A Detailed Guide On Prolapsed Uterus And How To Cure It

Uterine prolapse befalls when the muscles and tissue in your pelvis deteriorate. The feebleness lets the uterus fall down into your vagina. At times, it comes out via your vaginal opening.

Uterine prolapse befalls when the muscles and tissue in your pelvis deteriorate. The feebleness lets the uterus fall down into your vagina. At times, it comes out via your vaginal opening.


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A Detailed Guide On Prolapsed

Uterus And How To Cure It

Uterine prolapse befalls when the muscles and tissue in your pelvis deteriorate. The feebleness

lets the uterus fall down into your vagina. At times, it comes out via your vaginal opening.

What causes uterine prolapse?

Uterine prolapse is instigated when the muscles and tissue of the pelvic floor are enfeebled and

can’t support the heaviness of the uterus. This lets it fall into your vagina. Childbirth and

progressing age are ordinarily connected with this condition.

Who is at risk for uterine prolapse?

You are more likely to get uterine prolapse if you have any of these:

Gave birth (maximum risk). This is particularly true if you had a baby with a high birth


Had a vaginal delivery rather than a C-section

Have reached menopause

Are overweight

Are a smoker

What are the symptoms of uterine prolapse?

Lots of females with this condition have no symptoms. But if symptoms start, they might consist


Leak of urine

Incapability to totally empty your bladder

Feeling of weightiness or fullness in your pelvis

Protruding in your vagina or feeling like something is tumbling out

Lower-back pain

Aching or a feeling of heaviness in your lower belly (stomach) or pelvis

Constipation, unintentional leakage of stool or strain when moving the bowels.

Bleeding or discharge

How is uterine prolapse diagnosed?

If your doctor thinks that you have a prolapsed uterus, he or she will perhaps do a physical

examination to check your pelvis. If you also have urinary incontinence or feel like you can’t

vacate your bladder, your doctor might do a process called a cystoscopy to survey your bladder

and urethra. Your healthcare provider may also order an examination such as an MRI or CT

scan. The MRI process uses a magnet and radio waves to generate images. A CT scan uses X-

rays to make the image. This will permit your healthcare provider to get a good look at your

kidneys and other pelvic organs.

How is uterine prolapse treated?

If your symptoms trouble you or you are not comfy during normal activities, speak to your

healthcare provider about treatment choices. Lifestyle changes such as losing weight might

surely help and also you can benefit by Kegel exercises. These fortify your pelvic floor muscles.

You can also opt for herbal treatment of uterus prolapsed.

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