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In the Quiet:


In the Quiet:






I don’t know about you, but I like instructions that are clear; directions

that make sense; and information that provides me with an easy answer. I

really like it when everything works out perfectly, and there is no confusion

about what the expectations are. For me, when everything falls into

place it provides a hope and a peace in me that makes life way more enjoyable.

With that being said, I also know my personality and how I view

directions that are given to me. Most of the time, even when I do have

clear instructions in front of me, I tend to guess about where to begin. I

am one of those people who, when purchasing furniture that needs to be

put together, will look for the picture of the finished product to help me

figure out how to put everything together. I attempt to figure out how

everything fits together, rather than use the instruction manual that lists

every piece that needs to be used, when it needs to be used, and how it is

to be used. I like to try and do everything on my own. Unfortunately, it

very rarely works out the way it should.

That same reality exists in our spiritual lives. That truth exists in the relationships

with other people around us, and especially in our relationship

with Jesus. Many of us right now, are just like a piece of furniture that

is missing parts, struggling because things have not been put together

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength


correctly – we are broken. Over and over again we have tried to fix the

brokenness in our lives, and address how we can be healed on our own.

Each time we try, we find that our efforts fall short. Our greatest plans

do not provide the restoration that we really need. We had the “manual”

in front of us, and all we had to do was simply read it, but we refused to

do so. We visualized the way that things might be, and the way that we

hoped things would be, but we were never able to create a finished product

that was stable and complete. We were always lacking something.

So imagine if you will that you are all alone on an island. In the quiet,

you have a lot of questions to be answered, but you have no cell service, no

tv, no form of technology at all. Imagine that the only resource you have

available to you is the Bible. And then ask yourself: “Where do I begin?”

The purpose of this devotional book is to draw us back to the manual,

God’s Word, and to God Himself. Each day there will be a scripture

to focus on, a story to think about, but more importantly there will be

a challenge to apply. Embrace this time, and remember that especially

in the quiet times, God is building trust, and restoring Hope! I am

praying for you!

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 1


And It Begins!

“Give thanks in all circumstances for this is

God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”


So, here you are. Welcome! I am truly excited for you. You have accepted

the opportunity and chosen to embark upon this journey to draw closer

to God and to sit in His presence so that you might experience Him on

a much deeper level and know the will that He has for your life. Each

day will bring a new word, a new thought, a new opportunity, and a new

emphasis. There are several things I want you to focus on as you begin

this Journey:

1. Set aside time each day (10-15 minutes) to be in the presence of God.

I would encourage you not to do this while you are driving down the

road or while you are busy about the tasks for the day. I know that

your life is very busy. I get it. I understand it, and I also see the value

in sitting in the presence of God for just 10 to 15 minutes. Believe me

it will be well worth the time that you take to spend with the Creator

of the Universe.

2. As you begin this journey, allow yourself the opportunity to walk into

this time without any specific requests from God. You will have things

that you want to bring to God, and believe me, there will be plenty of

time for you to do that, but as you begin, don’t walk into this with a

desire for anything else other than God. This is going to be a HUGE

challenge. I know what it’s like to attempt to sit in quiet before God.

My mind wanders to the many different things that I need to get done,


but remember the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10. Martha was

busy doing good things as she prepared for dinner, and wanted Mary

to help. But Jesus would not take away from Mary that which she was

doing, the very best thing she could be doing – sitting in the presence

of Him. I know you have a lot of good things to get done – but don’t

sacrifice the great for the good.

3. Expect God to work in your life in a way that you have never experienced.

As you sit in His presence, desire Him and Him alone – He

will answer. He will move in your life. But I promise you it will not

be in the way that you had ever anticipated it would be.

4. Expect the devil to hate you for this, and want to distract you – but

do not be afraid. Psalm 27 reminds us, “The Lord is my light and my

salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of

whom shall I be afraid?”

5. You will have a question at the end of each section to help you apply

the scripture! Answer the question honestly. No one is going to read

it but you. No one is going to question it. And no one is going to be

able to share what God is doing in You – you have to do that!

So, for day 1 – here is your CHALLENGE. For the first 5 minutes,

simply sit in His presence. Do not say anything. You do not need to

say anything. Just long to be there with Him. As your mind wanders,

and yes, it is going to wander – attempt to refocus on Him. Don’t beat

yourself up over it, or become negative about it, just return gently to Him,

and embrace the time together. If this is the first time you have done

this, it is going to be very difficult. That’s ok. You can do it! I know you

can! So keep moving forward. Keep plugging away, and trust that He is

moving in you! During the final 10 minutes, sit in the presence of Jesus,

and Thank Him. Thank Him for grace, peace, salvation, hope, family,

friends, jobs, church, opportunities to share the truth – whatever comes

to mind, thank Him for it, because in that thankful heart will generate a

well spring of gratitude that will guide you through the day. If you have

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength


ever wondered what God’s will is for your life, this is it right here – to

give thanks!

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “Give thanks in all circumstances for this is

God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

I am truly thrilled for you and this opportunity you are grabbing a hold of!

I can’t wait to hear the stories of what He does in your life today! Feel free

to email me (johnbaldwin10@gmail.com) and share them, and encourage

others with them! Know that I am praying for you!

Question: What can you give thanks to God for today?




“In their hearts humans plan their course,

but the Lord establishes their steps.”


So how did day #1 go for you? Was it a little stressful, maybe overwhelming,

or slightly boring? (I hope not). Did you have a moment or

10, where you felt like you had no idea what was going on, what you

were supposed to be feeling, or how this was supposed to go? Believe

me – I get it! I have been there. The moments of trying to sit in silence

before the Lord can be deafening for me, because I genuinely have no

idea what is going on. I know that I want to do something. I have always

been taught that I am to be busy, but now, I am to be still and silent, and

not say a Word. UGH!! If that is how you feel, you are in the midst of

a multitude of us who feel the same way. It’s okay. It’s actually a great

place to be, because God is breaking down our normal patterns of prayer

and giving us an opportunity to focus on Him, which is all that we need.

Today, your challenge will be to spend five minutes in silence with the

Lord again. If yesterday was difficult, don’t stress. It’s part of the process.

To be honest, today might be difficult too, but keep going. It will be well

worth it. For the next 5-10 minutes, recognize that God has established

you and is guiding your steps.

Just the other day, I had the opportunity to walk by the James River with

my three sons. As I watched the river flow by us, I was amazed at all of

the Blue Herron that were flying overhead. One of them circled a spot

near where we were, and then settled into the river – -Right in the middle

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 5

of the river. My sons and I looked at each other wondering what it was

doing, and how in the world it was standing there in the middle of the

river. You see, we weren’t standing by a section that was very calm. We

were standing next to a section where the rocks were so plentiful and

the river was so loud that you could barely hear a person talking next to

you. With all of that uncertainty, and all of that power, the bird settled

in and stood there. Five minutes passed…ten minutes passed...twenty

minutes passed…and it stood there, firm and unmoving, in the middle of

the chaos. Finally, after about 35 minutes, it reached down quickly and

grabbed a fish and it was off into the air. In the midst of the chaos the

bird was calm because he knew what he was there for.

I have underlined this promise in my Bible, because it is one that I cling to

daily. Proverbs 16:9 states, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but

the Lord establishes their steps.” Think about this for just a second. God

knew from the beginning where He wanted you to go in life, and wants

you to get there more than we want to get there, most of the time. He is

pretty awesome at making sure we get there. All we have to do is follow

the moving of the Holy Spirit in our lives each and every day. We can’t

create the opportunities that we will encounter throughout the day, but

we can absolutely embrace them when they come, because we recognize

that it is God who is establishing our steps.

The Hebrew word used there in Proverbs 16:9 for establish, can also be

translated several different ways: determines, prepares, provides, sets in place,

directs, firmly decides, and makes secure. The different meanings of this

word can show a lot about God:

1. It can show that He is very interested in our life. He is so interested

in your life that He doesn’t want anything to happen without His hand

being placed upon it.

2. It can show that He has the ability to work through all of the difficulties

you create for yourself. He has the ability to restore you.


3. It can show that He is completely in control. I don’t know about you,

but that brings a peace in my heart and mind that nothing else does.

So, today, remember that He establishes your footsteps and will guide

you. Pray that He will show you where it is He would like you to go, and

rest in His power and grace!

Don’t forget that God is so big that He takes pleasure in the small details.

There is nothing beyond His ability and understanding. You matter to

Him, and He wants to establish your path!

Question: What do you see God Establishing in your life right now?

Where is He leading you?

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 7


Set Apart

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow

the Lord will do amazing things among you.”


Here we are – day 3! You are doing an amazing job so far!

There is a word that we see throughout scripture, but often times don’t

really have a clue as to what it means. The word is consecrate. When

I see that word, to be honest, I go back to some idea of construction or

building, but in truth that is not what it has to deal with at all. The word

means to be set apart, to be designated for a purpose. Those meanings give

us a tremendous insight into how God views us. Each of us is set apart

to do something amazing, if we will completely surrender to the Lordship

of Christ in our life, and trust the plan that He is working through us.

Granted, that brings us back to an essential question – what is the will

of God in my life? From day 1 in this challenge, we recognize that God

wants us to thank in Him in all circumstances. But where does it go from

there? That is a question that only you can answer for yourself, but it is

also an answer that you will only find in God. Remember, if we want to

know the will of God, we have to be in the presence of God, and we get

into the presence of God by spending time in conversation with Him

each day. Without that conversation, you will never know the entirety of

God’s desire for you.

So back to this word – consecrate. This involves complete surrender.

