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Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Rotary Club of



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ax'n hflt, efiff, wd{, ;+: s[lt 5g\ lazfn .

cu|ufdL / fi6« xfd|f] ho ho g] kfn .


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Rotary Club of



Club Profile


Sponsoring Club


Meeting Venue

Chartered President

: Rotary Club of Madhyapur

: Rotary Club of Dhulikhel

: Rtn. Keshav Kumar Kunwar

: 3rd Floor, Hit Polyclinic and Diagnostic Center

Bahakha, Madhyapur Thimi-6, Bhaktapur

: Rtn. Surendra Bikram Prajapati

Chartered Date : 28th June 2011

District No. : 3292

Club No. : 84013

Postal Address

: P. Box No. 7041, Kathmandu, Nepal


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Rotary Club of



Service above Self

Paul P. Harris 1869-1947

Founder of Rotary

Born 19-Apr-1869 Died 27-Jan-1947

Paul P. Harris was born at Racine, Wisconsin, USA on

April 19, 1869. A man with varied experiences, he received

the Bachelor of Physical Culture and LLD degrees from the

University of Vermont and the LLB degree from the University

of Iowa. He was later awarded a honorary PhD in 1933 by

the University of Vermont.

He worked as a newspaper reporter, a business college

teacher, a cowboy and a salesman for a marble and granite

concern, before finally settling down in Chicago as a lawyer

in 1896. In July 1910, he married Jean Thompson, a Scottish

girl and a co-member of the Chicago prairie club.

The first Rotary Club was formed on February 23, 1905

by Paul Harris with Sylvester Schiele – a coal merchant,

Gustavus Loehr-a mining engineer and Hiram Shorey-a

merchant tailor, to bring together business and professional

men in friendship and fellowship. This first club meeting

formed the nucleus for the thousands of Rotary clubs that

were later organised throughout the world. These new clubs

were called "Rotary" because members met in rotation in

their various places of business.

Paul Harris was elected President in the First Rotary

Convention for the year 1910-11. He was then re-elected

President for 1911-12 of the National association of Rotary

Clubs. Their bulletin came to be known as "The National


Elected President Emeritus of Rotary International in

1912, he was active in Rotary until his death on 27-Jan-1947.


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Rotary Club of



Welcome to

Madhyapur Thimi

An ancient Newar Town Madhyapur Thimi lies

some eight kilometers east of Kathmandu and four

kilometers west of Bhaktapur. Madhyapur Thimi

is well known for its traditional crafts and rich

cultural heritage.

It is said that Thimi used to be called “Thee”

which means ‘Gem ’ in the Newari Language. It

was called “Thee” because the town is located at

the middle of three major cities within the valley,

Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur. These cities

beautified and increased the value of the valley, as

a Gem does in a ring. Kathmandu is called ‘Yen ’ in

the Newari Language, and the residents are called

yami. Thimi use to refer to the residents of “Thee”

and the town was later given this name.

This ancient town is located precisely in the

center of the Kathmandu Valley, and thus the town

is also famous as Madhyapur, Which means a midtown

in Sanskrit Language.

Madhyapur Thimi is a municipality of Nepal

established in 1996 AD. The municipality includes

five former village development comittess (VDCS) of

Bhaktapur district; Chapacho, Balkumari,

Nagadesh, Bode and Lokhanthali and Municipality is

divided in 9 municipals wards. RC Madhyapur Thimi

welcomes all the national and international visitors

to visit to the different historical temples and

monuments. Similarly, the live process of pottery,

mask and different handicrafts making and green

vegetable crops also will be a great experience for

everyone. As well as the visitors also can enjoy a lot

with its different feasts and festivals

which celebrate occasionally throughout

the year.


Rotary Club of Madhyapur



Presidential Message

Holger Knaack

President 2020-21

July 2020

This does not seem like a time for great optimism, but it has to be. Long before Rotary was founded, the

world dealt with great crises that tested humankind's ability to progress and endure. In the age of Rotary, the

world has faced many more catastrophes; however, we have survived, and every step of the way, Rotary has

helped the world heal.

Every great challenge is an opportunity for renewal and growth. I revealed the theme of Rotary Opens

Opportunities at the International Assembly in San Diego just as the COVID-19 crisis was beginning, but these

are words that I have believed for many years.

