The Right Buzz Issue 5

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A U T H O R & W R I T E R



With the debuts of the first two books in

her Dagger Chronicles Series, Janice Jones

entered the world of the published author.

During this experience, she has enjoyed

meeting and hearing from new readers

and writers. Although she can’t use all the

feedback and suggestions, she does try to

incorporate what she gets into all her

writing. Book 3 is with her new publishing

house, Chicago Review Press. She is

looking forward to starting the editing

process and having Book 3 hit the shelves


An avid reader, Janice started writing in

high school. As a student journalist, she

learned the writing process and honed her

researching skills as well. Although

journalism was her first love, she was

always drawn to fiction. Worldbuilding

and characters interested her most about

writing. Giving life to imaginary worlds

was a way to escape. As an adult, Janice

began writing short stories, just for

herself. But, after finding that she really

enjoyed writing, she decided to give fiction

writing a try.

With the encouragement of her family, she

sat down and began to write notes and

scenes on what would become the Dagger

Chronicles Series. Her process is always to

handwrite whatever ideas come to her

mind, then put them on a computer. The

process of writing in notebooks first helps to

keep her focused. It also helps to flesh out

characters and interactions before

committing the story to the computer. Her

desk is covered in notebooks that are filled

with different scenarios and story ideas that

she has yet to make into full-fledged stories.

After the completion of the Dagger

Chronicles Series, Janice plans to polish the

screenplay for the series that she is working

on with her younger brother, Jordan. Soon,

they will begin the process of shopping it

around to streaming services and the like.

She hopes to develop contacts in the

television industry as soon as current travel

bans have been lifted.

Currently, Janice works as a Technical

Writer for an Engineering firm in Fort

Worth, Texas. She appreciates all the

feedback and encouragement she has

received and is looking forward to the

future. Janice would like to thank her family,

friends and the team at Amberjack

Publishing and Chicago Review Press for

this exciting opportunity.

Press Play

J A N I C E J O N E S | P A G E 3



B a c k g r o u n d f o r W r i t i n g a n

A m e r i c a n W e s t e r n

R o m a n c e

The Girl Who Loved Cayo Bradley

#1 Native America Literature,

Kindle Australia Semifinalist

Laramie Book Award


My western novel: The Girl Who Loved

Cayo Bradley, came into being because I

absolutely love New Mexico and the

American west and have always had a

fascination for Native American culture.

As a young girl, I was interested in

pioneers, history, geography, and Indian

lore. I watched western films and still do.

Scenes and settings play an integral part in

devising the Western story. Movies are

visual stories—old and new—classics or

even B category have something

inspirational to offer: language, type of gun

or knife, how incidents play out.

When I was little, my father took me to

Jones Beach, New York, in summers. A

huge teepee was set up with a beautiful

Indian girl who had long black braids,

clothed in a white buckskin beaded and

fringed dress.

I assumed as an adult I was going to

become an Indian princess like her, but so

far this hasn’t happened. But as a

teenager, my Dad taught me how to string

a bow for archery, and the basics of the

sport. I took archery lessons in college.

Later on, I took a course in hunting with

bow and arrow—the only gal in the class!

The pull on the bowstring is fifty-five

pounds or more, so it can’t be held long

and released quickly—better have a good

beam on the target. I incorporated

knowledge of archery in my novel.

I read and continue to read western

authors: Larry McMurtry, Louis L’Amour,

Zane Grey, Willa Cather, E. Annie Proulx,

James A. Michner, Jack London, Charles

Frazier, Cormac McCarthy, and a slew of

others, including indie authors. I visited

museums with Western Art like Crystal

Bridges Museum of American Art in

Bentonville, Arkansas. I studied old maps

and have a library filled with research

books of dress, food, language, customs,

weapons, trains of the era.

I’m a poet, and one of my favorite

American poets, Mary Oliver, said this

about poetry: “Look for verbs of muscle,

adjectives of exactitude. The idea must

drive the words.” I also select vivid, vibrant

nouns. These inform my writing style and

technique. In fact I write poetically and

while writing the novel, I fell in love with my

character Cayo Bradley, a cowboy, who is

a multi-dimensional personality. I was so

taken by him I wrote a collection of poems,

Westward: Guided by Starfalls and

Moonbows, including a novel dedication

poem, “Cayo Bradley.”

