Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep

Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep https://allvapestores.com/benefits-of-cbd-gummies-for-treating-pain-stress-anxiety-nausea-and-aiding-sleep/ CBD has been determined to be a safe treatment option for users by doctors across the globe. CBD gummies are an effective way to ingest CBD daily and manage dosage and potency. While there are not yet a lot of studies that prove efficacy of CBD and mental health conditions, there exists plenty of anecdotal evidence and early signs of scientific evidence in the research that has been completed to date. So how does CBD treat common ailments such as stress? What about anxiety and depression? Does it help with insomnia? How about chronic pain? Let’s dive into some science and research to better understand how JustCBD Gummies can work for your body. Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep

Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep
CBD has been determined to be a safe treatment option for users by doctors across the globe. CBD gummies are an effective way to ingest CBD daily and manage dosage and potency. While there are not yet a lot of studies that prove efficacy of CBD and mental health conditions, there exists plenty of anecdotal evidence and early signs of scientific evidence in the research that has been completed to date. So how does CBD treat common ailments such as stress? What about anxiety and depression? Does it help with insomnia? How about chronic pain? Let’s dive into some science and research to better understand how JustCBD Gummies can work for your body.
Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep

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8/8/2020 Benefits Of CBD Gummies For Treating Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Nausea And Aiding Sleep - allvapestores.com

What Happens In Your Body When You Experience Stress?

When we experience stress, a series of events occur in our endocrine system beginning with the

hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. This is a very complicated way of saying that the

hypothalamus, a small region of the brain near the pituitary gland that connects the brain and the

endocrine system, sends a signal to the pituitary gland to produce a hormone. This hormone signals

the adrenal glands, which are above the kidneys, to increase the production of cortisol, also known

as the “stress hormone”. Cortisol levels exist in our bodies throughout the day at varying levels as

part of normal functioning. It’s usually highest upon waking and throughout the day it depletes until

bedtime. During a period of stress, however, cortisol peaks in order to give us energy to deal with

the problem. When we become over-stressed, the cortisol levels do not regulate and this can cause

problems throughout the entire body. During an acute stress attack, the following things occur

within the body:

Our airway widen in order to allow more oxygen into our lungs

Our heart rate increases so nutrients and oxygen can go faster and deeper into our muscles

Our liver pumps glucose into our bloodstream for a boost of power to our body

Our digestive and immune systems shut down so our body can focus on our muscles and brain


Norepinephrine, a stress chemical, is released to stimulate our brain and heighten awareness

Given all of these processes that take place in an acute stress attack, you can see why managing

stress is one of the most important things we can do to stay healthy.

How do CBD Gummies Help Relieve Stress?

As we’ve discovered, CBD (cannabidiol) interacts with the endocrine system and the

endocannabinoid system. Endocannabinoids bind to cannabinoid receptors, known as CB1 and

CB2, throughout the body in the brain, central nervous systems, immune system, and organs. This

process helps your body maintain homeostasis and health. Essentially, your endocannabinoid

system acts as a safety net to prevent your body from becoming ill as a result of external stressors

by regulating the response to fear, stress, and anxiety.

In essence, endocannabinoids are molecules that change the activity of cells when necessary. All of

those stress processes mentioned above need to be reversed when the stressor is managed.

Meaning, we stop producing stress hormones like cortisol, our heart rate slows and blood pressure

returns to normal, and our digestive and immune systems become activated once again. When this

is completed, we’ve returned to our homeostasis. When CB1 receptors within the brain and central

nervous system are activated, the body experiences a feeling of calm. Keep in mind that this is only

speci c to CBD, not THC, which can actually increase feelings of anxiety. Ingesting CBD

Gummies helps produce the endocannabinoids necessary for our endocannabinoid system to ght

o the extra stress within our body. How? Well, in very basic terms, the primary player in stress is

the hypothalamus. When the hypothalamus senses cortisol peaks, it sends signals to shut them

down. The more frequently we experience peaks, the more cortisol is required to set the alarm o .

Basically, the hypothalamus becomes so used to the higher levels of cortisol that it requires even

more stress for it to respond. This is what we know as chronic stress. CBD helps the hypothalamus

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