The Long Blue Line (Supplemental 2020)

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<strong>2020</strong><br />


Inside this issue:<br />


FROM THE<br />

STATE OF<br />


GUARD<br />

120 YEARS AGO<br />





3<br />

Introducing the <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Line</strong> Bonus Issue<br />

A message from CDR Kevin Harkins, USCG (Ret.)<br />

<strong>2020</strong> BONUS ISSUE<br />

Managing Editor: Drew Forster<br />

Graphic Designer: Scott McGuire<br />

Contributing Writer: William H.<br />

Thiesen, Ph.D.<br />

Chief of the Mess: MCPOCG Vincent<br />

W. Patton, Ed.D., USCG (Ret.)<br />

4<br />

8<br />

10<br />

Highlights From the State of the<br />

Coast Guard Address<br />

COVER STORY | <strong>The</strong> Coast Guard's First<br />

Superstorm 120 years ago a hurricane hits<br />

Galveston, TX<br />

How You Can Make a Difference<br />

Help build your future National Coast Guard Museum<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Line</strong> is published<br />

quarterly by the National Coast<br />

Guard Museum Association,<br />

78 Howard Street, Suite A, New<br />

London, CT 06320<br />


Please contact Mary Joe Clark,<br />

Maryjoeclark0@gmail.com<br />

781-707-6565<br />


Current and past issues of <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Long</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Line</strong> are available at<br />

longblueline.org<br />

Past issues of the Retiree<br />

Newsletter are available at: www.<br />

dcms.uscg.mil/ppc/ras/retnews/<br />

12<br />

14<br />

18<br />

19<br />

Research and Development<br />

Highlights: i911<br />

Fiscal Year 2021<br />

President's Budget<br />

Spotlight on Retired<br />

Captain Fred Herzberg<br />

Board of Directors and Campaign Officals<br />

for the National Coast Guard Museum Association<br />

Coast Guard Distribution Lists can<br />

be found at the USCG Public Affairs<br />

News Room at: www.news.uscg.mil<br />


ATLANTIC OCEAN - U.S. Coast<br />

Guard Barque Eagle crewmembers<br />

and Coast Guard Academy<br />

officer candidates climb down<br />

the rigging aboard Coast Guard<br />

Barque Eagle. Officer candidates<br />

spend two weeks aboard the Eagle<br />

during their 17-week school to<br />

further develop their seamanship,<br />

teamwork, and leadership skills.<br />

(U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty<br />

Officer 1st Class Lauren Jorgensen)<br />

Find all of this content at longblueline.org<br />


WHAT HAS CHANGED? <strong>The</strong> CG Retiree Services Program (vice Retiree Council) is now partnering with the National<br />

Coast Guard Museum Association to publish this print version of the retiree newsletter.<br />

WHAT’S NOT CHANGING? Coast Guard content (e.g. Retiree Services messaging; Retirements, TAPS, and Reunion<br />

and other notices; and helpful phone #s, websites). <strong>The</strong> Retiree Services Program Manager remains the POC for CG<br />

content and input to the newsletter. <strong>The</strong> deadline for input for the fall <strong>2020</strong> newsletter is 20 Aug <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

I do NOT have the capability to update retiree mailing/e-mail addresses in Direct Access (DA). This is a function of<br />

CG PPC. I only upload retiree addresses from DA for mailing of the newsletter and other communications.<br />

Robert Hinds, CG-1335, Robert.C.Hinds@uscg.mil<br />

Neither the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) nor the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) endorse the National Coast<br />

Guard Museum Association, Inc, or any other non-federal entity. Further, neither DHS nor the USCG endorse or support<br />

the products or services advertised in this newsletter, the organizations advertising in this newsletter, or the statements<br />

of any non- U.S. Coast Guard contributors for this newsletter.<br />




BLUE LINE BONUS ISSUE to our Senior Officer<br />

Community. As I reflect on Coast Guard history<br />

and how that weaves into the history of our Nation,<br />

especially during difficult times, I am honored to be<br />

a retiree and to share this common bond with each<br />

of you.<br />

In our agreement with the Coast Guard, the National<br />

Coast Guard Museum Association offered to develop<br />

more targeted issues of the <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Line</strong> for specific<br />

groups (e.g. Flags, Senior Officers, Chiefs) – and I am<br />

pleased to share this first edition focused on our Senior<br />

Officer Community. <strong>The</strong> goal for the <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Line</strong><br />

and the special issue is to provide retirees both an<br />

avenue to receive Coast Guard topical information,<br />

as well as inform you about our newest endeavor – the<br />

future National Coast Guard Museum.<br />

I am deeply honored to serve as a volunteer on<br />

the Board for an organization that cares about the<br />

Coast Guard legacy – and our hope is that every<br />

retiree becomes involved in their own way. It is<br />

incomprehensible that our Coast Guard does not have<br />

a National venue to tell our story – to inspire, to reflect,<br />

to inform. ADM Jim Loy and I worked together to<br />

synthesize the “why” to elucidate the many reasons we<br />

need a Coast Guard Museum, summarized in the<br />

following bullets:<br />

• To help American citizens and other visitors<br />

understand the incredible legacy of heroism,<br />

bravery, and professional competence<br />

demonstrated by this oft-unnoticed, multimissioned<br />

service.<br />

• To evoke endless stories of lives saved, wars<br />

fought, commerce facilitated, laws enforced, and<br />

a maritime environment protected.<br />

• Because the extraordinary work of the Coast<br />

Guard deserves to be preserved, memorialized<br />

and honored and currently our Service is the only<br />

Armed Service without a National Museum.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Museum will be transcendent for the Coast<br />

