Self-care workbook1 (1)

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Holistic Self-care




“If I am not good to myself – how can I expect anyone else

to be good to me? “Maya Angelou

©Yolanda Finette Holistic Life Coach & Consultancy



Yolanda xoxo

I'm Yolanda Finette, a proud Yorta Yorta, Black American and Greek woman. I am

Nice To meet You

a Holistic Life coach, Wellbeing facilitator and Reiki practitioner and the owner of

Yolanda Finette Holistic Coaching & Consultancy.

I am passionate about supporting people to live their most empowered and fulfilling

life possible. I love to coach people who are feeling stuck around something in their

life and want to achieve a sense of freedom, balance and self-determination.

I love helping people to build up their confidence, reduce stress levels, prioritise

themselves and develop self-care routines in their lives.

If you have a copy of this workbook you have probably attended one of my recent

self-care workshops. I hope that the worksheets, resources and tools help you to

prioritise yourself and develop your own self-care routine

Much Love



is Self Care?

Self-care is the nurturing and caring for our emotional, mental, physical and


spiritual needs on a consistent and ongoing basis.

These are things that may or may not be enjoyable in the short term but

create WELLBEING. Self-care is How we gain our control back.

When we decide to focus on what we can control – which is Ourselves– we

can recognise the power that is always available to us in every waking

moment. So our external world may seem out of control and full of

uncertainties but internally we can remain in control.

Radical Self-care

Radical Self-care is the assertion that you actually have the responsibility to

take care of yourself first before attempting to take care of others.

It's necessary to fill your cup first, then to give to others from the overflow.



How do you filling your cup?

Taking care of yourself = keeping your cup full

If you don’t do things to keep your cup full, you have nothing left to give or share

with others

“filling your own cup” first is important so you are able to function as the best

possible you. Only then will you be able to really BE THERE for other people in

your life.

Look at your cup as your personal supply of energy. With a depleted cup, you risk

not being able to help yourself, much less able to be there 100% for your family,

friends, and job.

How full is your cup?

Exercise: Use the template below to list all of the things you do to fill your cup

- How can you make more room for more "me time' in your life?


©Yolanda Finette Holisticcoaching&Consultancy




"Put yourself at the top of your to do list,

every single day"

Notes Page

Copyright ©Yolanda Finette 2020. All Rights Reserved

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