
The Life and Times of Greg Lemoine, international educator since 2001.

The Life and Times of Greg Lemoine, international educator since 2001.


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From the Life and Covid Times of Greg Lemoine

V232 July 2020



Hanging out with friends and families

during the social distancing, since we

are so far behind



Washer, Garbage Disposal,

DishWasher - kaput, entomutigend,

aussichtslos, frustrierend







Once again, I was invited

to the Haigler’s desert domicile

for a bountiful BBQ. This one was

in honor of Betty’s 82 birthday.

Betty has been living here on the

island with their family for health

reasons for a few years now.

Good thing Roseana is a nurse.

She’s our school nurse and a

great friend.

David wakes up early on

BBQ days and cooks enough

food on the grill for a small army.

It works out to send guests up for

“seconds” and “thirds”. Even

then, there is enough grilled

yumminess to keep the family fed

for the following week.

This isn’t just some

ordinary BBQ though. David

doesn’t even make baked

potatoes unless he’s added one

of his own original recipes. (I

haven’t asked, but he probably

has a special marinade for

hotdogs! It wouldn’t surprise me.)

I know Betty liked the

flowers and her birthday hat.

What else can you get someone

that is 82 years old during

COVIDCATION? It’s not like I can

successfully order amazon here

and I’m not a fan of leaving the

island to go shopping in the

overly expensive stores. That’s

just not my style.

So I took a page out of

the book of “old” Greg and made

a present for Betty. She wore it

for about 10 minutes just to take

pictures, blow out her candles,

and serve cake. What a great


Hopefully, Betty will have

many more great years ahead of

her. She’s got a grand sense of


Once again, I have the

pleasure of thanking the Haiglers

for making me feel welcome. I’ve

promised David that I will always

help him eat his BBQ feasts and

not to share his recipes. Or was it

not to cook? I’ll go with that one.



Brent and Sarah have been here for 18 years to

the day. Brent and I became close friends through Mike

Olsen about 3 1/2 years ago and Sarah has been a sub

for that time. Now they are packing up and heading

back to the wilds in the great state of Washington.

Imagine. They were hired on mere months after

9/11. Brent started in the elementary classroom, went

on to student support, and ended up going into a

company position to train adults that are re-entering

the company.

Sarah was a teacher for years before coming to

the island and working on and off as a sub at our

school. In between subbing, she had both Alison and

Isaac. We saw a lot of each other at school during my

first three years because Sarah was ALWAYS subbing.

Alison grew up here and went through our

elementary school. Two years ago, the family decided

to keep Alison in Washington for the end of middle

school. She has been living with her grandparents, only

seeing her parents and brother during repat times.

Isaac went through our elementary school but

he wasn’t in my homeroom. We did run into each other

a lot at school during his 3rd and 4th grade years, but

he never graced my homeroom.

Their family has been a lot of fun to be around.

Before COVIDCATION, we regularly met on Friday and

Saturday mornings for long breakfasts at the hobby

farm. Brent and I abused the bottomless coffee deal!

This will be another family that I keep track of in

the future. We’ve invested a lot of time in stories,

favors, and advice over the years. We won’t say

goodbye. We’ll just say “see you again”. Great friends.

Great family.

Now what am I going to do for school gossip?

Even though Brent has been a company man and

Sarah has subbed on and off since I’ve been here,

whenever I hear something about a teacher, it’s old

news for Sarah and Brent. I guess 18 years in the

same Company/School adds up. Although, I know it’s

mainly because Brent is such a social butterfly.

I know they are headed for a huge change

back in the USA. This has been a long run overseas in

one place. They got to travel a lot, experience a lot,

and save a lot. Brent’s famous saying is…”It’s not

how much money you make, but what you do

with it.”


Man oh man, this dog was a riot. In the past four years,

Shadow’s tongue has NEVER been in his mouth. It’s always hanging

out, drying in the desert heat like a red shoe he found and brought

back to his masters.

