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For the very First Time

The Journey of

Haryana Hurricane

on Page - 21



South Africa

The World

cup and


By K.D

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Bio – sketch of Rabindranath



Rabindranath was born on 7 May 1861 Calcutta. His father

Debendranath Tagore was a leading light in the Brahmo

Samaj – a reforming Hindu organisation which

sought to promote a monotheistic interpretation of the

Upanishads and move away from the rigidity of Hindu

Orthodoxy which they felt was holding back India.

Debendranath Tagore also encouraged his family to learn


Rabindranath began writing from an early age and

impressed with his free-flowing style and spontaneous

compositions. He mostly rejected formal schooling; he

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spent much time being taught at home. In 1878 he

travelled to England and sought to study law at University

College, London, but he left before finishing the degree.

After returning to India, in 1901, Tagore moved to

Shantiniketan to found an ashram which became his focal

point for writing and his view on schooling. He chose the

name for the ashram – Shantiniketan meaning ‘Abode of


1. Friendship with Gandhi

Tagore was firm friends with Gandhi and admired him very

much. But, despite this friendship, he could be critical of

his views. For example, he disagreed with Gandhi’s views

on Swaraj protests and upbraided Gandhi when Gandhi

claimed an earthquake was ‘divine retribution for the

mistreatment of Dalits in India.’ Yet despite the frequent

divergence of opinions, they could admire each other.

When Gandhi went on a fast unto death, it was Tagore who

was able to persuade Gandhi to give up his fast and look

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after his health

2. Nobel Prize for Literature 1913

In 1913, Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature

for his work ‘Gitanjali‘ This made his writings

internationally known and his fame spread throughout the


This gave Tagore the opportunity to travel extensively

giving lectures and recitals in many different countries. He

also became acquainted with many of the leading cultural

contemporaries of the day; this included

W.B.Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, Romain Rolland, Robert

Frost and Albert Einstein.

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Tagore had a great love for nature and many of his poems

invoke the simple beauties of the natural world. For

Tagore, his religion could be found in the wonders and

mysteries of nature – as much as in temples and sacred


Tagore was a prolific composer of music. He composed

over 2,000 songs which have been popularised and sung

widely across Bengal. Like his literature, he broke away

from classical constraints to offer a great emotive and

spiritual appeal. Tagore is unique for being the official

composer for the national anthem of two countries –

India’s Jana Gana Mana and Bangladesh’s Amar Shonar


Tagore was an opponent of British imperialism, though he

also felt Indians had a duty to improve their selfeducation;

he said that British rule was partly due to the

state India had fallen into. In particular, he was very

denigrating about India’s obsession with caste.

In 1919, Tagore returned his knighthood in protest at the

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, in which many peaceful Indian

protesters were killed.

Tagore was a polymath, and towards the end of his life he

took up art and also pursued an interest in science. Tagore

was also very much an internationalist, criticising

nationalism, though also writing songs and articles in

support of the general principle of the Indian

independence movement.

3. Tagore view on Religion

Tagore had mixed views on religion. He was brought up in

a traditional Hindu family and taught to pray and meditate

from an early age. He remembers the peace of mind he

developed from chanting the Gayatri Mantra, but at the

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same time was detached from the more formalistic aspects

of religion. He tended to see religion as not scriptures and

places of worship but the life we lead. As he explained:

“My religion is my life – it is growing with my growth – it

has never been grafted on me from outside.”

He was keen to avoid any fanaticism and saw the strength

of his own Hindu religion as its ability to see more than

one path to the goal. His life-long aspiration was to see a

harmony of religions flourish in India – not from mere

tolerance but an appreciation of the different merits other

religions had.

However, he was also critical of the Hindu caste system.

Tagore’s poetry frequently hint at a mystical view of the


4. Death

Tagore died on 7 th August 1941, after a long and painful

illness, aged 80.

He died in his family home.

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Ethics and Values one can adapt from Rabindranath


According to Rabindranath Tagore spiritual and moral

values build the character of a man. He gives maximum

importance to man and says that man has the entire

strength to become God. His perception is that God is

spiritually and morally perfect.

Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we

create the capacity to receive it

By-Rabindranath Tagore

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Role of BMI { Body Mass Index } in

personality development


• What is BMI

BMI stands for BODY MASS INDEX. This is a numerical

value of your weight relation to your height. A BMI

between 18.5 kg/m^2 to 25 kg/m^2. BMI below 18.5

kg/m^2 is considered as underweight and BMI above

25 kg/m^2 is considered over weight.