The undeniable truth, however, is that whenever we consecrate ourselves

before the Lord, something absolutely amazing happens. We see this


with Joshua in Joshua 3. The time had come for the people to enter into

the Promised Land. God tells Joshua that He is going to do something

amazing through him and His people, so He gives them instructions on

how they will cross the Jordan River across from the great city of Jericho.

In v. 5, Joshua tells the people “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow

the Lord will do amazing things among you.” They had to surrender

completely to God’s plan in order to see something amazing, and they

did. The same truth exists for us – we may not see dry land emerge out

of a river so that we can walk across it, but we may see hope restored in a

marriage that is dying, peace given to a heart that is consumed by stress,

and unity established in a family that is suffering through loss – list could

go on and on and on.

So your challenge for today is this – again spend 5 minutes in silence

before the Lord. I know that it has been tough the last two days. I

know that it may seem like you aren’t getting anywhere, but know that

God is working in and through you. He is creating lasting change and

wants to do something amazing in your life, so keep pushing forward.

Embrace those 5 minutes. Don’t get frustrated when you are distracted.

Take a deep breath, remember the grace that He offers and settle into the

comfort and peace of His presence. For the next 5-10 minutes, ask God

to help you surrender. Ask Him to show you areas of your life where you

have not surrendered to Him. Ask Him to guide you in how to surrender.

Believe me, this is a tough process, but God will use it to break down

walls you didn’t even know that you had built. Dwight Moody used to

say, “The World has yet to see what God will do with and for and through

and in and by the man who is fully consecrated to Him.” I believe that is

still true. The only question then is this; could that be you today? Trust

His work! Know that I love you all and am praying for you constantly!

You can do it! One breath, one step, one prayer at a time!

Question: What areas of your life do you need to surrender, so that

God can show you what He has set you apart for?

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 9


Pray Through It

“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this

happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

JOHN 9:3

I am so proud of you – you have made it this far without quitting. Believe

me, after the first two days of trying to sit in quiet with the Lord, I was

ready to quit and never get back into it again. I thought I was doing something

wrong, or that God simply didn’t want to talk with me. Thankfully,

once my frustration subsided, I was able to keep going and experience the

hope that He gives as we sit in His presence.

The word “through” always seems to have a negative connotation. If

we say that we are going through an area, or a difficulty, or a misunderstanding,

it means that we are going right into the middle of it. We can’t

go around it, we can’t avoid it, we can’t take a short cut past it – we have

to address it directly. When it comes to how we are living and our prayer

lives, we struggle with praying through something. If we are all honest,

when we go through something difficult, we want to pray for a way out of

it, but what if that is not what God has in store? What if going through a

situation, and praying through the situation, is what God has in store for

you as a launching pad into a closer walk with Him.

Think about John 9. Jesus came upon a man who was blind. Everyone

around him said that the man was blind because of some sin that had been

committed, so Jesus was asked if it was the sin of his mother or father that

caused the man to be blind. Jesus said neither. The reason that the man

was blind was because God would be glorified through the healing that


was about to happen. You see, God wants to work in you. Prayer was

never intended to take away everything that we go through, even though

that is absolutely something we can experience. Even in this situation,

the man was healed by Christ. The purpose of prayer is to draw us closer

to God so that we might become more like him – not afraid, and not filled

with fear and doubt.

The challenge for today is this – spend the first 5 minutes alone with God

again. Remember, it is just you and Him. If you are having a hard time

focusing on Him during this time, don’t get upset or frustrated. We ALL

are struggling with that. I like to visualize myself breathing. As I breathe

in, I am seeking more of the Holy Spirit on the inside of me. As I exhale, I

am releasing all doubt and fear that might consume me and pull me away

from Him. Take it all moment by moment. You can do it – God is doing

it through you! Then, for the next 5-10 minutes, ask God to open your

heart to whatever circumstance that you are going through, so that you

can know if this is a path you need to go through, or something you can

pray around. Ask Him to give you discernment and wisdom – He will

guide you. Remember though, sometimes God delivers you from your

problems, and other times He delivers you through your problems. Trust

that He knows which way is best for you!

Question: Do you think that the hardship you are going through is

something that God wants to get your around, or something

that God wants to guide you through?

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 11



Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart

and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not

in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the

Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a

fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a

gentle whisper. 13 When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over

his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.

1 KINGS 19:11-13

So, how are you doing so far? Has the silence of sitting with the Lord

been so loud that you can hardly stand it? Are you ready to continue to

move forward, not knowing what this is supposed to look like, or are you

ready to hang this challenge up? Don’t lose heart. I promise you that you

are in the midst of a crowd of us who are experiencing the same thing.

The first few days we were excited about the prospect of something new.

Now, almost a week into it, you are wondering if anything is going to

happen. Some of the stories I have heard about folks who have done

this before are amazing during the first week. Others who have done it

were wondering if they would even have a story to tell. It’s ok. I have

been there. We have all been there. But don’t stop. I promise you it

will be well worth it, to trust in what God wants to do! At this time, He

is peeling away the distractions and desires that keep us from wanting

Him alone.

One story that always fascinates me in scriptures is found in 1 Kings

18-19. When we look at that story, we find Elijah facing off against the

prophets of Baal. We see a competition about whose god would show


up and show off while they offered a sacrifice up. The prophets of Baal,

numbering in around 450, created an altar, offered their sacrifice and then

chanted for their god to show up. All morning nothing happened. Elijah

even mocked them a little bit. Into the afternoon they began cutting

themselves, hoping that their god would show up, but nothing happened.

Finally, Elijah told them to stop, and he carried out what God had told

him to do. He built an altar, made a sacrifice, and soaked it all in water –

and God consumed it.

You would think after such a huge victory, Elijah would have walked

boldly, anywhere his feet would have taken him, and yet he didn’t. He

ran at the first word of a threat. Fortunately, God wasn’t done with him

yet. He sends an angel to feed him, and then leads him for 40 days and

nights to Mount Horeb. There, He decides to show Elijah who He is.

First, a huge wind arrives that tears through the mount of God. But

God was not in the wind. Then an earthquake occurs, and the ground

is violently shaken, but God is not in the earthquake. Next, a fire breaks

out, but God is not in the fire. And then a low whisper was heard – and

there, in that low sound, that could barely be heard, was God. He arrived

in a way that was never expected, and in that silence His true majesty and

power was on full display!

Your challenge again is to stay in Silence for 5 minutes with the Lord.

In that silence, He will meet you, He will show you His strength, and

He will change you. Don’t be afraid of the silence, as if it is something

to avoid. Embrace the silence as an opportunity to hear loudly God,

working in you! For the next 5-10 minutes, ask God to open your eyes

so that you might see others the way that He does. That you might see

their pain, and their hopelessness, and their fear. Because when you see

all of that, you begin to understand the healing that can happen in silence,

but you also begin to see and understand the compassion and grace that

Christ has for each of us! I am excited for you! God is moving!

Question: What is it that distracts you from the silence and

presence of God?

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 13



“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and

you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10

For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds;

and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

LUKE 11:9-10

So, how are you doing so far? I can’t tell you how much I am truly thankful

for you and your willingness to embrace this journey.

You are almost a week into this challenge, and maybe you have felt like

giving up. I get it! I understanding! I know the feelings and get the frustration,

but know that God is tearing down walls in your life, and making

a way, where there didn’t seem to be a way.

Today, you are focusing on this word, Shameless. I think that too often

we are so worried about what others might think or say about us, that we

are unwilling to embrace all that God might do in and through us. We

are so consumed by the idea that people will talk about us, make fun of

us, ridicule us, or belittle us, that we forget that the creator of the universe

wants to use us. So, how does that impact our lives? Well, we focus on

the easy tasks, the prayers that we honestly could answer on our own, the

comfortable relationships that don’t need to be healed; and we leave the

hard stuff for the pastors and missionaries, because hey, that’s what they

are trained for – right? In essence, we slide away in a very complacent

environment. We even get to the point where we don’t even ask for hard

things in prayer because we are afraid that God will not answer it, and we

will be disappointed. My friends, that is a frightening place to be.


In Luke 11, we find Jesus telling a story about a man who won’t take no

for an answer. He constantly knocks on the door of his friend until he

gets what he came for. This is such a great prayer about perseverance in

the midst of a desperate, shameless time. Now let’s be clear. This doesn’t

mean that if we constantly pray about something over, and over, and over

again that God is going to answer it in the way that we would like Him

to. No, we have to recognize that God is working through each and every

situation, and if He is guiding us in one direction, then we are to consistently

pray over that situation until He says to stop. The point is not to

irritate God. The point is to be faithful to God. Sometimes He tells us

to keep going. Sometimes He tells us to stop. Sometimes He tells us to

rest, and sometimes He tells us to change directions. The point is not

to build our own kingdom, based on our own ideas, but rather to build

God’s kingdom. The great irony there is that He will build that kingdom

through us – we simply have to be faithful to Him.

The challenge for today is to sit in silence once again for 5 minutes. I am

praying that you will begin to crave this time with the Lord, and that His

peace is moving in you. I am praying that even when it feels frustrating

and you really feel like giving up, that you will try it one more time. You

can do it! I believe in you! For the next 5-10 minutes, think about the

dreams God has placed in you. Pray that God will give you the courage to

embrace the dream that He has given to you, and willingly be obedient as

He moves in and through you to accomplish His will for your life. Maybe

there is a ministry at church that He wants you to be a part of! Now is

the time to get involved. Maybe there is a ministry that He wants you to

start, and now is the time to begin it! Let’s pray together and see where

He is leading. But remember, the only way to know His will is to ask!

So, let’s pray!

Question: God has a purpose for you – what do you think that

purpose is, and how can your gifts be used to minister

to others?

