Prospectus-Finished July 2020

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‘Helping Pupils To Help


A school for pupils with Emotional, Social and

Mental Health difficulties.

A member of the Adelaide Academy Trust.


“Adelaide School has helped me because I feel

safe and secure. People are kind and

supportive. We are like a family.”

Pupil Y10


Welcome to Adelaide School

A very warm welcome to Adelaide, we are a nurturing

special school which provides education for pupils with

social, emotional and mental difficulties.

Our aim is to enable pupils to have a positive experience of

education which includes supporting their learning and well being as well as

equipping them for their future. Our values are: commitment, collaboration and

care. We work hard to ensure that all pupils with whom we work feel valued

and respected.

Our pupils all have very different needs and we work hard to ensure that we

provide the support they need to learn and prepare to be active British citizens

who contribute to society.

Many of our parents describe Adelaide as a ‘family’, because we have a

strong sense of community. We hope that you find any information that you are

looking for in this prospectus and on our website but if you would like to know

anything else please just get in touch.

Sarah Barlow


Head of School

“Pupils love attending The Adelaide School.

They are proud of their school and have been

inspired to engage with their learning because

of extremely high-quality teaching and the

outstanding care and commitment of the staff.”

Ofsted - 2018

Our mission is


‘help pupils help




Adelaide School is the founding member of the Adelaide Academy Trust.

The Adelaide Academy Trust (Est 2013) is a multi-academy trust

dedicated to improving the educational experiences of young people and

preparing them to be full and active citizens of society.

Mrs Sarah Martin is our Executive Headteacher who is responsible for all of the

schools in our Academy Trust.

Our Chair of Governors is Mr Jeff Welch who is very experienced and

knowledgeable. All of our governors care passionately about Adelaide School

and have lots of different skills. They frequently visit school so they know what

is going on!

“I feel that this school has

helped me improve my

behaviour because I feel

better about myself”

Y9 Pupil


“Pupils are inspirational. They overcome

complex barriers to their learning with courage

and resilience. They thrive in a supportive and

caring learning community which nurtures their

personal development and welfare”

Ofsted - 2018


Personal Development

We support pupils to develop the

intrinsic desire to achieve their full

potential. The relationship between

pupils and staff at Adelaide is the

key factor in their development.

Pupils are encouraged to take

responsibility for their learning and


Pupils who attend Adelaide have a

range of Special Educational Needs.

We understand them as individuals

and therefore develop their provision

to meet their needs.

Throughout the school we

personalise the curriculum for

individual pupils so that they are

motivated and supported.

We have a School Council and a

Safeguarding Group. These pupils

represent the views of pupils in the

school. All pupils are encouraged to

work collaboratively and contribute to

our community.

We track the personal, social and

emotional development of pupils and

put in place interventions to ensure

that they make holistic progress.


Our Curriculum

The vision of the school is to ‘help

young people to help themselves’.

This is core to our curriculum which

focuses on pupils’ well-being,

learning and preparation for the


In each of the three areas we have

identified characteristics which we

will intend to pupils to develop

throughout their time in school.

Our curriculum includes all

elements of British Values.

We have 6 periods a day which are

50 minutes long. Teachers work

hard to plan learning through active

and engaging experiences which

move young people forward from

where they are to their next steps.

Wellbeing- All elements of our

curriculum focus on developing the

skills to be mentally and

emotionally healthy. Staff support

pupils throughout the school day.

We eat in family groups at lunch

times and carefully structure break

times. Throughout the week we

have specific well-being

opportunities which include animal

therapy, lego therapy, the friend’s

resilience programme and talking


Learning- Our lower school is

designed to be based on the

principles of nurture so there is a

focus on understanding behaviour,

improving communication and

developing self-esteem.

As pupils move through the school

the level of independence

expected increases. Pupils can

access BTECs, Functional Skills

or GCSEs dependent on their

ability levels and aspirations.

Subjects taught include; English

literature, English language,

science, maths, statistics, art,

photography, construction, food,

ICT and PE.

Future: We focus on careers

throughout our time at school.

Work experience is embedded in

what we do. Pupils start at college

in year 9 with a great deal of

support and this reduces when

they are in year 10 and 11 to

prepare them for life after school.

Our curriculum includes a great

deal of additional opportunities

which are social, moral, spiritual

and cultural. See our gallery on

the website for more on what we

have been up to! Pupils contribute

to the community in lots of ways to

support them in understanding

what it means to be an active

British citizen.



They have a safe and supportive

space with key adults.


“Wellbeing runs through the fabric of so much

that is thought and said and done at Adelaide

School. Simple practices which are

commonplace to staff and pupils in the school

would stand out elsewhere as exemplary.”