Rotary is not just a club that you join; it is an invitation to endless opportunities. We believe in creating

opportunities for others and for ourselves. We believe that our acts of service, large and small, generate

opportunities for people who need our help, and that Rotary opens opportunities for us to live a richer, more

meaningful life, with friends around the world, based on our core values.

Governments and institutions are gaining a greater appreciation for the types of public health partnerships

that are critical to our work. People stuck at home, eager for greater connections and hungry to help their

communities, are now embracing the values we have promoted since our beginning.

All of this is positive news, but just because there are greater opportunities than ever for Rotary to thrive does

not guarantee that we will succeed. The world is changing rapidly — and was doing so even before this crisis.

People were starting to move away from regular lunch meetings and toward online gatherings. Friendships were

being cultivated and revived in social media relationships even before most of our meetings moved to Zoom

and Skype. Younger generations have a strong desire to serve — but have questioned whether they could play a

meaningful role in organizations like Rotary or whether they might make a bigger impact forming different types

of connections. Now is the time to put everything on the table, test new approaches, and prepare Rotary for the


The COVID-19 crisis has forced all of us to adapt. This is good, and our new Action Plan specifically calls on

us to improve our ability to adapt. But adaptation is not enough. We need to change, and change dramatically, if

we are to face the challenges of this new age and provide the Rotary the world so desperately needs.

This is our great challenge, not just in the next year but into the foreseeable future. It is up to us to remake

Rotary for these new times — to wholeheartedly embrace the ideas, energy, and commitment of young people

eager to find an outlet for idealism. We must become an organization fully enmeshed in the digital age, not one

that simply looks for online ways to keep doing what we have always done.

The world needs Rotary now more than ever. It is up to us to make sure that Rotary Opens Opportunities for

generations to come.


Rotary Club of Madhyapur



District 3292

Rajib Pokhrel

District Governor 2020-21

My Dear Fellow Rotarians, Greetings to you all.

Let me congratulate you for taking the responsibility of the

leadership of your club. Rotary club's leadership is something

which is most enjoyable. Along with fun it is very important that

we understand our responsibilities and work hard to achieve our


We are passing through a very unprecedented time. Something we have never

witnessed in our whole life. The suffering and the threat that many are facing are at

times unbearable. But as they say “when the going gets tough the tough get going” we

Rotarians are also tough people and we also need to get going to help and assist

people who are in difficulty during this time of pandemic. As this pandemic is going

to remain here for a long time I think each club should identify the people, the

community where our help is required the most and move ahead to assist them. In

doing so we also need to make sure that we keep the virus at bay from ourselves and

our family.

The Rotary year 2020-2021 is going to be a very different year for all of us. Lot of

Rotary programmes are going to be on virtual platform. During the challenging times

we have to do challenging things and the most challenging task will be for the clubs

to have their regular weekly meetings. I know these meetings cannot be in person but

we can always stay in touch with our club friends through virtual meetings. These

virtual meetings will certainly help members to be engaged with Rotary.

Doing service projects will be another challenge. But this also should not be very

difficult as we can plan our projects now and implement them once things become

normal which I know will happen very soon.

Rotary Club of Madhyapur is a club which has been doing great work in our District

and expectation from this club is very high. I urge each member of this club to adapt

to the new environment during this crisis and take advantage of the new opportunities.

Our RI President Rtn. Holgar Knaack has given us the theme “Rotary Opens

Opportunities” and we all know it certainly does. So let us all "Trailblazers" get

together to open this opportunity with the mindset of "Together We Can."

I wish each and every one of you a very enjoyable Rotary Year.

Jai Rotary.

Rotary District Office,

Thapathali, Kathmandu




977 9851021675



Rajib Pokhrel

District Governor 2020-21

Rotary Club of Madhyapur



Message from AG

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

It gives me immense pleasure to congratulate the President Rtn.Jagat Krishna Prajapati and the

entire team of Rotary club of Madhyapur.

With this year's theme, " ROTARY OPENS OPPORTUNITIES," We have an incredible

opportunity to serve sociry through humanitarian service. Furthemore, opportunities arise with

the emphasis on stregthening leadership, networking, and fellowship, be it individuals or in


We well be challenging ourselves to make a beneficial impact this rotary year (2020-21)

and take that as an inspiration to give even more in years to come.