• Personality Development

It is the development of organised pattern of

behaviour and attitude that makes a person

distinctive. It occurs by the ongoing interactions of

temperament, characters And environment.

• Significance of BMI

1. BMI of a person helps him or her to know

whether he Or she is Overweight, underweight

Or Normal.

2. It also helps the person to know that where he

/ she is lacking due to which BMI is less.

3. It helps individual to take a significant step in

order to enhance his or her personality


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For an Individual, personality development can

mean many things but in term of BMI it means to

check how He/She looks.

For example – overweight, underweight or normal

• Efforts for improving BMI

❖ How to lower your BMI

1. Get an accurate reading of your BMI.

2. Set a realistic goal if you are trying to lower your BMI.

3. Track your weight lose progress closely.

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4. Know how much you more.

5. Weigh yourself regularly to figure out what’s working.

6. Get moving with a workout of your own choice.

❖ How to increase your BMI

1. Add healthy calories – You can add calories by adding

nuts and seed toppings , cheese and healthy side

dishes. Try almond or sunflower seed.

2. Go nutrients dense – Eat food which are rich in

nutrient. Eat high protein stuff which'll help you to

gain muscles.

3. Bulk up – while too much aerobic respiration will burn

calories and work against your weight goal and

strength training can help.

4. Fat mini meals – Consider eating smaller meals

throughout the day to increase your calories initiate.

• BMI of my Family

Family members





B. M. I

18 kg/m^2

21.6 kg/m^2

25 kg/m^2

24.2 kg/m^2

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How Nutrition affects personality

development !?

First of all let us ask ourselves, what is personality?

Primarily the way we think and behave and this would

include our intelligence and emotional quotients. A good

body and a good mind often go together. The development

of the brain in the human being begins during the third

week of pregnancy and goes on to develop to 90 percent of

its adult volume by age 6.

Apart from the environmental inputs which have lasting

effects on a person’s personality, good nutrition, balanced

in both macro and micro nutrients is of vital importance.

When we talk about the cognitive abilities of a person, we

refer to the attention, memory, thinking, learning and

perception of that person. All of these in the years to

come, go on to shape the skills and the general abilities of

a person and have a direct relationship with a person’s

achievements, including access to better literacy, lifestyle,

self esteem and self control.

As we go on to grow through our lives, the food we eat; in

other words nutrition, among other factors, go on to play

an important role in our personality.

Broadly speaking a protein rich diet helps build muscles and

stamina and a diet rich in carbohydrates creates a calming

effect. In addition and equally important are the micro

nutrients in our diet. Based on several studies it has been

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established we need 0.8 grams of protein per day per kilo

of body weight if we have an average

lifestyle. Carbohydrates in addition to having a calming

effect, provide energy and the usual recommended for

healthy eating, is 225 to 325 grams per day, again for the

average person. The intake of both should be higher if one

is involved in intensive manual or mental work since we

burn more calories or less depending upon our style of

living. Yes, despite the bad name they have earned

carbohydrates are an essential part of nutrition. During

digestion, sugars and starches are broken down into

simple sugars and they then find their way into the

bloodstream and we know them as blood sugars. From

there the glucose enters our body’s cells with the help of

insulin. So whether it’s exercise or something as simple as

moving the hand or even breathing, it provides the energy

for all the activities we do. Too much of it and it is

converted to fat. At the same time, not all carbohydrates

are equal. It’s always recommended that those having a

sedentary lifestyle choose carbohydrates that are rich in

dietary fiber.

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Studies on micro nutrients have yielded good results and

the importance of these on human behavior or personality

must be underlined, as well.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, is well known.

He talked about the healing power of food and further

went on to say “Let food be your medicine and your

medicine be your food”.

Let us here take some of the foods and their major micro

nutrients and examine the impact on our behavior or


Lack of, Vitamin B1 also known as Thiamine, has a potent

reaction on our moods. Fish, pork, sunflower seeds, nuts,

asparagus, soya beans and most of the regular humble

beans are a rich source of this essential micronutrient.

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Many people across the world suffer from deficiency of

Iron. The result is a depressive feeling and laziness. My

grandmother used to insist I eat liver, something most of

us hate and she had a good reason. Liver is one of the

richest sources of Iron. Some of the other good sources

are broccoli, seafood, greens, nuts and meat.

Although not common, Folic acid deficiency is associated

with depression and normal brain function. Some of the

foods rich in this nutrient are dark leafy greens, liver,

eggs, kidneys, nuts, sprouts and oranges.

