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glass. “No, it’s not that. Magazines don’t have anything to do with it.

If something gets printed, what do I care? The management might get

all bent out of shape, but that’s not what I’m talking about. It’s the

whole place. The whole hotel, well, I mean, there’s always something

a little weird about it. Something funny … something … warped.”

She stopped and was silent. I’d finished my whiskey, so I ordered

another round for the both of us.

“What do you mean by ‘warped’?” I tried prompting her. “Do you

mean anything specific?”

“Of course I do,” she said sharply. “Things have happened, but it’s

hard to find the words to describe it. So I never told anyone. I mean,

it was really real, what I felt, but if I try to explain it in words, then it

sort of starts to slip away.”

“So it’s like a dream that’s very real?”

“But this wasn’t a dream. You know dreams sort of fade after a

while? Not this thing. No way. It’s always stayed the same. It’s always

real, right there, before my eyes.”

I didn’t know what to say.

“Okay, this is what happened,” she said, taking a drink of her

Bloody Mary and dabbing her lips with the napkin. “It was in

January. The beginning of January, right after New Year’s. I was

working the late shift, which I don’t generally like, but on that day it

was my turn. Anyway, I didn’t get through until around midnight.

When it’s late like that, they send you home in a taxi because the

trains aren’t running. So after I changed clothes, I realized that I’d left

my book in the staff lounge. I guess I could have waited until the next

day, but the girl I was going to share the taxi with was still finishing

up, so I decided to go get it. I got in the employee elevator and

punched the button for the sixteenth floor, which is where the staff

lounge and other staff facilities are—we take our coffee break there

and go up there a lot.

“Anyway I was in the elevator and the door opened and I stepped

out like always. I didn’t think anything of it, I mean, who would? It’s

something that you do all the time, right? I stepped out like it was the

most natural thing in the world. I guess I was thinking about

something, I don’t remember what. I think I had both hands in my

pockets and I was standing there in the hallway, when I noticed that

everything around me was dark. I mean, like absolutely pitch black. I

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