We are always looking to welcome new Rotarians to our family, and besides, we hope we

can retain the members who are willing to serve and be the part of our journey in trailing doen

the rotary visions and objectives.

Finally, I express my sincere gratitude to all the leaders and fellow Rotarians filled with the

hope and prayers that together, we will make this year and years to come a successful one.

Rama Kandel

Assistant Governor (Zone-2)


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Message from President

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

Firstly, I want to thank you for selecting me as your next club President. I am so very excited and

expect to have hands on hand.

It seems like yesterday that I entered the universe of Rotary international being a part of Rotary

club of Madhyapur with the ideal of service above self. But along with dedication and hard work of

rotarian friends, Rotary club of Madhyapur has passed eight years successfully and heading to nineth

year. Being a President of Rotary club of Madhyapur its my responsibility to maintain the position of

my club. It is such an honor to be a President of Rotary club of Madhyapur for Rotary year 2020/21.

As after huge enthusiasm and dedication of character President Surendra Bikram Prajapati,

Past Presidents, Immediate Past President Usha Prajapati and fellow rotarian friends of Rotary club

of Madhyapur, has passed successful years. I would like to express my expectations for their kind

support, effort and co-operation for completing of Rota year 2020/21 successfully and memorable.

So, as per theme, I believe that if we all connect with each other and work together then we will

achieve success. Success won't be so far from us and hence can implement the theme.

Finally, I would like to express my commitment and very thankful to all who supported me, district

officials and entire team of Rotary club of Madhyapur. I will definitely work to maintain prestige of club.

I hope to get your support and assistance to work together in glorious years ahead.

Thank you

With Best Regards

Your's in Rotary Service

Rtn Jagat Krishna Prajapati

President 2020/21

Rotary Club of Madhyapur



Message from

Immediate Past President

Dear President Rtn Jagat Krishna Prajapati,

It’s my great pleasure to congratulate you as the club president of Rotary club of Madhyapur for

the Rota Year 2020/21. Hope, with all the board members you will be able to achieve club goals in your

significant tenure. And today is one important moment in the club history that in the 10th installation

ceremony you are going to swearing in as club president. I wish you all the best for your presidential

term and you will get the endless support from your team of Rotary Club of Madhyapur.

As we know well that rotary is the international volunteer organization of business and professional

leaders working together for the positive transformation of community founded more than 100 years

back. The 4 ways test of rotary guides us, we have 6 areas of focus set by Rotary International.

During my tenure I club, I have tried my best to serve community. By club level we were able to

organize some social projects. The Global Grant Project of solid waste management is going on. The

Global Grant Project on ventilator to fight against covid-19 and Rotary Haemo Dialysis project are to

be approved from Rotary International. Besides that we were able to conduct several health camps,

the member orientation program was held to attract new members in the club were also important

activities of Rota Year 2019/20. We were able to participate Rotary International convention virtually

and involved almost all the District events during the time.

At last, I would like to congratulate Rtn Jagat Krishna Prajapati including all board members for

successful and significant tenure in the club. Wish you all the best ahead. Thank you.

Rtn Usha Prajapati

President (RY 2019/20)

Rotary Club of Madhypur


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Rotary Club of Madhyapur



Rotary Member List 2020/21

S. No Name Designation

1 Rtn. Jagat Krishna Prajapati President

2 Rtn. Usha Prajapati IPP

3 Rtn. Binod Bajra Bajracharya President Elect

4 Rtn. Vishnu Bahadur Karki President Nominee

5 Rtn. Chandra Chakradhar Secretary

6 Rtn. Sabina Shrestha Treasurer

7 Rtn. Raju Shrestha Club Administration

8 Rtn. Rajendra Prajapati Membership

9 Rtn. Surendra Bikram Prajapati Service Project

10 Rtn. Dr. Ram Krishna Chandyo TRF

11 Rtn. Ganesh Hari Prajapati Public Relation

12 Rtn. Soviet Man Shrestha Surgent at Arm

13 Rtn. Mani Raj Shrestha IT Office

14 Rtn. Dr. Roshan Prajapati Club Mentor

15 Rtn. Aman Shrestha Member

16 Rtn. Chandra Krishna Bade Member

17 Rtn. Dr. Digamber Jha Member

18 Rtn. Dr. Dilip Prajapati Member

19 Rtn. Ganesh Ram Prajapati Member

20 Rtn. Kuman Katuwal Member

21 Rtn. Nabin Dhaubanjar Member

22 Rtn. Narayan Prasad Bhusal Member

23 Rtn. Praduman Hari Shrestha Member

24 Rtn. Rajya Laxmi Shrestha Member

25 Rtn. Sanu Laxmi Gasi Member

26 Rtn. Sakila Pathak Member

27 Rtn. Sambhu Chadhary Member

28 Rtn. Sushant Murarka Member

29 Rtn. Dr. Chadani Badhya Member


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Blood Donation Program concluded