Guard, the Coast Guard Community, and the<br />

Nation. Personally, I have invested both time and<br />

resources because I have observed the tremendously<br />

positive impact the other Service museums have<br />

on visitors; the sense of awe, the discovery, the<br />

new awareness, and the thoughtful reflections of<br />

appreciation. And the most amazing part of that is,<br />

comparatively speaking, the Coast Guard has the<br />

best stories of anyone! We absolutely must help those<br />

stories see the light of day.<br />

I encourage you to learn more and get involved by<br />

visiting:<br />

www.coastguardmuseum.org<br />

We are in the midst of a campaign with our Flag<br />

Officers who have shown tremendous support to<br />

date. We anticipate running a similar campaign within<br />

our community, and I hope that we can exceed their<br />

achievements – I am confident we will.<br />

I hope you enjoy this bonus issue and the <strong>Long</strong> <strong>Blue</strong><br />

<strong>Line</strong>. In two months, the Museum Association will send<br />

out a short survey and request your feedback. I want<br />

to thank you in advance for your feedback and joining<br />

me in our mission to build a National Coast Guard<br />

Museum!<br />

Semper Paratus,<br />

CDR Kevin Harkins, Ph.D., USCG (Ret.)<br />

Proudly retired since 2004!<br />

Dr. Harkins is the CEO of Harkcon, Inc., where he brings more<br />

than 30 years experience leading across a broad-spectrum of<br />

human performance improvement areas in both the public and private<br />

sectors. Harkcon has won multiple awards for growth, innovation, and<br />

new project development and has been recognized as one of the fastestgrowing<br />

businesses in America for seven consecutive years. Dr. Harkins<br />

also serves as CEO of Harkcon Academy, a high-end training and<br />

professional development center of excellence. He is the Secretary of<br />

the Board of Directors of the National Coast Guard Museum Association.<br />



20 FEBRUARY <strong>2020</strong><br />


STATE of the<br />

COAST<br />

GUARD<br />


delivered the <strong>2020</strong> State of the Coast Guard<br />

Address in Charleston, SC. Highlights are<br />

shared below and the full text and video are available<br />

at <strong>Long</strong><strong>Blue</strong><strong>Line</strong>.org/SROfficers.<br />

█ 230 years ago, the Nation’s first Secretary of<br />

the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, recognized<br />

that America’s prosperity depended on securing<br />

our ports, facilitating the flow of commerce, and<br />

establishing common rules for maritime trade. For well<br />

over two centuries, we have protected, defended,<br />

saved, and shielded the American people. Today, I<br />

am proud to stand before you as the Commandant<br />

of the “World’s Best Coast Guard” and tell the story<br />

of WHY WE SERVE.<br />


Over the past year, you saw us first on scene following<br />

the horrific destruction of Hurricane Dorian – the<br />

most devastating storm to hit <strong>The</strong> Bahamas. Millions<br />

watched in awe as a Coast Guardsman fearlessly<br />

leapt onto a narco sub traversing the Eastern Pacific<br />

Ocean. National Security Cutter BERTHOLF plied<br />

the Taiwan Straits to promote free and open access<br />

to the seas and adherence to the “Rules Based<br />

Order.” Coast Guard service members rescued 24<br />

trapped crewmembers from the overturned 650-foot<br />

GOLDEN RAY, including four confined for over 30<br />

hours in 140-degree engine room spaces.<br />

As a Service, we are rightfully proud of our ability to<br />

lead in crisis, but our greatest value is in preventing<br />

crises in the first place. <strong>The</strong>re is no agency better<br />

suited than the United States Coast Guard to lead<br />

in the maritime domain and to uphold worldwide<br />

institutions founded on the principles of freedom,<br />

sovereign rights, and liberty.<br />

In a constantly evolving environment, we cannot<br />

remain the world’s best Coast Guard, unless we think<br />

and act differently. Unless we continually hone our<br />

operational tradecraft. Unless we continue to develop<br />

a positive culture that promotes respect, diversity<br />

and inclusion through strong leadership at all levels.<br />

For the first time in the history of the multi-decade<br />

maritime drug campaign, this past year our partner<br />

nations accounted for half of the Transit Zone drug<br />

interdictions.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cartels traffic drugs, weapons, and people,<br />

causing instability and violence in Central<br />

America that drives migrants north. And, their<br />

illicit commodities destined for U.S. soil devastate<br />

American families - setting records for drug-related<br />

deaths each year. THIS IS WHY WE SERVE!<br />

Our Offshore Patrol Cutters - which will become<br />

the backbone of our modernized fleet - will have a<br />

critical role in this campaign. <strong>The</strong> first in its class,<br />

Cutter ARGUS, is already under construction and<br />

will be delivered in 2022. <strong>The</strong> Offshore Patrol Cutter<br />

program is set to deliver 25 hulls and that fleet will<br />

ultimately comprise almost 70 percent of our offshore<br />

presence.<br />

By the end of the year, we are on track to take delivery<br />

of the first two 154-foot Fast Response Cutters to be<br />

homeported in Guam. <strong>The</strong>se modern cutters will<br />

replace 40-year-old vessels, enhancing all aspects of<br />

the Coast Guard’s surface capabilities in the region,<br />

including increased range, sea-keeping, crew size,<br />

and enhanced cutter boats to support operations.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no agency better suited than the United States Coast Guard<br />

