Final_Booklet 2

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Message from Phase Leader

I feel honoured and sad at the same time, honoured because I have you

in my department and the opportunity to thank you all for being an amazing group of students,

sad because I have to wish you goodbye from one phase to the other.

I will not go into vivid details to describe how amazing you have been. Year 6 students, you were

the heart of our primary school and we all shared an inexplicable bond. A bond of friendship and

at the same time a bond of respect.

Being your phase leader, I have been privileged enough, to interact quite frequently with you all,

specially the primary school leaders. You have done an amazing job to help fellow students and

support staff where needed. You are our HEROES. We all have learnt a lot from you, and many

of you have inspired us in different ways, we felt like one integrated family together. I will truly

miss those beautiful faces, the eagerness and readiness to do things.

Well, if I come down to the memories I cherish, we share loads of them. Right from all the

activities in classes and outdoors, which have been a part of our day in school, all the festivals

that have been celebrated in school, the investitures ceremonies, music concerts, sports day, field

trips and many more and more over your active involvement in class and your excellent

achievement in academics.

As you move on to secondary school don’t be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble, and to fall,

because most of the times the greatest reward comes from doing the things that scare you the

most. Maybe you’ll get more than you’ve ever imagined. Who knows where life will take you.

The road is long and in the end, every step of the journey is a destination, in itself. Remember all

the values you have learnt and put into action. Do your best, try to do better than you did the

previous day, that is your success.

Climb every mountain, take risks, work hard, set yourself goals and most of all give and you will

receive support along the way, be patient and persevere through the ups and downs that you will

face. And importantly learn to enjoy the journey from one phase to the next phase.

Always remember YOU ARE THE BEST.

We will miss you.

All the very best! Goodbye.

Cony Alphonso

Phase Leader Upper Primary

Farewell Note to my lovely students!

This year has been such a great learning experience in

my life. I have learnt so much from you all my dear


Your smiling faces, your engaging questions and the

warmth each one of you bring to our year 6 classrooms,

will be cherished forever.

To our wonderful, smart and talented boys, the little interactions we had in

and around the classes made my day in school. Your charming and bright

faces, told me of the wonderful time you were having with your classmates

and teachers.

To our lively, caring and intelligent girls. your loving and caring nature

always lifted my spirit and renewed my energy.

To my amazing form class 6G3 – You are my inspiration and motivation!

You truly made me feel special and loved.

As we approach the end of this academic year, I can proudly say of how

much you all have achieved as an individual not only in academics but in


Your work reflects your determination and resilience to be a beacon of hope

and light in this ever-changing world.

I would like to wish you the very best that life has to offer. May you

blossom, bloom and continue to spread your radiance and fragrance

wherever you go.

God bless you!

Reema Cardoza

Deputy Phase Leader

My Dear Year 6. I wrote my message of love for you in this poem.

Read to remember .God Bless you always.

Remember this is essential

We strongly believe in you;

Beaming with passion and potential

Nothing is there, you cannot pursue.

As teachers, we direct you to recall life lessons,

Which we sort together in every learning session.

We wish our blessings keep ringing your ears,

To cheer and charm your hearts and overcoming the fears.

Keep your footing strong, when someone gives, a bruise

Never forget to keep the drill of patience in use.

World needs the lovers not bullies to amuse;

Equality and kindness must be your most loved cruise.

Together we grew believing that every voice counts,

And reading is a solution, on all stepping mounts,

Want you to be heard by the entire world straight;

Master to communicate, to stand amongst the great.

Sometimes you will feel life is nothing but a stress,

Will see all around just a mess and distress.

That is the time to attach yourself, with some greater cause;

Yes! We yearn to see you on the top of all the tops.

Together we celebrated your every small victory,

Together we fought, when life was cold and blistery.

Whatever distance you are at and where ever you choose to go;

Someone somewhere will always support, to help you glow.

By: Ms. SAIMA ALI (Teacher of English)

My dear students,

You’ve reached the end of a period of your schooling. You are embarking on new

adventures, where, for a while, everything will be new and foreign to you. You will

find yourself on a new path which requires more responsibility, faith, perseverance,

love and courage.

As I write this, you are in my thoughts, in my heart... We all are part of one great

Cambridge family. Having been your teacher, I always examined your needs and

desires, your strengths and abilities. You were actually the motive and the reason of

everything we did and the purity of your souls was an inspiration for all of us.

This was one very unusual school year, and I am sure we will all remember it forever.

Beside everything we taught you this year, I expect you to know that for every bad

thing in life there are much more good things, that it is much more honourable to

make a mistake than to cheat, to be able to win but also to be able to lose with

dignity, to keep a smile even when you are sad, to believe in your own ideas even

when others tell you they are wrong, not to follow the crowd when everyone is doing

so, to sell your talents and knowledge but never your heart and soul, to have a

sublime faith in yourself because then you will have a sublime faith in humanity ...

I know these are high expectations, but I believe in you. Nothing is impossible! The

only difference between the possible and the impossible is often that it takes a little

more time, perseverance and faith to achieve the impossible. My dear students be

brave, be bold, be courageous. The future belongs to those who believe in the

beauty of their dreams. Go ahead and fight for your dreams to one day become what

you want to be.

Just one more to-do-list for you to keep you busy over the summer:

See at least one Learn to play a new board game. Swim in the pool or sea.


Stay in touch with one Make yourself a necklace or Visit a city or a village you

of your classmates. bracelet.

don't know.

Look at the clouds. Make at least one new friend. Ride a bicycle.

Walk barefoot on the Read at least two books and Paint and decorate stones.

grass for a while. some comics.

Whenever you are Tell someone you like him/her. Laugh until your belly and

bored – read.

cheeks hurt and a little bit


Farewell my brilliant students! I will never forget you!

By: Miss Brankica Stevanovic

My Dear students,

As I settle in, to pen down my thoughts and feelings for you. I take the pleasure to

remind you, the end of key stage 2 is also the beginning of key stage 3. I am confident

you are going to be experiencing a roller coaster of emotions. You are surely excited to

step into another world altogether, new environment, new system, new set of teachers

along with some new subjects. On the other hand, your heart clings to everything that

you enjoyed in key stage 2.

I take this opportunity to thank each child for the warmth, the memories and the

learning that we have shared this school year.

To my students, I say THANK-YOU! For when I teach, I also learn. This past year we

have grown together. A little bit of each of you will always be with me. Always try to be

the Best that you can be!

To the parents, I say THANK-YOU for allowing me to be your child’s teacher. It has been

a wonderful and rewarding year for us.

Even though the school year is over, here are a few gifts to keep with you:

(to keep you sharp).


(for something to hold onto when the world seems tough).


Hugs, Kisses, & Tons of Love”

(to remind you that it is OK to make mistakes!)


Mrs. Anita Roy


Dear Students,

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but

rarely admit the changes it has gone through to

achieve the beauty.” - Mary Angelou

I believe that each one of you have grown into an



STUDENT. There will never be another you.

I cherish every moment spent watching you progress

especially with your reading skills. I appreciate all

of you.

Believe in yourself, for you are stronger than you



Good Luck & Best Wishes,

Ms. Mary Gonsalvez

To all of Year 6,

Each one of you has worked so hard and should be

so proud of your achievements because I know I

am. We have not had the best situation to end the

year but your enthusiasm and passion to learn has

defied all odds. Best wishes

Rida Khan

At this important milestone in your life, congratulations and best

wishes for your continuing success.