Ü 14 th June, 2020

A joint blood donation program was

organized to mark the International Blood

Donation Day in Madhyapur Thimi at the

premises of Historic Balkumari Temple on 14th

June 2020. Rotary Club of Madhyapur, Rotaract

Club of Madhyapur, Nepal Red Cross Society

Thimi Sub Branch, and Surya Darshan Saving

and Credit Co-operative Ltd joined hands to

conduct this event. A total of 89 pints of blood

has been collected from the program. The

present condition of COVID 19 pandemic, the

situation is abnormal and the health institutions

are suffering from blood scarcity. By organizing

this sort of event, social organizations are not

only delivering the good messages, in addition

to saving people’s lives.

Rotary Club of Madhyapur




/fxt ;fdfu|Lx? lat/0f

Ü 27 th April, 2020

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Rotary Club of Madhyapur


d]l8sn ;fdfu|Lx¿ x:tfGt/0f

Ü 20 th April, 2020

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Ü 9 th April, 2020

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Rotary Club of Madhyapur



Awarding Rotary Honorary


Ü 9 th March, 2020

Awarding Rotary Honorary Membership to Mr. Madan

Sundar Shrestha, Mayor of Madhyapur Thimi Municipality in

the presence of DG Rtn Kiran Lal Shrestha.


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Cheque handover

Ü 9 th March, 2020

Cheque handover to BHUMESTHAN

BASIC SCHOOL for the solar panel.

Visiting Rotary Dialysis Centre

at Gandaki Medical Hospital

Ü 8 th February, 2020

Women’s Day celebration

Ü 9 th March, 2020

Women’s Day celebration on especial way

by sharing talk program on women hygiene

for using reusable sanitary pads presented by

NEPALI PADMAN Mr Gyan Maharjan.

Motivational speech program

Ü 22 nd February

Rotary club of Madhyapur organised

motivational speech program for Rotarians

and Rotaractors, by Rtn Kalpana Maharjan,

the first female journalist to climb MOUNT

EVEREST from both Tibetan and Nepal

side,shared her story of victory.

On 8th February, the team visited Rotary

Dialysis Centre at Gandaki Medical Hospital

to gain knowledge about Dialysis Centre.

12th Rotary District Conference


7 th to 9 th February

Polio Rally


8 th February

On 8th February, the team participated

in Polio rally organised by the District

Conference Committee.

Rtn Surendra Bikram Prajapati, Rtn

Chandra Krishna Chakradhar, Rtn Raju

Shrestha, Rtn Soviet man shrestha ,Rtn Jagat

Krishna Prajapati, Rtn Bishnu Bahadur karki

Rtn Narayan Prasad Bhusal and Rtn Usha

Prajapati with family attended 12th District

Conference at Pokhara.

Rotary Club of Madhyapur



Participate 6th Act Asia 2019


20 th - 24 th December

Agreement about Solid waste

management at Madhyapur


Ü 13 th December 2019

Rtn Surendra Bikram Prajapati, Rtn

Chandra Krishna Chakradhar, Rtn Sushant

Murarka and Rtn Narayan Prasad Bhusal with

three interactors went Bhutan to participate

6th Act Asia 2019.

Felicitation rally to felicitate Mr

Monday Kaji Shrestha


14 th December

Agreement about Solid waste

management at Madhyapur Thimi between

Rotary club of Madhyapur, Rotary club of

Fukuoka South East, Japan and Madhyapur

Thimi Municipality, MOU had been signed

Talk program on Solid waste



9 th December

Rotary, Rotaract, Interact and Innerwheel

Club of Madhyapur participated in Felicitation

rally to felicitate Mr Monday Kaji Shrestha for

winning Double (Two )Gold Medals in 13th

South Asian Games 2019.

