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Bio Sketch

On Mother





• Her values first and foremost

“Love one another” without

prejudice of any kind. Take

care of the poor and

unfortunate always without

hesitation or you cannot call

yourself a Christian or a

Catholic. Never forget to live

in peace with others until

your last dying breath. She

would joke, she did have a

sense of humor.



• Mother Teresa lived a life full of compassion

and life. A belief that Mother Teresa lived by

was that human being should live in love and

peace and to share the love among others,

people should understand what love and how to

show love towards others, Two terrible

problems that man kind has is that we can be

selfish and shallow, Mother Teresa believed that

serving other before your self will stop the

selfishness and shallowness. The most terrible

feeling that can be felt by humans is the feeling

of being unloved, Mother Teresa's mission is to

end the problems by spreading love among the

poor and make them feel loved within the

community and the world. Mother Teresa mad

her missionary to give love to those that need it,

Mother Teresa's life was full of courage and

endurance. It was Mother Teresa's mission to

devote her life and love to the people in need.

ठाकु िबा

िी में






लेखक औि

हरिहि काका

के बीच संबंध।

लेखक के गााँव

की ववशेषताएाँ।

गााँव के

ठाकु िबािी का


ह िंदी

मिंद मैप भाइ्ों के


हरिहि को



हरिहि काका

हरिहि काका के

भाइ्ों की


महंत का

हरिहि काका को

अपने ज़ाल में

फााँसने की

कोशशश किना।

घि में मेहमान

के आने पि

हरिहि काका के

साथ घिवालों

का दुर्व्यवहाि।

काका का

क्रोधधत होना।

महंत के द्वािा

हरिहि काका

का अपहिण।

मीिा बाई ने श्री

हरि ्ातन ववष्णु

भगवान से अपनी

पीड़ा हिने की

ववनती की है।

मीिा बाई ने

श्री कृ ष्ण के

रूप-सौंद्य का

बड़ा ही मोहक

वणयन फक्ा है।

मीिा बाई की

कृ ष्ण-भक्क्त का

उदाहिण शमलता


मंद मैप

मीरा के पद

उन्हें खचय किने के

शलए श्री कृ ष्ण के

दशयन एवं स्मिण

शमलेंगे तथा उन्हें

भाव एवं भक्क्त

की ऐसी जागीि

शमलेगी, जो सदा

उनके पास ही िह


जो भक्त सच्चे

हृद् से हरि की

भक्क्त किता है,

प्रभु उसके दुुःख

दूि किने ज़रूि

आते हैं।

मीिा बाई

ने श्री

कृ ष्ण के


का बड़ा ही


वणयन फक्ा


जब वे नौकि

बनकि सुबह-सुबह

बागबानी किेंगी,

तो इसी बहाने

उन्हें कृ ष्ण के

दशयन हो जाएाँगे।

वृ ंदावन की तंग

गशल्ों में वे

गोववंद की लीला

गाते हुए फफिेंगी।


ROLE OF BMI[Body Mass Index]

• BMI is a measurement that is a ratio of your weight and height. It’s a good way

to gauge whether your weight is in healthy proportion to your height. In fact,

knowing your BMI can help you - and your GP - determine any health risks you

may face if it’s outside of the healthy range.

• Being overweight can lead to a range of chronic conditions including:

• Type 2 Diabetes

• High blood pressure

• Heart or blood vessel problems

• Cardiovascular disease

• Musculoskeletal problems

• Being underweight can result in other health issues like:

• Risk of malnutrition

• Osteoporosis

• Anaemia

needed efforts for personality development regarding

accurate BMI.

• High Neuroticism was associated with higher BMI and risk for obesity, whereas

Conscientiousness and, to a lesser extent, Extraversion and Openness were

protective. These associations were generally stronger among women and older

participants; there was less evidence for ethnicity as a moderator. Personality

had similar relations with the behavioural factors, and physical activity, diet

and regular meal rhythms accounted for approximately 50% of the association

between Neuroticism and Conscientiousness and BMI.