to lead in the maritime domain and to uphold worldwide institutions<br />

founded on the principles of freedom, sovereign rights, and liberty.<br />


Just outside is National Security Cutter JAMES—<br />

these cutters are the flagship of the Coast Guard’s<br />

modernized fleet with automated weapons systems,<br />

state-of-the-art command and control equipment,<br />

and advanced sensors. JAMES recently returned<br />

from a two-month deployment, to stop dangerous<br />

drug cartels from smuggling over 13,000 pounds<br />

of narcotics.<br />

Since the implementation of our Western Hemisphere<br />

Strategy four years ago, the men and women of the<br />

Coast Guard have interdicted 2 million pounds of<br />

pure cocaine worth 26 billion dollars.<br />


Now let me tell you how we serve American interests<br />

at the furthest ends of the earth. As our Polar Regions<br />

become more accessible, foreign competitors seek<br />

to encroach on American sovereignty, exploit<br />

natural resources, and potentially limit access to<br />

shipping routes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Coast Guard operates our Nation’s only<br />

icebreaker fleet countering malign influence as our<br />

most persistent surface military presence at the Polar<br />

Regions. We do this with just two cutters. This is a<br />

woefully unacceptable level of presence in an area<br />

where we must be a leading force.<br />



Each year, LCDR Karen Kutkiewicz and the POLAR<br />

STAR crew leave their families behind during the<br />

holiday season. While underway for their annual<br />

Antarctic deployment, the crew not only faces the<br />

challenges of the harsh environment, but they must<br />

also rely on their grit and ingenuity to keep their aging<br />

vessel in the fight.<br />

<strong>The</strong> good news is that both the Administration and<br />

Congress have duly recognized the burden our<br />

POLAR STAR sailors bear to meet the Nation’s call.<br />

That’s why I’m grateful for their recent support to fully<br />

fund our new Polar Security Cutter, the first modern<br />

heavy icebreaker to be built in the United States in<br />

half a century. Additionally, the President requested<br />

$555 million dollars in Fiscal Year 2021 to fully fund<br />

our critically needed second Polar Security Cutter,<br />

and there’s an acquisitions and funding strategy to<br />

build a third.<br />

and smugglers who destabilize the region. And, we<br />

are all in, with plans to begin replacing our aging<br />

patrol boats with Fast Response Cutters next year,<br />

expanding our maritime capabilities in support of<br />

U.S. Central Command.<br />

Right here in the homeland, your Coast Guard<br />

also enhances security. For the first time ever, we<br />

employed DHS’s recent congressionally authorized<br />

counter-drone authorities to protect over 130 world<br />

leaders who gathered for the United Nations General<br />

Assembly in New York City.<br />

Likewise, under delegated DoD authority, Coast<br />

Guard Reserve petty officers helped pioneer stateof-the-art<br />

drone defense equipment at the Maritime<br />

Force Protection Units in both Kings Bay, GA and<br />

Bangor, WA. <strong>The</strong>se Coasties provide counter-drone<br />

protection for U.S. Navy Ballistic Missile Submarines.<br />

We are clearly a maritime nation, and our marine<br />

transportation system generates over 30 million<br />

jobs and 5.4 trillion dollars annually in economic activity.<br />

Cutter HEALY, our twenty-year old Medium<br />

Icebreaker, annually deploys above the Arctic Circle.<br />

When HEALY sails this summer, it will do so, yet<br />

again, without reliable communications for a large<br />

portion of its multi-month patrol.<br />

As Commandant, I need my operational commanders<br />

to be able to communicate with every Coast Guard<br />

asset—anytime, anywhere. We are exploring new<br />

satellite communications capabilities with the<br />

Department of Defense and industry, as well as<br />

renewing land-based communications capabilities<br />

in Alaska. Arctic communications are a “whole-ofgovernment”<br />

issue — we must work together to solve<br />

our communication blackout in the Arctic now.<br />


Coast Guard men and women are stationed<br />

worldwide in defense of our Nation. Today, as<br />

tensions in the Middle East remain heightened, the<br />

Coast Guard stands watch on the Arabian Gulf. Six<br />

patrol boats and our Advanced Tactical Interdiction<br />

teams defend against terrorists, rogue nation states,<br />

<strong>The</strong> aforementioned programs are funded by the<br />

Department of Defense, but many of our defense<br />

contributions are not, leaving the Coast Guard on an<br />

unsustainable path to support our growing operational<br />

requirements. In contrast, DoD’s readiness funding<br />

has grown nearly three times as much as the Coast<br />

Guard’s over the past five years despite our services<br />

having the same types of readiness challenges. <strong>The</strong><br />

2021 President’s Budget Request starts us on a<br />

healthier funding trajectory.<br />


A community like Charleston understands just how<br />

important our defense contributions are to the Nation.<br />

And for generations, the people of this great port city<br />

have also appreciated the importance of maritime<br />

commerce to our Nation. Our interconnected global<br />