In the same program, on behalf of Rotary

club of Madhyapur ,President Rtn Usha

Prajapati felicitate Mr Monday Kaji Shrestha

by Felicitation Certificate.

Madhyapur Thimi Municipality organised

talk program on Solid waste management

and most of Rotarians from Rc Madhyapur

participated the program at Hotel


Welcomed Rtn Yoshinobu

Fukusawa at Airport.

Ü 5 th December 2019

Rtn Surendra Bikram Prajapati and


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Rtn Jagat Krishna Prajapati welcomed Rtn

Yoshinobu Fukusawa at Airport.

Participated PETS SEMINAR

Ü 30 th November

Rtn Jagat Krishna Prajapati and Rtn

Binod Bajra Bajracharya participated PETS

SEMINAR at Nepali Chulo, Lazimpath.

wheelchairs were handover

to Nepal Korea Friendship

Municipality Hospital

Ü 30 th November, 2019

Rotary Club of Madhyapur organized

program at Nepal Korea Friendship

Municipality Hospital on 30th November


1. Five wheelchairs were handover to Nepal

Korea Friendship Municipality Hospital.

2. Forty sets of school uniforms were


3. Five sets of fireproof clothes were

handover to Madhyapur Thimi Municipality

Rtn Guru Panditananda has

been assigned as Goodwill


Ü 30 th November, 2019

Wow!! today is our great day of


Rtn Guru Panditananda has been assigned

as Goodwill Ambassador for Thimi.

Along with this pleasure Rotary club of

Madhyapur welcomes and CONGRATULATES

Mayor Madan Sundar Shrestha being in

Rotary family of Madhyapur. DG Rtn Kiran

Lal Shrestha pined Rotary pin to Mayor and

accept membership in club.

Meeting with Heads of

Diplomatic and other Mission


19 th November

On behalf of Rotary club of Madhyapur,

Rtn Ganesh Hari Prajapati and Rtn Bishnu

Bahadur karki attended meeting with Heads

of Diplomatic and other Mission at Shangri-la


Rotary Club of Madhyapur



Visiting Mothers’ Group in

Chimalaya Charity Nepal, Bode.


20 th November

Toothpaste and brush were distributed to the


Reporting the Global Grant


Ü 2 nd November, 2019

On behalf of Rotary club of Madhyapur,

Rtn Usha Prajapati visited Mothers’ Group in

Chimalaya Charity Nepal, Bode.

General Health Camp and

Dental camp at Madhyapur,

Carpet factory

Ü 9 th Nov, 2019

Rotary club of Madhyapur offered

farewell breakfast with reporting the Global

Grant Project at OKHALDHUNGA, Patle



Felicitation program to RIPN



1 St November

Rotary club of Madhyapur organised

General Health Camp and Dental camp at

Madhyapur Thimi especially targeted to

carpet factory employees family. About 80

people get chance to check up and 40 sets of

Rtn Surendra Bikram Prajapati, Rtn Usha

Prajapati, Rtn Ganesh Hari Prajapati and

Rtn Bishnu Bahadur karki with spouse and

Fran from Rotary club of STUART ALICE

SPRING attended Felicitation program to


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


RIPN SHEKHAR MEHTA at Hyatt Regency.

On behalf of Rotary club of Madhyapur, we

offered Mask to RIPN as token of love.

Welcoming to RIPN Rtn

Shekhar Mehta

Ü 1 st November, 2019

partnership between Rotary Club Of

Madhyapur and Rotary club Of Stuart Alice

Springs , Australia with technical support of

REED Nepal.

Rtn Usha Prajapati.,Rtn Ganesh Hari

Prajapati, Rtn Surendra Bikram Prajapati, Rtn

Shakila Pathak, Rtn Bishnu Bahadur karki with

Panchakanya participated to welcome RIPN


24 Oct Marking World Polio


Ü 24 th October, 2019

School building hand overing at

Patale, Okhaldhunga

Ü 25 th October, 2019

Celebration of success of school

building construction at Patale, Okhaldhunga

reconstructed through Global Grant in

Bye Bye Polio Rotary club of Madhyapur,

Rotaract club of Madhyapur, Inner Wheel Club

of Madhyapur and Interact Club of Madhyapur

has jointly organized “24 Oct Marking World

Polio Day” today.