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 15


From the Inside – Out

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you

remain in me and I in you, you will bear much

fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

JOHN 15:5

Here we are moving into the next day! I have been constantly praying for

you! How are you doing? Are the times of silence getting easier? Are you

embracing them? Or do they still seem to be exhausting and unproductive

– don’t stress! God is still working, even when it doesn’t seem like it.

When we spend time in prayer, our life grows out of Him. Even when

we don’t see the growth occurring, when He is at the center of it all, we

can’t do anything but grow. Just as branches receive life from their roots,

so does the fruitful life come from being consumed and completely filled

by the Holy Spirit. The best oranges grow on branches that are grafted

to good roots. As we live in Christ and Christ live in us, we have a willingness

to obey all of His commands – to Love the Lord with all that we

are, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Most of the time, our daily schedules function from the outside-in. What

that means is we look at the expectations that others have for us, whether

that is our boss, teacher, colleagues, or spouse, and we build our daily

schedule around those things that they deem to be important. We have

a constant need to please them, and our actions indicate that. However,

when we reverse that, and begin living from the inside-out, our perspective

and passions change. It doesn’t mean that we don’t care about the

opinions of those we are close to, or who we work with. It just means that


their desires don’t dictate how the day will go. Our desire becomes for

God. Our life flows from Him, and He provides the insight that we need

to be guided through the day.

The challenge for today is to simply use this time to sit in his presence. Not

reading His word, not seeking to find out His will, not making requests

for yourself or others. Today, let’s do something different, and simply

sit in silence. Personally, when I do this, I imagine myself completely

exhausted. When I am exhausted I don’t want to move. Then I imagine

the hand of the Father reaching down upon the back of my had, telling

me that it is okay to say nothing at all! Today, there is no time limit.

Take five minutes, or take an hour. Stay as long as the Lord leads you to

stay! Trust Him! He is using you! He is changing you! He is working

through you!

Question: What relationships do you see in your life that dictate how

your day will operate?

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 17



Tell the priests who carry the ark of the covenant: ‘When you

reach the edge of the Jordan’s waters, go and stand in the river.’”


You did it! I am so proud of you! You made it through the first week!

I know that it’s no easy task, but I know that God is doing amazing

things. You might have seen God do something crazy in your life already,

and you might not have experienced a chance. But don’t get frustrated.

Keep moving forward. Keep Trusting. I know it can pointless and even

exhausting at times, but remember, you are not here to compare yourself

to others – you are here to focus on God, and your story is being written

each day.

So, your word for today is EXPECTATION. As you began this prayer

challenge, what was the expectation that you had at the beginning? Did

you think it was going to simply be a list of people or places or ministries

that you could pray for? Or were you hoping for something a little

different? Have you expected God to work in your life, or have you found

yourself simply going through the motions each day to say that you have

accomplished the tasks set before you? Remember, there is a huge difference

between religious activities and relationship activities. Religious

activities lead us to do things in the hope that we might please God.

Relationship activities are simply those things we do because of the love

that already exists within us for God.

I was reading a story not too long ago about a drought that took place in

a farming community, over 50 years ago. The community was so badly


devastated by the drought that the mayor of the community asked everyone

to come to the town hall so that they could have a prayer meeting. So,

on the day that they were to meet, everyone loaded up into their trucks or

cars, or whatever they had available and made their way to the town hall

to pray. Everyone piled into a room that was too small for them all to

fit into, but they did it anyway. They were desperate. They were in need

of a miracle. As they stood in the room, the dust from outside that was

carried in on their clothes created a cloudy feel to the room. The room

was silent. No one moved. No one knew what to do. Finally, after a few

minutes, the doors to the room opened again and an older farmer in the

community came in – wearing waders. Everyone looked astonished. A

few people laughed. One person finally asked him why he was wearing

them. He simply replied – “If we are coming to pray for rain, I didn’t

want to go home soaking wet.” You see, He prayed and expected God to

answer. So, I ask you this question – who has more faith? The folks who

pray for rain, or the ones who, after they have prayed for rain, prepare for

the water to come? That night, the rains came, and that man was the only

one who didn’t go home wet.

We need to seek God out and pray for His will to be done – and then we

need to expect Him to do it. The challenge for today is going to be to

sit in silence again with the Lord. There is no time limit on this. Maybe

it’s 5 minutes, maybe it’s 10 minutes, or maybe it’s 2 minutes. Rest in

Him. Don’t allow your mind to wander. Focus on His hand upon you

reminding you that it is okay to rest.

Then, bring one dream to Him. Maybe it is for a new job. Maybe it is

for a home. Maybe you are desperate for an improved relationship, or

someone close to you to come to Christ. Or, maybe God has placed a

dream in your heart and a ministry that He desires for you to lead – pray

for that. And then expect God to move. Remember on day 3, we talked

about Joshua and the command they had been given to consecrate themselves

before the Lord, because He was going to do something amazing?

In Joshua 3, Joshua is told by God how they will cross the river. Those

who are leading and carrying the Ark of the Covenant will go to the river,

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength


and step into it. Once they have placed their feet in the river, God will

hold the river back and they will cross on dry land. The miracle itself is

amazing, but they had to step into the river first. We want God to do

miracles, and once He does them, then we will trust. But that is not how

He wants to work. We need to trust Him first, and then the miracles will

follow. Let us pray today, and expect Him to work! I know that He will!

Question: What dream is God giving to you?




“to take captive every thought, to make it obedient to Christ.”


Expecting God to do something amazing, like you were challenged to

do yesterday, is a huge step in experiencing what God has in store for

you. However, it’s not the end. Once you walk with an expectation that

God has a plan for you, and wants to work it out in your life, you have to

EMBRACE each and every opportunity that comes your way. You have

to see everything that goes on throughout your day as an opportunity

for God to work. If you are running late to work, don’t get frustrated

– embrace the fact that God might be protecting you from something

or guiding you towards something else. If you had an argument with a

friend or spouse, don’t ignore the feelings and emotions that led to the

pain, embrace them and allow God to use them to draw you closer to

Him – then embrace the opportunity to see God restore relationships.

Whatever you are dealing with today is not beyond the ability of God

to use it for our good and His glory – we simply need to embrace them.

Around the beginning of the 20th century, the Southern part of the United

States suffered deeply with boll weevil. It destroyed most of the cotton

crops at the time. George Washington Carver saw this as an opportunity

to embrace hardship and introduce change. So, he suggested that the

farmers rotate their crops, and instead of planting cotton, which was being

destroyed (and depleting the soil of its nutrients), plant peanuts, that will

help restore the ground. The idea worked perfectly – actually too perfect.

Peanut farming was so productive that tons of peanuts were simply laying

in warehouses rotting away. Most of us would have looked at the situation

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 21

and been satisfied that crop rotation had been introduced, and we would

have simply suffered with the loss of a huge peanut crop. But Carver once

again embraced an opportunity and asked God for wisdom – and wow did

God ever give him wisdom. Carver prayed and God gave him the idea to

test out every aspect of the peanut. Because of his work with the peanut,

Carver was able to create 300 different uses for them.

The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:5 that we are “to take captive every

thought, to make it obedient to Christ.” It would be easy to lose sight

of Christ in the midst of the difficulties we endure, but instead, let us

embrace them as opportunities. A.W. Tozer used to say that a low view

of God is the cause of a 100 lesser evils, but that a high view of God is the

solution to 10,000 temporary problems. We forget how big and amazing

our God is. There is nothing beyond His ability, and so what we need to

do is pray. Remember that when we pray, we move out of the realm of

the logical, and into the realm of the spiritual, where anything is possible.

So, your challenge for today is to once again take a few minutes (2, 5, 10,

whatever) to spend in quiet with the Lord. Remember this isn’t a time

to talk. This is a time to listen, and more importantly, a time to simply

BE. He wants you, and only you. Not the solutions to problems that you

have, or the creativity that you generate – He knows all about that, and

He loves every part of that, but He just wants YOU. Embrace that time

with Him. Then spend the next few minutes asking God to show you

what opportunity you can embrace. I promise you that your perspective

will change and your eyes will be opened to His plan and purpose! I know

you can do it! Trust Him, and know that He is working!

Question: What opportunity does God want you to embrace today?


DAY 10


“devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”


Today’s word is WATCH. If you look back into history, into the times

of castles and city walls, there were also soldiers placed on the walls of the

city to watch out for enemies. They were known as watchmen, and they

were also the first to see attacking armies or traders. They saw things

before anyone else saw them. During this prayer challenge, that is what

you are experiencing through prayer. You may see things that no one else

does. You may perceive things that no one else has, or that you never have

before. You are becoming aware of the work of God around you. You are

moving from the physical realm into the spiritual realm. You no longer

need your physical eyes to see what God is doing. You are now using your

spiritual eyes to embrace His handiwork.

The Bible tells us in Colossians 4:2 that we are to “devote ourselves to

prayer, being watchful and thankful.” The reality is that the more we pray,

the more that we will notice things that are going on around us, and how

God is moving. The less that we pray, the less that we notice – there is

no other way around it.

Think about this for a moment – have you ever noticed that the more you

pray for something or someone, or a particular situation, the more you

begin to pay attention to that thing, or person, or situation? You begin to

see “coincidences” occur more and more often? And since I don’t believe

in coincidences, we have to recognize that they are opportunities that God

has created for a spiritual purpose. Prayer draws us closer to God, which

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 23

draws us closer to His will, which allow us to see Him moving, which

forces us to keep a watch out for the opportunities that He is creating.

When those opportunities arise, we have to be embrace them.