You will make mistakes and will fall many times in

your life. Don't give in - it's just an experience.

Wishing you to find your own star and reach for


You truly deserve the success! I'm sure, at this

stage of your life you feel a lot smarter. In my

message I wish you to set your goals high, and

won't stop till you get there!

By: Mrs. Sana Danish

My dear students,

We have made it to the end of another academic year and

what a year it has been.

We did not see any of this

coming when we started

in September, definitely

not! It was tough,

challenging, difficult and

very uncertain at times but

we have made the best of

it, proven that we are

tougher and stronger than

all that and managed to

have fun along the way ☺

Thank you for all your

support, thank you for the

fun times in our real as

well as our virtual

classroom, thank you for

all the amazing artwork and thank you for all the fun times!

I wish you all an amazing summer holiday and look forward

to seeing you next year ☺

Stay safe and take care!

Lots of love,

Mrs. Jelena

Well Done Year 6

Year 6, I was more than

delighted to teach you

this year and it was

always a great pleasure

for me seeing the joy

and excitement on your

faces at the beginning

of each lesson. You

always give me a boost of motivation and

excitement to teach you more every day, I love

spending time with you and hope to always

see you around and would be more than

happy to teach you again. Year 6, you brighten

up my days and I would definitely never forget

you. Congratulations on finally graduating and

I wish you all the happiness and success in your

future! I adore each one of you.

Your Lovely teacher,

Asma Rashed.

I am very proud of you. This period has shown

how responsible and committed you are to

your duties. I am fortunate this year to teach

you, with all these challenges and difficult

circumstances the world is going through. You

have proven that you are able to face any


Ms Dina Atia(Islamic B)

أبنائي وطالبي األحباب ‏،إني أتشرف وأفتخر برؤيتكم اليوم

في حفل تخرجكم ‏،وسعيدة جداً‏ لتفوقكم هذا العام بالرغم من

الظروف الصعبة التي يمر بها العالم،واختالف نظام التعليم

هذه األيام ‏،فقد اجتهدتم ودرستم فكان النجاح والتفوق حليفكم

فهنيئاً‏ لكم النجاح وتسلحوا بالعلم والنجاح لتكونوا صقور

زايد وفخرلن ا واإلمارات.‏

صفاء وهبه

معلمة الدراسات اإلجتماعية

Ms Safa

رسالة إلى الصف السادس


يسعدني في هذه المناسبة السعيدة أن أقدم لكم أجمل التهاني والتبريكات ...

النجاح والتفوق الذي أنتم أهل له...‏ وأسأل المولى لكم دوام النجاح والتقدم .

فألف مبروك لكم


معلمتكم /

ريحانة أحمد

وصل القطار إلى المحطة األخيرة ... في طريق قطعناه معًا

وعند ذكر الوداع ينقبض القلب إال أن روعة

التواصل بكم خالل هذا العام كان له أثر ومعنى

مع طالب بمستواكم يسعون للتعلم مهما كانت الصعوبة

فهنيئًا لكم اإلرادة وما وصتم له من إنجاز فقد أثلجتم صدري من

عبق االحترام واألخالق والعطاء وهنيئًا لي أمثالكم

ويكفي أننا في حلقة علم نتطلع لألعلى ونسمو للقمة .

ويسعدني في هذه المناسبة السعيدة .. أن أقدم لكم أجمل التهاني والتبريكات ... فألف مبروك

لكم النجاح والتفوق الذي أنتم أهل له...‏ وأسأل المولى لكم دوام ال نجاح والتقدم .


معلمتكم /

ريحانة أحمد

أبنائي وبناتي األعزّ‏ اء من الصف السادس في مدرسة كامبريدج الثانوية كنتم رائعين في

كل شيء هذا العام الدراسي وكنتم أروع وأنتم تتابعون عامكم الدراسي هذا من خالل التعلم

عن بعد فكنتم بذلك مثاال للطالب المتميزين القادرين على متابعة دروسهم في كل الظروف

وفي كل األمكنة . شكرا لكم جميعا .. شكرأ آلبائكم وأمهاتكم الذين وقفوا معكم الستكمال

مسيرتكم الدراسية لهذا العام الدراسي االستثنائي فكنتم جميعا المثل والقدوة .. محبتي لكم


معلّم اللغة العربيّة

عبدالرحمن العوض

My dear sons and daughters from the sixth year at Cambridge

High School, you were wonderful in everything this academic

year and you were the most wonderful as you were following

this academic year through distance learning, so you were an

example of distinguished students who are able to follow their

lessons in all circumstances and in all places. Thank you

all..Thank you to your fathers and mothers who stood with you

to complete your academic career for this exceptional

academic year, so you were all ideals and role models .. My

love to you all

Arabic teacher

Abdel Rahman Awad


Year 6 was an amazing year; I had a lot

of fun before quarantine. At the

beginning of the year, I had no idea what

is going on. When I entered my

classroom, I was surprised to see my all

friends. My all friends from last year

they were there. That made me happy. I

started to know new children, It was a

great start, I tried to be friend with new

children, I loved the start of the Academic


I still remember when the Prize Day

Message was shared with the students. I

saw Ms. May announcing the names, I was so nervous and thought my

name won’t be there but to my surprise when she announced my name, and

my heart stopped for a moment.

I was so excited at that moment, I told my teacher and my friends about the

Prize Day.I was so excited, on the day, people were clapping for me they gave

me the report and the souvenir plate. My dad and mom and aunt and

grandmother and my two brothers were there.it was a day worth




Year 6 was a great year though a lot unusual

happened. I had so much fun playing, messing,

studying, and completing my work on the final

days. I also had a lot of fun in-group works.


Year 6 was a very fascinating year for me. I still

remember the first day when I entered the class, I

couldn’t think I would make a lot of friends other

than the ones I already knew. It turned out that, I

was completely wrong . I made many friends.

Then during remote learning, things got totally

changed, we missed our classrooms, school

building, and teachers. Teachers were not only

teaching face to face, but also, they put a lot of

effort in helping us, I would like to thank Ms.

Saima and Ms. Branka along with Ms. Rim and

Ms. Anita and all my teachers for giving us a

wonderful year.

We will meet again!! / BY Zayaan Nezar

I had an amazing Year. I got to spend great

time with my family and used it to get

better at studies as this was a golden chance

to study from home.

Even though we were stuck at home, I was

still in touch with my teachers and felt like

I never left school. Ms Saima, Ms Rim and

Ms Brancka were there daily to help me out,

as were all the others,

I cannot wait to get back to school and meet

everyone again.

In my soul/ by Abdullah

This year, in first term, I secured 50

achievement points and when I gave a

surprise to my dad, he hugged me as tight

as he could. The teachers like me as well, I

am happy and relaxed cause I have so

many achievements and I made many

new friends. We went to so many places

because of school trips, I still remember the

fun at Warner Bros and Masdar city and I

love this wonderful year.


