YSM Issue 87.4

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The Science of

How Physicists, Engineers,

and Computer Scientists

are Learning from Midges

As evening falls at Mason Laboratory, after students have shuffled out and most

labs have locked up for the night, a single fly takes off. Buzzing around erratically,

almost confusedly, it looks lost at first. Soon, though, it is joined by another fly,

and then a third. As more and more take flight, something strange happens. With seven or

eight flies in the air, the scene is still chaotic—a loose-knit flurry of individual flies.

But as a few more join—a ninth, tenth, and eleventh—the turmoil transforms. The ball of

flies becomes uniform, and individuals get lost in the whirling, bustling mass.

The flies have formed a swarm.

The Power of Ten

How such order can emerge from chaos

is the subject of recent research by Nicholas

Ouellette, Associate Professor of Mechanical

Engineering at Yale. Ouellette’s lab studies

the science of swarms—or, more generally,

the dynamics of collective animal behavior.

Using a colony of midges, a type of small

fly, as a model system, Ouellette and his

colleagues are trying to figure out answers to

questions like how many individuals it takes

to make a swarm. Their surprising answer

was published last month in the Journal of the

Royal Society Interface: just ten. And this is only

one of many surprising and enlightening

results emerging from the nascent science of


But what exactly is a swarm? “That is a much

deeper question than you might expect,” says

Ouellette. While most of us have an intuitive

notion of what it means to swarm—think

bees—defining the notion precisely is much

trickier. Ouellette distinguishes between

swarms and other animal groupings like

flocks or schools, which tend to move as

units. “A swarm is a collective behavior

that doesn’t show net ordering,” he says.

But Ouellette acknowledges that many

other researchers would disagree. In fact,

defining “swarm” fruitfully is an active area

of Ouellette’s research, and a focus for other

swarm scientists as well.

Unanswered Questions

The appeal of swarming for scientists is the

rise of complex patterns and behavior from

the collective action of many individuals.

This phenomenon, known as emergence, is

a key feature of swarms. For Ouellette and

other researchers, connecting the emergent

properties with the underlying individual

behaviors is a consuming problem. “What

kind of local interactions do you need

to make a swarm?” Ouellette asks in his

research. “And how would you model that?”

With the right local interactions and

enough individuals, a swarm results. At this

point, the collection of animals exhibits

macroscopic properties that truly belong

to the group as a whole, rather than its

members. Ouellette makes the analogy to

thermodynamics, where thinking in terms

of macroscopic properties is more familiar.

Temperature and pressure are natural

examples. Similar measures can be used to

characterize swarms, except the individuals

are flies, bees, or birds rather than molecules.

But this is a very big difference, and

perhaps the most interesting research

questions focus on these contrasts between

swarms and chemical or physical systems.

While chemists can accurately think of

their particles as bouncing about at random,

swarm scientists cannot. Midges fly under

their own power; they are active agents

rather than passive particles. And while the

large-scale behaviors of chemical aggregates

are generally well understood, animal

swarms remain more mysterious. Ouellette

uses empirical approaches, like filming and

tracking the midges, to shed light on how

they form and behave. His lab has worked

to evaluate which models of swarming

match up best with biological reality.

They also ask questions like the one about

the size of swarms. To determine the

minimum number of midges in a swarm,

Ouellette and postdoctoral researcher

James Puckett, now an Assistant Professor

12 Yale Scientific Magazine October 2014 www.yalescientific.org

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