We often times think of prayer as nothing more than the words that we

speak to God, but I am hoping that through this challenge you have seen

that it is way more than that. It is a conversation between us and the

creator of the universe and it can be through silence, words, groans, and

thoughts on our behalf, and through dreams, desires, promptings, impressions,

and ideas on God’s behalf. So, your challenge for today is to once

again sit in silence before the Lord, for however long He is leading you to

be there. Do not get up and move until He gives you the impression it is

okay to do so! Then spend the next few minutes asking God to help you

be watchful for people and opportunities that can be both a blessing, and

a hardship. You want wisdom and discernment, so ask God to show you

what He desires, so that you can run to those things that He longs for you

to be a part of, and avoid those things that He doesn’t.

I can’t tell you how truly proud I am of you for keeping up with this so far.

You are doing an absolutely amazing job! Continue to seek God in this!

I know He is working!

Question: What does God want you to keep your eyes open for?


DAY 11


“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”


When I think of that word, there is always a notion or emphasis that

is placed on actually being able to physically see. However, when we

look into scripture, physical sight is not a requirement in order to have

a vision from God. In fact, some of the greatest insight in scripture has

come when physical sight was non-existent. So, to clarify, when we are

discussing vision here, we are discussing the insight and plan that God is

giving to us.

Proverbs 29:18 states, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”.

When we pray, do we pray to God as if we have no idea what is going on

around us, or do we pray to God with a purpose. I think that too often,

we pray as if we are playing the lottery, just throwing up a prayer in the

hopes that it will connect with God somehow, and some huge blessing

will be showered down upon us. That is not the way that God has ever

intended for us to pray. Over the past week and a half, we have been

focusing on specific words and specific insight so that we might see the

will of God and obediently follow Him. Just a few days ago, we asked for

God to show us a dream or vision or plan that He has, so that we might

join in with Him. When we recognize that vision, we can be specific in

our prayer, expect Him to answer that prayer, and embrace the opportunities

that He is giving to us.

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 25

Your challenge for today is that you would pray to have God’s vision for

your church and community,… but I want you to remember there are

certain truths that will exist with a vision that comes from God:

1. We tend to rank our prayer requests by degree of difficulty. We start

out with those things that we think are easy for God, and that He can

handle without difficulty. In fact, even if God doesn’t answer it, we are

fairly certain we can take care of it, and simply say that God was busy

doing something us. I want you to remember that there is no degree

of difficulty for God – to the infinite God, everything is finite, which

means that the God of all creation who simply spoke everything into

existence can handle whatever you are dealing with.

2. The Vision will ALWAYS be beyond your resources. God is going

to direct you towards something that is far bigger than you. I don’t

know about you, but when I am encountering a difficult situation that

I cannot handle in my own ability, I tend to pray harder and longer

than I ever have before. The same is true with a God-given plan. It is

going to be beyond your ability to see it or understand it now.

3. God will stretch your faith to dream bigger dreams, and embrace

bigger God-given ideas. Do not be afraid to embrace the opportunities

– remember that God can do more with one second, than you can

do in your entire lifetime.

So, spend time with the Lord today in silence. Embrace the time. Then,

as you sit in His presence, ask Him to give you a God-given dream.

Maybe He brought the vision up to you the other day when we were

praying through this – excellent! Pray through it again, and this time

write it down, underline it, highlight it, and circle it. Then spend the

next few minutes asking God to give you the strength to trust Him in that

vision! I know you can do it! You are amazing! God is using you! Don’t

ever forget that!

Question: What vision do you sense God giving to you today?


DAY 12


“I will build my church, and the gates of

Hades shall not prevail against it.”


At some point you have to make a decision. Will you allow fear to dominate

your life and control everything that you do, or will you embrace

who Christ is in you and trust Him. Now, it is much easier to say that I

won’t be afraid than to actually life out the truth that Christ is living in us,

but again it comes down to a decision. We ALL have to address it. It is

not something that any of us can avoid, or something that any of us can

pretend doesn’t exist. You have to face it. In fact, by not facing it, you are

in fact making a choice.

If you look at the schemes of the devil you will recognize that sometimes

he likes to use intimidation to control emotions and thoughts. He

will manipulate your feelings and in some fashion attempt to make you

feel as though you are inadequate in your relationship with Christ. He

event attempted to do that with Jesus. It is amazing though how Jesus

responded – He used all of scripture, and never allowed the devil to intimidate


In Matthew 16:18, Jesus says, “I will build my church, and the gates of

Hades shall not prevail against it.” I want you to pay attention to one

important fact here in this phrase that Jesus gives. He is responsible for

building His church. That means He will carry out the activities, He will

wage war, He will battle for us, He will gain the victory, and He will get

the glory. Everything rests on the shoulders of Jesus. You simply need to

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 27

trust. Does that mean you won’t encounter difficult times? No, that does

not mean that. It means that if you are seeking God, He will be glorified,

and His kingdom will be expanded by everything that is going on in your

life. The question is, are you willing to allow Him to use you completely,

even if that means going through hard times? Remember who God is.

Remember who He says you are, and trust Him.

The challenge for today is this – when the devil wants to fill your mind

with lies and distractions, speak truth. Remember that you are victorious

in Christ Jesus, and that in the end, Christ wins. Remind the devil that

he loses, and that you have chosen to surrender to Jesus. Spend 5 minutes

in Christ’s presence. Let Him embrace you, and comfort you. Let Him

surround you with His grace, heal your wounds, quiet your mind, and

steady your heart. Embrace that time you have with Him. Then, for the

next 10 minutes, thank Him for who He says that you are. Thank Him

that He has made you more than a conqueror. Thank Him that you serve

Him, and are on the winning side. Thank Him that He is using every

situation for your good and His glory! I know it is hard. I know that

things can seem overwhelming at times. I know that the devil is really

good at lying, but rest in the truths of who Christ is. There is no greater

place to be that in His presence!

Question: Who does God say that you are?


DAY 13


“Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop

– a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”


The imagery that comes to mind when we hear the word SOW often

times looks like someone with a needle and thread, working diligently to

create clothing, repair fabric, or put together something as a wonderful

gift for someone. However, that isn’t the image that we are going with

here. When we talk about sowing, I want you to imagine planting. The

Bible gives us great imagery about planting seeds. In Matthew 13, we

have Jesus telling a story of a farmer who was sowing seed. So often, we

look at that story and we imagine which seed we are. We want to know if

we are the seed that takes root but withers when times are difficult; if we

are the seed that is eaten by the birds, or even the seed that is choked out

by the weeds; we all hope that we are the seed that actually grows strong

and produces fruit. We are forced to examine ourselves and see who we

are in the midst of that story. Our prayer is always that we would be the

seed that produces fruit.

That story also makes me think of the great sequoia trees in California.

Those trees are massive. They can grow to be 20 feet wide, nearly 300

ft. tall, and live nearly 2000 years. Their root systems grab nutrients

everywhere, and their ability to resist disease and fires makes them nearly

impossible to destroy. They are truly an amazing design of God. We

look at those trees and are in awe – yet we often times forget that they

started with just one seed. One seed took root and grew, and grew, and

grew, and then began to produce more fruit. Do you know that one tree

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 29

can produce nearly 400,000 seeds per year. These trees not only continue

to grow themselves, but they were created to produce more of themselves.

That reality exists with you. You weren’t created just to simply exist after

you surrender to Christ. You were created to lead others to Christ. So

your challenge for today is to tell someone else about Him. Share the

love of Christ with one person this week. Invite one person to church this

week. Help one person this week. Pray with one person this week, and

watch what God can do!

So, for the first 5 minutes that you pray, simply spend time in the presence

of God – don’t be in a rush. Don’t think about the tasks for the day or

the list that needs to be accomplished. Simply trust that His plan for the

day is better than yours. Then, spend the next few minutes praying that

God would show you the one person you need to reach out to this week.

Then ask for the confidence to share with that person! I know that it

can be intimidating, but I know that the Holy Spirit inside of you is not

intimidated by anything – He will work through you – if you let Him! I

am so proud of you! Keep going!

Question: Who is one person you can help this week, and what can

you do for that person?


DAY 14


And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But

He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not

be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who

lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore.

Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.”


You have made it two weeks – that is fantastic! I know that it has probably

been a little bit of a roller coaster – with some really good days, and

some not so really good days. Believe me, we have all been going through

them. I am so excited you have chosen to stick with it though. Today is

a day to Rest – don’t focus on anything but the power and majesty of the

King and Rest in Him.

Let’s come back to 1 Kings 18-19 once again. To refresh our memory,

Elijah has just seen God defeat the prophets of Baal. Jezebel threatened

to kill Elijah, and instead of standing firm with confidence, he ran away,

filled with fear. 1 King 19:4 says that he went a day into the wilderness,

sat down by a bush and prayed that he might die. He was exhausted and

wanted and end to all that he was experiencing. But, God was not done

with him yet, and sent an angel to give him food and water. Twice the

angel told him to eat and drink because the journey was too much for

him. In the midst of all of that, God provided for his servant. He allowed

him the chance to eat, drink, and sleep, so that he might be rested for

the journey that was coming. God was already aware of the fact that the

trip was going to be more than Elijah could bare, yet God still provided.

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 31

Thankfully, Elijah trust, and experience God in a way that He never

had before.

You might feel like Elijah today. Consumed by doubt and fear, even

though you have seen God do some absolutely unbelievable works in your

life. You might simply be exhausted. Whatever the case may be, and

wherever you may find yourself, trust that He has you and everything you

are experiencing, firmly in His grip.

Today spend your time in His presence – there is no need to rush. There

is no need to doubt. There is no need to be afraid because He has it all

under control! I believe in you. More importantly, Christ believes in You!

Question: What is one thing that often consumes your mind and

energy so much that you can’t rest? Recognize that, and

release it to the Savior today.


