discounts.

Over the next twelve

months, TOTUM will also

launch new payment and

financial features, making

TOTUM integral to student


Students can download the TOTUM app

for free, but to get the most out of

TOTUM, you’ll need to purchase the card.

The integration of the two products will

allow you to access exciting discounts

and local deals and provides proof of ID.

To find out more, visit:


Our Opportunities

Get Involved

BPCSU are here for you and work to offer affordable trips, free events,

volunteering projects and tons of other opportunities.

Each year BPCSU run tons of events and activities to get

involved in, from trips through to on-site events, volunteering,

campaigns, fundraising, clubs and societies.

We also offer a range of Student Voice roles that can have a

huge positive impact on your student life, development and

your CV. The Hub is where you can meet the BPCSU team and

book activities. We know that being a student isn’t cheap and

money doesn’t grow on trees so BPCSU subsidise trips to make

them as affordable as possible. All the Money BPCSU generates

throughout the year goes back into supporting you.


your one stop shop to Student Life

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Charity Of The Year

Each year the students pick a charity of the

year for the college to support. This year

students felt mental health is an important

contemporary issue that needs addressing,

and voted for Rethink Mental Illness to be

our Charity of the Year.

Rethink Mental Illness is a charity that has been

supporting people for almost as long as 50 years.

Being one of the largest charitable providers of

services for people living with mental illness,

they are well placed to make a direct impact on

the care people receive.

To see more please visit their website: www.rethink.org

Our Opportunities

Green Impact

BPCSU understand that Green Impact is

important to our students and the

environment because of this we campaign

for change in order for The College to

reduce its carbon footprint.

In 2019/20 it was agreed by the Student

Executive Committee that BPCSU would

continue its Green Impact campaigns. So

in 2020/21 BPCSU want to make more

change happen at The College and we

need your help.

For all events and important dates

go to: Studentfirst.org.uk

Social Responsibility Days

At BPCSU we are focusing on

reducing our carbon footprint. As

part of our student executive

manifestos, we host fun activities

and events in which students can

attend where they can voice their

own opinions and ideas, on ways

that we as the college can

become more environmentally


Tuesday 13th October 2020

Thursday 25th March 2021

Thursday13th May 2021


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Volunteering is great for meeting new people

and improving your CV. In addition volunteering

can enhance your studies and give you real

knowledge of your local community and the

causes you care about. There are so many

positives to volunteering that we can’t think of

a reason not to join BPCSU Volunteering!

Whether you have just an hour to give or a

whole day there are tonnes of opportunities

throughout the year to get involved with!

News and Blogs

Go visit the news and blogs

page on the student first

website where you can get up

to date news and the latest

blogs from the student union.

Our Advice

Our advice covers:

Careers Advice and Guidance


Mental Health

Physical Health

Sexual Health


Personal Development

Child Care

Accommodation/ Housing

Learning Support

Students With a Learning

Need or Disability

Students with an EHCP

Exam Support


Equality and Diversity

Student Finance/ Money Matters

For all your advice needs visit Studentfirst.org.uk


your one stop shop to Student Life

Keep in Touch. Get Involved. Keep Up to Date. Get Active.

Our Advice Blogs

Visit the Our Advice blogs page on the student first website where you

can read what advice your fellow students have and you can write blogs

on what you are passionate about, in order to help others.

You can blog about:

What things help you/

what you find helpful

Activities you find relaxing

What you enjoy about the Student Union

Advice if other students want to start a new hobby.

E.g. If you’re good at photography, you could write a

blog about basic uses of a camera or photoshop.

Our Advice

The College provide a lot of support for students within Student Experience,

there is a wealth of knowledge and experience so that students can get the help

they need and deserve when studying at The College. Our advice covers a wide

range of support and guidance.

Welfare Support

The college provide support

for mental health, physical

health and sexual health.