Effects Of Nutrition On Personality



Effects Of Nutrition On Personality

As we go on to grow through our lives, the food we eat; in other words

nutrition, among other factors, go on to play an important role in our


Broadly speaking a protein rich diet helps build muscles and stamina and a

diet rich in carbohydrates creates a calming effect. In addition and equally

important are the micro nutrients in our diet. Based on several studies it

has been established we need 0.8 grams of protein per day per kilo of body

weight if we have an average lifestyle. Carbohydrates in addition to having a

calming effect, provide energy and the usual recommended for healthy

eating, is 225 to 325 grams per day, again for the average person. The intake

of both should be higher if one is involved in intensive manual or mental

work since we burn more calories or less depending upon our style of

living. Yes, despite the bad name they have earned carbohydrates are an

essential part of nutrition. During digestion, sugars and starches are

broken down into simple sugars and they then find their way into the

bloodstream and we know them as blood sugars. From there the glucose

enters our body’s cells with the help of insulin. So whether it’s exercise or

something as simple as moving the hand or even breathing, it provides the

energy for all the activities we do. Too much of it and it is converted to fat.

At the same time, not all carbohydrates are equal. It’s always recommended

that those having a sedentary lifestyle choose carbohydrates that are rich in

dietary fiber.

Studies on micro nutrients have yielded good results and the importance of

these on human behavior or personality must be underlined, as well.



Personality development helps you gain

recognition and acceptance from the society as

well as people around. Personality

development plays an essential role not only in

an individual's professional but

also personal lives. It makes an individual

disciplined, punctual and an asset for his/her


Childhood social and personality development emerges through the interaction of social

influences, biological maturation, and the child’s representations of the social world and the

self. This interaction is illustrated in a discussion of the influence of significant

relationships, the development of social understanding, the growth of personality, and the

development of social and emotional competence in childhood.

Understanding social and personality development requires looking at children from three

perspectives that interact to shape development. The first is the social context in which each

child lives, especially the relationships that provide security, guidance, and knowledge. The

second is biological maturation that supports developing social and emotional competencies

and underlies temperamental individuality. The third is children’s developing

representations of themselves and the social world. Social and personality development is

best understood as the continuous interaction between these social, biological, and

representational aspects of psychological developments we have seen, children’s experience

of relationships at home and the peer group contributes to an expanding repertoire of social

and emotional skills and also to broadened social understanding. In these relationships,

children develop expectations for specific people (leading, for example, to secure or insecure


Digital Health and Wellness




• 1. Get a comprehensive eye exam.

• 2. Use proper lighting

• 3. Minimize glare.

• 4. Upgrade your display

• 5. Adjust your computer display settings.

• 6. Blink more often.

• 7. Exercise your eyes.




• Exercise.

• Eat right.

• Sleep sideways.

• Maintain proper


• Reduce stress.

• Quit smoking

• 8. Take frequent breaks.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

How to reduce Carpal Tunnel


1. Try a Softer Touch

2. Give Yourself a Break

3. Stretch Often

4. Improve your posture.

5. Change your computer mouse.

6. Keep your hands warm.



y on




• Saina Nehwal is an Indian female

badminton player who was born on 17

March 1990 at Hisar in Haryana. She is a

right-handed shuttler who is a second

generation badminton player. She is the

first Indian female to have won an

Olympic medal in a badminton event.

• Saina Nehwal has received 4 awards from

the Government of India. She won the

Arjuna Award for Badminton in 2009.

• Saina Nehwal has suffered many

major and minor injuries which

have kept her off the court for a long

time. She kept herself away from the

court for a major part of the 2013

season and this led to the loss of her

form. Although she returned with a

bang in 2014, again suffered an

ankle injury.

• A year later in 2010, she won the Padma

Shri and Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, which

is the highest sports honour in India. She

was also awarded the Padma Bhushan in

2016 for her outstanding performance in

the sport.

• Now, Saina Nehwal has become

highly selective in choosing the

tournaments and has won only

three tournaments in the past three


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