
The new collaborative and free website connecting travellers with locals ! Wherever you are (at home, on vacation, on a weekend trip or travelling for business), our site will help you to exchange tips and good deals or to find someone to accompany you in your favorite activities. You will also find there ads specifically selected for you based on your location and interests.

The new collaborative and free website connecting travellers with locals !
Wherever you are (at home, on vacation, on a weekend trip or travelling for business), our site will help you to exchange tips and good deals or to find someone to accompany you in your favorite activities.
You will also find there ads specifically selected for you based on your location and interests.


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Message from the Chairman...................Page 2

Genesis….……………………….....…………………Page 3

For whom ?..............................................Page 4

Why ? ………………......................................Page 4

How ? ………………………….……………………….Page 5

MakeYourTripBetter, website of the company

Partasam sas………………………………………...Page 6

Message from the Chairman, Olivier GIBOUIN

« MakeYourTripBetter », travel better ! This is a name given to the

website connecting travelers to locals which I decided to launch in

the summer 2020.

With this collaborative and free platform, we want to contribute in

our own way to the development of caring tourism by making the

connection between travelers and locals easier.

Everyone acts as a traveler and a local in turn. As a local, you will be

able to get involved in the promotion of your territory and to guide

travelers towards tourism that respects the territories and local

populations. As a traveler, you will be able to benefit from highly

personalized advice on the activities you like to practice, as well as

on the practical aspects of your trips.

In any case, “MakeYourTripBetter” platform invites you to take a

step, to get off the screens and the virtual life and to walk into

encounter and real life. In short, using the web as a gateway

to reconnect with one another rather than as a substitute of our

social life!

This platform was imagined before the covid pandemic, created at

the height of the crisis in Europe and launched in July 2020.

Certainly, this crisis limits travelling and contacts and like everyone

else we would have preferred to avoid that. At the same time this

situation accelerates a certain awareness or perspective on the

frenzy of our lifestyles and the necessity to slow down and to bring

more of a human approach into our life rather than just

dematerializing it.

I am very happy to be accompanied by 25 associates living in

different places and bringing multiple nationalities and cultures in

this project. Even on a small scale it shows a real aspiration for

tourism that cares.


Chairman and co-founder of « MakeYourTripBetter »



It all begins with observing the world around us, its evolution

and a few very simple observations put together.

The first one is, as the saying goes, that "travel broadens the

mind". It opens up new horizons for us, enriches us culturally,

allows us to appreciate our "home" even more on return and

therefore develops our capacity for happiness!

The second is that we are all observing now tangible changes in

our environments linked to global warming and we can no

longer ignore the impact of tourism activity on the planet.

The third thing is that when we look back on our memories for

the best moments of our trips (try to do it) and if during these

trips we have met people, it is often names and faces that come

to our minds in the first place rather than remarkable

landscapes or sites.

From these initial findings we conclude that it is time to TRAVEL

BETTER. The future of travel is certainly to become seldom but

longer, to be a slower, deeper, richer discovery / experience by

bringing the HUMAN aspect back at the center of the journey.

But how to do it? That is not so simple to apply because it is not

always easy to meet people. While the adventurous ones get

there without any outside help, the others, on the contrary,

need to be reassured in the beginning by the guarantee of

speaking the same language, by being put in contact with

people having the same profiles (age, gender, children, etc.),

sharing a passion, exchanging a few online messages or a few

words on the phone before deciding to meet.

This is how we came up with the idea of creating

"MakeYourTripBetter" platform, the site connecting travelers

and locals, to make these exchanges, encounters and sharing

accessible to as many people as possible.

By registering on this platform, everyone can benefit from a

richer travel experience, get personalized advice, make new

friends anywhere, welcome and guide travelers in their regions,

in short, be an ACTOR of caring tourism and ultimately develop

a greater aptitude for happiness by promoting encounters and

multiplying friendly and pleasant moments because, in the end,

isn't that the ESSENCE?




« MakeYourTripBetter » is available in 6 languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian,

German, Portuguese.

It is designed for use by anyone all over the world. The website is adapted to all age

groups, all kinds of passions and activities (trail runner, surfer, foodie, passionate about

history, etc.), to each family status (couple, single, family, a group of friends,

grandparents with their grandchildren, etc.). Everyone should be able to find other users

interested in the same activities or having the same tastes and expectations.