While visiting New Mexico, I purchased

books about history and about the Jicarilla

Apache Nation including their dictionary,

which isn’t easy to use, I guarantee it! I

visited the Santa Fe Library, The Indian

Arts and Cultural Museum, the

Wheelwright Museum, where I found

handouts about the Jicarilla, the tribe I was

writing about. I talked to the people of

Santa Fe to glean oral history.

I’m blessed because I’ve travelled all over

the West. What evolved in my novel were

traditions, rituals, culture, myths, and

legends. And if the Almighty gives me time,

I don’t think I’m quite done with tales of the


N I N A R O M A N O | P A G E 5

The Italian Pasta

According to Wikipedia, is a staple food of traditional

Italian cuisine, with the first reference dating to 1154 in Sicily.

It is also commonly used to refer to the variety of pasta

dishes. Typically, pasta is a noodle made from an unleavened

dough of a durum wheat flour mixed with water or eggs and

formed into sheets or various shapes, then cooked by boiling

or baking. It can also be made with flour from other cereals

or grains. Pastas may be divided into two broad categories,

dried (pasta secca) and fresh (pasta fresca).

Most dried pasta is commercially produced via an

extrusion process. Fresh pasta was traditionally produced by

hand, sometimes with the aid of simple machines, but today

many varieties of fresh pasta are also commercially produced

by large-scale machines, and the products are widely

available in supermarkets.

6 |

We All Scream for

Ice Cream!

An ice cream is a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. It is usually

made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other

ingredients and flavours. It is typically sweetened with sugar or sugar substitutes.

F O O D | 7

8 | F O O D

Preparing the

Best Sandwiches

for School

A sandwich is a food item consisting of one or

more types of food, such as vegetables, sliced

cheese or meat, placed on or between slices of

bread, or more generally any dish wherein two or

more pieces of bread serve as a container or

wrapper for some other food. The sandwich was

originally a portable food item or finger food

which began to be popular in the Western World.

Today sandwiches in various versions are found


Sandwiches are a popular type of lunch food,

taken to work, school, or picnics to be eaten as

part of a packed lunch. The bread can be used

plain, or it can be coated with one or more

condiments such as mayonnaise or mustard to

enhance the flavours and texture.

The Secret Ingredient to a

Delicious Cuisine

According to Wikipedia, many plants and plant

parts are eaten as food and around 2,000 plant

species are cultivated for food. Many of these plant

species have several distinct cultivars.

Seeds of plants are a good source of food for

animals, including humans, because they contain

the nutrients necessary for the plant's initial

growth, including many healthful fats, such as

Omega fats. In fact, the majority of food consumed

by human beings are seed-based foods. Edible

seeds include cereals (corn, wheat, rice, et cetera),

legumes (beans, peas, lentils, et cetera), and nuts.

Oilseeds are often pressed to produce rich oils -

sunflower, flaxseed, rapeseed (including canola

oil), sesame, et cetera.

Seeds are typically high in unsaturated fats and,

in moderation, are considered a health food,

although not all seeds are edible.

Large seeds, such as those from a lemon, pose a

choking hazard, while seeds from cherries and

apples contain cyanide which could be poisonous

only if consumed in large volumes.

Fruits are the ripened ovaries of plants,

including the seeds within. Many plants and

animals have coevolved such that the fruits of the

former are an attractive food source to the latter,

because animals that eat the fruits may excrete the

seeds some distance away. Fruits, therefore, make

up a significant part of the diets of most cultures.

Some botanical fruits, such as tomatoes,

pumpkins, and eggplants, are eaten as vegetables.

Vegetables are a second type of plant matter

that is commonly eaten as food. These include root

vegetables (potatoes and carrots), bulbs (onion

family), leaf vegetables (spinach and lettuce), stem

vegetables (bamboo shoots and asparagus).

F O O D | 9



A U T H O R & W R I T E R



Click Here To Purchase

So, I’m finding this article harder to write

than I thought I would. Will I say the right

things, will the readers ‘get me’ and, am I

over thinking this? I swiftly came to the

conclusion, that yes, I am over thinking this.

I’ve been a career driven woman for a long

time. I spent ten long years travelling the

country teaching nurses and assistants to

work with Spinal Cord Injury Patients after

years of study.

