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‣ Is There a Price for Being Too Nice:

1- Do you think there is a contradiction between what employers want in employees

(agreeable employees) and what employees actually do best (disagreeable

employees)? Why or why not?

Ans: Yes there is contradiction agreeable employees are more flexible, pleasant, warm

and tolerant employee disagreeable employees are cold, aggressive and reserve.

Disagreeable employees may have far better ideas and have the nerves to push and insist

them. Disagreeable employees tend to be more focus and engage with their work but they

are cold, aggressive and reserve. Agreeable employees provide cooperative working

environment to better commutation. They may help others in the way that aren’t reflected

in their job performance.

2- Often, the effects of personality depend on the situation. Can you think of some job

situations in which agreeableness is an important virtue? And in which it is harmful?

Ans: Jobs like special educators, customer service representative, nurses, social worker

agreeableness is an important virtue. For example a very annoyed customer came in and

insulted the customer service representative , in that job situation it doesn’t matter how

much angry the employee is because of that customer insulting behavior, what matters is

agreeableness which is the basic personality trait required by the organization for this job.

You have to agree on what ever customer says to ensure customer satisfaction. Whereas

jobs which require decision making and leadership qualities agreeableness is harmful

because if your boss is saying you to follow you do not follow your boss and you don’t

like what your boss is asking you to do then this causes problems with your jobs.

3- In some research we’ve conducted, we’ve found that the negative effects of

agreeableness on earnings are stronger for men than for women (that is, being

agreeable hurt men’s earnings more than women’s).Why do you think this might be

the case?

Ans: There is a difference of nature of both man and women, man are born as leaders and

strong, while women are more social and caring. Agreeableness is known as a feminine

feature. A man being to kind can be misunderstood by the society as feminization.

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