economy relies on efficient ports and waterways.<br />

Over 90 percent of the world’s goods move by sea.<br />

We are clearly a maritime nation, and our marine<br />

transportation system generates over 30 million jobs<br />

and 5.4 trillion dollars annually in economic activity.<br />


Right here in South Carolina, your ports account for<br />

10 percent of both jobs and gross domestic product<br />

for the entire state.<br />

<strong>The</strong> advantages of our Nation’s ports and waterways<br />

positively affect every American, and every State.<br />

That is how we serve American prosperity.<br />


<strong>The</strong>se dedicated men and women are why readiness<br />

is my top priority for the Coast Guard. And a key<br />

component to readiness is building and sustaining<br />

a robust talent management enterprise, establishing<br />

the Coast Guard as an employer of choice.<br />

Talent Management is both our most pressing<br />

challenge and our greatest opportunity. Attracting,<br />

incentivizing, and retaining our best talent also<br />

requires us to think about our Coast Guard families.<br />

To lead operations in an uncertain future requires<br />

us to harness the full power of diverse backgrounds<br />

and original thinking. We must all build an inclusive<br />

culture that not only attracts the best of America’s<br />

diverse population, but fosters an environment that<br />

encourages them to stay. A Coast Guard where<br />

every person understands that inclusion and diversity<br />

are mission imperatives<br />


This is one way we can honor an individual’s<br />

embodiment of our core values. Similarly, we owe<br />

it to the cornerstone of what makes our Service<br />


great—our people—to memorialize the extraordinary<br />

achievements of our past, present, and future<br />

workforce. And I look forward to showcasing the rich<br />

history and heroism of all Coast Guardsmen in the<br />

National Coast Guard Museum scheduled to open<br />

in New London, CT in 2024.<br />

Our extraordinary men and women who truly live by<br />

our Core Values will never let you down. And our<br />

senior leadership team will ALWAYS have their backs<br />

because on our watch your Coast Guard must, and<br />

will, remain SEMPER PARATUS – ALWAYS READY.<br />

the American public expects no less!<br />

History and experience show that our people enable<br />

the Coast Guard to adapt and overcome. To best<br />

serve the Nation, we must invest in our Service and<br />

empower our people.<br />

We all serve for different reasons, but over my 36-<br />

plus year career I have found that we all share the<br />

same desire to take care of our shipmates, protect<br />

our families, and safeguard the American dream.<br />

Ensuring our outstanding Coast Guard men and<br />

women can achieve these goals and grow as both<br />

individuals and professionals - this is why I serve!<br />

Thank you for joining me today and God Bless the<br />

United States of America. Semper Paratus!<br />

For the full State of the Coast Guard address,<br />

visit www.<strong>Long</strong><strong>Blue</strong><strong>Line</strong>.org/SROfficers<br />


THE<br />

COAST<br />

GUARD’S<br />

FIRST<br />


120 YEARS<br />

AGO<br />

William H. Thiesen, Historian<br />

Coast Guard Atlantic Area<br />


1900, a hurricane of massive<br />

force struck the Gulf Coast<br />

west of Galveston, TX. <strong>The</strong> Great<br />

Galveston Hurricane would<br />

prove far deadlier than any manmade,<br />

environmental or weatherrelated<br />

disaster in U.S. history,<br />

with approximately 8,000 killed<br />

in Galveston and roughly 2,000<br />

more lost in other parts of the Gulf<br />

Coast.<br />

In the afternoon of Saturday,<br />

September 8th, the storm closed<br />

in and floodwaters rushed into<br />

Galveston with wind speeds<br />

reaching gale force. By 3:30 p.m.,<br />

reports of death and destruction<br />

began to reach the Revenue<br />

Cutter GALVESTON moored in the<br />

harbor. <strong>The</strong> cutter already held 50<br />

refugees and the captain decided<br />

to deploy a smallboat to assist the<br />

city’s storm victims.<br />

A volunteer rescue party led by<br />

GALVESTON Assistant Engineer<br />

Charles Root set-off dragging the<br />

cutter’s whaleboat over railroad<br />

tracks and launching it into the<br />

city’s flooded streets. <strong>The</strong> high<br />

winds rendered oars useless,<br />

so the men warped the boat<br />

using a rope system. One man<br />

swam through the streets with a<br />

line, tied it to a fixed object and<br />

the crew hauled it in. Using this<br />

arduous process, the crew rescued<br />

numerous victims out of the roiling<br />

waters.<br />

At nearby Bolivar Point, the<br />

storm surge flooded the lowlying<br />

peninsula and waves broke<br />

against the base of Bolivar Point<br />

Lighthouse. Approximately 125<br />

locals sought refuge from the<br />

storm in the lighthouse tower while<br />

the water began rising around it.<br />

That afternoon, the floodwaters<br />

had halted a passenger train<br />

approaching the Bolivar Point<br />

Ferry Terminal. Soon after, the<br />

rising water surrounded the train,<br />

trapped riders and crew in the<br />

passenger cars, and drowned<br />

them all.<br />

In the evening, the storm<br />

unleashed Category Four winds.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Galveston Weather Bureau<br />

