Amanda Griffel

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Amanda Griffel

On Rosh Hashanah before the sounding of the shofar we sing the words, 'from the narrow

place I called to G-d, who answered me with expansiveness.' Note that our breath within

the shofar follows the same path. It begins at the narrow end of the shofar, a place of

tightness and constriction, and emerges at the wide end, a place of openness and


Now more than ever, we live our lives with a constricted sense of what is possible. We

move within the narrow limits set by choices that we made long ago, or by circumstances

that we never chose at all. Real change, teshuvah, begins with the realization that we

have more freedom than we thought, that we need not remain trapped by the status quo.

In the act of teshuvah, we move from the narrowness to expansiveness, like our breath

within the shofar. Also like that breath, teshuvah gives voice to our deepest longings and

aspirations. In seizing our freedom, we unlock our hearts. We find our truest selfexpression.

May this season of teshuvah help us all find our freedom. Shanah tovah

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