THIS YEAR was a wonderful YEAR we

learnt many new things it was easy and

efficient all thanks to the support and

kindness of our teachers. Year 6 has

many great opportunities like becoming a

student leader or after school activities

even talent shows and competitions I hope

WE get at least one of them. As WE ARE

getting to higher grades things might get

harder. I would suggest everyone to make

sure to listen to the teacher also if you

have a doubt ask them do not be shy and

then you can become a brilliant student. Stay blessed, stay loved, stay safe,

and make sure to say a big thank you to teachers.



Year 6 was the best year I've had so far. All the

fights, the games, the debates will always be in

my memory, especially when I beat up Owais,

which I will always remember. My favourite

activity was the one in book day. We had to

choose a book and the other groups should guess

the book. I figured out the most books, which was

why it was so memorable. I also won't forget my

first goal ever which was a scorpion kick, it was

corner and Monzer shot it a bit high, which was

in our second P.E lesson of the year. I will not forget the teachers too. In

addition, I will not forget how many sanitizers we all had and shared. 6B1

will always be in my heart.


Year 6 was a great year for me apart from all

the other things that are happening I had so

much fun playing and messing around and

studying and completing my work on the

final days as I procrastinate a LOT. I also

had a lot of fun in group works as in that we

have THE BEST cooperation (sarcasm

intended) and Owais kept on knocking my

pencil case down :)


Ali khan Year 6 b1

It was such an amazing year.

It made my knowledge go smoothly like a


I loved my teachers and friends,

They both were perfect at strong ends.

My form tutor was amazing her names is

Ms Saima,

My brain used her lessons as a bandana.

Ms. Brancka was a lovely teacher too,

She used to jump in my brain and give me

knowledge like a kangaroo.

The most interesting teacher was miss Rim,

She was an amazing teacher full of

knowledge like a beam.

There were many other stars like Ms. Kuki, Ms Jelena, Ms Reema, Ms. Cony

Let me tell you friends, they all are as sweet as honey. My personal favourite

was Mr Steve Brecken,

He was amazing and delightful if you don't think so you are mistaken.

Here we are going to leave this year

I won't forget this ever, but will

Give it a cheer!


This year was a great year and was a bit weird

too. I loved all learning and all the teachers are

amazing especially Ms Branka and Ms Saima

they are the best. My friends helped me a lot .I

will remember the teachers .Everyone has done

great job! thank u for this amazing year.

MY MEMORIES….BY: Hassan Hussam Omran

In year 6 I was in a very good section

because we had more activities. we had fun

and every day I worked hard to do my test,

quiz to achieve all goals. I thank to all

teachers who worked hard to teach me to

learn and to understand every subjects to

follow the rules and not change it. So,

thanks to all teachers all their hard works,

and have THE BEST TIME.



I wish everyone a goodbye and a good

year 7 and the teachers to do their best

like they did with us with next year’s

students. Next year is a brand new

year with new concepts and new

friends. I hope everyone will be happy.




At the beginning of year 6 I felt scared and

lonely because there were many kids who I

had not seen before, but throughout the year I

have made friends with most of them. This

year has been a year that I shall remember

for the rest of my life because of all the

things I have learnt and all the people who I

made friends with. The end of this year has

been a new experience with COVID-19 and

remote learning and I hope that the future is


P.S: I am going to miss all my teachers.


Year 6 has been a great experience for me. I was

pretty scared when I first entered the classroom

because I was going to have new classmates and

teachers. I still had some of my previous ones.

But there were some kids I had no idea about. I

even ended up developing friendship with people I

thought I had no chance to become friends with,

Like Ali Nehan and Izaan. I even like the

teachers, they used to introduce the topics in an

entertainig way and sometimes they even put

movies! I will always remember MY Year 6.

FUN PACKED YEAR By: Mohammed Raghib

This year is the best year ever yet, the

most supportive teachers, the funniest

friends and the biggest classroom, I love

them all. This was a big year and I wish

same for the next year. My friends are the

most I am going to miss, I cannot forget

the time we played catching in break time

and fought sometimes during class. I

think I had more laughing than

studying this year, it is kind of tearful. I

love my lovely class my most stunning

year. I cannot express in words the fun we

had together as a class.


overcame all obstacles


When I came to year 6 I was shy because

I didn't have many friends but then we

met our teachers and they were so nice.

A few weeks later we got our lockers then

school got harder and harder but I made

amazing friends and they are the nicest

people I have ever met.

Then covid-19 came and then we got

online school which was harder with

more homework but besides all that we


Year 6 was a great experience for me. At

first, it was challenging getting to

know my new friends and my new

teachers. It was also challenging to keep

up with the work in year 6. Then came

the biggest surprise; COVID 19. From

then on, we could not hang out and we

were all alone. We said no, we are going

to get through this together and we did

it. Online learning was a big success

and a big thank you to all our

wonderful teachers. We say goodbye to primary, I hope we will be able to go on

a trip down memory lane next semester. As a class, we have bonded and we

have gotten over the hard times and we have done it together.

In conclusion, I would like to say, “There are no goodbyes.”

Wherever we go year 6 will always be in my heart. For me, I am looking

forward to get back to school and make a lot more memories”.


Year 6 was an astonishing year for me,

I had so much fun we used to play in

the basketball field every day. I had

amazing friends to play with and used

to laugh all the time. We had lots of fun

in class. We used to do a lot of quizzes

and exams (boring


Ibrahim Khan

Year 6 has been a great experience. On the first

day, I was a bit scared that the teachers would

be strict and class fellows would be mean, but

it turned out different, my teachers were kind

and my friends were very loving and

friendly. I learned a lot about all subjects. I

will miss all of the teachers and hope all of my

friends will be again with me in year 7.


It was such a short time that I got to be

with my teachers and friends in school,

but I cherish all my lovely moments in

year 6. I am sure all my teachers will

understand and forgive my childishness.

My teachers always been very kind and

never left any chance to appreciate me

.Thank You all!!!

I won’t say I will miss all my teachers

and friends but I will be excited to say

hello when we meet next time.


How can I ever forget my class 6B1 and

the amazing year of my life? On the very

first day, when I entered the classroom the

icy blow of the air conditioner and my

friends sitting on the table welcomed me. I

remember the first lesson was Maths with

Ms. Brankica (On Sunday) and it was

my favourite as maths is my much-loved

subject. Then after Monday, we had

Physical Education. I was excited to play cricket with my friends, and then I

continued like that for the first term. In the second term, many students

from year 7 were selected for school cricket team. Moreover, after sometime

Don Thehaan from my class was also selected for the team. I was crazy to go

to the school team because I wanted to represent the school. After a lot of

practice and training, Alhamdulillah I was selected in the team with

Thehaan .

However, because of Corona Virus the tournament was postponed. I am still

practicing daily and inshallah I will be selected again next year.

This year was one of the memorable year for me because my teachers kept

supporting me and I was thrilled to show my talent and hard work. Once

again a salute to our teachers who work hard for us.


Hello, I’m Shan, this message is for all my

teachers, it was a wonderful year despite the

pandemic, we had lots of fun and I hope next

year would be as fun as this year.



Thank you, teachers, for everything!

Your teachings will always guide us to grow.

You really helped and understood when we were


Thank you for encouraging me when I was


Your classes taught us how to become better.

Thank you all for your compassion.

You helped us to find out what we could not see.