anemometer registered over 100<br />

mph before a wind gust tore it<br />


Top‣ A view of Fort Point<br />

Lighthouse, a screw-pile<br />

lighthouse that barely<br />

survived the Great Galveston<br />

Hurricane. (U.S. Coast Guard<br />

Photo)<br />

Center‣ Revenue Cutter<br />

Galveston moored in<br />

Galveston harbor.<br />

(U.S. Coast Guard Photo)<br />

Bottom‣ A rare photograph<br />

showing Charles Root later<br />

in his Coast Guard career.<br />

(U.S. Coast Guard Photo)<br />


off the building. Heavy winds<br />

were taking an awful toll on the<br />

GALVESTON, stripping off rigging<br />

and blowing away the launch,<br />

while wind-driven projectiles<br />

shattered windows and skylights.<br />

At the nearby Fort Point Lifesaving<br />

Station, Keeper Edward Haines<br />

realized his situation was dire and<br />

told his crew they should find a<br />

way to save themselves. As the<br />

floodwaters crept up the station<br />

walls, the surfmen believed they<br />

could survive in the upper floor<br />

of the building, so three of them<br />

climbed to the top and passed<br />

down ropes for the others. Up to<br />

After hoisting<br />

his wife to the<br />

safety of the<br />

station top,<br />

the gallery<br />

under Haines<br />

collapsed and<br />

he was swept<br />

into the lifeboat.<br />

this time, Haines and his wife had<br />

remained in the station’s lifeboat,<br />

but the waters by now were<br />

breaking over them, with the boat<br />

tossing on its beam-ends. <strong>The</strong><br />

keeper lifted Mrs. Haines to the<br />

upper story by tying rope around<br />

her body and hoisting her to the<br />

surfmen above.<br />

After hoisting his wife to the safety<br />

of the station top, the gallery under<br />

Haines collapsed and he was<br />

swept into the lifeboat. <strong>The</strong> storm<br />

blew the boat into open water and<br />

Haines shouted to the surfmen to<br />

protect his wife. Shortly thereafter,<br />

he realized two of his men were<br />

clinging to the lifeboat and pulled<br />

them into the boat.<br />

<strong>The</strong> storm’s wind and seas began<br />

to reach their climax. At 7:30 p.m.,<br />

Weather Bureau officials recorded<br />

an instantaneous four-foot rise in<br />

water level while the wind speed<br />

reached 150 mph with gusts up<br />

to 200. <strong>The</strong> storm surge raised<br />

cutter GALVESTON over its dock<br />

pilings, but the piling tops failed<br />

to puncture the cutter’s hull plates.<br />

By 8:00 p.m., Assistant Engineer<br />

Root was ready to return to the<br />

dark flooded streets. <strong>The</strong> hurricane<br />

still made use of oars impossible,<br />

so the crew waded and swam as<br />

water depth allowed, warping the<br />

boat from pillar to post. Meanwhile,<br />

buildings toppled over and the<br />

wind filled the air with shrapnellike<br />

slate roof tiles. Root’s men<br />

managed to rescue 21 victims,<br />

housed them in a structurally<br />

sound building and found food for<br />

them in an abandoned store.<br />

In Galveston Bay, lighthouses<br />

marked the waters for shipping.<br />

Located about seven miles north<br />

of Galveston, the Halfmoon Shoal<br />

Lighthouse sat over a shallow<br />

area in the middle of Galveston<br />

Bay. Unmoored by storm-driven<br />

( continued on page 16)<br />



ACT TODAY:<br />




As a retired Senior Officer with a deep sense of duty,<br />

I proudly support our Museum and the Service that<br />

means so much to me and our Country.<br />

—CAPT Jon Nickerson, USCG (Ret.)<br />


go to www.coastguardmuseum.org/SROfficers to:<br />

Take our Survey and<br />

Give us your Feedback.<br />

Join our Crew and make a<br />

donation. Easy, secure options include<br />

cash gifts (one-time or recurring),<br />

gifts of stock and planned gifts. Visit<br />

coastguardmuseum.org/give<br />

for details.<br />

Pass the Word – signup<br />

for our SITREPS and<br />

Newsletters and tell your<br />

friends and shipmates.<br />

1-844-LNG-BLUE<br />

(844-564-2583)<br />

www.CoastGuardMuseum.org<br />

Retiree@coastguardmuseum.org<br />

National Coast Guard<br />

Museum Association<br />

78 Howard St., Suite A<br />

New London, CT 06320<br />



Research and<br />

Development<br />

Highlight:<br />

i911<br />


from Maine to Northern New Jersey, have a<br />

new tool to help distressed mariners come<br />

home to their families after being out to sea.<br />

<strong>The</strong> i911 program allows for watchstanders to use<br />

a mariner’s cellphone number to assist in finding<br />

their location for Coast Guard rescue crews to<br />

locate them faster. Once the number is entered,<br />

the mariner receives a text message authorizing<br />

them to share their location with the U.S. Coast<br />

Guard. Once shared, the internal cell<br />

phone’s GPS, which uses satellites<br />

to pinpoint the mariner’s location,<br />