Rotary Club of Madhyapur



Wheelchairs distribution at

Shangri-la Hotel


21 st October

Australia, Dist.3523 Taiwan and DG Mr. Kiran

Lal Shrestha and team on 21st Oct 2019.

Rotary Club Of Stuart Alice Springs Australia

Rtn Usha Prajapati, Rtn Bishnu Bahadur

karki and Rtn Jagat Krishna Prajapati attended

Wheelchairs distribution at Shangri-la Hotel.

We brought 5 wheelchairs , which were

later distributed to Nepal Korea Friendship

Municipality Hospital.

Fellowship Dinner with

international delegates

Ü 1 st October, 2019

Presenting Rotary club of Madhyapur

Fellowship Dinner with international delegates

Rotary Club of Madhyapur has offered

fellowship dinner for international delegates

from Rotary Club Of Stuart Alice Springs

Rotary flag exchange with Dist.3523 Taiwan


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Rotary Club of Madhyapur and REED Nepal

will jointly hand over the Simple School Rebuild

project (SSRP) on 25th Oct, 2019 at Patle,


Fellowship Dinner with international delegates

Fellowship Dinner with international delegates

Attended Rotary Literacy

Mission Nepal

Ü 19 th Oct

Rtn Usha Prajapati, Rtn Surendra Bikram

Prajapati, Rtn Rajya laxmi shrestha, Rtn

Chandra Krishna Chakradhar and Rtn Bishnu

Bahadur karki attended Rotary Literacy

Mission Nepal, presidential meet organised

at Nepali Chulo, Lazimpath.

Welcome program

Ü 21 st Oct, 2019

Rotary Club Of Madhyapur pleased to

welcomed Rtn. Fran Neylon and friends from

Rotary Club Of Stuart Alice Springs, Australia,

the Global Grant Partner Of School Construction

Project. Rotary Club Of Stuart Alice Springs,

Rotary Club of Madhyapur



Dashain Greeting Exchange &

Fellowship hike

Ü 4 th October, 2019

and Swapnshil Cooperative.

As a regular Rotary event, Dashain

Greeting Exchange & Fellowship hike 2019

was jointly organized by Rotary Club of

Madhyapur, Rotaract Club of Madhyapur

and Inner Wheel Club of Madhyapur on 5th

Oct 2019 this year as well. The Hike was

started from Thimi on 6:00 AM the Hike to the

destinations Ananantlingeshwor Temple and

Subarneshwor Temple and ended at Naya


Dental and General health


Ü 1 st October, 2019

On the occasion of INTERNATIONAL

ELDERLY DAY, Rotary club Madhyapur has


HEALTH CAMP at Chapacho, Madhyapur

Thimi. The camp was jointly organized

by the Rotary Club of Madhyapur and

Rotaract Club of Madhyapur which was

supported by Kathmandu Medical College

Schoolbag, stationery

materials & dress distribution

Ü 15 th September, 2019

On the occasion of international children

day special, Rotary club of Madhyapur and

Rotaract Club of Madhyapur jointly distributed

School bag stationery materials & dress to

the eligible students of Adarsha Secondary

School, Thimi, Bhaktapur.


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Rotary Club of Madhyapur and Rotaract

of Madhyapur has jointly organized an

awareness program on dengue fever at

different places of Madhyapur.



10 th September

Club flag exchange program

Ü 23 rd September

Rtn Surendra Bikram Prajapati, Rtn

Ganesh Hari Prajapati, Rtn Chandra Krishna

Chakradhar and Rtn Raju Shrestha attended

the Club flag exchange program with Rotary

club of Bangladesh.

An awareness program on

dengue fever

Ü 14 th September, 2019

Successfully concluded DG VISIT in

presence of Rotarians, Rotaractors of Rotary

club of Madhyapur at The Blues.

Attended Rotary Literacy

Mission Nepal

Ü 7 th September

Rtn Usha Prajapati, Rtn Surendra Bikram

Prajapati, Rtn Rajya laxmi shrestha, Rtn

Rotary Club of Madhyapur



Chandra Krishna Chakradhar and Rtn Jagat

Krishna Prajapati attended Rotary Literacy

Mission Nepal organised at Nepali Chulo,


Joint drinking water and juice


Ü 18 th August, 2019

morning .RC Madhyapur thanks to deputy

Mayor Anjana Devi Madhikarmi and all club

members ,interactors ,rotaracts and teachers

for their valuable presence .

