Martin y Lucia

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So, if you want to go to China, go to page 6

If you want to go to Greece, go to page 21


So, Martín and Lucía travelled to ANCIENT CHINA!


Where do we go now?

If you want to go to Britain, go to page 8

If you want to go to Japan, go to page 19


Welcome to BRITAIN!


Lucía and Martín decided to visit a stunning British castle.

In the castle…

Lucía: Henry’s first wife was Catherine of Aragon. She was from Spain. He divorced her because

she couldn’t have a son for him…and he loved another woman…

Martin: Oh!!!! Did he marry the other woman?

Lucia: Yes. His new love was Anne Boleyn. But Anne loved another man. So Henry executed her.

Martin: Oh my God! That Henry was despicable! How did he kill her?

Lucia: He cut her head off!!!!

Martín: Excellent!

Lucía: Martin! Don’t say “Excellent.” It was awful!!


Martin: Sorry… Go on with the story.

Lucía: Well, he also executed his wife number five: Catherine Howard.

Martín: What happened with his other wives?

Lucía: Let’s see…wife number three was Jane Seymour. She had a son, but she died.

Martin: Oh!

Lucía: … wife number four was Anne of Cleves. Henry divorced her because she was not beautiful.

Martin: Wow! Henry was a womanizer.

Lucía: Yeah… that’s true, and he was very ugly too.

Image source: http://www.historyonthenet.com

To learn more about Henry and the Tudors visit: http://www.brims.co.uk/tudors/tudors.htm

Martín: Well Lucía…I`m tired… let’s go…

Lucía: Sure! Where would you like to go?

Martín: I´m not sure….

If you want to go to Australia, go to page 23

If you want to go to Egypt, go to page 15


IRELAND: Saint Patrick’s Day

Now we are in Ireland.

Look at that castle!

According to a popular legend, Saint Patrick used the shamrock (a plant with three-lobed leaves)

to explain the Holy Trinity to the pre-Christian Irish people. The Shamrock today is a symbol of


Shamrock - national emblem of the Irish.


Wearing green clothes on Saint Patrick’s Day is also an Irish tradition. People said that during a

rebellion, Irish soldiers wore green uniforms on 17th March 1798 to catch the public attention.

From that day on, wearing green clothes or a shamrock on one’s clothes is a symbol of Irish

national pride.

Do you want to know more about Irish Taditions and Saint Patrick’s day?

A- Look at the following video and answer the questions:


1- When is Saint Patrick’s day celebrated?

2- Name three traditions related to Saint Patrick’s day:

3- What do you think about Irish songs (tune and the rhythm)? Do you like them?

4- Complete these sentences:

a) The first Saint Patrick ’s Day parade was on….

b) The shamrock is…

c) Leprechauns are…

d) Rivers are…

e) If you find a Leprechaun….

f) Some popular Irish names are …

g) For Saint Patrick’s day, people usually….

h) If you find a four leafed clover…

A St. Patrick’s Day Parade


A- Now, look at the following video and answer the questions:



1. Look at the photographs in the video. What do you think they represent?

2. What do you think of the song’s tune and rhythm? Is it a happy song or not? Why?

B.1. Now read some lines of “The wearing of the Green “ a traditional Irish song

The Wearing of The Green- version by Dion

Boucicault (1820-1890)

1. Oh! Paddy, dear, and did you hear

The news that's going round,

The shamrock is forbid by law

To grow on Irish ground.

Saint Patrick's Day no more we'll keep

His color can't be seen

For there's a bloody law agin'

The wearing of the green

Oh, Erin! Must we leave you, Driven by the

tyrant's hand?

Must we ask a mother's welcome

From a strange but happy land?

Where the cruel cross of England's thralldom

Never shall be seen

And where in peace we'll live and die

A-wearing of the green.


2. Then since the color we must wear

Is England's cruel red

Sure Ireland's sons will n'er forget

The blood that they have shed.

You may take the shamrock from your


And cast it on the sod,

But 'twill take root and flourish still

Tho' underfoot 'tis trod.


B.2.What is the song about?

