Anybody's Autos October 2020

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Question: Alluding to Society’s Tolerance

of Current Abortion “Rights”

Do you consider that a collection of tomes written somewhere between 5,000-

2,000 years ago, before and during the time of Hippocrates, might take a slightly

different perspective if the authors were exposed to the capabilities of modern

medicine and science? (Name redacted)

David Bennett Reply:

Absolutely. Even when these

2,000-5,000-year-old societies were

being as evil as they could be, people

at least waited for babies to be born

before sacrificing them to Molech

and Baal. Only with the advent of

modern medicine have “progressive”

women figured out a way to kill their

babies while still inside the womb.

That is why we see no mention

of the actual word “abortion” in

2,000-5,000-year-old texts. The

word didn’t exist yet because people

lacked the medical know-how.

How interesting that the definition

of “abort” is “bring to a premature

end because of a problem or fault,”

yet the vast majority of women kill

their unborn babies not because of

a fault, but simply because they got

pregnant carelessly, and want to

forego further inconvenience. When

connotations of the once-euphemistic

word “abort” grew too dark, our

wonderful “progressive” wordsmiths

euphemized the practice further, into


Also lost in the discussion is the role of

the extremely “progressive,” eugenics

and Nazi-policy-loving mother of abortion,

Margaret Sanger, who advocated

getting rid of as many “unfit,” “garden

weed,” black babies as possible, “who

should never have been born at all.”


If God himself tells us that he knew

our souls and that he fashioned us

human beings while we were “yet in

the womb,” why should man think

that he knows better? I think I know

the answer to that one. It’s the same

reason Jesus gave for explaining

writs of divorce: “Moses permitted

you to divorce your wives (only)

because your hearts were hard.”

In the same way, no politician in our

country world would dare say he

wants to get rid of abortion...simply

because too many of our hard-hearted

“progressive” citizens would not

stand for it. But just like the holocaust

and slavery, just because something

might be temporarily legal, that

does not make it right, right?

To use the language of Breonna

Taylor’s attorney, “Just because something

is legal, doesn’t mean it’s right,”

as he cited the German holocaust

against Jews and other non-desirables

and slavery. Hmmm, shouldn’t the

same standards be applied to the

taking of completely helpless and

innocent human lives, even if they had

the audacity not to be born yet?



Nazis during the Holocaust are

estimated to have killed 8,653,900

people. Wikipedia: The Holocaust

The US slave trade probably cost the

lives of between 1-3 million people,

while shortening many others.

Abortion in the US since 1900 has

cost upwards of 60,328,672 lives

through 2018. http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/.../ab-unitedstates.html

But hey, most of those deaths were

“legal,” so I guess they shouldn’t

really count.



2020 Vision Has Clarified Our Political Warfare

Yuri Bezmenov, a defector from the

KGB, lined out “active measures”

of ideological subversion the soviets

used to subvert nations to Marxist

authoritarian regime. There were

several steps which are quite self-explanatory.

These steps include: demoralization,

destabilization, crisis, and normalization.

Well our media, through Disney and

other bad actors, have taken away

our morality—this is what Yuri

meant by “demoralization”; not a

diminution of morale, but an erasure

of morality. Our media has erased our

morality. They have lied to us, and

put politicians in their back pockets

to destabilize the country.

Complicit with the Chinese, they

have brought synthetic crises on our

country; such that even extremely

conservative states like Wyoming

are partially complicit in pushing the

canard. And now they seek to impart

a “new normal” on our society—one

where everybody has to wear a mask

and genuflect to Marxism.

Yes, 2020 has made many things

clear; not least of which the fact

that our country is under attack, and

we may be in the stages of the next

world war—this time with China

and her allies. What has additionally

become clear in 2020 is that Donald

Trump, our 45th president, represents

our best hope of retaining our liberty

as a country.

Because the corruption is so high

right now, if he doesn’t win a second

term, the marionette administration

of Joe Biden will result in draconian

control measures he doesn’t even

understand. The man thought playing

Latino dance song “Despacito”

would win him Latino votes. Maybe

that’s why he danced along like

some conglomeration of bones in a

skin-sack manipulated by strings—

seriously, look up that video, it’s

hilariously stupid.

The DNC is woefully inept and

unconscious of their continual,

cringe-worthy gaffes. They assume

ethnicity determines political affiliation,

then shamelessly pander so

insincerely it makes a person wonder

how they can be so blind. Then you

realize: they’re not blind.

With 2020 vision, you see they’re

marionettes on the string of America’s

primary economic competitor:

China. Pelosi, Newsom, Biden,

Clinton—the list goes on! So let

2020 additionally awaken you to this

reality: if Trump doesn’t earn his

second term, in an election that is our

country’s most important, we lose

this country.

There is no pandemic which derives

from some microscopic virus. There

is a pandemic of fear, a virus which

is much worse. This “fear” virus is

fostered by liars deliberately seeking

to destroy our country, and collaterally

killing millions in the third world. As

leftist NPR reported based on a UN

finding, twice the number of people

will starve in 2020 as they would

had there been no lockdown. Usually

9,000,000 die from malnutrition of

one kind or another annually. In 2020,

prognostications put that figure at

18,000,000. Meanwhile, in September

of 2020, the CDC reported only 6% of

total COVID-19 “deaths” were from

the virus alone. The other 94% had

comorbidity factors like diabetes or


One more thing has been made crystal

clear in 2020.

Today, the spiritual warfare we’ve

known about for decades has finally

spilled into the political arena, and we

can finally see who is behind these

corrugated cardboard cutouts we call

politicians. It’s a dark spiritual energy

that exploits the weak, the uninformed,

and the young.

Meanwhile, President Trump brought

prayer back into public schools in 2020.

Right now, if your vote goes toward

the left side of the political fence,

you’re literally voting for the most

wicked segments of humanity—literal

devil worshippers. This has spilled out

clearly into the political arena. They

rule by fear and lies.

The truth defines the other side.

Lines have been drawn. It is now time

to take our country back, before it

is truly too late. In barely a month’s

time, this decision will be made; even

if the after-shocks last a few months

or years after. Be on the right side of


Kevin Bennett

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