Sex in the Suburbs - A 1 page RPG

First draft of a desperate housewives inspired 1 page rpg designed by Niky Ellison

First draft of a desperate housewives inspired 1 page rpg designed by Niky Ellison


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Sex in the Suburbs

A 1 page RPG intended for 1 GM & 2 or more players

You are a stay at home spouse in suburban America with a tight knit clique of friends and frenemies. With a life full of Drama

and Dinner Parties who knows what tomorrow has in store for you

To Play either roll for or choose one identity and one background from the tables below, the Identities come with special

skills, feel free to make up your own background if none of the suggestions below take your fancy;


1. Trophy Spouse

As prime arm candy you can switch on the very same

charm you used to win your Spouse to distract/disarm

any social situations, provided they’re attracted to you

that is.

2. SUV Spouse

You have a big car and an attitude to match, no shopping

haul is too big and no glamming weekend is too off-road

for your pride and joy.

3. Heir/Heiress

Treated like royalty since the day you were born there is

nothing that Daddy wouldn’t do for you with just a call,

be careful though with pockets that deep Daddy can’t be

drawing too much attention to himself.

4. Soccer Mom

People often wonder how you do it, how do you stay sane

with that many children (roll 2d6 for total number) You’ll

never tell that you have them well trained, able to

perform basic tasks at your command you can’t

remember the last time you needed to Vacuum.

5. Gym bunny

With nothing to do during the day your yoga habit quickly

developed into a full blown fitness addiction; CrossFit,

Marathons, rock climbing and more, you’ve got what it

takes to achieve feats of athletic prowess. Provided you

have your favourite yoga pants

6. Crafty

You have always been good with your hands, in fact that’s

what your partner liked so much about you. Able to whip

up all sorts of crafty solutions and last minute

decorations you’ve gained a real reputation for being...

hands on.

Character Sheet

Name ______________________________________

Spouse Name________________________________




Desperate - ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪

Housewife - ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪


1. Well-travelled European

2. Pageant Winner

3. Divorcee

4. High strung Over-achiever

5. City Slicker

6. Hidden Past

How to Play

Each spouse has 2 statistics, Desperate & Housewife, you

start the game with 3 points in each statistic and

everytime you succeed on a check you move a point into

the statistic you used from your other stat. For example if

you succeed on a Housewife roll you move a point from

Desperate into Housewife.

The GM decides when an action requires a roll, to do this

the GM will request either a Desperate or Housewife skill

check depending on the action the play must roll a D6

and the number on the die needs to be equal to or lower

than the players points in the check.

A Housewife check encompasses any action that would be

described as typical day to day housewife activity,

housework, parenting, dealing with a spouse, shopping,

PTA meetings etc. A Desperate check is anything that is

not covered by the Housewife skill e.g. Throwing a glass

of wine in an enemies face, evading the police or defusing

a bomb. Some similar actions may require different

checks depending on context e.g. hiding a body may be a

Housewife check when you are burying the kids dog in

the dead of night but a Desperate check if you are burying

the body of your ex-boyfriend that you hit with you car

after he tried to kidnap you.

When using a special skill from your identity you do not

need to roll e.g. a SUV spouse does not require a check to

drive fast and/or furiously but any other player would.

If a player reaches 6 points in Housewife the character

decides to put away childish things and become the

ultimate Stepford Spouse, if they reach 6 points in

Desperate they begin the steady descent into ruin as the

life they have worked hard to build begins to slip through

their fingers. When the player reaches 6 points in either

skill another player can perform a sanity slap, both

players roll a D6, if either player rolls a 6 they can move a

point back into their empty skill.

Rebecca’s got a Gun (Optional Rule)

At the start of the game the GM can choose to give one

Player a gun, the GM should roll to decide who has the


Game Designed by Niky Ellison - First Draft


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