DAY 15


“If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling

ourselves and not living in the truth.”

1 JOHN 1:8

I think the word “hypocrite” is misused a lot. For example, if you happen

to be hammering away on something and suddenly miss the nail and hit

your thumb, you might scream a word that you shouldn’t. And if anyone

hears you, whether that person is a believer or not, he or she might call

you a hypocrite. But are you really a hypocrite?

I don’t think so. I think you are a human who had a pretty painful experience

and who responded in the most honest way possible. If anything, I

think that response gives a clear indication of our sin nature, and need for

a savior. But I don’t think it makes you a hypocrite.

I am not excusing sin; We are all sinners. And Christians do still sin,

unfortunately. The Bible says, “If we claim we have no sin, we are only

fooling ourselves and not living in the truth. But if we confess our sins to

him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all

wickedness” (1 John 1:8–9).

It is only a matter of time until we will fall short in some way, shape, or

form. We will say the wrong thing. We won’t do the right thing. But that

doesn’t make us hypocrites; that just makes us flawed.

A hypocrite is different. Originally, the word “hypocrite” simply meant

“actor.” In the dramas of early Greece, an actor would hold a mask in front

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 33

of his face as he was portraying a character. When the mask was in front

of his face, he was the hypocrite. It wasn’t a negative word.

To call someone a hypocrite today, however, is a criticism – even an insult.

Sadly, we use that word and our view of ourselves sometimes to keep

us from doing what God has called us to do, which is to share His love

and grace with those around us. Yesterday, you rested in the presence of

Christ. Today, rest in His grace. There is nothing that you can do, good

or bad, that can make God love you any more or any less than He already

does. He loves you perfectly, and His grace is Perfect. Trust that. Spend

5 minutes in His presence today, not doing anything but being in His

presence. Then, I want you to spend the next 10 minutes with your hands

held up, to receive the grace that God has for you. Now, please know that

it is not because you are holding your hands up that you can experience

His grace. It is simply a reminder to us that He is always giving it to us!

My friends, He has a great plan and purpose for you – believe that – Trust

that! Watch what He will do in you!

Question: What hinders you from embrace the grace that He

has for you?


DAY 16

Follow Me

“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny

himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”


Here is our Phrase for today – FOLLOW ME! Of course, I am not talking

about me, John – I am referring to Jesus and what He tells all people.

I think sometimes that Jesus has a lot of so-called followers today who are

more like Twitter or Instagram or Facebook followers. Those followers

know what someone says, and that is the extent of it. They don’t know

who that person really is. Sure they may know a little bit about that

person’s interests, but they don’t really know what drives that person, what

motivates that person.

It is how a lot of us are with Christ: “I am a follower of Jesus. . . . Did He

Post today?”

But following Christ is more than that. Jesus said to Matthew, “Follow

Me” (Matthew 9:9). Matthew wasn’t a believer at the time. He was a

tax collector working for Rome. Jesus walked up to him, looked at him,

and said, “Follow Me.” Matthew bolted up from that table and began to

follow Christ.

The phrase “Follow Me” could also be translated “Follow with Me”.

It doesn’t mean to follow behind me, or seek to go in my tracks, but

rather, walk beside me. In other words, Jesus is saying, “Let’s take a walk


In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 35

Too many of us are in a hurry to do what we want to do, that we lose

sight of what God has called us to do – and sadly many of us will read

that sentence right there and see following Jesus as a punishment, but that

couldn’t be further from the truth! Each day we have an opportunity to

plant seeds and trust that God will produce Fruit! Each day we can walk

in obedience to Him, and watch Him multiply His kingdom!

Last year, in December, we had a potato drop. We have about 45,000

pounds of potatoes brought in so that we can give them out into the

community. It is an amazing opportunity to get to know folks, and spend

time with them. Well, one of the folks from church took some home to

give out to her friends and neighbors, to meet the needs that were there.

She also took a few of those potatoes and planted them in a small garden

area about 5 x10 feet. She just took a few, and from those few grew a

massive amount. She had no idea those few would sprout so many in

such a small space. I think we are like that quite often. We have no

idea what God will do through us, if we will simply give him the chance

to use us!

So, today, spend 5 minutes simply in God’s presence – you don’t need

to do anything or say anything. Then spend the next 10 minutes asking

God to show you where and how He wants you to follow Him. Don’t

stress if you don’t get a clear answer. That is okay. Trust that He is still

in control and He will guide you! But keep asking! Nehemiah prayed for

120 days before he was given the message of where to go! God is working

my friends!

Question: Do you believe that God can and will use you where you

are right now?!


DAY 17


“Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me; fight

against those who fight against me…Awake, and arise

to my defense! Contend for me , my God and Lord.”

PSALM 35:23

When you think of the word contend, what comes to mind? For me it

is the idea of a fight or a brawl – you vs. the opposition. When we look

at scripture, the same imagery exists, but the fighter is different. In our

culture and our world, we find ourselves wanting to or needing to defend

ourselves on a regular basis. That can be so exhausting. In God’s Word,

we are told to allow God to contend for us – to fight for us, to defend us.

Don’t get me wrong, there are times where we need to defend our faith.

In fact, scripture tells us that we should always be prepared to stand and

tell those who come against us, why we have the joy that comes from

Christ. But God also loves it when we let Him fight for us. We ask the

question, How do we do that? And the only answer is on our knees in

prayer. We have to allow Him the opportunity to contend for us.

I love history. I absolutely love church history and the impact of the

church in our country. On September 7, 1774, the Continental Congress

held their first official meeting in Philadelphia. There first action as a

group was prayer. And it wasn’t a prayer that was quick and easy, a few

words spoken, a few amens at the end, and then they were to go about the

work of establishing a nation. Oh no, this was an all-out prayer meeting.

Those who were close by said that they could hear the prayers and petitions

of these leaders being made. Many of them were on their knees

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 37

before God seeking guidance and direction, knowing that the only way

that they would be successful was if God intervened. The pastor that

day, Dr. Jacob Duche, spoke from Psalm 35. He asked that God would

contend for them, as He did for David – only if their cause was a righteous


We are still feeling the effects of that prayer today, nearly 245 years later.

We will all encounter opposition. We will all encounter those who criticize

and belittle us, and we will all encounter the devil standing in opposition

to us as we draw closer to Christ and seek to do His will. The

question is how will you respond. Will you allow God to contend on

your behalf? If a person criticizes you or critiques you, check that critique

against scripture for validity. If there is truth to it, then repent. If not,

then don’t allow it to impact your emotions and decisions. When the

devil attacks, remind him who you belong to and that the Holy Spirit is

moving inside of you. In everything, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.

So my friends, spend 5 minutes with the Lord, allowing Him to cover you

with peace and grace. Then spend the next few minutes asking God to

show you what areas you need Him to contend for you. If there are areas

where repentance is needed, then repent. If there are areas that you are

unaware of, ask for wisdom, and then step back and allow God to work.

Remember, He can do far more with a few words, then we could ever do

in our entire life times. Trust Him!

Know that I love you all and am praying for you every day. I am so proud

of you and how God is working through you. Don’t forget to share them

with me when they happen!

Question: Where do you need for God to contend on your behalf?


DAY 18


“And we know that in all things God works for

the good of those who love him, who[a] have

been called according to his purpose.”


I don’t know about you, but I like surprises, especially when they come

from people I can trust, who I know are looking out for my well-being

in all situations. If a close friend says they have a surprise for me, I get

excited. If someone I don’t really know says that they have a surprise for

me, I tend to be a little nervous about what it might be. When it comes to

God, He has the freedom to surprise me any time He wants to. Honestly,

I am always surprised by His grace, compassion, and work. But how often

do we ask God to surprise us? Sure, if He does it on His own, we are okay

with that. However, what if we actually took a few moments and really

prayed for God to surprise us.

I know it’s terrifying because we are truly abandoning our own agendas

and trusting God to work in our lives. We already know that He does all

things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to

His purpose (Romans 8:28), so we know we can trust Him. But we are

truly making ourselves vulnerable and showing complete trust when we

ask Him to surprise us. We are telling God that He has the freedom to

invade our lives in any way that He wants to, and we will gladly receive

that surprise.

However, we can also recognize that when we pray that prayer, we have

a genuine desire to see God do something that we never thought was

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 39

possible. We are trusting Him to work beyond our own ideas and visions.

We really want God to do something that is beyond our physical ability.

I was reading the other day, and the author made such an amazing point.

He stated that “in the midst of God’s omniscience and omnipotence, God

has determined there are some things that He will only do in response to

prayer.” Are you willing to pray that prayer today and invite God into the

everyday aspect of your life, to surprise you in ways that you never even


So, for a few minutes today, simply sit in God’s presence. Take a deep

breath. Close your eyes and imagine the hand of Abba coming down

upon your head reminding you that you do not need to do anything right

now. Embrace those few minutes. Trust Him in those few minutes that

He is recharging you, refreshing you, and working through you. Then,

spend the next few minutes asking God to surprise you. Abandon your

fear and trust God to do what He does best – and that is run your life and

lead you! I know it will be hard. I know it will be terrifying, but I know

that it will be well worth it! Ask Him to surprise you today!

Question: Would you be excited to experience a surprise from God?


DAY 19

Do Not Delay

“Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act!

For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your

city and your people bear your Name.”