is displayed on a screen for<br />

watchstanders to aid in the<br />

search for them.<br />

This software is already<br />

available to first responder<br />

agencies across the country.<br />

It was developed by Callyo<br />

Inc. and is a free service for all<br />

first responders, including the<br />

Coast Guard.<br />

“What’s cool about my job is that I<br />

get to learn about new technology,<br />

and how we can apply it to help the<br />

Coast Guard,” said Lt. Anne Newton, Coast Guard<br />

Research and Development Center. “<strong>The</strong> second<br />

I saw Callyo’s presentation, I knew this would help<br />

command centers tremendously.”<br />

Newton worked in several command centers before<br />

her time at the R&D Center and understands the<br />

struggle Coast Guard men and women face when<br />

trying to find someone they know is counting on the<br />

Service to bring them home.<br />

Depending on the cell phone service, i911 can<br />

determine locations of distressed mariners from<br />

up to 15-20 nautical miles offshore. During the pilot<br />

period, more than 38,000 search and rescue cases<br />

across the contiguous United States were analyzed,<br />

and it was found that 89 percent of all SAR cases<br />

took place within 20 nautical miles off shore.<br />

Coast Guard Sector <strong>Long</strong> Island Sound, located in<br />

New Haven, CT, was the first to test the system.<br />

It was a success and subsequently all five First<br />

District Sector command centers became part of<br />

the pilot program.<br />

It’s not a perfect system though, there are some<br />

challenges.<br />

<strong>The</strong> biggest challenge watchstanders at Sector<br />

<strong>Long</strong> Island Sound found was teaching distressed<br />


mariners how to turn on their location services. <strong>The</strong><br />

i911 system will not work without it.<br />

“It’s really cool technology and already helped us<br />

on numerous occasions with search and rescue,”<br />

said John Olsen, a command duty watchstander<br />

for Sector <strong>Long</strong> Island Sound. “Sometimes, we<br />

just need to talk people through how to share their<br />

location.”<br />

During the pilot period, the i911 system assisted<br />

in bringing several mariners home including three<br />

people on an inflatable raft. <strong>The</strong>y were blown out to<br />

sea and couldn’t paddle to shore due to high winds<br />

and strong sea currents. Armed with only their cell<br />

phones, i911 pinpointed their location about 6 miles<br />

offshore and rescue crews were able to bring them<br />

home safety.<br />

Chief Petty Officer Andrew Case, a command duty<br />

officer at Sector Southeastern New England, located<br />

in Woods Hole, MA, really liked having this tool to<br />

use for search and rescue.<br />

“It’s like Rescue 21 for the phone,” said Case. “It<br />

greatly decreases the time we spend looking for<br />

someone and gets the rescue crews out faster.”<br />

Case also said that doesn’t mean mariners should<br />

not have a VHF radio on board. <strong>The</strong> most reliable<br />

and traditional means of communication for mariners<br />

to use when in distress is VHF channel 16.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pilot program, which ran from May – November<br />

2019, is now authorized for Coast Guard command<br />

centers across the entire service as of March 20, <strong>2020</strong>.<br />



FISCAL YEAR 2021<br />


THE FY 2021 PRESIDENT’S BUDGET requests $12.33 billion for the Coast Guard, including $10.24 billion<br />

in discretionary funding. Critical investments in people, assets and infrastructure, and technology build<br />

on previous funding to continue to address the Coast Guard’s readiness challenges. <strong>The</strong> Budget also<br />

supports the Polar Security Cutter (PSC) and the Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC)—the service’s highest priority<br />

acquisitions—and continues recapitalization efforts for capital assets and infrastructure.<br />




As a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, a law<br />

enforcement organization, a regulatory agency, a<br />

member of the U.S. Intelligence Community, and a<br />

first responder, the Coast Guard is in high demand<br />

to meet the National Security needs of a changing<br />

global strategic environment.<br />



Every Armed Force faces readiness challenges,<br />

and the Coast Guard is no exception. While the<br />

Coast Guard’s ongoing recapitalization efforts<br />

are essential to meeting the needs of the Nation,<br />

they must be coupled with targeted investments in<br />

people, assets and infrastructure, and technology<br />

to ensure a mission-ready Coast Guard.<br />

<strong>The</strong> FY 2021 Budget requests $8.38 billion for Operations and Support (O&S) and $1.64 billion for<br />

Procurement, Construction and Improvements (PC&I). Budget highlights include:<br />