Shadow seems to be part of the glue that kept the family

together. If you talk to Brent (or any family member for that matter)

for more than ten minutes, the conversation will inevitably veer

towards Shadow stories and laughter. He doesn’t have to be

present. This little critter has been living in Washington with his

Grandpa and Grandma for the past six months.

Covidcation has been a chance for self

improvement projects. I’m definitely not

apt at the Ukulele, but it’s a work in

progress. A few chords. A pair of songs.


939 - HOW CAN WE


My last working dishwasher

was named Mariella. It wasn’t until I

arrived on this island that I have been

overseas and done my own laundry

or wash dishes, or make my own

bed. It’s been one of the greatest

perks. However, like other places in

the world, when you rent from the

school or company you are working

for, they maintain the domestic

devices you rent.

The problem here? 939 is a

call service with an army of

contractors that will come out to

repair rental devices, plumbing, aircon,

and anything you didn’t buy on

your own or install yourself. If you call

your own, more dependable repair

person, or try to fix it yourself, you

put yourself at risk for replacing the

rentals at a high cost.

I think my current dishwasher

was sold in 90’s. The first repair man

appeared hours early while I was at

work. Now I have called a second

939 appointment. Wish me luck. It’s

more of a rinsing machine anyway.

Perhaps the dude can actually “fix” it

to wash. I might have to try hiring

someone else’s maid, part time.


“When your SH*T bucket fills up and outweighs your

money bucket, it’s time to leave this place.”

I heard this phrase for

the first time last week.

Depending on whom you ask,

you will either get “everyone

knows that one” or “what?

you’ve never heard that?”

It makes total sense. I

just hadn’t heard it put that way

before. We earn a handsome

salary with lots of benefits, but

there is a ton of SH*T we go

through to live in this country

and work on the island.

COVID has now come

along and added to the SH*T

bucket for a lot of people. Even

someone like me, that has

toughed out some very difficult

countries and travels, has his

bucket filling up quick.

For the first time in the

past four years, I had a

moment of longing to be a new

teacher in a new country again.

It was a fleeting feeling brought

on by reading a book about a

teaching couple that went to

teach in the Congo for the

2005-06 school year. As I read

through their account of

l a n d i n g i n C o n g o a n d

experiencing their new school, I

couldn’t help but escape to my

past similar experiences in

seven different countries.

After a moment, it

disappeared like Keyser Söze.

This is still the best school I’ve

worked at. Even after 7months

of being locked into this

kingdom, I am up for an

extended stay. If the buckets

don’t tip wrong, 10-13 total

years. Then somewhere else.



I recently bought my first (ever) W/D set. So

domesticated. I know, right? The set works fine, if the

plumbing is working. Renting a piece of crap without any

working sensors was easy. Just start and stop. But this

washer has working electrical sensors and requires a bit

more, like the cold water coming out of the faucet? Not

just hot.

When I called 939 - the island fixit people, the plumber

came out. He turned off the water main for the apartment.

Then he unplugged the hoses from the wall. According to

him (he probably speaks five forms of Urdu and Hindi but

very little English), it was a problem with the valve on the

wall. He goes out to the truck and replaces the valve.

Plugs the hoses back. Starts the washer. Done!

Whatever. The washer started to fill. I was completely clueless so I tipped him and went back to work. Two days

later, I decided to wash again. The washer gave me an error again. Do you know what it is like to sit with a

washer for 40 minutes to see when the cycle error happens? In 120F weather? My W/D closet is outside.

I researched and downloaded the manuals. Pored over them. Even watched a few YouTube videos on washer

repair. Armed with a bit of knowledge, I unplugged both hoses from the washer and checked the bivalve. Clear.