Let us also examine some of the other foods containing

important nutrients and their effect on us.

Ae have all heard about the benefits of Serotonin. While a

diet rich in protein is good for muscle building and

stamina, it inhibits the circulation of Serotonin in the

brain. Increased levels of Serotonin are linked to mood

elevation, it helps regulate sleep so one does not get

cranky due to sleep deprivation, it helps regulate appetite,

helps during premenstrual trauma and helps keep control

on impulsive behavior. Serotonin is produced from

tryptophan contained in foods such as clams, octopus,

snails, banana pineapple, plums, nuts, milk, turkey and

eggs. A diet rich in carbohydrates helps towards synthesis

of Serotonin into the blood stream. You may have read

about a carbohydrate rich diet being recommended

to relieve depression. This is not carbohydrates per se but

also the help they offer towards absorption of Serotonin,

apart from being energy giving

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Caffine that we consume in the form of coffee has

stimulant effects and increases alertness and thus the time

we take to react to situations. Though too much of it is not

recommended since too much coffee can make a person

nervous and anxious.

Omega 3 mostly contained in sea foods, fish and

vegetarian foods such as zucchini has a direct impact on

moods and depression if the levels fall too low, studies

have gone on to prove

Chocolate is a powerful mood enhancer due to its taste and

psychoactive chemicals such as Anandamines. There’s

surely no need to overdo it and feel guilty. Just a cube of

dark chocolate goes some way in creating a feeling of


Foods also have a psychological impact. For example some

people are affected by even decaffeinated coffee and feel

more alert and there are others who will ruin their sleep if

they have a cup of coffee after a certain time, just thinking

about it. The foods we ate as children during particularly

happy times bring back a feeling of happiness even when

we eat them as adults.

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Some countries give a particular importance to eating

habits. On my research of France and Belgium, I found it

interesting that just before the movie begins in

auditoriums they show a slide or an animated film urging

people to eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day. Kids

are even taught at kindergarten level and it has always

been a pleasing experience when I watch the young

university students in these countries, there must be more

of course, buying their foods in the supermarkets with

care, and they usually include plenty of fruits and

vegetables, whole grain breads and seafood in their

trolleys and baskets.

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{ S.S.T }

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Role of Society in Personality Development

The concept of personality refers to the profile of stable beliefs,

moods, and behaviors that differentiate among children (and adults)

who live in a particular society. The profiles that differentiate children

across cultures of different historical times will not be the same

because the most adaptive profiles vary with the values of the society

and the historical era. Society plays a huge role in molding teens’

personality development. It determines how they see other people,

their general outlook, and their ethics. You as parents can influence

all these things as well, but the things that will stick with the kids for

long haul are learned from the society. Now society comprises of a lot

of different things that include media, neighborhood, laws, and

school. Let’s briefly go through how these components influence the

mindset and behavior of teens, and shape them into the kind of

people that eventually grow up to become.

• The Impact of Media on Teens

Media has really expanded these days. Now it’s available in the form

of films, TV, video games, social networking platforms, radio, etc.

They all play a huge role in shaping up your teens. If the latter see

violence all over the news against people of one race, then they might

grow sympathetic towards them, or spiteful towards the oppressors.

However, if the same news channels start to show those same victims

as the bad people, then they will most likely develop a strong hatred

for every individual in that race. That’s how racism has managed to

stay around for so long. There’s a feeling of superiority in some

societies and it’s generated solely by the media. Teens form their

opinions based on what they see on the media, and their behavior is

guided by these opinions.

• The Effect of Crime in Society on Teens

The rate of crime and how law enforcement reacts to it also play an

important role in affecting the behavior and mindset of teens. If kids

find crime to be prevalent around them, then they may accept it as

something normal, and might even indulge in it eventually. However,

things can be entirely different if the situation of law enforcement is

better in the neighborhood. If teens see criminals getting punished for

their crimes, then they will know that walking down the wrong path

has its consequences, and thus refrain from making a similar choice.

Both of these scenarios are triggered by society, while you don’t have

a huge role to play in this.

• The Influence of School and Peers on Teens

Schools also play a huge role in shaping up the mindset and

character of teens. They meet all sorts of people there, and in many

cases it’s their friendships that determine how they turn out. Good,

caring, and civil friends will improve the overall behavior of the kids,

whereas bad company can ruin them. They can get addicted to drugs,

alcohol, and even get involved in petty crimes.

Just because society plays a huge role in shaping up the behavior,

mindset, and character of your teen doesn’t mean that you simply sit

idle. You have a responsibility to nurture the positive effect of society,

while discourage any negative impact. At the end of the day, what

kind of person your teen grows up to be depends just as much on

your parenting as it does on the society.