$1.18 billion for vessels, including: $546 million<br />

for the construction of OPC #3 as well as long lead<br />

time materials for OPC #4; $555 million for PSC,<br />

including construction of PSC #2; $31 million for<br />

post-delivery activities for National Security Cutters<br />

(NSCs) #8-11; and $25 million for Waterways<br />

Commerce Cutter (WCC) to recapitalize the<br />

capabilities provided by the current fleet of inland<br />

tenders and barges (PC&I).<br />

$67 million for shore infrastructure improvements<br />

to support new acquisitions, including the PSC<br />

homeport in Seattle, WA, and infrastructure to support<br />

a fifth NSC in Charleston, SC (PC&I).<br />

$55 million for new assets including: operations<br />

and maintenance funds for Fast Response Cutters<br />

(FRCs) #43-44 and NSC #9; crews for FRC #44 and<br />

OPC #1; shoreside personnel and support for FRCs<br />

#19-20, 34-35, 39-40, and OPC #1; and support for<br />

NSC capabilities, including tactical cryptology and<br />

small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) (O&S).<br />

$33 million to expand Coast Guard cyber<br />

operations, including: cyber enabling operations;<br />

facilitating prevention, response, and resilience for<br />

cyber incidents in the Marine Transportation System;<br />

and defense of Coast Guard networks (O&S).<br />



PEOPLE<br />

$116 million for requisite military pay and<br />

allowances per National Defense Authorization Act<br />

requirements, maintaining parity with the military<br />

branches within the Department of Defense, and<br />

$59 million for civilian pay and benefits (O&S).<br />

$15 million for workforce readiness, including<br />

recruiting, retention, Diversity and Inclusion, training,<br />

and healthcare (O&S).<br />


$24 million to improve the readiness of the<br />

Coast Guard’s information technology infrastructure<br />

(O&S).<br />

$17 million for the enterprise mission platform,<br />

including military satellite and secure mobile<br />

communications (PC&I).<br />

$7 million for cutter underway connectivity<br />

improvements to meet mission requirements (O&S).<br />


$154 million to sustain Coast Guard aircraft,<br />

including: $20 million to support service life<br />

extensions for MH-60T helicopters; $45 million<br />

for a service life extension and avionics upgrade<br />

on the MH-65 helicopter fleet; and $78 million for<br />

missionization of fixed-wing HC-27J and HC-144A<br />

aircraft (PC&I).<br />

$100 million to sustain Coast Guard cutters<br />

and boats, including $15 million to support service<br />

life extension of CGC POLAR STAR and $83 million<br />

to support service life extension of the 47-foot motor<br />

life boats and 270-foot medium endurance cutters<br />

(PC&I).<br />

$75 million for shore infrastructure projects<br />

supporting air operations in the National Capital<br />

Region and Clearwater, FL; facility upgrades in<br />

Buffalo, NY, and Philadelphia, PA; and construction<br />

of housing in Perry, ME (PC&I).<br />

$38 million to transition Air Station Borinquen,<br />

Puerto Rico from MH-65 to MH-60 helicopters and<br />

to improve the operational availability of fixed and<br />

rotary-wing aircraft (O&S).<br />

View the Coast Guard’s 2021 Budget<br />

Overview and 2019 Performance<br />

Highlights document and FY 2021<br />

Congressional Justification document at:<br />

www.uscg.mil/budget/<br />


SEPTEMBER <strong>2020</strong><br />

15<br />


( continued from page 9)<br />

ships in Galveston Harbor, the<br />

steamer Kendal Castle broke<br />

loose from its moorings and began<br />

drifting around the Bay. <strong>The</strong> ship<br />

mowed down the Halfmoon Shoal<br />

Light, obliterating the screw-pile<br />

lighthouse and Keeper Charles<br />

Bowen, whose body was never<br />

found. In all, the hurricane wiped<br />

out three generations of Bowen’s<br />

family with his father, wife and<br />

daughter all perishing on shore.<br />

Hurricanes had blown Galveston<br />

Lightship LV-28 off station many<br />

times before, but none compared<br />

to the 1900 Hurricane. <strong>The</strong><br />

wooden lightship relied on sails<br />

for motive power and was at the<br />

mercy of the storm. <strong>The</strong> hurricane<br />

tore the vessel from its moorings<br />

and parted its anchor chain. <strong>The</strong><br />

lightship’s windlass and whaleboat<br />

were ripped away and the winds<br />

collapsed one of the ship’s two<br />

masts. <strong>The</strong> storm drove the vessel<br />

several miles up Galveston Bay<br />

before the crew dropped the<br />

spare anchor, which held fast.<br />

Fortunately, no crewmembers<br />

were lost.<br />

At Bolivar Light, Keeper Harry<br />

Claiborne did his best to care for<br />

his flock. <strong>The</strong> hundreds of weary<br />

men, women and children rode<br />

out the stormy night seated on the<br />

spiraling steps leading up to the<br />

lantern room. <strong>The</strong> next morning,<br />

the survivors left the safety of the<br />

tower to find a scene resembling<br />

a massacre. As the floodwater<br />

subsided, it deposited the corpses<br />

of those who tried and failed to<br />

gain the safety of the lighthouse.<br />

Meanwhile, Life-Saving Service<br />

Keeper Haines and his two<br />

surfmen began searching the<br />

beach for survivors and found<br />

three more of his surfmen who<br />

were blown across Galveston<br />

Bay on flotsam. <strong>The</strong> three men<br />

recounted how the lifesaving<br />

station collapsed just after<br />

Haines’ lifeboat was swept away,<br />

throwing the surfmen and Haines’s<br />

wife into the roiling seas. Later,<br />

Haines located temporary graves<br />

containing Mrs. Haines and the<br />

missing surfman. Haines and<br />

the crew rowed out to the graves<br />

with a casket and retrieved her<br />

body for re-burial. It is not known<br />

whether the surfman’s remains<br />

were ever exhumed.<br />

In the Great Galveston Hurricane<br />

of 1900, members of the Coast<br />

Guard’s predecessor services<br />

performed heroically. Keeper<br />

Edward Haines and the Galveston<br />

Life-Saving Station crew struggled<br />

mightily against the forces of<br />

nature at Fort Point. <strong>The</strong> men of the<br />

Lighthouse Service and Revenue<br />

Cutter Service demonstrated the<br />

same devotion to duty by manning<br />

the lights and saving hundreds<br />

of lives. <strong>The</strong> Great Galveston<br />

Hurricane would be the first of<br />

countless hurricane response<br />

efforts performed by the Coast<br />

Guard and its ancestor agencies.<br />

Top‣ <strong>The</strong> Fort Point Life-Saving<br />

Station probably looked similar<br />

to this vintage photo before the<br />

storm. (U.S. Coast Guard Photo)<br />

Center‣ Bolivar Point<br />

Lighthouse tower sheltered 125<br />

victims during the hurricane<br />

and received relatively little<br />

damage. (U.S. Coast Guard<br />

Photo)<br />

Bottom‣ Galveston’s citizens<br />

used a horse-drawn cart to<br />

collect the dead for burning or<br />

burial. (Library of Congress)<br />

This article has been edited for length.<br />

Read the full account at longblueline.org<br />


photo: U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class Cynthia Oldham<br />

DOG-EAR<br />


Maritime Safety and Security Team 91101<br />

members deploy from an MH-60 Jayhawk<br />

helicopter from Coast Guard Sector Columbia<br />

River in Oregon during vertical delivery training<br />

near the entrance to the Columbia River,<br />

Oregon, Monday, Aug. 17, <strong>2020</strong>. <strong>The</strong> training<br />