Put both hose ends into the washer bin lid and turned on both the hot and cold. Hot worked fine. The cold

water, even with the “new” shiny facet, produced a drip. Huh. New washer is fine. Water problem. I switched out

the hoses to see if it was the hose filters. Nope. Both hoses worked on hot. Both failed on cold. I knew enough

not to send myself to the hospital by opening the hot faucet without a hose, but the cold? I tried it without a

hose. Drip…..drip…..drip. Now I have a bigger plumbing problem. Call 939 during work again!


This apartment has been

home for the past 3 years. The

first day, I tried the garbage

disposal. It was on for 30 seconds

before blowing a circuit. Oh well. I

eat out or order in. As long as the

sink drains, little food ever goes

down. No need for the disposal to


Little did anyone know

COVID would force me to start

cooking in my apartment. I’m still

careful about what goes down the

drains. My methods lasted until

the last week of July. The stars

aligned. Even drain cleaner

wouldn’t clear these drains. Time

to call 939. It’s a rental. I don’t

own the plumbing nor pay for

repairs. I just have to go

through the effort of making an

appointment and not waisting

5 hours waiting for the guy to

show up for a specific time.

Note the sarcasm.

This was a fruitful call.

For once. 939 sent out a

plumber. The guy actually stuck

his had into the garbage

disposal. That is something I

have never and will never do.

This was after he reset the

breaker! Uggh. He pulled out

several pieces of metal and with

scolding eyes, explained in broken

English that metal pieces should

not go into a disposal. Rather than

paint the story of 3 years ago, I

acted incompetent and agreed

not to grind any more metal. At

least it’s working, for now. Give it a

week. Time to stop cooking again.




E n o u g h . E n o u g h .

Please let us go. This country

is still locked down for travel,

meaning international. There is

no end in sight.

Sure, I paid a lot of

money for my Christmas diving

Live-a-board in Indonesia for

Dec24-Dec30 but I certainly

didn’t buy tickets yet. I asked

for time off. I have learned to

plan well ahead in the past few

years. The dive trip has a 2year

window in case there is any

COVID-related travel restriction

so I plopped down the money

to reserve my place. However,

I didn’t get tickets yet or pay

for an earlier dive trip. (I was

originally signed up for back to

back trips but months ago it

seemed even more unlikely we

might get out by December

10.) Plans A,B,C through Z.

We better be set free

by at least December 10 or all

of us will go absolutely crazy!

It’s already been since March

9, six months and counting.

Uggh. Rage! Help! Please.

All I have to look

forward to is December! Our

island restaurants still have no

seating open. Delivery or PU.

Too bad most of our signs are in

Arabic. I’d love to see some stores

that can make signs both funny and

with correct English. This was the

funniest online, so far.


On top of everything else, I got a flat tire

halfway between my apartment and the gas station

(air). I decided walking the bike either way for 20

minutes in 120 degree heat, I’d risk ruining the rim or

tire and ride it 20kpm to the gas station. C-R-A-C-K-!!!

The back tire whitewall cracked completely as I

creeped into the dipped driveway of the station. Little

guy made me park it in a nearby parking lot. Called a

friend for a ride. Called my scooter guy on Eid Holiday

to come and fix it in a few days. No more transport on

my days off. Hope it is fixed before school starts

Sunday! Real icing on the cake of my week.



209i Some Street

The Island, Middle of the Desert


(Left to Right) Sarah, Brent, Greg, Darryl, (Ben was getting Doritos)

At the end of each school year overseas, friends and colleagues leave for different reasons.

This year it was due to COVID layoffs, retirements, and other factors in play. Everyone has

their story. Here on the island, small get togethers to see friends off are called “ma’salama

parties”. Ma’salama means goodbye in Arabic. I’ll see Darryl and his family either in Minnie or

Milwaukee. The Eakers? Well, now I have a reason to visit Washington state for the first time.


Imagine this: Darryl is wrapping up 30 years overseas. The last time he lived in Minnesota was

30 years ago. That is impressive!

Korea, Malaysia, Russia, Saudi

Hats off to you and safe travels Darryl. Over and out from Saudi. We’ll see each other again.

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