C- Read the following text excerpted from Wikipedia to learn more about the song:

"The Wearing of the Green" is an anonymous Irish street ballad dating from the Irish

uprising against the British rule in 1798. The colour green and the shamrock were used as

symbols of sympathy for Irish independence, and the British actually started executing

persons found wearing anything of the colour green after the suppression of the 1798


Napper Tandy, who is mentioned in the poem, was a shopkeeper in Dublin who, after

having been identified by the British as a freedom fighter, had to flee to France, from

where he tried to organise support for the Irish independence movement.


D- Have you ever travelled by plane? Take this magic trip and discover Ireland`s most beautiful

landscapes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iUPb7y0hgE

E- After learning about its historical background and traditions, would you like to visit Ireland?

Why? Write your opinion in this box:

Extra activities:

To learn more about Irish ballads: http://www.nationalanthems.us/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1127242361

Read the full article here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballads

If you want to learn more about St Patrick’s Day visit this link:


If you want to go to France, go to page 30

If you want to go to Germany go to page 27


This is EGYPT…


Who was Cleopatra?

Cleopatra VII was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty, ruling Egypt from 51 BC - 30 BC.

She is celebrated for her beauty and her love affairs with the Roman warlords Julius

Caesar and Mark Antony.

Cleopatra was born in 69 BC - 68 BC. When her father Ptolemy XII died in 51 BC, Cleopatra

became co-regent with her 10-year-old brother Ptolemy XIII. They were married, in

keeping with Egyptian tradition. Nobody knows whether she was as beautiful as was

claimed, but she was a highly intelligent woman and an astute politician who brought

prosperity and peace to a country that was bankrupt and divided by civil war.

In 48 BC, Egypt became embroiled in the conflict in Rome between Julius Caesar and

Pompey. Pompey fled to the Egyptian capital Alexandria, where he was murdered on the

orders of Ptolemy. Caesar followed and he and Cleopatra became lovers. Cleopatra, who

had been exiled by her brother, was reinstalled as queen with Roman military support.

Ptolemy was killed in the fighting and another brother was created Ptolemy XIII. In 47 BC,

Cleopatra bore Caesar a child - Caesarion - though Caesar never publicly acknowledged

him as his son.

Cleopatra followed Caesar back to Rome, but after his assassination in 44 BC, she returned

to Egypt. Ptolemy XIV died mysteriously at around this time, and Cleopatra made her son

Caesarion co-regent.

In 41 BC, Mark Antony, at that time in dispute with Caesar's adopted son Octavian over

the succession to the Roman leadership, began both a political and romantic alliance with

Cleopatra. They subsequently had three children - two sons and a daughter. In 31 BC,

Mark Antony and Cleopatra combined armies to take on Octavian's forces in a great sea

battle at Actium, on the west coast of Greece. Octavian was victorious and Cleopatra and

Mark Antony fled to Egypt. Octavian pursued them and captured Alexandria in 30 BC.

With his soldiers deserting him, Mark Antony took his own life and Cleopatra chose the

same course, committing suicide on 12 August 30 BC. Egypt became a province of the

Roman Empire.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/cleopatra.shtml

More information: http://www.biography.com/people/cleopatra-vii-9250984


After reading the article about Cleopatra, choose the best answer:

1. Who was her father?

a) Ptolemy

b) Ramses

c) Julius Caesar


2. When was Cleopatra born?

a) 68 BC - 69 BC

b) 69 BC - 70 BC

c) 89BC - 90 BC

3. Who was Cleoprata´s lover?

a) Ptolemy XIII

b) Octavian

c) Caesar

4. Who was Caesarion?

a) Ptolemy´s son

b) Cleopatra´s son

c) Octavian´s brother

5. How many children did Mark Antony and Cleopatra have?

a) 3

b) 1

c) 2

6. How did Cleopatra die?

a) She was killed.

b) She killed herself.

c) Mark Antony killed her.

7. What happened to Egypt?

a) It was destroyed.

b) It became a province of the Roman Empire.

c) Egypt rules over Rome


Martín: Ok Lucía. Now is your time to choose. Where do you want to go?

Lucía: I don’t know… HELP US DECIDE!

If you want to go to Africa, go to page 25

If you want to go to France go to page 30


This is JAPAN…


The bombing of Hiroshima and

Nagasaki must not be forgotten

because many lives were lost there.