I could be in Hampshire one week, Cornwall

another and then Leicester the next. At the

time it was great! It never bothered me. I am

a married woman but when your husband

was in the Army as a Corporal MMF and

based in Germany, time at home during the

working week wasn’t really something I

needed, or wanted, for that matter.

It was only when he joined the Metropolitan

Police Force that I decided to take a step

back. I now work full time in the Childcare

Apprenticeship industry as an Advisor and

am loving life at home: I even got a cat!

5.0 out of 5 stars Read. Read. Read!!!Reviewed in the United

Kingdom on 20 May 2020 Verified Purchase

My writing career sparked when I spent all

those years in hotel rooms on my own for

the week. I read. I mean, I really, really read.

I read good books, bad books, fantasy,

thriller, horror and even went into a stint of

reading Mills and Boon! It was then that I

realised my imagination was running riot

and I had to put my thoughts into words:

they needed to get on paper.

My first Novel was gruelling. At 120K words

I put my life and soul into the pages. It took

around twelve years to get it done. I almost

gave up.

It was so hard to juggle work, home and my

writing passion and I found myself putting it

aside for a long time. Only earlier this year I

made the decision to get back to the

drawing board and finish it off. Finally in

March I had it published and I am in love

with it.

The Beauty of Death! What a name huh? A

lot of people have asked me what the name

is meant to mean: truthfully, the book is

about the Angel of Death who is punished to

live a mortal life and one of her companions

gave her the nickname the Beauty of Death:

hence the title was born.

Another awesome story told by L.A White! So gripping, I couldn’t put it

down. I’ve not read much from this genre before but the author has

really opened my eyes to it and I’m 100% addicted now!

L O R R A I N E W H I T E | P A G E 1 1

L O R R A I N E W H I T E | P A G E 1 2


On the side, I spent about six months delving

into writing a Techno Thriller and this is where I

have found my niche. Allowing my characters to

have their own troubles and strife, I enjoyed

writing this more than my first book. At a short

33K words the Novella poured out of me and I

was so proud to see April’s Auction reach #3 in

the Techno Thriller section on Amazon when I

ran a free promo in May this year.

It was then I felt I had succeeded as an Author.

100’s and 100’s of copies were downloaded in a

few days and I had only planned for it to be a

standalone book: now, with all the hype it has

created and the feedback I have had from my

reader’s, I have decided to make it a collection

and am currently working on the second

instalment, April’s Escape.

So, I’m waffling now. I know when I’m waffling

because I tend to stare at the pages thinking

‘what else should go on it’. If this was a text

message, I’d have added a LOL onto the end by

now! I’ll bid you all a safe wellbeing through

these awful Covid-19 times and I hope that you

find pleasure in everything you read.



A u t h o r & W r i t e r


A U T H O R & W R I T E R




My name is Kamaya Tarpley and I am

Author to ten dark fantasy as well as

thriller novels. I have written works such

as Mother Maiken and the War of the

Realms, Sugar Coated Savage, and

Archmidean featuring actor Robert

Ri’chard on the cover. My first two, the

Alicia Vale Series, are military romances

and though I have strayed away from that

genre, I do have a special place in my heart

for them.

I am currently writing Gumdrop Hollow,

yet another dark fantasy novel scheduled

to be released in December 2020. It is a

twist on the Krampus tale and highly

anticipated due to this.

After Alicia Vale: I Salute You, the

predecessor to the two, I had my first book

signing and soon after, my first appearance

at the Las Vegas Book Festival. I learned

about having the appropriate audience for

your book and the meaning of a good

editing job. I have since corrected the

editing but have definitely switched


My move into dark fantasy novels would

begin with my third novel, Evolve. It is

about “Evil Mermaids” as I like to say when

shooting my shot with everyone and

anyone who will listen. From there, I have

taken old legends and made them new or


I was previously represented by Upscale

PR Firm as their featured author. We

have parted ways but I still treasure them

deeply. I am self-published but I don’t look

at it as a disadvantage and rather, an

asset. I take care of the editing, covers,

formatting, as well as the writing of


I really and truly believe that if you love

what you do, it is not really work. I would

change my occupation for nothing in the

world. My website suffered due to Covid-

19 but I have every intention of bringing it

back to fruition. Currently I’m recovering

from a stroke so writing Gumdrop Hollow

has not been easy but it will get done.