Prayer has never been the path of least resistance. In fact, it is the path

with the greatest resistance, because you are involving yourself in a spiritual

fight and the devil doesn’t like to lose. I like to visualize prayer as

you actually picking a fight with the devil. You are letting him know,

and everyone else associated with him, that you are choosing the Savior

of the World for guidance and direction. Sometimes when we go to

God in prayer, we may assume that things will become easier, and all

hardships will be removed. But in fact, the reality is that the hardships

are not necessarily changed – our perspective of those hardships is what

is changed. We begin to see certain events for what they really are – a

response by the devil to our desire to draw closer to God. That is why it

is so important that we do not attempt to live life on our own. We were

never intended to live life on our own. When we look at Genesis 2:18,

that it was not good for man to be alone. So he created a helper. We were

designed for relationships. As we pray for others, we need to make sure

that they are praying for us as well – so that we have a brothers and sisters

surrounding us constantly in prayer.

Remember that God is never late, He is never early – He is ALWAYS

right on time! Trust His plan and His purposes.

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 41

You will notice that today’s writing is a little bit shorter than the others,

and there is a reason for that. First, spend time in prayer – simply sitting

in His presence. Then ask God to show you specifically who you can join

together with daily to pray for. I want you to seek two people who you

can share concerns, joys, fears, stresses, excitement and hope with – and

agree to pray for them for the next ten days. Once a day, send them a text

or a message that says you are praying for them, and asking how you can

pray for them. The devil is going to attack because He hates them. Even

in the middle of those attacks, trust in God, and remember that prayer is

not simply a preparation for a greater things – prayer is the greatest thing

that we can do! I love you all! Let’s go to battle for each other!

Question: Who can I join together with in daily prayer?


DAY 20


“For ever since the world was created, people have

seen the earth and sky. Through everything God

made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities

– his eternal power and divine nature. . . .”


God has revealed Himself in many ways to every person, everywhere. He

has given us the TRUTH in His own creation.

When we look at the world around us, we all know that there has to be a

creative designer who majestically and powerfully placed everything into

motion. Honestly, to say thing things in this world and universe just

simply happened by chance is bordering on absurdity. It would like say

that a massive aircraft carrier in all of its size and strength was not put

together by the thousands upon thousands of worker who put in thousands

upon thousands of hours of work on it, but instead, a hurricane

blew through and slapped it all together. It just doesn’t make sense to

view it that way.

Yet people will look at something as intricate and amazing as the human

body and the creation around us and say it all came about randomly. The

Bible says, “Only fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God’ ” (Psalm 53:1).

God has given you the witness of His creation. He has shown you through

all that is around you, and what you see in the mirror. He is working and

moving. Think of the fact that light travels 186,000 miles per second. As

I typed that word, light traveled around the world 6 times. When you

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 43

look at the sun, you know that it is 93 million miles away, and yet it takes

only 8 minutes for light to get from there, to earth. You cannot escape the

awe and majesty of God and His creation.

So today, spend a few minutes in the presence of God. You do not have

to do anything. My prayer for you has been that sitting in quiet has been

getting easier for you. Then, spend the next 10 minutes thanking God

again for His creation. I know that we have had a time where we thanked

God, but there is nothing better than praising Him for who He is and

what He is constantly doing. And finish out your time by praying for one

person who needs to hear of the AWEsome power of God!

I am truly proud of you and what God is doing in and through you!

Keep going!

Question: How would you describe God’s Awesome power to

someone who has never heard of Him before?


DAY 21


“choose this day whom you will serve”

JOSHUA 24:15

We are so close! We just have one more week after today. I don’t know

about you, but it has been absolutely amazing to see God working in and

through each prayer, each day. If you have stories to share, I would love to

hear about them. I have heard so many so far, and it has blown my mind,

and encouraged my heart to see how God is moving in ways that I don’t

think any of us expected.

Our word for today, is TODAY. So often, we find ourselves caught up in

the regret of the past, or the anticipation of the future, that we lose sight of

the excitement and purpose of today. I was reading a story one day about

a gentlemen who made the statement that the same God he worshiped

that day, was the same God that George Mueller worshipped and prayed

to when he was alive. Now, if you aren’t sure who George Mueller is, his

life is def worth a ready. God did amazing work through him. I will give

you the very abbreviated version. He cared for over 10,000 orphans in his

life time, started over 117 different Christian schools and educated over

120,000 students, all without asking for money from anyone. He simply

prayed, and prayed, and prayed and believed and trusted God to answer

his prayers.

You see, the problem with history is, when we take a look at it, we assume

that all that God did then, He can’t or won’t do today. I believe when we

do that, we miss out on God doing something amazing. The same God

who worked miracles in the life of George Mueller is the same God who

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 45

can do something amazing in your life today, if you will pray, pray, pray,

and trust, trust, trust. The Bible tell us in Hebrews 13:8 that Jesus is the

same yesterday, today, and forever more. Remember that truth TODAY,

and don’t get so caught up in what happened in the past, and what might

happen in the future.

So, the challenge for today. Let’s spend some time with the Lord. Resting

in Him, trusting in Him, and knowing that He is in control. Then, spend

a few minutes thanking God for what He did in the past, and for what He

will do in the future. And then ask Him to open your eyes to what He

wants to do in and through you today. Focus on that, and let’s watch Him

do something amazing! I can’t wait to hear what He does!

Question: What does God want you to do today?


DAY 22

Not Yet

“Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your

heart take courage; wait for the LORD!”

PSALM 27:14

I don’t know about you, but Patience is something that I truly struggle

with. My personality is such that when an idea pops into my head, I

am ready to go all in and move forward as fast as I can. Sometimes that

plan works. More often than not, it doesn’t, and I am left to pick up the

pieces of the frustration that I have created. Patience as I listen to God is

something that has to be developed.

During a recent time of intentional rest, I spent time with the Lord,

drawing closer to Him, and seeking His face in everything that I was

doing, He was constantly throwing out idea after idea after idea to me – I

would have days where I would be so excited that I could barely contain

myself – but then, just as He would give me the idea, I would gently sense

Him saying – Not Yet. For a few brief moments, I was disheartened. I

was upset and sad that I wasn’t allowed the opportunity to carry His ideas

forward – I mean they were His ideas. I wasn’t taking credit for them.

And then He gently reminded me that yes, they were His ideas, and now

was not the time. I have to wait, and waiting can be a struggle sometimes.

Now, there are some things I never have to wait on. I never have to wait

and wonder if now is the right time to share Jesus with someone – right

now is always the perfect time. I never have to wait and wonder if now

is the time to pray, because right now is always the perfect time for that.

I never have to wait and wonder if now is the time to love the person

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 47

around me, whom God has placed near me, because now is the perfect

time to show them the Love of Jesus.

Today, as you seek God, trust that He has everything under control. Trust

that even though you may not see Him working, He is in fact working.

He is actually moving everything around so that when the time is right,

it will work perfectly, and He will be glorified. Spend 5 minutes in His

presence – you don’t need anything else. You just need Him. Just stay

there in those moments with Him. Then spend the next 10 minutes

asking God to give you patience as He leads you! He knows what He is

doing! Trust Him!

Question: What is God asking you to be patient about?


DAY 23


“’But I will restore you to health and heal

your wounds,’ declares the Lord”


I have told you before, I love history. I love to look at old buildings and

check out old photographs. I love to learn all that I can about a particular

area, and am fascinated to go stand where amazing events occurred years

before me.

Often times when I come upon old buildings, I imagine what they would

look like if they were completely restored. Now, some of them have been

restored, so I imagine what they were like when they were in the prime

of their use. However, most of the historical buildings that I come across

are in desperate need of restoration. One of those particular buildings

that fascinates me are the Tredegar Iron Works buildings in downtown

Richmond. Being fascinated by the civil war, I was completely amazed

by the buildings that once housed the largest iron production business

on the East Coast. Started in 1836, these buildings would produce iron

that would assist in the boom of Railroads throughout our country, as

well as manufacture iron that would be utilized in the transition from

wooden naval ships to iron ones. However, today, the buildings are simply

shadows of brokenness that cannot produce what it once did.

But…they still produce. There is no doubt, the buildings were in bad

need of restoration, however, they were not to be restored for their original

purpose. They were restored to something a greater. A museum that

can tell a story and teach thousands upon thousands of people.

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 49

Today, many of us are in need of restoration. We look at the brokenness

of our lives and think that we will never be able to produce what we once

did. We examine the decisions we have made, the hardships we have

endured, and the relationships we have lost, and we assume that our time

of great purpose has passed. But that is not true. Our God is a God of

great restoration…but only on His terms and for His purposes. If we

allow God to work in our lives, we will see Him restore us to a form and

for a purpose that we never imagined, and it will have a far greater impact

that we ever could have before.

So, my friends, do no lose hope. Trust that God will restore you to

Himself and lead you in ways that will be good for you, and bring glory to

Him. I know that you are tired, so begin this prayer time simply resting in

Him. Close your eyes, and take a breath. Don’t create a plan for anything,

don’t attempt to think through anything. Just simply imagine the hand

of the creator of the universe resting on your shoulder, telling you that it’s

okay to simply be in His presence.

Then, after a little time, simply ask Him to restore you, restore a relationship,

restore Hope, restore a dream or visions – or ask Him to restore

whatever it is that He places on your heart. He is listening. Share with

Him, and watch what He will do!

Question: What do you want God to restore today?


DAY 24


“Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak

truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.”


I am always fascinated by a person’s voice. Some people have a beautiful

voice that resonates through you as they speak or sing. Others have a

voice that will grate on your nerves and pierce your ear drums. Some

voices we long to hear, others we long to run away from. Some voices are

deep and low. Others are in an octave I wouldn’t dream of attempting to

reach. Still others lie somewhere in the middle. Regardless of how we

know someone, each person has a physical voice, and when I ask you to

define their voice, we will attempt to describe it in ways that we hear it.