Do one of the following FREE choice activities:

A- Write a paragraph about a disease or illness caused by the Atomic Bomb.

B- Draw a political cartoon about the war. Explain it in a few lines.

C- Compose a song or write a poem in memory of the casualties.

You can use this website to help you brainstorm ideas: http://www.gensuikin.org/english/photo.html

Now is your time to choose. Where do you want to go?

If you want to go to China, go to page 6

If you want to go to Britain go to page 8


Lucía and Martín used their magic car to travel to GREECE


A. Explore this Internet link and help Lucía and Martín find the answers to the following

questions - Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/ancient_greeks/greek_world/

1- Why are the Greek famous?

2- What was the climate like in Greece?

3- What were some typical Greek jobs?

4- Who was Alexander the Great?

5- When did the Olympic Games begin?

6- How did the Greek win the Troyan war?

B. Project: Look for information about two Greek gods and two Greek goddesses and prepare a

PowerPoint Presentation about them to present in class:

C- Do you want to learn more about the Greek? Explore these cool sites:

- Learn the fascinating history of the Olympic Games:


- Take a 3D tour to the Parthenon http://www.3dancientwonders.com/3d_parthenon_video.php

- Play a memory game about Greek gods and goddesses


- Play the “Greek Hero” video Game: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/ancient_greeks/

Lucía: Well Martín… I know you love this place… but we must go!

Martín: Ok. Where are we going now?

If you want to go to China go to page 6

If you want to go to Japan, go to page 19


Welcome to the fascinating AUSTRALIA!

Endangered species in Australia

When a number of a species become very low there is a risk for them to become extinct.

Endangered animals are in danger of becoming extinct. The Australian endangered animals are:

the numbat, the Lumhotz´s Tree Kangaroo, the Australian sea-lion, and the koala.

The numbat is endangered because of the habitat loss and foxes.

The Lumhotz´s Tree Kangaroo is endangered because its habitat is disappearing because

of land clearing.

The Australian sea-lion is being killed because of its fur and fat.

The koala is endangered because of climate change, building work, bushfires and diseases.



Lumhotz´s Tree Kangaroo

Australian sea-lion


Lucía: I see…they are wonderful animals but if we don´t protect them…they could disappear

from the Earth!

Martín: Yes… and perhaps it is too late now…

Lucía: That´s terrible Martín. I think we can still do something to protect them.

Martín: Yes, Lucía. We can and we must do something.

Lucía: Well, I will tell all our friends at school. Maybe we can start a campaign….

Martín: Yes! And the teachers can help us too!

Lucía: Yay!

Martín: Lucy!!!! It’s late…Where are we going now?

Lucía: You can choose between….

Ireland at page 11

or Egypt at page 15



Weasel: it is a small thin animal with brown fur, short legs, and a long tail.

Lion: it is a big and wild animal with golden fur.

Antelope: it is a brown animal with horns and long thin legs that can run very fast.

Meerkat: it is a small animal that has grey fur with a long tail. Giraffe: it is a tall animal

that has a very long neck and legs.



1- Match the pictures with their descriptions:

- a brown animal with horns and long thin

legs that can run very fast.

- a big and wild animal with golden fur.

- a small thin animal with brown fur, short

legs, and a long tail.

- a tall animal that has a very long neck

and legs.

- a small animal that has grey fur with a

long tail.

2-Use the description of the animals and create your own ANIMAL. Then make a drawing of your


3- Now, check out this amazing video about African Animals. Can you name some of the animals

that appear in the video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDXPbeedZes

This adventure is over. If you want to go to the moon, go to page 32.

If you want to go home (to Argentina) go to page 35



Do you want to know more about Schindler?


He will tell you his story. Look at the following pictures:

During the Second World War,

I was an important businessman.

When Nazis invaded Poland in 1939,

I bought a factory.

This was my factory. There I hired many Jews

because it was cheap. I paid very little money to


Spending my days with them I realized how

cruel Nazis were towards them, so I spent

almost all my money buying Jews and

protecting them.

At the end of 1944 with my help, about 1200 Jews

survived the war.


