Anybody's Autos October 2020

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Voter Guide

This was easier when we just

had the Republican ticket, but

now you need a plan to avoid

RINO attacks


Donald J Trump / Mike Pence

US Senate

Cynthia Lummis

US Representative

Liz Cheney

State Senate Districts

024 - Troy McKeown

State House Districts

031 - John Bear

032 - Tim Hallinan

052 - Bill Fortner

053 - Roy Edwards

County Commissioners

Colleen Faber

Del Shelstad

City Council

Ward 1 - Eric Hanson

Ward 2 - Mark Junek

Ward 3 - Shay Lundvall

Bob Vomhof

School Board

Susan Patricia Bennett

Cemetery Board

J.D. Jones

Dean Vomhof

Constitutional Amendment A

Sewer Increase -


Ballot Proposition

Lodging Tax -


Retain Justices and Judges


A popular meme of late is "Christians

shouldn't get hung up ONLY

on unborn lives. Trump and Republicans

don't care about other lives as

much as Democrats do, such as the

lives of immigrants and minorities."

Here's the problem with such rationalization...It

fails all levels of logic

and history.

Trump and Republicans care much

more about the lives of immigrants

than Democrats do. They want to

keep them safe. If immigrants try to

get into the US illegally, they subject

themselves to far greater danger.

Immigrating legally helps keep them

much safer, which is a conservative


Conservatives also understand that

opening the floodgates to unskilled

or unemployable illegal immigrants

does nobody any good. They drain

the systems that provide for the

truly needy already in this country,

robbing them of the help they need,

making that help less affordable, and

driving up our debt which makes

us less able to take care of future

citizens who need help. In order to

ensure we take care of our own, we

can't be taking care of everybody

else in the world too. It's better if

they fix the situation in their own

countries, which was the intended

message of the Statue of Liberty

(not send all your poor here) especially

since we can't possibly bring

all the poor here. https://www.



Trump and conservatives also

care about the lives of innocent

Americans. Under Democrat-run,

open-border, sanctuary-city policies,

some illegals murder, rape, and

commit other crimes against our

innocent citizens. By insisting that

immigrants follow the rule of law,

Trump and Republicans seek to protect


much better than

Democrat leftists

and liberals do.

Trump and

Republicans also

care much more

about minorities

in general

than Leftists

and Liberals do.

Republicans are

the party that

freed the slaves

and continues to

stress content of

character over immutable


like skin

color. Democrats


are the party that

resisted freedom for


every step of the way,

and prefers to foster

racial division and

dependency today.

Case in point: the

BLM/ANTIFA protests.

Democrats and

leftists didn't mind

lying about Michael

Brown with the specious

"Hands up, don't

shoot!" claim. That

brought BLM into

existence. Then they

pushed the narrative

that George Floyd not

only was killed by a

racist cop, but that all

cops are racist and the

police need to be abolished. None

of this is true, of course. Floyd was

killed by police brutality as two

ethnic officers looked on, not by

racism. And the same people who

demand that no group be judged by

the actions of a few or one insist that

all police be judged by the actions of

a few or one--the height of hypocrisy.

Worse still, the lies perpetuated by

Democrats on the left have led to

the assassinations of innocent police

officers, riots, burning, looting,

murdering, and the loss of billions in

livelihoods. Democrats were mostly

silent and often encouraging as our

cities burned, while conservatives

begged for the nation's socialist miscreants

to follow law and order. As

a result, dozens of innocent blacks

have died and black-owned businesses

have been destroyed. How

exactly does this make Democrats

the party trying to protect life?

Conservatives want to empower and

foster success for all Americans,

regardless of skin color or ethnicity.

To that end, Trump and Conservatives

achieved the greatest rates of minority

employment in our nation's history.

Democrats focus on two primary

goals when it comes to race: keep

minorities angry through deceit to

foment unrest and divisiveness,

and keep them as dependent on big

government as possible.

The former follows Saul Alinsky's

Rules for Radicals 1 .

10. (Put) constant pressure upon the

opposition. Unceasing pressure is

essential for success.

11. If you push a negative hard

enough, it will become a positive.

Violence can win the public to your

side because the public sympathizes

with the underdog.


Democrats Against Blacks, Christians, and the Unborn

David Bennett

Liberal Leftists Weaken America in Return for . . .Nothing

13. Pick the target, freeze it,

personalize it, and polarize it. Cut

off the support network and isolate

the target from sympathy. Go after

people and not institutions; people

hurt faster than institutions.

The latter echoes LBJ's quote: "“I'll

have them n****s voting Democratic

for the next two hundred years."

If Dems create the big government

programs, then people will become

so dependent, they will keep Dems

in power to run them, they reason.

This "big government dependency

through nefarious welfare policy"

was brought to our country by 1960s

liberal Democrats. It is responsible

for turning the absentee father rate

in black families from 20% then

to 70% today, which has been a

complete disaster for millions of our

brothers and sisters.

Keep in mind that the presence of a

devoted father in a nuclear family is

the number one indicator of positive

prospects regarding poverty, jail

time, and overall success in a child's

life. Only one party believes in

making minorities LESS, rather

than MORE dependent on government.

Conservatives want to restore

the nuclear family, while leftists

want to "disrupt the nuclear family

structure," which is an actual, stated

BLM goal.

So by putting our thinking caps

on, we can see how conservatives

and conservative policies are far

better for ALL LIVES than are the

disingenuous liberals and their destructive

leftist policies...regardless

of how many abortion lovers try to

misconstrue things to assuage their

guilty consciences.


Saul Alinski was the subject of

Wellesey Senior Hillary Rodham

Clinton’s senior thesis – Editor

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