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Digital Health and Wellness


❖ How to reduce eye strain caused by using digital

devices ?

1. Keep your distance. Position your device so there is sufficient

distance between your eyes and the screen.

• For computers, extend your arm while seated in front of the

computer monitor. The correct distance to be seated from the

screen occurs when you can comfortably place your palm flat

on the monitor, as though you were high-fiving the screen.

• For hand-held devices, hold the device just below eye level and

at a distance that still enables you to comfortably read the


2. Reduce glare. Adjust the brightness of your screen by checking

the device’s control setting. Consider changing your

background color from bright white to a cooler gray. Glare

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reduction filters are also available and easily attach to

computer screens.

3. Clean your screen. A dust-free, smudge-free screen helps

reduce glare.

4. Dim surrounding lights. Reduce the amount of light competing

with your device’s screen. Dim inside lights, and when

outdoors, try to avoid competing with direct sunlight while

using your digital device. Doing so will help reduce glare and

eye strain.

5. Adjust your screen. Regardless of what type of device you’re

using, digital screens should always be directly in front of your

face and slightly below eye level.

6. Increase text size. Try increasing text size to help better define

screen content and to make reading more comfortable for your


7. Wear computer glasses. Computer glasses are an increasingly

popular solution for reducing both computer eye strain and the

potentially damaging effects that increased digital use can

have on vision. They help the eye adjust to intermediatedistance

objects, such as computer screens, are available in all

shapes and sizes and can be made with or without a

prescription. They look like regular glasses but the difference is

in the lens. Depending on your visual needs, some computer

glasses have a modified lens power that relaxes the eye while

providing a large field of view, while other computer glasses

feature an anti-reflective coating that helps combat eye strain

by softening the glare from harsh indoor and outdoor lighting

and improving contrast. Some computer glasses even feature

lenses that selectively absorb harmful blue light, preventing it

from entering the cornea and causing eye damage. Computer

glasses can include all three of these features or only the

feature or features that your eyes need.

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8. Blink more often. Staring at a digital screen can reduce how

often you blink, causing eyes to become dry. Remind yourself

to blink more often, which also helps the eyes refocus.

9. Take a 20-20-20 break. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second

break and look at something 20 feet away. Even short breaks

make a huge difference.

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❖ How to reduce backache caused by using digital

devices ?

1. Bring the device to eye level. This will minimize the bend in your

neck and maintain optimal spine posture;

2. Use the hands-free function during long conversations;

3. Keep your messages short on mobile devices and use a computer

for longer messages;

4. Take frequent micro-breaks to move/stretch your neck and back.

Limit your device use to 20-minute sessions. Consider making a

phone call rather than spending a long time texting;

5. Download an app to dim the blue light on your screens;

6. When possible, try to avoid bringing your smartphone to the

bedroom. This will eliminate any temptation to pick the device up

when you are trying to fall asleep.

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❖ How to reduce Carpal Tunnel Syndrome caused by

using digital devices?

1. Keep wrists flat. Maintaining the wrist in a straight position can

reduce stress on the median nerve, White said.

2. Pay attention to form and posture. Loosen up tight grips on

gaming devices and avoid applying too much force when

typing. Avoid keeping the thumb and fingers in a flexed

position for long periods of time. This advice is especially

important when using only a single hand on a device, White


3. Take frequent breaks. Build in regular rest periods to gently

stretch out your hands (and the rest of your body) and give

them a break from constant activity, White said. He

recommended taking a 5-minute break for every 30 minutes of

device use.

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Biography of Haryana Hurricane / KD

{ Sports }

Full Name - Kapil Dev Ramlal Nikhanj

Nickname(s) - Haryana Hurricane, KD

Profession(s) - Cricketer, Businessman

Physical Stats & More

Height (approx.) - In centimeters - 183 cm

In meters - 1.83 m

In feet inches - 6’

Weight (approx.) in kilograms - 80 kg

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In pounds- 176 lbs

Eye Colour - Dark Brown

Hair Colour - Salt & Pepper


International Debut -:

❖ ODI- 1 October 1978 against Pakistan at Quetta

❖ Test- 16-21 October 1978 against Pakistan at Faisalabad

International Retirement

❖ ODI- 17 October 1994 against West Indies at Faridabad

❖ Test- 19-23 March 1994 against New Zealand at Hamilton

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Jersey Number -: N/A (during his time, the culture of Jersey

Number was not there)

Domestic/State Team(s) • Haryana

Coach/Mentor - Desh Prem Azad

Batting Style - Right-handed

• Northamptonshire

• Worcestershire

Bowling Style - Right-arm fast-medium

Favourite Shot - Hook & Drive

Favourite Ball - Out-swing & In-swing Yorker

Records (main ones)

❖ Test Cricket

• In 1994, Kapil Dev broke Richard Hadlee’s record of the

highest Test wicket-taker in the world, which was later broken

by Courtney Walsh in 1999

• Only player to have more than 5000 test runs (5248) and 400

wickets (434).