Thank you, teachers, you will never be forgotten


Thanks all teachers for your support and

helping us in all subjects. We will always

miss our all fun filled moments. It is sad that

we cannot have end of year party, but I assure

you all, that we will come back to greet and

meet you when school reopens.

Amazing year


My experience of year 6 was remarkable we had so

ample fun. I am going to miss everything and I want

to thank my teachers for all their efforts. I WISH

everyone stays safe.





It was a year full of changes. But one thing remained

same that was the care and love of our teachers. Salute

to all teachers.


6B1 was a super class and we really enjoyed being

with all of the teachers and friends too.














We can never forget this year.it was full of

fun and uncertainties. However, the best thing

was our teachers and friends. WE WILL




This year was one of my best years! I made a lot of

new friends and those are Ofentse, Simon, Ali

Zayan. This year I also met my very nice teachers. I

had a lot of fun. There were some fights here and

there during the year, which I didn’t like, but

overall this was a great year. I’m going to have

many nice memories…

Ali Kamal Mohamed

There are a lot of things to talk about this year. This pandemic has

turned the world around. Who could imagine that only in a blink

of an eye the entire world has devastated. Let’s remember the

golden time when our year 6 started. How excited I was not only

to become a part of Upper Primary, but also elected as a

PREFECT. I am short of words when I need to describe my

teachers – Ms Branka, Ms Anita, Ms Rim, Ms Sana and many

more – they all are perfect in every manner.

Ms Cony is the head and she’s perfect. Together they are the gang

of PERFECTIONISTS. I was blessed to have some good friends

whom I can rely like I do my brothers. Even in this hard time we

are thanful to our school principal, our teachers and management,

who worked hard and kept our moral high and delivered us a

quality education. We didn't learn only usual course outline, but

also were able to reinforce ourselves through latest technology

learning. Now, when we are heading towards our school year end,

I can proudly say that even in this hard time I have made an

unforgettable memory.

Ali Zayan Khan

This year has been one of the most unexpected years of my

entire life. I never imagined it would be like this. I thought

it would be a normal year with lots of learning and fun.

During the beginning of the year I really enjoyed the time

I spent and wished I could spend more time with everyone.

Sadly, because of the pandemic we could not meet and I

really was disappointed. We started online learning which

we slowly got used to. We started meeting and talking to

friends online. We learnt how to adapt to situations and I

feel we are ready to face challenges. Since this Academic

year is coming to an end I want to wish and hope everyone

will have a good year ahead. I would like to thank all the

Teachers and wish all of us good luck. Looking forward for

the next Academic Year…

Bhavin Pinnamaneni

Thank you all and I wish you all the best. You have

been wonderful teachers that gave me an inspiration

to believe in myself even when sometimes I didn’t

believe in myself. You have taught me a lot and I will

always miss your classes.

Hamdan Mohammed Alfulaiti

I love my year six experience. I loved when I hung out

with my friends. I will never forget my teachers

Ms Branka and Ms Cony and everyone I know. I

learned so much things in year 6 and some things were

hard, but now I got to know everything. I will never

forget everyone in the school. I will be so sad when I

leave my friends. This is the best school I

have ever been in my whole life.

Faris Al Daghma

This school provides education to live better and make progress for

tomorrow. Not only it provides education but it is a tool of character

building of a nation. The good schools are indeed the true assets of a

nation. I am blessed to study in such a great school. My school is the

best school in the entire city. I come to school with other friends of

mine. We happily enter into the schools with great confidence. We take

part in school assembly and then we move into our classrooms. As I

enter into my classroom, I feel quite happy and relaxed.

And MS Branka greets us daily and asks about us. She is quite cool

and kind lady. She entertains us along with teaching Math.

My school has the best available facilities like playground, a library

and a great computer lab. The library of our school is very big and

keeps the books for all the students. We also have school activities like

Talent show, Sports day, Writing competition etc.

And also, I hope I’ll see all my teachers one day, because I think that

we can’t meet now because of Covid-19. And I hope Covid-19 is going to

die and I can meet my teachers later!

Isaac Vaddemani

Even though half of the school semester was online work, that doesn’t mean

this school year was bad. School before and after the pandemic was fun. My

friends and me would “zoom” after school and communicate throughout the

year. Even before the pandemic started we would talk, play and chill. I

would rate this school year 8.5/10 because throughout the pandemic we

managed to keep things up and running.

Jabir Mahmoud Mohamed

In year 6 I have learnt things that were very

interesting. My teachers were the best I have ever had.

They answered questions that were in my mind since I

started school. I will miss all of my teachers and

remember them for the rest of my life!

= (

Mohammed Bin Umer

Now, when I come to think about Year 6, I can only see

myself studying from home due to Coronavirus. Although,

when I come to think of it, there are a lot of fun things that

happened to me during this time. This has been my first

year in CHS, but I can say it went pretty well. I got to meet

new friends, have a birthday party, go wild at Warner

Bros, dress up as Sherlock Holmes during World Book Day,

nail Twin Day with Ahmed, create a fabulous memory for

my trip to Masdar City, and bring chips for my class during

every special occasion. And shortly after that, came

something truly dramatic: Covid-19, which is why we spent

the rest of the year indoors, using our electronics for

studying. I couldn’t feel the sadness of not going to school,

but I could feel the sadness of not visiting my aunts in

Dubai. I really hope this pandemic will be over soon! And

finally, after two weeks, we will be done with Year 6, and

start our summer vacation, which will then lead us to our

first year of Middle School. I am truly excited and hope it

will go well

Mohammad Suhaib Qureshi

It started off well with attending school. I was playing with friends and I

was studying at school.

Then the coronavirus came. We were on lockdown and we had to do

remote learning. I missed my friends so much. Remote learning was very

challenging. My parents were both working so it was tough, because

sometimes I had to do the difficult work on my own. But there was a good

part that came out of remote learning. It taught me how to be more

responsible and it also taught me how much it was much better being in a

school environment.

Ofentse Sebele Pilane

Year 6 was great. I met many people, and all of us

changed a lot. I really don’t have the word to express

how great was year 6. I really want to give a shout out

to all my teachers. They helped and improved my

knowledge and really gave me the courage to become

the person I am today. I’m really going to miss the

teachers and all my classmates. I had so many

memorable memories with them. One of the best times

was when Saad slipped on the floor when he called me

“clumsy”. So, all I can say is that this year has been


Oshitha Kapukotuwa

It is a great to express my year 6 school experience with

Cambridge High School Abu Dhabi.

I was newly moved to the Cambridge High School and

joined with year 6B2, which is under my best class teacher

Mrs. Branka and I meet a lot of good boys, my class friends.

My class teacher Mrs. Branka is great teacher who always

guide me to the best way to achieve my best level. Many

Thanks to her and to all of my subject teachers.

I have met a lot of boys and good friends in the class.

I hope next year academic is the great time for me to

improve and boost my knowledge and I will have more

great time with my teachers and friends.

I enjoyed the school trips and exciting time with all my

teachers and friends.

Thanks to all my teachers!

Rayyan Taqqiyudin Pasha

My experience during my 6 th year has been surprisingly an

adventurous one. The year as usual had started with new

challenges and harder learning as we are moving to higher

classes. I made some incredible new friends we shared lots of

fun and learning. My form teacher and maths teacher, Ms.

