NSUK Office Opening Pack

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Return to work guidance

Hygiene precautions


Windows should be kept open as much as possible to ensure clean air ventilation.

The air conditioning units will remain out of use unless we decide it necessary.

When in the office, please open the windows when you arrive and close them

before you leave.


These are open and accessible. As mentioned, the cleaning staff for cloisters are

cleaning touchpoints in the common parts, showers and toilets every 45 minutes.

Use of kitchenware

Please use your common sense and respect your colleagues.

Only use one cup, glass, plate/bowl and set of cutlery a day and make sure that

you put any items you use into the dishwasher when you are finished with them**.

This will be monitored to ensure safe usage/hygiene. If we consider these rules

are not being followed, the result will be that all kitchenware will be removed


**Prior to this world pandemic, as a team, we did not cover ourselves in glory when

it came to using the dishwasher properly. Please consider there is a 1-strike policy

at this point – i.e. one plate left out = no plates for anyone! You have been warned.


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