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calling out. And this was when the hotel was almost full. You’d’ve

thought a lot of people would be making noise. Not this time.”

Our drinks arrived, and we each took sips. Then she set hers down

and adjusted her glasses.

“Did you follow me so far?”

“Pretty much,” I said. “You got off the elevator on the sixteenth

floor. It’s pitch black. It smells strange. It’s too quiet. Something funny

is going on.”

She let out a sigh. “I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but I’m not

especially a timid person. At least I think I’m pretty brave. I’m not the

type who screams her head off when the lights go out. I get scared but

I don’t freak out. I figure that you ought to go check things out. So I

started feeling my way blind up the hallway.”

“In which direction?”

“To the right,” she said, raising her right hand. “I felt my way along

the wall, very slowly, and after a bit the hallway turned to the right

again. And then, up ahead, I could see a faint glow. Really faint, like

candlelight leaking in from far away. My first thought was that

someone had found some emergency candles and lit them. I kept

going, but when I got closer, I saw that the light was coming from a

room with the door slightly ajar. The door was pretty strange too. I’d

never seen an old door like that in the hotel before. I just stood there

in front of it, not knowing what to do next. What if somebody was

inside? What if somebody weird came out? What was this door doing

here in the first place?

“So I knocked on the door softly, very softly. It was hardly a knock

at all, but it came out sounding really loud—maybe because the

hallway was dead quiet. Anyway, no response. I waited ten seconds,

and during those ten seconds, I was just frozen. I hadn’t the slightest

idea what I was going to do. Then I heard this muffled noise. I don’t

know, it was like a person in heavy clothing standing up, and then

there were these footsteps. Really slow, shuffle … shuffle … shuffle …,

like he was wearing slippers or something. The footsteps came closer

and closer to the door.”

She stared off into space and was shaking her head.

“That was when I started to freak out. Like maybe these footsteps

weren’t human. I don’t know how I came to that conclusion. It was

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