Branka, has been a great inspiration and guided us through

all our tough times with so much effort and dedication. All

the other subject teachers too had supported us equally and

made learning ever so fun. The year-end took an unexpected

turn because of the pandemic and in spite of all the risk, our

teachers did not let this effect our learning in any way, and

through remote learning we have been busy. I wish I could

bid my teachers and friends a proper farewell with a warm


Rishit Yerraguntla

I like school because it makes me brave and confident

about my studies and sport. My friends are really

helpful. They help me with my work and they make me

really happy, especially my class. It is the best class I’ve

been in. The teachers were sometimes strict, but that is

ok, because it will make me better in future. Every day

was very special, because we learnt something new

every day.

Saad Siddiqui

This year was like a fun and emotional train ride. Every day

we would have an exhausting but fun day at school. This

school year was definitely the best for me.

Even though we are in a terrible pandemic, all the teachers

did their best to make our days better. All the teachers made

it so easy for us to work at home. The only difference in

remote learning is that we can’t meet and talk with each

other, but we should be happy because it could’ve been much


This year was an awesome year and I am excited for the rest

to come.

Sanuth Batuwatta

I loved my time in year 6. It is the experience that I will always remember.

My friends, my teachers, I wish that all of them come to my class in years 7, 8,

9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. But most of all I will remember my teachers.

Shreshth Dadhich

My experience in year 6 was out of the world! I met so many

people I will forever remember and who are now my best

friends. Being extrovert that I am, I had a mission to make

sure I found the best friends I could find and, if you’re one of

my younger audience, I want to say you should take your

time finding your friends, cause your time in year 6 will fly

by. I came to year 6 expecting a lot: new lockers, new people,

new teachers, but what I realised is that there’s no time to

worry about change cause in that time you should be getting

ready for it. We are all going to grow up eventually whether

we like it or not, so it’s our job to take the time we have and

make sure we do what our heart desires. I never thought I

could be a musician, never thought I had enough bravery to

get on a stage and rap in front of my whole Key Stage, but

as soon as I got on that stage I realised something - life is a

roller coaster and it’s my job to choose whether I’m going to

sit and grab on for my life or to put your hands up and have

the best life you can. And we all are going to go through that

moment in life. In conclusion, I have had many ups and

downs, time when I cried, time when I laughed, but most

importantly time when I learnt and at the end of the day

that’s what we all came to do!

Simon Mupambo

All my other 5 years of schooling had a normal learning

experience. However, this was the only one which was

different from the other 5 years, because this year I got to

learn through remote learning. I enjoyed MS Teams, Miro

and My On. But at the same time, I terribly missed my

normal school classes, my PE lessons, my class fellows and


In conclusion, this whole year was weird, sad, unusual, but

educational, and it was a fun experience also. I hope that the

Coronavirus comes to an end soon and everything comes

back to normal. I love everyone in the school, and I hope

everyone is all right. I wish I can see you all in the school

really soon!

Zayyan Farooqi

Thank you to everyone. My last year in primary has

been the best year yet. Year 6 has been incredible

and I can't wait for my next journey secondary

school. Thank you to my classmates who helped me

and supported me and made it a wonderful year. It

was a hard year because it is the first year for me in

CHS, but with the support of my teachers I was able

catch up with my friends. Half of the year was a

difficult experience with remote learning. It is going

to be hard starting secondary school.

I wish you all good luck next year!!!

Rodina Ibrahim 6G1

Hi 6G1, it’s Haniya and I am going to miss all of you guys so

much and I am going to miss Mrs Rim a lot too. You are all so nice and caring.

My year 6 experience was a once in a life time opportunity for me but

was kind of tough in the start when I was getting used to things because I

was new but later on I improved and tried my best. I’ll miss you all ❤️

Haniya Adnan - 6 G1

My personal highlights for the year was being made head girl for upper primary

and doing well both academically and on spots too. This year was very different as

compared to previous years due to the pandemic. While we enjoyed a regular

school life for the first half. The latter half of year was a very different experience

with remote learning. Wishing all my peers the very best for our formative senior

years. A big shout out to all our teachers and management at CHS for doing a

fabulous job these past few months.

Kyra Isabelle – 6G1 -

Dear Ms Rim

This year has been a challenging and fun year. The

challenging part of this year was when the

coronavirus hit us. We could not socialize with friends

or go to school. The fun part of this year was when we

threw a surprise birthday party for Ms Rim. When we

made smores and many other things in class and had a

party! Haha good times. I enjoyed going to school

every day because the teachers were friendly and

accommodated everyone. In Science lesson, when we

did the circuit topic oh boy that was very good and we

learnt a lot. I'm so glad that I have made some good friends. The 2020 grade 6

teachers will be in my heart forever.

Kupa Kupakwashe Kayla Nyengera 6G1

I will miss my friends and teachers ☺hoping

for the next year corona free ☺

Abiha Umair


experience in year 6 was awesome. My friends and I have so many memories like

that time when the boys went for sports day and the girls were making

milkshakes… That was an awesome moment. Being in year 7 made me feel older

and proud of myself and graduating now makes me miss all the things I did in year

6. So, I want to thank all the teachers and students for giving me the best year ever!

Abighiya Dagim Nega












Bye year 6

Maryam Lodhi 6g1

As a student from Cambridge high school, I would

love to say that I enjoyed my school life. Even

though I was new, I loved this experience remote

learning. It was new for me and thanks so much to

the lovable teachers who have helped me with my

work and have encouraged me so much and have

brought me to this new path. I would like to say

thanks so much to all CHS including Mr Steve, our

teachers, my friends and the whole management.

Rayan Thottakurichi 6 G1

First thing I am going to start by saying thank you to all teachers and classmate

who supported me and thank you to Mrs Cony

and Mr Steve who made first year in this school

amazing. This year had so much activity and fun

things and thanks for all of the teachers that

worked hard to help us learn new things. This

year was hard compared to the other years in

my other school but with the support by my

classmates and my teachers it wasn’t hard for

me. This year I also experienced remote

learning and again I will say thank you for

everyone. I am going to miss you. I wish for

everyone best of luck next year!!!!

Noor Aljaberi 6G1

Shanza 6G1

My experience in year 6 was the best year because

the teachers are kind and very helpful and my

classmates are friendly, kind and helpful. When I

make a mistake my classmates and teachers always

help me. It’s sad to leave but I will never forget the

best year in my life. Thank you miss for everything

you did to help us learn and more.

Dalal Alameri - 6G1

Year 6 was the most remarkable and

memorable days of my school life. When I

entered my classes all my teachers were

kind and loving to me. During my time in

school I had good moments, but my best

moments that I've experienced are in my

upper primary year. I remember when I

was explaining about graph in math class,

doing more activities in science classes, a

lots of sports activities in P.E classes ,

doing more kahoot games and learning

about UAE in UAE social studies class,

most fun part about English class was

doing spelling test every week, my favorite

topic in ICT class was creating survey and my most excitement learning

about World war in social studies class. I have learnt a lot during this


I am thankful to all my loving teachers (Ms. Cony, Ms. Reema, Ms. Rim,

Ms. Karthika, Ms. Asma, Ms. Saima, Ms. Sana and Ms. Anita) for

teaching me and guiding me all through this year.


