Senior Shoutouts - Alexis Stanley

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Alexis Stanley

Since the age of eight, dance has become one of the biggest parts of Alexis’ life. She has

been part of the Williamstown High School dance program since her sophomore year

and has adored every lasting moment with her peers. Taking this program has broken

her out of her shell, little by little each year and believes that she has become more

confident in herself through dancing. Mrs. Shoemaker’s speeches and pep talks have

made her realize and understand what it takes not only to be a dancer, but a flourishing

human in society. Alexis plans to continue her education in college. She would like to

say thank you to everyone that has been with her through this journey and she wishes

all the dancers all the best.

Favorite highlights from high school

Some of my favorite highlights from high school are the dance shows, all

the spirit weeks, and homecoming.

Advice for future classes

I want the future classes to study hard and stay healthy. These years have

went by really fast for me and I know everyone says that, but it’s really true.

Just join as many clubs and school activities you can. Remember it’s never

too late do anything!

Favorite dance memory from WHS

My favorite dance memories from WHS is all the shows and all the chaos

during those weeks.

Shout outs and thank yous

I would like to thank everyone that has encouraged me throughout my life

and has been supporting me. I would also love to shout out and thank Mrs.

Shoemaker for all of her pep talks and her advice. These 4 years of high

school have really taught me a lot.

All about Alexis

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