Club Assembly in presence of


Ü 31 st August

Rotary club of Madhyapur organised 2 nd

club Assembly in presence of AG Narayan

Prasad koney Gurung.

District Membership and public

image seminar at Soaltee


10 th August

Joint drinking water and juice distribution

performed by Rotary Club of Madhyapur with

help of Rotaract club of Madhyapur and Inner

wheel club of Madhyapur at Nilbarahi jatra


Cleaning Campaigns in

Madhyapur Thimi

Ü 15 th August, 2019

Interact clubs Of RC Madhyapur and RC

Lalitpur Midtown jointly organized cleaning

Campaigns in Madhyapur Thimi today

Rtn Usha Prajapati participated on District

Membership and public image seminar at

Soaltee Crown Plaza

Joint installation ceremony of

four Interact

Ü 10 th August

10 th August Rotary club of Madhyapur

organised joint installation ceremony of four

Interact Clubs of Madhyapur in presence of

principals from respected schools.

• Advance Academy

• Seabird

• Creative Learner’s Academy

• Vinayak Shiksha Niketan


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Participate in Breast Feeding



7 th August

Soviet man shrestha attended 16 th installation

ceremony of Rotary club of Kavre Banepa.

Rtn Usha Prajapati participate in Breast

Feeding week organised by Chimalaya Charity

Nepal and Madhyapur Thimi Municipality.

Orientation class of Interact

Club of Vinayak Shiksha


Ü 7 th August, 2019

Flag exchange ceremony with

Rotary club of Banglore South

District 3190

Ü 30 th July, 2019

Rtn Usha Prajapati, Rtn Ganesh Hari

Prajapati, Rtn Aman Shrestha and Rtn

Raju Shrestha attended club flag exchange

ceremony with Rotary club of Banglore South

District 3190. We had meeting with Rotarian

Friends from Rotary club of Banglore South

and fellowship breakfast with them.

Installation ceremony of

Rotaract club of Madhyapur

Ü 27 th July, 2019

Rotary club of Madhyapur organised

orientation class of Interact Club of Vinayak

Shiksha Niketan.

Installation ceremony of Rotary

club of Kavre Banepa

Ü 4 th August, 2019

Rtn Usha Prajapati ,Rtn Jagat Krishna

Prajapati, Rtn Ganesh Hari Prajapati and Rtn

Rotary Club of Madhyapur



Rtn Usha Prajapati and Rtn Raju Shrestha

attended 16 th installation ceremony of Rotary

club of Bhaktapur in Shiddhi Smriti Hospital.

Installation ceremony of Rotary

club of Dhulikhel

Ü 13 th July, 2020

We celebrate Joint Installation ceremony

“9 th Installation ceremony of Rotary club

of Madhyapur, 9 th Installation ceremony of

Rotaract club of Madhyapur and 4 th Installation

ceremony of Inner wheel club of Madhyapur at

Madhyapur Banquet in presence of Rotarian

friends, Rotaractors, Innerwheel, Guests and

the program was cheered by Chief Guest Rtn

Kesab Kunwar.

Installation ceremony of Rotary

club of Bhaktapur

Ü 20 th July, 2019

Rtn Usha Prajapati and Rtn Raju Shrestha

attended 22 nd installation ceremony of Rotary

club of Dhulikhel in Himalayan Horizon Hotel.


Rotary Club of Madhyapur


Rtn Usha Prajapati and Rtn Surendra

Bikram Prajapati attended Interact District

Committee 8 th installation ceremony as host

club and Rtn Surendra Bikram Prajapati as

the Chief Guest.



Ü 1 st July, 2019

Interact District Committee 8 th

installation ceremony

Ü 13 th July, 2019

Rotary Club of


Rtn Usha Prajapati and Rtn Ganesh

Hari Prajapati attended DG KIRAN LAL


Soaltee Crown Plaza.

Rotary Club of Madhyapur



Rotary Club of Madhyapur

Bahakha Bazar, Madhyapur Thimi

Email: info@rotarymadhyapur.org.np

URL: www.rotarymadhyapur.org.np


Rotary Club of Madhyapur

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