Alphonsa Henry

I would like to start by saying thank you to everyone who has

made my last year in primary as one of

the best I’ve had so far. Year 6 has been

an incredible experience and I can’t wait

to start the rest of my journey entering

secondary school. I have met such

amazing people and I’m so glad to have

them with me every second. Thank you

to all the students and to all my

classmates who have supported me

throughout the academic year and made

it so wonderful. Also, thank you to all the

teachers whho have worked very hard

because you have taughtt me so much

and helped me improve a lot this year.

It’s going to be hard seeing new faces

and missingb the old ones but I wish you

all a great year next year and good luck!

Diana Aloisa Iranzo – 6G1

I liked this year because I made more friends and the teachers are all kind

to me and they never make the lessons bad.

They always try their best to make the lessons more fun.

Best of all is that this year, I was a leadership student and it was so fun.

In my old school, I used to go by car but this year I am in a bus and I made

lots of friends from the bus. I love this year and it was the best

So firstly, I want to thank all my

teachers and friends for their continuous

support. I am going to miss everybody a

lot, especially my three favorite teachers:

Ms. Anita, Ms. Reema and Ms. Rim. I hope

we return to school at the earliest.

Because of this virus, we are going

through distance learning, which is very

sad. This year was full of fun. I want to

be in year 6 for some more time but it’s time for year

seven, but still I will never forget year 6.

By: Mehreen Sara

Thank you, all teachers, in year 6 it

has been a really good experience, I

have come here for about 4 years

from now, I have the sweetest

friends in year 6. Thank you, Miss

Anita for working hard. In this

pandemic it was very sad to see that

we can’t go back to school and do

really fun activities. I will never

forget these memorable memories

like going to trips and other

occasions. God bless all of the

teachers who have been teaching students and

experiencing hard times in life. I want to thank my

friends, Sara and Syeda Iba for being with me in this

journey in year 6, these guys have always been behind my

back. Sometimes we worked in a group, these guys make

me happy.

By: Amna Masood

Hello my name is Maria. When I started year 6 I had no idea what

was ahead of me. If I have to say, my experience was like a roller

coaster. The first half of the year was

normal with fun activities but the last

semester was way different I mean, who

would have imagined that the last

semester students and teachers would be

sitting at home and learning online

because of covid-19. But I was amazed

when my teachers handled it so well. I

really do not want to go away from year

6 because that meant I would have to

leave my wonderful and amazing teachers

and I have had so many superb

experiences And I enjoyed my online learning experience. I want to

thank my teachers and parents for doing everything so well during

this tough time. I have made so many unforgettable experiences

and friendships.

By: Maria Inam

Year 6G2

My name is Athari, I will always be grateful

for everything that you have done for me


especially all my teachers and also my

friends. A lot of new experiences I have got

in year 6 for example trips and learning

different subjects. I wish I could stay in

year 6 but for sure I will miss my

classmates and my teachers Because I love u

so much. But due to the pandemic outbreak I

stay at home and I use online and I can’t

visit my friends and my family members around us. l will never

regret the day I joined year 6 but I will miss the graduation.

By: Athari

The first time I walked into my Year 6

classroom I was so excited. Year 6 was

the best. all my Teachers were the best

Ms. Anita, MS. Reema, Ms. Saima and all

they were amazing.

I wish we had a little more time and even

when this pandemic showed up who knew

the whole world would turn upside down.

They still were the BEST TECHERS, they

helped me through all the things I did not

understand. I will miss them so much and I

love them very much. I will always come to say hello.

I thank all my Teachers & all who voted for me to become

a Prefect in CHS where I really enjoyed. Made me & my

family Proud. I hope next year will be a little better.

Signed By:


It’s that time again when we students have

to say good bye to our beloved teachers and

friends. who leaves the school. Year 6 was

fun, I made lots of new friends and met new

teachers. Confronted hard times as a student

and a friend. New topics and new events

kept me mesmerized. End of this year was

hard, but we learnt and grew anyway.

Remote learning was altogether a new

experience for all. I thank all my teachers

and friends. Hope to be back in school soon.

Signed by: Mahnoor Ahmad

I am Pranjal Sharma.

My experience

throughout the year

6g2 was amazing. At

first, I was nervous

and terror-struck, that

the people won’t like

me. Once I entered my

class room everyone

was so genres and

friendly. During the

course of the year I

made so many new

friends and had a

magnificent year. I did

so many new things.

Like if I think about it

I went to Masdar city.

At every occasion I

brought chips for my classmates. But out of the blue a

new infection came covid 19 and now we are stuck at

home studying. It is not as fun as normal school but I

know teachers are trying their best and they always had

a way to make our day nice. Now there are 3 days left

for year 6 then we will enter middle school. I finished

this year and I am ready for the next year.

By: Pranjal

This year was the best year ever for me.

Thanks teachers for all your support and

help. I had a sweet dream about my lovely

school (Cambridge high school). I saw that

all my friends were smiling and we were

celebrating our graduation for this year.

I suddenly woke up only to realize it was

a dream. Tears rolled down from my eyes,

I started crying. My parents convinced

me soon everything will be fine. I am

happy that we all are safe and healthy.

Love you, teachers and my classmates and

especially to the most beloved principal

and vice principal Mr Steve and Ms Kuki. Thanks a lot

for supporting and special thanks to the workers who

always clean our school.

By: Rumisa

Dear teachers and friends, I will miss all

of the days in year 6. This experience

through year 6 was amazing. I thought

year 6 was amazing. Now I am really sad

to bid bye, to my teachers. Amazingly, we

continued meeting friends and teachers in

this situation too. Dear teachers I will

always be by your side and hold you close

to my heart. Even though I move to year

7, will come to see all of you.

By: Arfa

I have loved being in year 6 from the

first day I entered. I have had great

teachers, amazing friends, awesome

grades, and maybe a few

improvements too. I wish I could

stay in year 6 a little more but,

graduation again, is kind of


By: Syeda Iba Danish

Farewell my beloved ones, I will miss

every bit of you all even the annoying

ones! Just know that I will miss the

moments we had with our beloved


My experience in Year-6 has been lovely

At first, I didn’t know if I could fit in

with others but after some days I made

good friends I did many activities

especially in Science and Math’s. I wish I

could celebrate this special day with my beloved teachers and

friends. I really hope this pandemic year will be over soon!

And finally, after two weeks we will be done with year-6, and

start with our summer vacation, which will lead us to our first

middle school, I am truly excited and hope it will go well!

By: Minahil

This year is not normal we did distance learning you know I will re

ally miss my friends’ teachers being in year 6 and all the fun time.

I will really miss Ms.

Anita because She have worked so hard in shaping me into the stud

ent I am today. I thank you for being such an amazing teacher and

for all your great lessons. I feel so fortunate to have been placed

in your class. You have amazed and inspired me daily and for that I

am thankful because you are truly a wonderful teacher.

I will miss you all and miss the time we spent together.

By: Saley

Year six was one of my best years in my school journey, I had such

nice time with my friends and I learned so much from my teachers,

we had twin day, trips, blue day and pink day, and all the

certificates I got, I also danced in the national day all these are

the fun time that I had in this year, I will never forget this year.

By: Shahd

I am “Fizza Raza” from 6 G-2. I

joined this school last year & during

this one-year period I have a lot to

say on it.