Sadly though, we often times don’t use a voice in a way that produces

anything worth hearing. Sure, we are saying a whole lot of words (and I

am guilty of this quite often), but where is the depth behind it? The only

way to experience the depth in our words is by saying the words that God

has given to us, and the only way to know those words is by listening to

His voice. We all will say that we want to hear the voice of God, but the

reality is, we aren’t willing to do what it takes to hear Him.

For those of us who do genuinely want to hear the voice of God, let me

give you a few ways that I have found that help:

1. Open your Bible. When you open your Bible, God will open His

mouth. The surest way to get a word from the Lord is by getting in

His Word. God will speak to you, and then He will speak through you.

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 51

2. Confess any sin in your life. Sin doesn’t just harden the heart, it also

hardens the ears. In fact, we will turn a deaf ear to God when there is

sin in our lives, because we don’t want to hear the convicting voice of

the Holy Spirit. But, if you aren’t willing to listen to the convicting

voice of the Spirit, you won’t hear His comforting voice, forgiving

voice, or merciful voice either.

3. Remove any distractions. Often times when I find myself unable

to hear God speaking because of all of the distractions that are

surrounding me, I step back into a season of fasting. It allows me to

remove those distractions and refocus on God. Then, I am able to

distinguish between His voice speaking to me and my voice attempting

to control a situation.

Remember, if you want to find your voice, your real voice, and have something

worth saying, then we need to listen to the voice of God, and allow

Him to speak through us.

So your challenge for today is to simply listen. Sit in God’s presence and

listen. Don’t bring requests. Don’t bring concerns. He knows them all.

He is aware of your situation and He is working on your behalf. Just

simply be in His presence and ask to hear Him, and Him alone! Trust

that He will speak. There is no time limit on this. Take as much time as

you need, but know that He wants to speak, so be willing to listen.

Question: What Voice are you using to speak with?


DAY 25


“Then they called them in again and commanded them not

to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. 19 But Peter

and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to

you, or to him? You be the judges! 20 As for us, we cannot

help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

ACTS 4:18-20

When we hear that word, we settle into several different scenarios:

1. We are taken to a place that is filled with danger, where our single

mission is to tell others about Christ.

2. We are surrounded by dangerous people who desperately need to hear

about the love and forgiveness of Christ.

Immediately our mind takes us to OTHER people or OTHER locations

that are dangerous – the key word there is OTHER. We very rarely

associate ourselves with the idea of being dangerous – yet as followers of

Christ, that is exactly how we are viewed by the devil when we are seeking

to trust and obey God completely. When we love unconditionally, the

devil sees us as dangerous. When we are focused as one body, with one

purpose, for the one TRUE GOD, the devil sees us as dangerous. When

we feed those who are hungry, and clothe those who are in need, we are

dangerous. When we stand up for the oppressed, and show the love of

Christ to those who are abused, we are dangerous. And when we sacrifice

for one another, so that the Gospel might be preached and lived out in

our lives, we are dangerous.

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 53

We don’t want the word danger to be associated with us, but I am here to

tell you right now that Christ did not die on a cross for us to live timidly.

Christ died so that we would live dangerously for Him.

The devil knows that he cannot have us, and so he will do everything that

he can to create havoc in our lives. He will attack and attack and attack,

so much so that we often times wonder if God even cares or if we are even

doing the right thing. I want to challenge you today, to ask God to help

change your mind set. Too many of us are playing this game as if we want

to arrive at death safely. Personally, I want to arrive in heaven talking

with the Lord saying that was one amazing time Lord – wow. We are

playing not to lose, instead of playing to win. Now don’t get me wrong, I

am not talking about reckless abandonment in life. Instead, I am talking

about a total commitment to and surrender to the reality that Christ will

pull us out of our comfort zones for His glory and for His purposes. So

today, let’s pick a fight with the devil. You ask, how do we do that? By

doing what we have been doing for the last 24 days – praying. Every time

we go to the Lord in prayer, we are picking a fight. So, let’s pick a fight

today and watch the Lord win! Spend a few minutes in His presence. I

am truly proud of you for sticking with it this far. I am praying now that

this time with Him is something that you are longing for each and every

day. That time with Him is something that you crave; that you need. I

know that it is for me. I am praying that you have seen your eyes opening,

and your heart opening to the truth of Christ, and the power of the Holy

Spirit in your life, because He wants to do something amazing. Spend

the next few minutes asking God to show you how to live dangerously for

Him! Trust Him! Believe Him! Seek Him, because He wants to work

through you!

Question: How can you live dangerously for the Lord?


DAY 26


“Pray without ceasing”


In 1930, there was a man who decided he would play a game called the

“game of minutes”. He was frustrated by his lack of intimacy with God,

and wanted to figure out a way that could draw him closer to God. He

was using 1 Thessalonians 5:17, which states that we are to “pray without

ceasing”, as his guide. He wanted to know if that was truly possible.

I think that is a question that we all ask ourselves. Can we truly pray all

of the time, throughout the day? Can every single moment of the day be

filled with prayer to the Lord? If we are honest, we think through that

idea for a few minutes, and then push past it, assuming that there really

is no way to do that, but we will pray as often as we can. This gentleman

decided he was going to take it to heart and create a game out of it. Thus,

the creation of the game of minutes. This was the goal and the purpose of

the game – “We try to call Him to mind at least one second each minute.

We do not need to forget other things nor stop our work, but we invite

Him to share everything we do or say or think. Hundreds of us have

experimented until we have found ways to let Him share every minute of

our waking hours.”

One way to carry this out was to “shoot people with silent prayer”.

Obviously he wasn’t shooting people or even making the motion with

his fingers. Haha. But, he would send a quick prayer for the person

he passed. They had no idea he was praying for them. He would pray,

and then watch their response. Sometimes there wasn’t a response at all.

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 55

Sometimes there was a complete change in their demeanor, a random

smile emerged, or it seemed as if a weight had been lifted off of their

shoulders. He just simply said a quick prayer for each person, using the

passage in 1 Timothy 2:1, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers,

intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.”

So today, let’s play a game – let’s play the game of minutes. Let’s lift

each other up in prayer. Start out with a few minutes where you sit in

the presence of the Lord. Allow Him to embrace you, comfort you, and

strengthen you. It will give you strength to move forward with the game.

Then spend the rest of the day trying this game out at various times –

take a few minutes at lunch, a few minutes this afternoon, and a few

minutes this evening. Just sit and watch people – as they pass by you,

pray for them. Ask God to give them peace. If they don’t know Jesus,

ask God to open their eyes to Him. But in all of it, pray for them, and

see how they respond. Don’t get frustrated if there isn’t a visible response.

Know that even when it doesn’t look like God is at work, He is absolutely

working! I know you can do it, and I promise you that this will absolutely

change lives!


DAY 27


“However, this kind does not go out

except by prayer and fasting.”


Now, we are going to introduce a thought here that some of us attempt

to avoid on a regular basis. The idea of fasting. Let’s be honest, when

we hear that word, the only time we want to talk about it is in reference

to speed – like man that Car was going fast. From a biblical stand point,

we have heard about. We know that Jesus fasted. We know that it was

extremely difficult, and exhausting, and we don’t really want to be a part

of that. Yet, we can’t ignore the fact that sometimes prayers are answered

only with fasting – how do we know that? Well, Jesus said it in Matthew

17:21, “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

That being said, I want to introduce us to it, and then I want you to pray

about getting involved with a fast. Now, there are many different kinds

of fasts. There is a 21 day Daniel fast that many folks like to do, where

we just eat fruits and vegetables. Sometimes we can fast from sunrise to

sunset. There is a complete food fast, that eliminates all food, and only

allows you to drink water. Each of those are unique to who you are, and

how God is leading you at the time. But, fasting doesn’t just have to be

about food. Fasting can also involve media – and I find this to be one of

the most powerful fasts. Removing ourselves from social media or eliminating


No matter what you fast, you have to remember that the goal is not the

fast in and of itself. The goal is to draw closer to the Lord. When you say

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 57

no to the desires of our flesh, you are saying yes to the movement of the

Holy Spirit in your life.

Regardless of what we fast, always set a time frame. If you don’t have a

beginning and ending time, you will create excuses in the middle, and

probably just stop doing it. Most of us have a willing spirit when it comes

to fasting and obedience to the Lord. It’s the weak flesh that gets in the

way. The problem isn’t the desire. The problem is the lack of willpower.

Physical discipline gives us the spiritual discipline to pray through whatever

it is we are going through.

So, spend a few minutes in the presence of the Lord. Rest in Him…

embrace that time. Embrace his calm, peace, and joy, and know that He

has everything lined up. Remember that He is for you. And if He is

for you, who can be against you? Remember that He is working in you,

and trust that reality as you sit in His presence. Then, spend the next

few minutes asking God to guide you in a fast. Maybe it is from food,

or maybe it is from social media. Whatever it is, ask Him to give you

the strength to do it, and to show you what specifically you are praying/

fasting for. Maybe it is for a loved one. Maybe it is to break the bondage

of addictive behavior, maybe it is to experience peace in your home, or job,

or relationships; maybe it is to see where God would have you actively

involved in His ministry work here at church; or maybe it is simply to

embrace the time with Him more fully and willingly each day. Whatever

it is, ask, and He will show you! I know you can do it! I am so proud of you!

Question: What does God want you to fast from?


DAY 28


All the believers were together and had everything

in common. 45 They sold property and possessions

to give to anyone who had need.”

ACTS 2:44-45

Wow can you believe it has been 4 weeks since you started this journey –

it is amazing how quickly time can fly by! I am praying that God has been

moving in your life and that this has been rewarding for you! I would love

to hear any stories if you have them.