Whether you decide to stay with locals, or rent a house, or to take a room in a hotel, you

would find on « MakeYourTripBetter.com » all kinds of advice you might need, and you

would meet people sharing your passions and interests.

You got it, “MakeYourTripBetter » is open to everyone; it just does not suit those only

willing to consume a service. Do not forget that this platform is collaborative: everyone

acts both as a traveller who discovers and as a local who helps to discover.

To meet other members willing to help you discover their region by sharing

your passion and transforming your trip into a unique and an invaluable


To get kind and personalized advice via connection with other members

whom you will choose yourself according to your criteria.

To better prepare your trips by selecting and keeping in your dedicated

"travel book" all kinds of activities, events and services you might be

interested in.⠀



Signing in

Each user can create an account on our platform for free to get access to our search mechanism

and to communicate with other users. First, they fill in information regarding the place of living,

spoken languages, activities and interests, age, number of children, etc. The personal contact

details (phone number and email address) do not appear on the profile, unless the user accepts

a connection with another user who will see this information.

Places of living and places you go to for holidays

The users provide information on the place of their residency, as well as places and dates of their

future trips. Based on this information they will be able to search for another member to

connect with, to create an ad of an activity to find someone to practice it with, to create a “travel

book” where they can add written notes, other users’ ads or news and events proposed by


News feed

The members discover in their news feed all kinds of activities, events, ads and services

proposed, taking into account their profile, travel destination and travel dates. From there the

members can confidentially select and save the elements they are interested in in a «travel


Connecting with other users

For each trip the members can search for another member and send her/him a request for

connection. Multiple criteria are available for that (gender, age, activities they do, spoken

languages, number and age of children, profession, school, favorite football team, etc.) The

selected member receives a request for connection by email, confirms it and only then the

contact details (phone number and email) are exchanged between 2 connected members.

MakeYourTripBetter, website of Partasam sas

« MakeYourTripBetter » is a website of the French company PARTASAM SAS (registered with

the trade and companies register of Annecy under number 883 028 060). PARTASAM SAS is

composed by 26 associates and was officially created on April 23, 2020. Its name is a

contraction of French words « PARTager » (to share) and «S’AMuser” (to have fun), 2 principles

important for its Chairman Olivier Gibouin. Thus, the PARTASAM company’s core values are: to

discover and to learn, to meet and to make friends, to share and to have fun…


A website for advertisers

Advertisers can buy advertising spaces to promote their activities (tourist offices,

leisure, accommodation, restaurants, sports entities, shops, etc.) On the one hand,

thanks to the detailed information provided by the users in their profiles, the

advertisers will be able to better target their potential customers. On the other hand,

the users will only see in their news feed only the advertising content related to their

profile with a possibility to save the ads they are really interested in in their book. It is

important to precise that advertisers could have discounts or even free ads service if

they actively contribute to the functioning of our website.

The Chairman, Olivier Gibouin

Born in 1977 in Seine-et-Marne, Olivier Gibouin received a Master’s degree in Logistics projects

management from Paris-Panthéon-Assas University in 2002. Then he worked for 2 companies:

GEFCO (subsidiary of Peugeot Group) from 2003 to 2007 in Courbevoie (Paris region), Arval

Trading (subsidiary of BNP PARIBAS) in Annecy between 2008 and 2019.

At the end of 2019, Olivier Gibouin eager to thrive in new projects decided to put an end to his

executive’s employment agreement, despite the safety and comfort it offered. What he always

liked the most was to lead cross-functional projects, especially in development of information

systems. Hence, he’s created his company in this sector calling it PARTASAM.

The associates

The Chairman, while remaining the main shareholder, united around him 25 partners,

childhood friends, study friends, sport friends, work colleagues met throughout his career and


These 25 associates coming from different countries and regions, of various nationalities and

cultures, in addition to share the same values and to adhere to the concept of the project, bring

many skills and experiences to build the site and help promote it.



Tél : +33 7 66 64 34 25

Mail : contact@partasam.com



Co-founder of MakeYourTripBetter

E-mail : contact@partasam.com

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