Basically, this school is one of the

best schools in terms of everything,

like: Class room, Library, Practical

Laboratories, Sports Activities /

Ground & among them well educated &

qualified staff. In addition to this, all

of my classmates are so friendly and

helpful that I cannot express in


What should I say about my teachers,

AMAZING!! They have always

motivated and supported me in so

many different ways that I can’t even


There are so many good & valuable memories that I have made

during this period like: being Mary Poppins for character day and

twinning with my friends on twin day. Since there is COVID-19 &

it lets us for distance learning or remote learning, but hey at least

we are experiencing new things!

I would like to thank all my teachers specially: Ms. Anita, Ms.

Reema, Ms. Saima, Ms. Rim, Ms. Dina, Mr. Omer, Ms. Kartika, Ms.

Jelena, Ms. Katrina, Ms. Asma, and Ms. Cony who made me more

confident and perfect like them. Not only that, our principle Mr.

Steve has been so calm throughout this pandemic and did what was

best for us. And I will never forget how my friends made me

stronger and more AMAZING in every way they could. And now I

HOPE that year 7 will be the same but a teeny tiny different.

By: Fizza Raza

In my year 6 experience I learned lots of

stuff, got many friends, got caring teachers

like Miss. Reema, Rim, Sana, Saima! Since this

pandemic happened I am not able to see my

friends or go anywhere! But I remembered the

memorable moments that I had with my friends

and teachers. I liked the events that happened

in school and the trips especially when we

could go crazy in warner bros! I even loved to,

when we did the event of math in real life! I

really liked to be in year 6 but now this year

is ending and summer vacations are coming to have fun in! I will think

that all my friends are very close to me and my teachers!

Nadia khan

My Class Experience.

Hi I’m going to tell you about my

year 6 experience. Year 6 the best

class I was in and had the best

teachers I thank you all for

supporting me and miss Anita how

you gave me chance to be class

monitor and the fun activities we

did with you and with all the

teachers we all had a really good

time I even had fun with friends.

The friend I made were the best I enjoyed when we all

went to Masdar city and went to sports day it was really

good and I wish we would do thinks together again, but

this covid-19 had come and we are doing remote learning

and MS Reem who helped me understand in the lesson

thank you very much.

Maryam Usman

Hi, my name is Amra

Shaheel. My year 6 was so

cheerful and fantastic and I

say a thank you to the

teachers, it is a simple but

meaningful phrase. We

appreciate you teachers

don’t just teach children. They help prepare kids for the

road ahead in life. I want to thank you for teaching me so

much every day, every moment. Thank you for inspiring

with your life stories. Thank you for making me believe

that the work I chose was right for me.

By Amrah

My year 6 experience was the best

experience I ever had since year 1. I am

so happy I finally get to share it with my

teachers! I am so happy to have awesome

teachers this year. Ms. Rim, Ms. Rima,

Ms. Anita and many more. I had so much

excitement this year. Birthday and warner bros are some

examples. I like the way the teachers always make

concept cleared and help all children with things that

they are not sure of. I will miss some of the teachers

that won't be with us anymore. I am also excited about

graduation and it is also important to complete school

because it depends on our career. I just wanted to stay a

little longer, just a little bit unfortunately I can’t. Can’t

wait to see who my teachers are next year if I go to

school next year that is.

Have a great day!

Sara Shamsuddin Fidai 6G2

In year 6 I had a lot of fun,

especially in the field trips!

It was also the one picture

day that I was happy with

since in most pictures it’s

either my messy hair or

something. Even though most

of my friends were in

different classes, I managed

to make many friends in 6G2

and got closer with classmates

that were there last year. I

studied harder than before

this year and got more than a

hundred merits with zero

behaviour points and I’m very proud of myself! I honestly

thought grade 6 would be my last year in Cambridge High

School and I’ll spend the rest in Pakistan but of course,

because of COVID 19, I cant go to Pakistan. I’ve achieved

most of my goals/targets of this year like getting better

handwriting and good marks as well as studying hard which

is great. I don’t think I did that well with learning online

at first but now I’m used to it all. Becoming a senior soon

is scary and nerve-racking but I should be happy that I

actually made it through lower and upper primary without

failing a subject and I’m looking forward to doing my best

next year and onwards!

Fatima Mughal 6G2

Year 6 was amazing and still is, the teachers are

really kind and there are for you when you need

help. My classmates are really kind as well, my

new friends that I made this year are amazing. I

really enjoyed the trips, and special days like;

Sports day, blue/pink day, Earth day etc. E-

learning was a unique and different experience

from what we usually do in school. I hope next year

will be even better if I do come.

By: Imanuellah 6G3

My year 6 experience was great, some people may

not think so because of my attitude and mood but it

was really decent until this remote learning came, It

was like an unfortunate event and because of that,

most of the year was just remote learning, it was

harder to communicate with friends, until they

found Teams, the only good thing on this remote

learning is that the school isn’t giving up on

something they hadn’t thought about, they are

finding more resources to keep us on track.

And something tells me that I am having a MARVELOUS YEAR, I

started hearing that sound from the start of the year and this is where the same

sound led me, End of the Year!

By: Alaa

Farewell my beloved friends, I will miss every bit of you all

even the annoying parts! Just know that you all will

always be close to my heart and I will always love you guys.

Know that I will miss the moments we had with our

beloved teachers. My experience in year 6 has been lovely.

At first, I didn’t know if I could fit in with the others but

I made some friends that helped me fit in just right and I

got to be myself. I had some very memorable moments with

my friends and teachers. Ms Reema Cardoza, Ms

Saima Ali, Ms Rim Soliman and Ms Dina Atia have

taught me so much throughout the year and I am really

thankful for them. My friends; Izmah Ghufran, Nadia Khan, Minahil Kifayat,

Fizza Raza, Arfa Riaz, Amna Wasif Dar, Mahnoor Ahmed and Rumaisa Farhat

Khan have helped me so much throughout the year with school work and personal life. I am

really thankful to them and all they have done for me. I am sad to say good bye to everyone

and I hope this pandemic is over soon because I am dying to see everyone again

Haneen Ghias

When I came to this school I was so excited and nervous. I was too shy but I made friends.

My friends changed every day. Then I made real friends who cared about our friendship.

In my class (^G3) everyone was helpful and kind. In my old school I have never felt like

how I felt in this school. We had a lot of lovely times, for example we had a cooking day

which we had to cook or make it in the class!!

My year in year 6-G3 was extraordinary and

unique. It was very strange at first, getting

adjusted and meeting new people but after a

month or two, we all became good friends. The

teachers were also very kind and caring and they

helped me in studies and problems between me

and my classmates. My form tutor and math

teacher, Ms.Reema, helped me in many ways

and made learning math fun and interesting. I

was also elected to be a student prefect and I took

my responsibility very seriously and it was fun.

During celebrated school days, we played games

with the class and talked and chatted to the point

we couldn’t stop. We had fun projects and in

some of them we could pair up with our friends.

We also had an activity in math in which we made created our own recipes. Then,

COVID-19 came and we all had lockdown, we couldn’t go to school or anywhere outside.

However, we proceeded with our work remotely at home using Microsoft Teams. Our

teachers still made it fun for us and during our form time, we would share the activities we do

to pass the time and it was nice just to talk to each other. This is the best year I have ever had

at The Cambridge High School and I hope next year would be just as fun!