A Self Referral Form can be found on

the Student first website if you would

like to refer yourself to the Welfare


Learning Support

The college provide support for

any learner who requires additional

learning support whether they be full

or part time students, HE students,

apprentices, students whose first

language is not English, students

with a learning need/disability or

students with an EHCP.

They offer help with exam support,

support in class, support in their

study centres, 1:1 or small group

workshops, support with assistive

technology, they loan resources and

equipment, a quiet study space, a

sensory room and lunch club.


your one stop shop to Student Life

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You have the right to be and feel

safe. Safeguarding is important

to the college and is committed

to embedding Safeguarding

across the whole college.

Home Life

If you are in an unsafe environment

or having difficulty funding your

home, this can cause stress and have

an impact on your wellbeing. The

college offers advice and support for

your home life and relationships.

International Students

Studying in a different country can be

difficult sometimes for students who

study with us from abroad.

There is a range of advice an guidance

on home sickness, international student

health, settling into the UK, staying safe

in the UK and international student


Our Advice

Careers Advice and Guidance Support

The careers team can help you with choosing a career,

course or apprenticeship, and provide support to make

sure the choice you make is the right one. They can

also support you to progress to the next level of course

within the college, as well as help you with making

decisions about your options in the future.

Student Finance

Student Services can provide you as

a potential student, parent or carer,

with a wide range of information,

advice and financial support to help

you access and succeed on your



It’s a free to use service for

students whilst they are at the

college and for up to one year after

they have left. The BASE consists of

an expert team which can help to

find you apprenticeships, whether

its for while you are studying or

once you have completed your



your one stop shop to Student Life

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Equality and Diversity

We celebrate the fact that our

students and staff, our partners

and friends, are from different

social and ethnic backgrounds;

women, men and transgender;

black and white; of all ages,

cultures and faiths; lesbian, gay,

bi-sexual and straight; disabled

and non-disabled; from nearby and

further afield.

British Values

We actively promote the British

Values of democracy; individual

liberty; the rule of law; mutual

respect and tolerance of those

with different faiths and belief,

as outlined in the Government’s

Prevent strategy.

We recognise how British Values

have a place in our own

expectations, vision and values,

and see that they underpin what

it is to be a citizen in a modern

and diverse Great Britain.

Our Union

What is student union

Bournemouth & Poole College Students’ Union (BPCSU) is a non-profit

organisation that provides thousands of students with a voice. We are here

for you and we work to offer affordable trips, free events, volunteering

projects and tonnes of opportunities. There are hundreds of ways to get

involved and being a student automatically entitles you to all the benefits.

Make the most of your college experience and join BPCSU on your next


Social Spaces

BPCSU offer a range of social

spaces for students who study

at The College. We purchase

new equipment, games and activities

that students ask for

through Our Voice, Our College.

The Hubs

The Hub at North Road is room 49

The Hub at Lansdown is room 506

The Hub opening times are on



your one stop shop to Student Life

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BPCSU Governance

BCSU has a range of documents that allow us to

run, give us purpose and allows us to do what we

do best. Make The College better for our students.

BPCSU Strategic Plan

Our vision is for the BPCSU to be recognised as an

excellent and outstanding Students’ Union within

the College, externally by our partners and by our students.

Some of the Bournemouth and Poole College Students’ Union’s core

values are to be open, creative and professional. Therefore, we are

always looking to improve the service we provide to students.

In order to realise this vision, we have several key aims in our

strategic plan for the upcoming four years.

Contact us


Student Engagement Coordinator


01202 205327


Student Engagement Officer


01202 205 216


01202 205737



your one stop shop to Student Life

Keep in Touch. Get Involved. Keep Up to Date. Get Active.

Visit our online shop where you can book and

purchase tickets for events and trips.


BPCSU will keep you up to date on all the Latest

information, Events, Activities and promotions

on Social Media.

Add our social media channels and keep up to date


The Hub at Lansdowne,

Room 506

The Hub North Road,

Room 49




BPC Student Experience

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