Today, our word is Quit! I know, when we here that word, we often times

panic! And right now you are wondering what in the world I am talking

about, and how this is going to go, but I want us to pause for a minute, and

simply ask ourselves this question – how many of us have ever listened to a

friend in need, who was struggling with something in their life – whether

it was $50 to put gas in the car, or $100 to pay a medical bill, or something

to eat because they were simply hungry, and we decided we would pray

about it for them. After a few days, we feel a little frustrated because we

see that situation and know that God can provide that, so why isn’t He?

My response to you is because YOU are the answer to that prayer.

I had a friend one time, who was working with a local ministry. They

had a tight budget, but needed funds for a few clothing items for some

families that they were helping. I told them I would pray for them about

it, and about mid-sentence realized that I didn’t need to pray about that

at all – financially we had been blessed. I told him there is no need to

pray about it – we have been blessed, so that we might be a blessing. We

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 59

will take care of getting those items for you all. So many times, we bring

requests to God that are in our hands to answer. So, when I say quit, I

mean quit asking God to do things for us, when He has already blessed us

with the time, ability, and resources to bless others.

There are several things that we don’t need to pray about. We don’t need

to pray about loving our neighbors, or giving generously, or loving sacrificially.

We don’t need to pray about how to help someone or be a blessing

to others, when it is in our power to do so. We don’t have to pray about

turning the other cheek when someone hurts us, or even going the extra

mile when others might need our help – God has already spoken very

clearly about those things in His Word. In all honesty, there is a moment

when our hesitation and pause become a form of procrastination and

disobedience – we are putting things off until a later time, or someone

else picks it up and takes care of it.

Please don’t misunderstand me – we are to bring everything to the Lord.

We are to pray, pray, pray, but at some point we have to quit talking and

start acting.

So the challenge for you today is this – spend some time with the Lord.

Start in quiet and trust that He wants to meet you there in the midst of

that time. Allow Him to comfort you; allow Him to mold you; allow

Him to work in you – each day, we have to begin this day like it’s the first

time we have ever done it, because each day His mercies are new to us.

Then, ask God to show you where He can use you to show His love –

where can you be active? And then – this is the huge part – actively seek

out someone to help today, whether it is with an encouraging word, and

kind text, an ear to listen, a financial blessing to share, or clothes to give.

Whatever the case may be, be active today in someone’s life and show

them the love of Christ! I know you can do it, and God is going to do

something amazing through you!

Question: How can God use you today, to be a blessing to

someone else?


DAY 29


“Sing to the Lord a New Song”

PSALM 96:1

When you hear the word “new”, what comes to mind? I know for me,

I imagine something that I have never experienced before. A new car, a

new food, a new book…something that can give me a new insight into

the world around me. Now, if we are honest, we don’t always like it when

new things occur, because that sometimes involves change. We tend to

get comfortable in our routines, and there is nothing wrong with a routine

– we call them disciplines, and they can be useful in helping us grow as

a person. For example, many of us have a routine we go through every

morning; coffee, shower, brush teeth, put on deodorant – and those are

good. For the sake of those around you, don’t stop those routines – haha.

However, when a routine becomes mindless, meaning we know that we

are doing the same thing over and over again, but we don’t know why, we

lose sight of their importance in our life.

I heard a story one time of a husband and wife who had just recently gotten

married. The young couple was in the kitchen and decided that they were

going to cook dinner together. So, what they wanted to do was to cook a

pot roast. They prepared everything, got the roast out, and the husband

observed his new bride cutting the ends off of the roast. Curious, because

he had never seen that done before, he asked very kindly and gently why

she did that. Her response was quick, and reassuring to him – “because

my mom always did it that way.” Nothing else was said, so they enjoyed

the wonderful dinner together. The next day, that question stuck with the

young lady so she decided to ask her mom, why do you cut the ends off of

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 61

the roast. Her mom gave a very quick and reassuring answer – “because

your grandmother always did it that.” They both nodded their heads and

went on about their day. That night, the question also stuck with the

mother, so she called her mom (the grandmother) up and asked her why

she cut the ends off of the roast. Curious, the grandmother asked why

she wanted to know, and so the mother went through the entire story.

The grandmother started laughing, almost uncontrollably. You see, she

wasn’t cutting the ends off of the roast for any other reason than her pan

to cook the roast in was too small, so in order to make it fit, she had to

cut the ends off.

That’s where many of us find ourselves in our spiritual walk. We are

walking through the motions, not really sure why we do, what we do.

Psalm 96:1 says to “Sing to the Lord a New song.” Each and every day

we are to bring a new song to the Lord. At first glance that can seem

overwhelming, and yet we forget that it is God who will give us the new

song. We assume that we have to do all of the work, when in fact, Abba is

simply saying, let me work through you – watch what I can do in your life.

So the challenge for today is to spend a few minutes in the Lord, resting

in His grace and presence, knowing that He holds you and everything you

have going on, in the palm of His hands. Then, ask the Lord for a new

song today – ask Him to open your eyes so that you might see the world

the way that He sees the world, filled with awe and wonder! I know you

can do it! So, when you get that new song today, be sure to sing, because

someone around you needs to hear it!

Question: What new song can you sing to the Lord today?


DAY 30


“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask

whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

JOHN 15:7

Whenever we see something showing up in scripture over and over again,

we can rest assured that God put it there for a reason – as if to say, “Don’t

miss this point that I am making to you, but just in case you do, I am

going to remind you again, and again, and again.” One word that appears

a lot in John 15 is the word “abide”.

John 15:7 is one of those verses that will always be a part of my life and

story. On Dec. 3, 2001, I was given the news that my unborn twin sons

had a disease called Twin to Twin Transfusion. It only happens in identical

twins, and left them with about a 5% chance that one of them would

survive. As the doctor shared that information, we just sat there in silence,

not really sure what to say. Not really sure what to do. I started to tear up,

but felt a sense of peace in my heart, because I knew, somehow God was

going to take care of them.

When we left the doctor’s office, we went to a local Christian bookstore.

For me, when I am stressed or overwhelmed, I like to listen to music. So,

we walked into the bookstore, and I immediately head towards the music

section. However, I felt a nudge in my Spirit to go pick up the Bible and

read it. I will be honest and say that the Lord and I did not agree right

then. I told Him I was not in the mood to pick up His Word right now.

I wanted to listen to music. But He gently nudged again and so I went

over to the shelf where all of the different translations of the Bible were.

In the Quiet: Developing Trust and Finding Strength 63

I found one, and laid it down. I sensed Him tell me to open it. So, I did.

I don’t ever recommend this, but I simply let the pages fall where they

may, just to see what God had to say. John 15:7 was open before me, so I

read it: “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you

wish, and it will be done for you.” Tears filled me eyes, and I hit my knees.

I knew what I wanted, and that was for my children to be alive, so I asked

God for them. People were rushing up to me asking me if I was okay.

And I can’t blame them. Here was this 22 year old guy, on his knees in a

book store, crying. I simply told them I needed to pray. Some of them sat

and prayed with me. But I asked for my children to live lives that would

glorify God. I didn’t know how, but I knew they were going to be okay.

I would love to tell you that it was easy sailing from there, but it wasn’t.

There were times when it looked like we were going to lose them, and

times were the doctor would literally tell us that he would not be surprised

if they were both gone when we came back in to see him in a few days.

Our hearts and minds and spirits were stretched, but we remained in the

Lord and I held onto the promise He gave that if I abide in Him, He will

abide in me. And He did. They were born at 27.5 weeks, and today they

are 17 years old, loving the Lord. They are great young men who God is

doing unbelievable work through.

My point in that is to say that no matter what we are going through,

abide in Him, in His Word, and we will see Him do things that we never

thought were possible.

Here we are, the last day of the 30-day challenge. You have made it. My

prayer is that this time has been an amazing opportunity for you to experience

God working in and through your life. My prayer is that you have

gone into a much deeper and more intimate relationship with the King

of the Universe and the Creator of everything. And even though this is

the end of this prayer challenge, I want you to remember that this is Just

the Beginning of a much deeper walk with Him. This is where things

continue to move forward, and God continues to guide and direct you.


Remember, when you started this challenge, you didn’t think you could

make it two minutes in quiet time before the Lord. Now, I pray that those

two minutes are more like 15 to 20 minutes a day.

The devil is going to try to create havoc in your life, but remember, God

is guiding you. Stay focused on Him. Trust in Him. Believe in Him, and

continue to share the Gospel with everyone you encounter. I truly believe

in you! And I know that God is going to use you in amazing ways, to

change lives. I am so proud of you!

So today, your challenge is simply to be in His presence. We began this

challenge in His presence. Let’s end this challenge in His presence – not

asking for anything, not seeking anything, and not bringing anything to

Him, other than the one thing He longs for the most, and that is you.

Take as much time as you need. Rest, breathe, trust, and watch Him

work! You can do it! I am praying for you!

Question: What has God shown you during this month?

About the Author

John Baldwin is the Senior Pastor of Berea Baptist

Church in Rockville, Virginia where he resides with his

beautiful family. John is a graduate of Liberty Baptist

Theological Seminary and is currently finishing his

Doctorate of Ministry with an emphasis on Church

Planting and Evangelism. Aside from his pastoral

experience John has also served as a teacher in Virginia’s

Public and Private school systems. John is a seasoned

pastor combining academia, extensive teaching skills,

and an overall commitment to serving others. He brings

a dynamic experience for his congregation and community.

John has a passion for the lost and a desire to see

each person experience the salvation that comes from

having a deep an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

The inspiration for this devotional comes from Isaiah

30:15, “This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One

of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation

in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would

have none of it.” John prays this devotional speaks to

the heart and spirit of every reader.

In the Quiet:



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