By: Izmah Ghufran 6-G3

My name is Josphine Mariam from

6G3.I think overall, year 6 was awesome!!

There were a few things I missed because of

the lockdown like PE and art (hey I like the

other subjects but I like art and PE more!!)

also the online learning was fun, but we

didn’t get to see each other during classes and

that was disappointing. So, in conclusion

year 6 was the best!!!!!

Josphine Mariam Harrison

Grade 06 G3

Year 6 has been a wonderful school year

because I had a group of wonderful teachers

and friends, I had also improved in academics.

I have become a better friend, a better student.

I will definitely miss year 6 and all my teachers

and friends , those who might leave.

Vaishnavi Krishnan 6G3

Year 6 was a great experience for me because it

was my First year in Cambridge High School,

I made a lot of new friends whom I was able to

communicate with.

We joined hands as a team when we had a

football competition; that was my favorite day

in Cambridge High School, because my team

is Kestrel and I nailed it and we won. During

the break my friends and I were playing hide

and seek. I remember also the day when we

cooked in school; imagine I wouldn't ever

thought that we can cook. We had lots of

learning and fun each day on online learning.

We had virtual form time every Thursday at 10:30 A.M. We showed our

classmates what we do in quarantine; for me; I posted a video baking cinnamon

rolls that was very tasty and I was happy that it was posted on the school’s social

media. Our teachers were so funny and kind they get us to do plenty of work and

they let us have lots of learning and lots of fun. My friends are so kind we get to

teach each other a lot of new stuff and also, we have a zoom meeting to watch movies


I thank everyone in Cambridge High School. It was my favorite year!

Nada 6G3

My experience in year 6 was very good. I liked my

classmates and we always worked together. I learned

many skills from my form teacher Ms. Reema.

She taught us how to think carefully before

we answer any questions. I enjoyed my time in school

with my lovely friends. I always got many merits from

my teachers which encouraged me to work very hard. I

enjoyed this year and tried my best to do well in school.

By:Salama Alhammadi 6G3

We went to school. I had a lot of fun with

my friends and my teachers during the year.

I always loved answering questions. My

favourite part was going to Warner Bros.

with 3 of my friends... Online learning was

fun too and it taught me a lot. This year was

very exciting and I had more experience

than before. Of course, I will miss my

friends and teachers who were with me

through this year. It was really fun and I

enjoyed learning new things at home and at school. I am proud of myself with a lot

of things that I achieved, I was made student leader and I did all my projects

eventually. I don't want year 6 to end but it won't since there are 2 more weeks for

fun! I am going to miss everyone when I go to year 7. This was a great year!

Danica Stevanovic

I love my classmates and friends, they are

really nice and help me in every situation or

difficulty. My teachers work so hard to

teach us. I am happy to be a part of the

Cambridge Family and enjoy every moment

of it. I thank my school management,

teachers and friends for working so hard.

Juwairia 6G3

Good luck

My year 6 experience was the best especially form

time with Ms.Reema . She is my fun and best

teacher and I want to say this message to her,

“Wishing you joy and happiness! You are an

amazing teacher and you only deserve the best! I am

deeply thankful that you are my teacher and helped

me in my homework and knowledge! “

My teachers made me successful and I really thank

them. I also miss the days we were together in school with our teachers and friends.

I am really happy and thankful to God that I had the best memories. Thank you

to all my school management for this effort on remote learning, I appreciate it and

we all love you. Not forgetting my classmates, they are helpful and kind. I really

am thankful and happy to have a really nice school and the best

teachers. Thank you for your hard work.

By: Noon

I am a new student at Cambridge high School. When I first joined

school, I was nervous and scared whether I would be accepted by my

classmates. I was surprised when I found all my classmates and

teachers to be kind and friendly. I realised how lucky we are to have

Ms Reema as our form tutor. We do a lot of fun activities together

in school and this even continued during Remote Learning.

I really wish that the pandemic wouldn’t have hit us or we would

continue going to school and enjoying with our friends. I really

appreciate all the efforts and the hard work of my teachers. I also

can’t forget all the fun moments with my friends.

Shilohni Bongso

In year 6 I had a lot of fun. I had met

new students that I did not know and

made new friends. I also met a lot of

teachers that I like learning from. It was

also sort of a unique year due to remote

learning but and I would give anything to

see everyone again. I also want to thank

all the teachers who have taught me a lot

and have been spending half their days

trying to teach every one so thank you. I also want to thank my friends

who always try to help me in studies so thank you everyone for everything


By the end of the year I have made a lot of friends and had great

experience in all my classes and learned something new from each one. I

was in 6G3 but I made a lot of new friends in the other classes. My

favourite part is when I had experienced something I had not done before

was I had a really good time cooking with my friends at school and we

made a poster showing what we have made. I had a lot of fun having class

party’s and class talent show on special events with miss Reema

Cardoza. I want to thank all my teachers for not only teaching me but

also having fun with me at school. Thank you every one.

Rumaisa Farhat Khan

My Name is Simona Fernandes

I always look forward to spending every day in school. I am happy about

going to school, meeting friends, interacting with teachers and learning

new things. Being in school is like being at a place where I am always

surrounded by friends and family. Moreover, it is like a family that

provides me education and other necessary skills.

My school is like a home away from home, where I don’t feel like out of

place or home sick. It is a place where I learn, laugh, smile, play and

enjoy. It stirs up a lot of emotions in me, for all the good reasons and I always be thankful to

my school and my wonderful teachers. The management of my school believes that it isn’t

only academic excellence that we should be after, but also the overall personality development

and evolving into a good and useful human being.

My favourite teacher is Ms. Reema Cardoza. She is a strict teacher however very funny

and caring in nature. She is very disciplined and punctual. I like her very much as she uses

very easy ways to teach us good things. We enjoy her class. She teaches us Math & yes, it

is my favourite subject. She makes us laugh by telling lots of jokes in between when she

teaches. She also guides us very well during any school or inter-school competition of dance,

sports, academic, etc. She teaches us to share things in class among our colleagues such as

lunch or other needed things.

I have a best friend who is really very close to me. Her name is Nada. She is really a nice

girl to be a friend with. She shares my everything (happiness, sorrow, anger. My school is

a wonderful place where I learn not only the essential subjects, but also some of the realities

and skills of life. I learn about the problems of our society and how can I help overcome them

and contribute to the progress of the society and the nation as well.

Thank you,

Simona Fernandes

Year 6 has been a year full of surprises.

Good ones and bad ones. I felt more mature in

Year 6, as much as the opposite. It was a new

start to life and we learned a lot.

It was an amazing year, most of the teachers

who were teaching us before, all of them

actually, were there, so I was definitely ready

since I had already experienced being their


Well to be honest I actually MISS being

in younger years. So, one new thing I was

doing is meeting the teachers of each class

every time I passed by, as a sign of respect

that they had taught me.

With all the best things come the bad things. Some of my close friends are

actually leaving this school, since most people go to other schools for senior grades

which is really sad since I have bonds with them for a very long time.

Other than that, I made LOTS of new friendships, astonishing though, because

it feels like I have been their friends for years.

All in all, Year 6 was a year that I'll never forget.

By: Arunima


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