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Interview with singer Ruth Lorenzo

First of all thank you very much for giving so freely of this

interview, few singers do this...

Thank you.

¿Well let's start, would you settle for your fame in the United

Kingdom, Spain, Ireland and want to be more ambitious and

know you a lot more people from other countries?

"I do not call it greed, esque as I'd like my music reach more

people, but I'm super happy with everything that is happening.

¿This is a question that all your fans want to know when does

this album out as expected?

You are the first to konow, is delayed because there will be

change in the project, but not much, just a few months so it will calm..

¿What will the album sound?

Rock, guitars and guitars and more guitars (laughs)

¿We have heard your song "let me be brave" you composed for "brave" Four are you going to write all the songs or

some songs that you have sent singers like Bon Jovi as they say?

She sent me songs but not many famous people have chosen the items to have sent them to me, I chose songs I really

like, but most are made by me if not all, there are only two that do not compose myself.

In Spain are acknowledged but not as much as in the UK, how does fame? Se te nota que no se te ha subido a la cabeza

como les pasa a muchos. You will notice that you were not gone to his head as happens to many.

I love going to Spain, go to the beach quietly exit murcia because I can go quiet and get on very well.

¿Fame in a gala dance you see that Benji's girlfriend, teacher at the school dance and knew him in the X Factor tour Was

it love at first sight or had blamed the dances?

I am not Benji or girlfriend was, but we I'm super happy with it, is very nice and we are very, what the kiss was a surprise

to me and I was not expecting.

The 'My Gypsy "is what I teach in a taxi singing a Spanish song that eventually learned to the driver (laughs)

¿If you make a tour with your first album did you pack in the corps de ballet?

Had to be my choreographer but for my style of music is going to be complicated.

"Now we know a little more to Ruth Lorenzo as a person: Tell me a place, a meal, a drink and a phrase you like.

Location: Cabo de Palos (Murcia), Food: Thai, Drink: wáter, Phrase: total jumera!

Apart from singing, do you have a hobby?

I love extreme sports. watch tv watch movies

Well thank you very much for the interview and see you soon

no thanks to you and see you soon greetings to all my fans


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