Pooky Knightsmith, Carnegie Mental Heath

Award Assessor 2019


Mental Health and Well being

The ethos of the school is about valuing individuals

and the relationships between pupils and staff are

exceptional. Staff are committed to pupils and they are

with them all day therefore pupils often share

any concerns and staff are quick to identify issues with

pupils. Relationships with parents are also very positive

so a team around the child approach is very much

in place. All staff receive training in mental health and


We work closely with a range of professionals to ensure we meet the needs of

all children in our community. We also support parents to understand where

they can access support should they wish to. Lots of different agencies visit

school to speak to pupils and parents about mental health and well-being. This

has included the Amy Winehouse Foundation, Emotionally Healthy Schools

Team, VISYON and local charities. The culture of empathy and openness

challenges any stigma related to health and well-being at all times. Staff are

always encouraging positive dialogue and modelling effective attitudes.

Where there are breaches of moral codes in the media or popular culture these

are often explored & discussed.

“The school treats every pupil, every staff member and every parent / carer as an

individual and goes above and beyond to promote the emotional mental wellbeing of

every individual, tailoring their support to individual needs.

Pupils, staff and parents feel safe at and supported by the school, with many

choosing to seek support from and celebrate successes with Adelaide Staff many

years after they have left the school.”

Pooky Knightsmith, 2019



We are outstanding at developing the

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural

Experiences of pupils at Adelaide


Our pupils embrace a range of extra

curricular opportunities including after

school clubs and experiences in

addition to academic subjects.

We particularly promote opportunities

which encourage pupils to develop the

social skills needed for life. Life skills is

also taught as an explicit subject.

This includes skills such as ironing,

travelling on public transport and taking

care of small animals.

We run day trips and residential

opportunities for pupils. In the past

these have included trips as far afield as

York, London, Paris and Lille. Pupils

also engage with Forest School and

Duke of Edinburgh.

Opportunities for pupils are

personalised and carefully planned.

Pupils SMSC experiences are tracked

throughout their time at school.

Pupils cover a comprehensive PSHE

and RE Curriculum to ensure that they

develop spiritually.

We prepare pupils to be active British

citizens and ensure that pupils learning

about all of the core British values.

“My child has experienced so many

different things during his time at this

school. I want to go along too!”


Pupils of all ages make outstanding

progress from their starting points.’

Ofsted - 2018


Preparation for life outside school

From year 9 our pupils attend local colleges to encourage them to consider their

future aspirations and goals. It also supports them in engaging with college so

they are more likely to succeed after they have left school.

All Pupils at Adelaide School

access a highly effective

careers programme that

supports them to make

informed, realistic and

intelligent decisions for the next

stage of their education or

employment with training.

From year 9 pupils work with

Changing Education to reflect

on their future life choices and

plan their work experiences.

“Adelaide School recognised my

love for cooking and focused my

experience at Adelaide on that

passion, offering more time in

their kitchen and supporting me

through. Mix all them together

and I learned how to be a

functioning member of society

and now have my dream job.”

Tom Awajan, Chef, 2016 Leaver.


Our Parents and Carers

Adelaide School is committed to supporting parents in helping their young

people to succeed. We understand that if parents are involved in their young

person's education then they have a much better chance of achieving their


Our parents and carers are very involved in all that we do. We have a Parent

Partners Group who meet weekly for coffee and cake but also to support each

other. There are also regular parent drop ins and parents evenings so all

parents can chat about how their children are getting along.

“The strong commitment and personalised care provided by all staff has helped identify

and address any potential barriers pupils and their families face. This high level of

personalised support has resulted in a high of trust both from pupils and their parents.”

Jill Tordoff, Leading Parent Partners Assessor 2020

We are proud to have achieved

the Leading Parent Partnership

Award. This award recognises

the positive collaboration

between school, parents and

the community.

Our response to Covid-19

and support given to our

pupils, parents and carers

earned us the

Safeguarding Initiative



Our Community

As a school we are at the very centre of

the community, Adelaide School is proud of

all of our pupils achievements, including

the many and varied events which raise

awareness of others’ needs and benefit

pupils and residents alike.

We work with lots of other schools, colleges and

universities. We also work with lots of agencies

to ensure we can provide the best possible

support for our pupils.

We enjoy swimming at the local lifestyle centre,

playing football at local sports grounds and

fundraising for local charities.

“Adelaide is amazing and

staff give us lots of support

to help with our child’s


We support a range of local charities and arrange

many fundraising events throughout the year.

We have an annual Great Get Together where we

celebrate as a whole school community.


Care . Commitment . Collaboration


Adelaide Street, Crewe,

Cheshire CW1 3DT

01270 685151


Adelaide Crewe


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