Beint Program for Companies ENG

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Since the 80s, the Basque Government has offered the BEINT internationalization internship

program providing the opportunity for young university graduates with foreign language

skills from the Basque Country to train in internationalization in entities and companies

abroad. The aim is for the young people to acquire unique work and personal experience,

which will assist and complement their academic and professional training.

The program is implemented in three phases:

-Phase 1 (300 hours): A Postgraduate University Specialist Degree in internationalization,

taught by the University of the Basque Country. Through this training, the internship

beneficiaries acquire thorough knowledge in the fields of foreign trade, international

negotiation and sales techniques.

-Phase 2 (12 months): Work placements in collaborating entities such as the Offices of the

Foreign Network of Basque Trade & Investment, Spanish Economic and Commercial Offices

abroad, business associations or clusters.

-Phase 3 (8 months): The training is completed by carrying out work placements in a

company based abroad, multilateral organisations or other entities.

Every year 100 places are offered, of which 80 include all three phases of the program and

20 include phases 1 and 3. Therefore, every year companies have the opportunity to offer

work placements to the 80 interns from the previous year and 20 from the current one who

are moving directly on to the business work placement phase.

The endowment, insurance and social security of the interns during the internship is the

responsibility of the Basque Government. Phase 3 companies and entities must take care of

the return trip to the country of destination and any visa processing and costs, if necessary.

Alda. Urquijo, 36-5º - Plaza Bizkaia – 48011 Bilbao. T. 94 403 71 82 – bekak@basquetrade.eus

1-) Eligible companies:

The requirements for companies that wish to participate in Phase 3 of the BEINT internship

programme are:

a) Be an internationalised company, or entity that offers a training work experience with a

clearly business content; and preferably with at least one business or production centre


Important: In exceptional cases, offers will be considered from companies without premises,

provided that they are developed in a business centre or similar and that the intern will at all

times be accompanied by staff of the company.

b) Have an activities and training plan for the intern which covers the entire work experience

period setting out in detail the functions and tasks that are assigned.

c) Have a supervisor who is responsible for the training of the intern.

d) Be willing to pay the return ticket of the intern to the established country of destination.

Only in the event that the grant is terminated before the completion of Phase 3 for reasons

attributable to the intern, the company will be exempt from its obligation to pay the return


e) In cases where there is an essential requirement to obtain a visa to formalise the intern's

stay in the requested country, the company will have to have previously made sure that it

complies with the requirements of the country concerned and will have to facilitate the

obtaining of the visa assuming the expenses and making the necessary procedures or


f) Pay operating expenses such as the communications costs and travel allowances for travel

outside the usual address of the intern. As well as any other cost concept that it considers

appropriate and that is due to the activities and guidelines established by the company for

the intern.

2-) Apply for a BEINT intern in Phase 3:

The companies that wish to have an intern of the BEINT Internationalisation program, from 1

January to 31 August 2021 must follow these steps:

1) Register in the Company Area: www.spri.eus/beintcompanies

2) Enter with their username and password.

Alda. Urquijo, 36-5º - Plaza Bizkaia – 48011 Bilbao. T. 94 403 71 82 – bekak@basquetrade.eus

3) Apply for an intern by clicking on Applications > Create New Application and introducing

the requested information.

IMPORTANT: The applications for interns must explain in a very detailed manner what the

intern will do in the company, clearly explaining the training plan, if there is a welcome plan,

the projects in which the intern will work, the specific tasks that they will perform in them,

etc. The applications that do not contain this information will be rejected.

3-) Process for allocating the interns to the companies:

The interns may offer to perform the work experience in any company that complies with

the above requirements, regardless of where they are from.

To be able to consult the database of available interns, it is required to have a validated

intern application in the current year.

Only the interns highlighted in green colour can change country, therefore, the companies

must only contact the interns that are already in the country they are interested in or the

interns that can change.

IMPORTANT: The interns and the companies are responsible for contacting each other,

Basque Trade & Investment only validates the agreements, but does not assign the interns.

4-) Signing agreements between the companies and the interns:

The interns and the companies will have to sign the attached collaboration agreement

model and send it to Basque Trade & Investment by email together with the document that

proves that the signatory on behalf of the company is its legal representative (deeds, power

of attorney, etc).

Only the agreements signed with companies that are correctly registered in the Company

Area and that have an accepted application for intern will be validated. If the intern wants to

consult the application for intern made by the company, they can request it by writing to


Alda. Urquijo, 36-5º - Plaza Bizkaia – 48011 Bilbao. T. 94 403 71 82 – bekak@basquetrade.eus

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