Taking up outpatient physical and

occupational therapy has really gotten

the creative juices going. I write death

scenes for my therapists every day (haha).

It may not be ideal but I am really happy I

get to tickle my laptop’s keys after about

two months away. I am going after this

next novel with the zeal I had when

writing book number 1.

I cannot wait to show you all what I have

up a sleeve. Here’s to a “thrilling” summer

for us all!

K A M A Y A T A R P L E Y | P A G E 1 8


A u t h o r & w r i t e r



It turns out I have written some incredibly

inspirational pieces since, including Land

of the Lockst which is a poetic story of my

journey of recovery over a 3 week period. (

the title is Land of the Lockst, not a


My name is Dan Hamel aka Hunter Dan. In

October of 2011 I wrote my first poem

titled A Hunter's Prayer. The idea started

from a line I had bouncing around in my

mind for quite some time. I had always had

the ability to write creatively but never

applied it in a poetic form of expression. I

worked on it all month long and when I

was finished I was very proud of my


In December of 2014 we were divorced. I

wrote more poems during that year, many

about our relationship. They were truly a

form of healing as I initiated the divorce

but of course at times I second guessed my

decision because like anyone would, I

feared change and the unknown. 2015 was

a new beginning for me. I continued to

write but that book of poems she

suggested I publish, I did just that.

I shared it with friends and family and

everyone seemed to love it. Since that

poem was a hit, I had another outdoorsy

poem in mind since I felt like writing about

nature was going to be my specialty. I

completed I'm a Tree. I continued to write

poem after poem but found other topics to

write about that inspired me. I would print

the poems and share them with everyone

who would read them.

Time went by and after 3 years I had quite

a collection of poems. My wife at the time

had been telling me to stop giving out my

poems and publish a book. In early 2014 I

entered a rehab on February 23rd because

I had a drinking problem. I needed help

because I couldn't do it on my own. That

rehab saved my life. I not only thought I

wouldn't be able to write sober, I wasn't

sure I would be able to do anything sober.

When I sent all my poems to the publisher

I explained why I signed them all Hunter

Dan. It was my nickname and they said,

"that would make a great pen name, so I

kept it.

Inspirations and Emotions/ Seven Layers

to the Truth was a proud moment for this

small town Vermont boy. Late in 2015

while grocery shopping in a Walmart

Supercenter, I ran into a friend I used work

with and grew up with.

She was shopping with her husband. We

were talking about my book and I

mentioned having this children's book idea

about bullying that inspired me as I

witnessed an event I was a part of 4 years

ealier while I was coaching basketball.

D A N H A M A L | P A G E 2 0

I just needed an illustrator to work with.

She said " I'm an artist". She showed me

pictures of some of her work on her phone.

I never knew she had artistic talent. I said "

Pam let's team up and do this". Right there

in Walmart in the frozen food section we

shook hands and became a team. In 2016

we published Take the Bullying by the

Horn's. In 2017 I entered it in the Book

Excellence Awards and it won for

Children's Inspirational/ Motivational.

In 2018 at Pam's request we tackled an

educational tool for parents and children

that is likely the most difficult topic

children will ever face. The death of a

family member, a loved one or a pet. It's

Ok to Cry was done with grace, dignity and

truth. We entered it in the 2019 Book

Excellence Awards and it won for

Children's Educational category.

On February 12th of this year I had my left

knee replaced. Up until 10 years ago, I was

an avid runner. I raced hundred's of races

as an adult including two marathons.

Having two meniscus surgeries 8 weeks

apart was the beginning of the end of my

running career.

In fact when I woke up from the second

one, my doctor said, "your running days

are over get a bike." He wasn't kidding.

The last two years have been very painful,

I put it off as long as I could stand it.

When I had the surgery my plan was to

start another novel and write the next two

books in the children's series. Also to

figure out what I need to do to take

ownership of my business as as an author. I

joined a handful of writer's groups and

immersed myself in getting involved.