included Canine Explosive Detection Teams<br />

deployed to the deck of a vessel operated<br />

by instructors of the Tongue Point Job Corps<br />

Center in Astoria, Oregon.<br />





Captain Fred Herzberg, USCG (Ret.) has<br />

been a champion of Coast Guard history for<br />

decades, having founded both the Coast<br />

Guard Museum/Northwest in Washington state<br />

and the Foundation for Coast Guard History. He is<br />

a major donor to the future National Coast Guard<br />

Museum.<br />

Q: What are you looking forward to most about the<br />

National Coast Guard Museum?<br />

A: Opening Day. I can’t wait for it to happen and I<br />

plan to be there.<br />

Q: What does the general public need to know about<br />

the Coast Guard?<br />

A: So many heroes. <strong>The</strong> list of people throughout<br />

Coast Guard history. Sacrifice is the key word, to put<br />

themselves on the line for other people.<br />

A: In 1994, I retired from my consulting firm and<br />

invested in the stock market. Being from the<br />

Seattle area, I chose local companies: Microsoft,<br />

Starbucks, Costco. I’ve been very lucky. <strong>The</strong> stocks<br />

increased dramatically. By donating, I don’t have to<br />

pay appreciation on the increase in the stock and I<br />

can support the Museum. It’s a win-win.<br />

Q: What has been the most meaningful aspect of your<br />

Coast Guard service?<br />

A: When I met people at the Academy in 1951, as<br />

part of the class of 55, they became brothers. To<br />

me, the Coast Guard and supporting the Museum<br />

is the same: it’s comradery, working together. <strong>The</strong><br />

Coast Guard does great things, with few people<br />

and very inadequate resources. If others who went<br />

before have done it, then we can do it.<br />

... everything I have<br />

in the world, I owe<br />

to the Coast Guard.<br />

Q: What motivates you to support the National Coast<br />

Guard Museum?<br />

A: When I was 17, my dad was in the hospital with<br />

an incurable ailment, then the roof literally fell in<br />

on our home in New York in November. It was a<br />

desperate situation. I went to the Academy and<br />

everything I have in the world, I owe to the Coast<br />

Guard.<br />

Q: You chose to make a major gift to the Museum by<br />

contributing appreciated stock in early <strong>2020</strong>. Why<br />

did you choose to contribute with stocks instead of<br />

cash?<br />

To make a stock gift, contact Amanda Boaz, Manager<br />

of Annual Giving, at aboaz@coastguardmuseum.org<br />

or 860.443.4200.<br />

To explore major gifts or gift naming opportunities,<br />

please contact Danielle Degnan, Chief Development<br />

Officer at ddegnan@coastguardmuseum.org or<br />

18<br />

860.207.0624.<br />


"Our nation richly deserves a National Coast Guard Museum in<br />

which to honor the heritage of service of United States Coast Guard<br />

men and women, and to inspire our next generation of problem<br />

solvers, innovators, and critical thinkers. I am encouraged about<br />

the progress thus far, and am committed to championing continued<br />

momentum towards building a National Coast Guard Museum."<br />

ADM Karl Schultz<br />

Commandant United States Coast Guard<br />

BOARD OF<br />


Susan J. Curtin<br />

CHAIR<br />

Partner, Power Family Enterprises<br />

CAPT Wes Pulver, USCG (Ret.)<br />


National Coast Guard Museum<br />

Association<br />

RADM Richard M. Larrabee, USCG (Ret.)<br />


Past Director, Ports Department, the Port<br />

Authority of New York and New Jersey<br />

CDR Kevin Harkins, Ph.D., USCG (Ret.)<br />


CEO, Harkcon, Inc.<br />

Jeff Kingsley<br />

COO Known<br />

Steve Lovelette<br />

President, JMB Financial Advisors<br />

ADM James M. Loy, USCG (Ret.)<br />

21 st Commandant of the USCG<br />

MCPOCG Vincent W. Patton, Ed.D.,<br />

USCG (Ret.)<br />

President/National Commander,<br />

Non-Commissioned Officers Association<br />

MUSEUM<br />


Bruce Buckley<br />

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 25-6<br />

MCPO Kyle Takakjian, USCGR (Ret.)<br />

U.S. Coast Guard Reserve<br />



Gordy Bunch, Chair<br />

ADM Thad W. Allen, USCG (Ret.)<br />

Brandy Birtcher<br />

<strong>The</strong> Honorable Andrew H. Card, Jr.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Honorable Michael Chertoff<br />

Lucy Duncan<br />

RADM Tom Gilmour, USCG (Ret.)<br />

Michael Greenwald<br />

<strong>The</strong> Honorable Michael P. Jackson<br />

<strong>The</strong> Honorable Jeh C. Johnson<br />

Jeff Kingsley<br />

RADM Mary Landry, USCG (Ret.)<br />

Sarah Miller<br />

Tom Niles<br />

Joe Pyne<br />

<strong>The</strong> Honorable Thomas J. Ridge<br />

Dave Waldmann<br />



t<br />

President George H. W. Bush (1999-2018)<br />

t<br />

Arnold Palmer (1999-2016)<br />

J.D. Power III<br />


CIRCLE *<br />

Norman Y. Mineta, Co-Chair<br />

Tom Ridge, Co-Chair<br />

Alan S. Boyd<br />

James H. Burnley, IV<br />

Andrew H. Card, Jr.<br />

Michael Chertoff<br />

Mimi Weyforth Dawson<br />

Elizabeth Dole<br />

Mortimer L. Downey, III<br />

Michael Jackson<br />

Jeh C. Johnson<br />

James M. Loy<br />

Janet A. Napolitano<br />

Federico Peña<br />

Arthur J. Rothkopf<br />

Paul A. Schneider<br />

Samuel K. Skinner<br />

Rodney E. Slater<br />

*Former Federal Cabinet and Deputy<br />

Secretaries responsible for oversight of the<br />

Coast Guard are assisting in promoting and<br />

supporting the Museum project.<br />



When the MOST is Expected<br />



14th<br />



An Air Station Barbers Point HC-130 Hercules aircrew prepares to<br />

take off from Hawaii to deliver medical supplies to American Samoa,<br />

April 1, <strong>2020</strong>. <strong>The</strong> delivery of medical supplies was a joint effort involving<br />

the Coast Guard, Air Force, and FEMA as part of the national response<br />

to the COVID-19 pandemic.<br />

photo: U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer 3rd Class Matthew West (Released)<br />


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