FYA Annual Report 2018 - 2019

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Fitzrovia Youth in Action

Annual Report and Accounts 2018-2019

Our second strategic priority is to improve how we evaluate the impact of our work. Over the

last year we have rolled out a new monitoring and evaluation framework using validated tools

to explore how our model of youth led community action is making a difference to those who

take part. In this report, we share the impact of our model on young people’s wellbeing, sense of

belonging and skills development. I would like to thank the staff team in particular for their work in

developing and implementing this framework.

Outside of our monitoring work, FYA was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in

June 2019, the highest award given to voluntary organisation in the UK to recognise volunteering

which has significantly benefitted others. We were also shortlisted as a finalist for the 2018 Children

& Young People Now Award in the category of Youth Volunteering and Social Action.

Our third priority is around developing our capacity and resources, including diversifying our

income base. While the Warren pitch has brought in new funds over the last few years, fundraising

continues to be a challenge. We are open to developing different kinds of partnerships which,

while not taking us away from our core mission, may also result if new income streams. In addition,

we have strengthened our staff appraisal system. Where possible, we encourage the professional

development of our staff team as well as offering work opportunities to young FYA members. At

board level, we are currently undertaking a review to ensure that the board of trustees is acting as

effectively as possible to enable the organisation to meet all its strategic objectives.

Young people in Camden face enormous challenges and we read about these every day. But

this is only part of the story. If you are reading this report, why not take a look one of the films

made by our peer educators, or take a moment out of your day to visit the Warren, or even

better, talk to one of our community action groups about the change they are making in the

borough. FYA young people are truly inspiring and it is a huge privilege to play a small role in

creating opportunities for them.

Thank you to the whole staff team for all your work, and to my fellow trustees. It is a joy to work

with you all.

Anne Shewring


For more information about our 2019/20 Strategic Plan, visit fya.org.uk/strategic-plan/

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