Also in 2019 I published my first novel

Rebel Reprieve. A project I started writing

in 2013, writing about half but having a

hard time finding time to complete it. It

wasn't until the summer of 2018 that I

went away on summer vacation and

secluded in a hotel with a goal of finishing

this novel. On Thursday of that week at

12:25 pm, I wrote the end. I almost cried I

was so happy with how it came out.

Then after having some publisher issues

that was extremely frustrating throughout

2019, I entered Rebel Reprieve in the

2020 Book Excellence Awards and found

out in early March it won for Adventure

Fiction. I couldn't be happier with how my

books have turned out.

I have learned so much. I also found myself

an editor because I knew my books were

flawed. That has turned out to be the

single most beneficial thing I've done these

three and a half month's next to my knee


Carolyn has taught me so much that I

didn't know as an author. Not only have

we polished the next children's book to

perfection, she's gone back and edited

Take the Bullying by the Horns and It's Ok

to Cry.

D A N H A M A L | P A G E 2 1

She is now negotiating with an art grad to not

only illustrate What's Wrong with Daddy and

then book number 4, she is potentially going to

illustrate the revised first two children's

books. Then I will publish all 4 myself and cut

my ties with the Vanity publisher and Vanity

publishing all together.

I will most likely have her edit Rebel Reprieve

and republish that under my own brand as

well. At some point during that process I will

pick back up the new novel I started and

continue with that story.

Author Bio: Author Hunter Dan was born,

raised and still a resident of Vermont.

I'm a father, grandfather, brother, friend

and truck driver. I enjoy hunting, fishing,

biking, hiking, exercise and time with

family and friends. I enjoy writing and

know that emotions are best laid out on


In addition to all that good stuff, in my journey

these last few months I became friends with

another author who not only writes but he and

his partner Nicole promote author's on their

radio program The Right Buzz. I had the honor

of spending an hour being interviewed by

them, which felt more like a conversation.

In addition to all those tasks that Wayne Clark

has up his sleeve, he began coaching author's

recently. I had no hesitation jumping on board

his craft to enhance my platform and build my

"Brand." I enjoy what I do and hope that

someday sooner than later this truck driver of

31 years can park my rig for the last time and

hang up my keys. From there I hope to be able

to toot my own horn.


D A N H A M A L | P A G E 2 2

Author & writer




Always tell yourself that you are Somebody

and to keep plugging away. Your story will

always be different from someone else’s so

don’t measure your work to there’s but

what is in your heart!!

My name is Author Hezekiah Morris I am an

author of four books Restoring Hezekiah:

Changing Generation, Restoring Hezekiah:

Me & Only Me, Remember Them Days

When We Were Young, and The Player In

Me! I started writing when I was

incarcerated and I just wanted to put my

story out there for all those to read to see if

I could help others that were in the same

position as I had been in!!

The hardest thing about writing is

wondering if anyone is going to read your

story and if they are going to like what you

have to say!! I write self-help books and

erotica romance. I write because it takes me

to a place where there is no hurt, no pain,

and I can be myself.

I am free to be who I want to be without

anyone judging me!!! I write because I feel

my stories need to be told, and to help

others who have been through depression,

domestic violence, and drug abuse. I actually

deal with depression and bipolar.

I think it is very important that we pay

attention to our wellbeing and how we

conduct ourselves. Every day is not going to

be a good day but if we put one foot forward

and believe in ourselves we can accomplish

whatever we put our minds too.


My mission is to uplift and inspire children,

teenagers, adults across the world that no

matter the circumstances you are put in or

whatever life throws your way always

dream, always have self confidence that you

can be whoever, or do whatever you want in

life if you stay focused, work hard and be the

best version of yourself.

How do I plan to carry my mission? I plan to

give back to the communities with volunteer

work help children with less than to tap into

their talents.

I want to continue to write books each time

giving the world life lessons that I have been

through. It's not a small task but being able

to help others is my mission. I am a humble

man who's heart has been through a lot in

life. Trying to show people the man that I am

behind the smile.

The hard work and dedication that I apply to

my life to try and be a better man a

productive member of society. The talents

that I have I'm trying to put on display so the

whole world can see.

Accomplishing this goal is my motivation

each day I wake up and it should carry on to

others as well and each day that we wake up

we should tell ourselves everyday that "I am

Somebody". "I am Hope

H E Z E K I A H M O R R I S | P A G E 2 4

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