ACU-JULY-2020 4th Draft

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Movies with his

daughters, a walk with

his wife, rugby and

books for this busy CEO

Change is the only thing constant in this world. The faster we

embrace it, the better we adapt and flow seamlessly.

Lionel van der Walt knows this fully well as he constantly travels

and live in different continents throughout his more than 20

years of international executive leadership career mainly in the

air cargo industry.

The President and CEO of the Americas for PayCargo, a leading

global fintech firm in the industry, was born in South Africa and

spent the early part of his career in the South African Air Force.

Following this, he spent more than a decade with the

International Air Transport Association (IATA), where he held

various leadership roles based out of South Africa, Spain and

the United States, including as President of Cargo Network

Services Corp. (CNS), IATA's US cargo subsidiary.

Post CNS, he served as CEO at the International Institute of

Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC) and also served as a

member of PayCargo's Board of Directors.

The Coronavirus pandemic has pushed digitalization to

become more relevant, particularly in the digital freight

payment platform like PayCargo, and van der Walt believes

change is coming to the entire industry soon.

“Digital solutions are vital as the global cargo and shipping

supply chain has had to rethink the way it does business in

response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the majority of

employees now working remotely and demand soaring for a

reliable online freight payment platform solution such as

PayCargo's,” said van der Walt, who holds an MBA in Strategy

and General Management from Milpark Business School in

South Africa.

“This pandemic has proven to be a catalyst for the faster

adoption of online payment solutions that are safer, more

secure, fast and transparent,” added van der Walt. “As social

distancing has become the global policy to halt the spread of

COVID-19, it is clear how unsuitable using cash, checks,

vouchers and traditional POS terminals are and shows the value

of digital payments.”

With so little time left for himself and his family due to work, van

der Walt makes it a point to do simple but meaningful things

with his loved ones.

“I don't have much spare time,” says van der Walt, “but when I

do, I prefer spending quality time with my family, a movie with

my daughters, a walk with my wife, or a fun family outing. I also

enjoy reading non-fiction books, anything that I can learn from,

such as biographies and history, as well as watching

Lionel van der


President & CEO of the

Americas, PayCargo

documentaries. As an international family, we love to travel and

value meaningful shared experiences.”

This CEO is also into rugby and serves as a Clayton Youth Rugby

Board member, a cause-oriented group in the US which

PayCargo sponsors.

“My favorite sport is rugby. That should not be a surprise

considering that I grew up in South Africa where rugby is a

national past time and the majority of South Africans are ardent

Springbok supporters,” he shared. “It is a wonderful

opportunity and privilege to combine my passion for the sport

with a great cause such as youth development.”

Van der Walt says staying connected all the time with family,

friends and colleagues and to the rest of the world is something

he can't live without. Personally, this means keeping up with

them through Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp, among other apps,

having access to information and the ability to purchase any

item or service online from the comfort of his home.

This CEO who never takes anything for granted says, “I

constantly remind myself that today's success and good

fortune are not guaranteed tomorrow, and firmly believe that

complacency and arrogance are two of the most dangerous

traits both in business and in our personal lives.”

“This drives me to always try and be as humble as possible

irrespective of the situation and to always look for

opportunities that stretch me beyond my comfort zone to

achieve personal growth and success.”

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