YSM Issue 87.2

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alumni profile

Robert Needlman (YC ’81, YSM ’85)



from english to pediatrics

In some ways, Robert Needlman (YC ’81, YSM ’85) is the modernday

Benjamin Spock. Both men studied English at Yale, and both

were interested in medicine alongside literature and language. As a

pediatrician at MetroHealth Medical Center and a professor at Case

Western Reserve University, Needlman is now tasked with updating

the classic parenting book trusted by expectant mothers and fathers

everywhere — “Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care.

Benjamin Spock was a famous 20th century pediatrician who first

published “Baby and Child Care” in 1946. It became the second

best-selling book in America after the Bible, and is currently in its

9th edition. Needlman is similarly talented. He has found a way to

combine his love of writing with his interest in science, primarily

pediatric medicine. From an English degree to an MD, Needlman has

demonstrated the value of a liberal arts background in the medical


Needlman first began to work on Spock’s legacy by writing for

drspock.com, a website that sparked his full-time commitment to

thinking about the kinds of issues Spock used to write about, such

as child developmental and behavioral disorders. Needlman went on

to revise the 8th and 9th editions of Spock’s famous book, which

contain updated sections on topics such as obesity and nutrition,

environmental health, and immunizations. Parenting, according to

Needlman, is a “moving target.” Thus, the book must be continually

updated as new research and information about parenting surfaces.

Though some consider English and medicine distinct fields,

Needlman sees an intuitive overlap. “What draws people to literature

is that it is a way of understanding human experience. Medicine is

also about appreciating and understanding the human experience,”

Needlman said. He supposed that Spock might have been interested

in development and child psychiatry for this same reason. “What was



Like many current students, Needlman attended English lectures in

Linsly-Chittenden Hall. One of his favorite classes was Daily Themes.

Needlman works in Cleveland, teaches at Case Western Reserve

University, and gives talks about developmental-behavioral pediatrics.

interesting to me about English literature was the stuff that dealt

with how we got to be the way we are – how our experience shapes

who we are,” Needlman added.

At Yale, Needlman’s favorite classes included an English lecture

by Marie Borroff and Daily Themes with John Hollander. When

asked how he balanced his science and humanities classes at Yale,

Needlman laughed. “I have no idea. I haven’t been that efficient in

a long time,” he said. He added that his science classes provided an

enjoyable break from his English classes. Looking back, Needlman

felt that all the anxiety of writing English papers was worth it because

knowing how to write well “is a real plus as a doctor.”

After graduating from Yale College, Needlman decided to attend

the Yale School of Medicine. In his third year of medical school in

1984, he realized he wanted to be a pediatrician. Interacting with

parents and children felt like a good fit to him, and he became

emotionally invested in pediatric care. Though medical school was

filled with all-nighters, Needlman delighted in attending lectures and

learning about different parts of medicine. After his residency and

fellowship, Needlman began to work in developmental-behavioral

pediatrics, a relatively new subspecialty. As physical disorders became

less severe, doctors began to focus on more complex issues such

as obesity and behavioral disorders. In addition to his work at

MetroHealth and Case Western, Needlman recently gave workshops

at a Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Review in Atlanta.

Throughout his successful trajectory in the field of medicine,

Needlman continues to draw upon the lessons he learned at Yale,

whether it is in taking care of patients, teaching, or working with

colleagues. “The best of a Yale education, I’m convinced, is your

classmates,” Needlman reflected. He advises current students that

relationships with professors are important, but relationships with

peers are indispensable. “Delve wholeheartedly into your experience.

Going to a place like Yale is really a privilege. It is worth keeping

that in mind,” said Needlman. Living up to the privilege of a Yale

education is exactly what Robert Needlman has done for himself —

understanding humanity in the earliest stages of life.

March 2014


Yale Scientific Magazine


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