• Most innings in a career (184) without being run out

• Youngest test cricketer to take 100 (21 years, 25 days), 200

(24 years) and 300 wickets (27 years, 2 days)

• Only test captain to take a 9 wicket haul in a test innings

❖ ODI Cricket

• Highest wicket-taker till his retriement in 1994 (253 wickets)

• Highets ever Peak rating (631; on 22 March 1985

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Personal Life

• Highest ODI score when batting at number 6 position or

lower; as well in World Cup history(175*)

• Most number of balls in an ODI innings when batting at

number six position in ODI history (138, tied with Neil


Awards, Honour and Achievements

• 1979-80: Arjuna Award

• 1982: Padma Shri

• 1983: Wisden Cricketer of the Year

• 1991: Padma Bhushan

• 2002: Wisden Indian Cricketer of the Century

• 2008: Honoured as Lieutenant Colonel by the Indian Territorial Army

• 2010: ICC Cricket Hall of Fame

• 2013: CK Nayudu Lifetime Achievement award

Date of Birth - 6 January 1959

Age (as in 2019) - 60 Years

Birthplace - Chandigarh, India

Zodiac sign/Sun sign - Capricorn

Nationality - Indian

Hometown - Chandigarh, India

School - DAV Senior Secondary School, Sector 8-C, Chandigarh

College/University - Did Not Attend

Educational Qualification - Not Known

Religion - Hinduism

Caste - Jat

Food Habit - Non-vegetarian

Political Inclination - Not Known

Address - A sprawling house at Sundar Nagar, Delhi

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Hobbies - Playing Golf, Table Tennis, and Squash, Watching Films


• In 1999, at the height of the match-fixing allegation, former BCCI president I S Bindra

alleged that Kapil Dev had offered money to Manoj Prabhakar to under-perform during the

1994 India tour of Sri Lanka. Following the allegation, Kapil Dev had to resign as the coach of

the Indian National Cricket Team. However, later the charge was dismissed.

• In 2016, he came under the Income Tax scanner for purchsing shares of a company at a

heavily discounted rate. The cmpany in question was owned by an associate of Yadav Singh –

the tainted former Chief Engineer of Noida Authority. According to the IT department report,

Dev and his wife Romi Dev with two others were the shareholders of the company named

Business Bay Corporate Parks Private Limited. Dev and others brought the shares of the

company worth around ₹6 crore when the actual cost, as per the book value, was ₹32 crore.

Relationships & More

Marital Status - Married

Marriage Date - Year 1980



Romi Bhatia


Children Son- None

Daughter- Amiya Dev (born; 16

January 1996)

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Father- Ram Lal Nikhanj

Mother- Raj Kumari Lajwanti

Siblings Brother(s)- Ramesh (younger; lives in sector-9, Chandigarh), Bhushan (elder;

lives in sector-27, Chandigarh)

Sister(s)- Pinky Gill & 3 More (their names are not known)

Favourite Things



Batsmen- Ian Botham,

Don Bradman

Bowler(s)- Imran Khan,

Richard Hadlee



Cheese, Thai and Italian


Style Quotient



• Four-door Porsche

Panamera sedan

• C-Class Mercedes (HR 26

DA 1983)

• Mercedes GLS 350 d (HR

30 | P a g e

26 DB 1983)

• Toyota Fortuner (DL 8

CAF 1983)

Assets/Properties • Elevens - The

Kaptains Retreat

restaurant in Sector-35,


• Elevens - The

Kaptains Retreat

restaurant at Fraser

Road in Patna, Bihar

• 5% stake in Zicom


• Dev Musco Lighting

Pvt Limited in

partnership with

Musco Lighting to

install floodlights in

sports venues in India

• SAMCO Ventures;

holding company for

SAMCO Securities

Money Factor

Salary (as the Coach of the

Indian National Cricket

Team during 1999-2000)

₹5 lakh per

match +

bonus [2]

Net Worth

Not Known

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