Martin: Wow! That is a very interesting story!

Lucia: Yes! It’s amazing!

Lucia and Martin: Good bye Mr. Schindler, and thank you for telling us that beautiful story!

Oskar: Good bye kids!

If you want to learn more about Schindler, here are some links that you may like:

Oskar Schindler- a short biography


“Schindler’s List” (1993 movie)


Wikipedia article about Oskar Schindler


Ok, now help Lucia and Martin to choose their next adventure:

If you want to go to Africa, go to page 25

If you want to go to the moon go to page 32



Do you want to know?

Ok, let me give you a

brief account: in 1789

the Estate General was

called to put on a new

tax. France was in

financial crisis and the

bourgeoisie took control

and suspended the tax.

Finally, after a

series of bloody

wars and a Coup

D’état Napoleon

Bonaparte achieved

the place of Consul

and there was a new

constitution and a

new legislative body

Then, there was a lot of chaos,

and a second revolution began.

Jacobins and Sans culottes

succeeded in abolishing the

monarchy and France became a



The French Revolution


1-Look at this Cmap of the French Revolution and read this brief summary and timeline:



2- Create your own timeline of the most important events of the French Revolution by using the

website: http://www.timetoast.com/

3- Draw an improved Cmap with the most important consequences of the French Revolution up to

the present time. You can brainstorm some ideas by watching these videos:


4-Draw a pamphlet reflecting the ideals of the French Revolution: Liberty, Fraternity and Equality.

It’s time to look for more adventures. If you want to go to Africa, go to page 25

If you want to go to Germany go to page 27


The man on the moon

Martín and Lucía went to visit… THE MOON!!!!

It was in 1969 when the president, John Kennedy, sent Apollo 11's mission to the moon.

Apollo 11 blasted off on July 16, 1969. Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael

Collins were the astronauts on Apollo 11.

Four days later, Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon. They landed on the moon in

the Lunar Module. It was called the Eagle. Collins stayed in orbit around the moon. He

did experiments and took pictures.

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the moon. He and

Aldrin walked around for three hours. They did experiments. They picked up bits of

moon dirt and rocks.

They put a U.S. flag on the moon. They also left a sign on the moon.

Then, the two astronauts returned to orbit with Collins. On July 24, 1969, all three

astronauts came back to Earth safely.


Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins and Buzz Aldrin flew on the Apollo 11 mission. Image Credit: NASA

Martin: Wow! they were the first men on the moon!

Lucía: Yes, from that time we have contact with the moon. Now, I know how the moon looks like

and we can walk with special equipment.

Martin: You are right, but I can´t move easily. It’s difficult to walk without gravity…


1- . Before answering the quiz, read carefully the text and then choose the correct answer

The man on the moon:

1. The people who went to the moon were

a) 4 policemen

b) 3 astronauts

c) 1 doctor

2. The president sent a mission which was called

a) Rocky

b) Peterpan

c) Apollo 11

3. The astronauts who were on the moon were

a) Armstrong and Aldrin

b) Aldrin and Collins

c) Aldrin, Collins, and Armstrong


4. The main activities Armstrong and Aldrin did were

a) having a dinner

b) watching a film in the space

c) picking up bits of moon and putting a flag

5. After doing experiments, the astronauts

a) stayed on the moon one year.

b) went to visit another planet

c) came back to Earth safely

2- Match:

The first person who

walked on the moon was


The mission was called


Armstrong´s mate who didn´t

walk the moon was

Apollo 11

Armstrong´s mate who also

walked the moon was


A vehicle used to travel to the

moon was a


Martín: Awesome adventure!!!! Help us choose our next destination…

If you want to go home (to Argentina), go to page 35

If you want to start the adventures again go to page 3


Ok, now… Why don’t you create your own adventure? It’s easy!

Go to www.toondoo.com and create your own comic strip or ebook.

If you don’t know how to do it, look at this tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzGfn2SfE7k

Authors: Mario Arenas - José Carmen - Lorena Costilla – Jessica

Costilla - Mabel Guerra - Marianela Jacquet - Guadalupe Soria – Noelia

Tintilay - Jairo Orquera - Julieta Ortiz de Urbina


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