Taphonomy - Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute

Taphonomy - Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute

Taphonomy - Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute


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The scene of an accidental death and the victim’s self-inflicted wound which caused it.<br />

<strong>Taphonomy</strong> – Edged, Incised, Hacking, and Impaling Traumas<br />

Among the more spectacular, or gruesome, injuries encountered within accidental or intended death scenes are<br />

those classified under sharp or edged forces. The physical acts which cause such injuries are intimiate acts. In<br />

interpersonal attacks they require the victim and subject to be in close physical contacts. Even more psychologically<br />

intimate than distance is the requirement of edged weapon attacks that the subject, or victim in the case of suicide, feel<br />

the impact the weapon has in creating the trauma. For this reason the reader is referred to citations under Criminal and<br />

Cultural Behavior. As with ballistic wounds, topics of tool mark examination consider characteristics of edged<br />

weapon wounds. Those marks may extend from the substrates of the victim’s outer garments into that of bone.<br />

Because edged trauma, like blunt and ballistic wounding may generate patterned blood stains, citations under Blood<br />

Stain Identification and Interpretation may aid researchers using this bibliography. An interesting and perhaps<br />

unconsidered cross-reference to the instant section is to Fingerprint, Footprint, Earprint, and Tatto Evidence or<br />

Other Body Modification Evidence in as much as scarification constitutes healed edged wounds. Hacking trauma has<br />

been included within this category. Unlike other wounds created by edged implements, the act of hacking imparts blunt<br />

trauma in addition to sharp force injury. Therefore, citations included under Blunt, Fracture, and Crushing Traumas<br />

may include reference to hacking injury. Penetrating wounds, like incised or stab wounds as well as bullet wounds, are<br />

often sites to which scavenging insects are first attracted. Citations under Entomology may discuss same.<br />

(550 citations)<br />

Abe, Y., C.W. Marean, P.J. Nilssen, Z. Assefa, and E.C. Stone<br />

2002 The Analysis of Cut Marks on Archaeofauna: A Review and Critique of Quantification Procedures, and a New Image-Analysis GIS<br />

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2005 Scanning Electron Microscopy Analysis of Experimental Bone Hacking Trauma. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 50(4):796-601. (also cited<br />

as pages 1-6)<br />

Alunni-Perret, Veronique, Cybele Borg, Jean-Pierre Laugier, marie-France Bertrand, Pascal Staccini, Marc Bolla, Gerald Quatrhomme, and Michele<br />

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<strong>Taphonomy</strong> – Blunt, Fracture, and Crushing Traumas<br />

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There may also be some overlap between blunt traumas and hacking traumas which have been categorized in this<br />

bibliography with edged trauma – Edged, Incised, Hacking and Imapling Traumas. In hand to hand combat the<br />

most basic implement may be the fist or the action of grabbing the victim’s head, arm, back, or other body part and<br />

striking it against a solid surface. Innumerable objects can be used as weapons to create fracture and crushing injuries.<br />

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reader is invited to look through the section of the bibliography that addresses Mass Fatalities …. All injuries to soft<br />

and skeletal tissues are, in effect, tool marks. Articles discussing tool marks left in synthetic substrates may be<br />

encountered under the sub-section entitled general tool mark evidence. Crushing injuries may be the result of being run<br />

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Tire Impression Evidence.<br />

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<strong>Taphonomy</strong> – Hangings, Asphyxial Injuries and other Neck Traumas<br />

This sub-section to trauma related to taphonomy concerns those injuries typically associated with<br />

impediments, or trauma, to the airway. In the situation of suicidal, homicidal, or accidental hangings as well as<br />

vehicular crashes, additional traumas may present in the cervical area of the spine. Bruising, echymosis, as well as the<br />

presence of pettechia in various tissues throughout the body are also typical of such deaths. For these reasons this<br />

bibliography’s user might want to look through those sections with Miscellaneous Topics in <strong>Taphonomy</strong>. Perhaps<br />

one of the more often staged, or misinterpreted, types of death scenes are those involving handings. Auto-erotic, versus<br />

suicidal, versus homicidal, situations may take on the appearance of the other or be posed to do so. This bibliography’s<br />

sections on Criminal and Cultural Behavior and General Crime Scene and Death Scene Investigation contain<br />

numerous case examples which may be of aid. For the crime scene reconstructionist a subsection like Miscellaneous<br />

Trace Evidence might be useful in locating research which has been published or presented on the analyses of knots.<br />

Extreme cervical and neck trauma may result in decapitation. For that reason applicable citations could be found in the<br />

<strong>Taphonomy</strong> sub-section created for Edged, Incised, Hacking and Impaling Traumas. Some of the titles in that subsection,<br />

as well as Blunt, Fracture, and Crushing Traumas may have not been specific enough to identify them as<br />

containing discussion of those types of trauma which could result in asphyxial deaths. As examples of how other<br />

different evidence categories might impact this topic of neck traumas or strangulation deaths, consider the examination<br />

of victims for fingerprints on their skin; or the use of forensic light technology and photography in revealing evidence<br />

not visible under more ambient conditions.<br />

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<strong>Taphonomy</strong> – Ballistic Wounds<br />

Classic star pattern created by a contact wound to the forehead of an individual who committed suicide<br />

The largest sub-section of individual trauma references in this bibliography are categorized as ballistic<br />

wounds. Approximately 760 references are cited in this edition. Naturally, this secton goes hand in hand with that<br />

titled Firearms, Projectiles, and Tool Mark Evidence and specifically its sub-section of Firearms and Ballistic<br />

Evidence. This mostly physiological-related sub-section within the <strong>Taphonomy</strong> sections usually represents the final or<br />

terminal area of ballistic science. An understanding of wounds in the context of initial and transitional ballistics is<br />

required to reconstruct a shooting or death scene. Additionally, a working familiarity with firearms and ammunition<br />

characteristics and components is fundamental toward scene reconstruction. Beyond the weapons and wounds, various<br />

substrates may be affected during the flight and impact(s) of a projectile. For this reason the researcher is asked to<br />

consider the Fiber and Textile Evidence and Other Trace Evidence Topics sub-sections of Miscellaneous Trace<br />

Evidence. Hejna and Šafr (2010b) is an example of a transitional or near-terminal ballistic study which addresses the<br />

impact of the projectile and gunshot residues on clothing worn by the victim. Other sections of this bibliography which<br />

should be considered when researching ballistic wounds include Criminal and Cultural Behavior for possibly<br />

determining the decision process involved in the selection of particular weapons. Circumstances surrounding a<br />

shooting incident might be reflected in case studies or accounts presented throughout General Crime Scene and Death<br />

Scene Investigation and Nonfiction Accounts of Buried Body Cases. Even the search for expended bullets or shell<br />

casings and/or secreted firearms might be aided through a review of Geophysical/Remote Sensing Technology and<br />

Applications.<br />

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