IT"S FINALLY HERE! ....The delayed issue of iWITNESS magazine (formerly: iMAG Magazine). ​ This issue will be informative, educational and inspiring. Dr. Paul Price is featured in this issue and you don't want to miss reading what this powerful Woman of God has to say. ​ Advertising in the issue is still available. ​Call 312-545-6944 ​

IT"S FINALLY HERE! ....The delayed issue of iWITNESS magazine (formerly: iMAG Magazine).

This issue will be informative, educational and inspiring. Dr. Paul Price is featured in this issue and you don't want to miss reading what this powerful Woman of God has to say.

Advertising in the issue is still available.
​Call 312-545-6944 ​


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Success in 3D: Three Law s of Success<br />

by Kelvin Easter<br />

Success in 3D is the result of over 25 years<br />

of personal development and leadership<br />

experience. My passion is to see people of<br />

all groups, win in life. Over the years, I<br />

have been intentionally committed to my<br />

personal growth. I have invested<br />

thousands of dollars toward the<br />

development of my personal life and<br />

leadership skills. I believe the Creator<br />

designed us to maximize our potential in<br />

the spiritual, mental and physical realms,<br />

of our lives.We are to be holistic in our<br />

growth and development. I have<br />

experienced great results, through the<br />

application of God?s laws and principles,<br />

which govern life, on our planet. I hope<br />

you will become as passionate as I am,<br />

about growing and winning in life.<br />

3<br />

Success in 3D covers three incredible laws,<br />

which I feel are key to personal<br />

achievement. A law is a statement of fact,<br />

deduced from observation to the effect<br />

that a particular natural or scientific<br />

phenomenon always occurs if certain<br />

conditions are present.Over the years, I<br />

have observed and studied the laws of<br />

Desire, Discovery, and Discipline and have<br />

found them to be integral to the<br />

achievements of mankind; without respect<br />

of person, race or religion. I truly believe<br />

these attributes are essential to success in<br />

life. Therefore, I have chosen to call them<br />

laws in this writing.<br />

Now, for the record, this treatment is, by no means, an exhaustive study of these laws. Neither was it<br />

intended to be an exegete on an exclusively biblical basis or any passage of scripture, from the ancient<br />

text. Rather, my intentions are for it to serve as a catalyst for spurring thought. It is written to challenge<br />

the mind and to encourage the reader to study how things work. It is meant to stimulate curiosity in<br />

the seeker?s heart, toward discovering truth.I would like to encourage you, as you begin reading this<br />

book, to prepare your heart and set your intention for maximum benefit. Take good notes and use a<br />

highlighter. Remember, repetition is the mother of learning. You will not get all you can, from the first<br />

reading. Activate the law of repetition by reviewing this book and your notes often. Over the years, I<br />

have committed myself to the practice of repetition and have reaped the benefits. Now, activate your<br />

mind and heart with the intention of ascending to a higher level.<br />

Available on Amazon

Finding Your Prophetic Place<br />

?It is possible to be prophetically misplaced simply because you are in<br />

the wrong sphere, manifesting the wrong mantle type, or merely<br />

emphasizing your giftings more than your official faculties.?<br />

Dr. Paula Price<br />

Frequently, prophets ask me about purpose and placement. The majority of my<br />

questions come from young prophets; a good number also comes from those coming<br />

through the ministry?s preparatory trials. The question I get most often of late is, ?How<br />

do I find my prophetic place?? It seems to be the almost universal heart cry of<br />

prophetic messengers realizing that the open doors, and open hearts, they expected are<br />

nowhere near as open to their brand of ministry as they are to the other types. Another group<br />

that wants to know the answer to these is the prophetic late bloomers. They are the people the<br />

Lord hid His prophetic calling from until later in their lives. Similar to Moses, for example, they<br />

were occupied in their younger years with other endeavors. After working in other fields for<br />

decades, God is now awakening them to their prophetic destiny. Upon hearing the Lord's<br />

prophetic voice, they are just finally connecting with the prophetic side of their makeup. For<br />

many of them it is a surprise, although in hindsight some say that for years they sensed<br />

something working mysteriously in the backdrop of their lives. With precious little time to waste<br />

on long winding search paths, the late bloomers want to know immediately what their<br />

prophetic awakening means so they can get it right, and get right into it while they can. The<br />

younger ones, on the other hand, want to get it right and get right into it too, only for other<br />

reasons. They want to answer destiny?s call and make their mark in the world and in God and<br />

Christ. Altogether, I get enough calls from others outside of these two groups to let me know<br />

that this is indeed a matter to be addressed. So here goes.<br />

Other than the apostle, there is probably no other minister in the Lord's service harder to place than<br />

prophets. This is especially true when one thinks of their being called to more than the local church.<br />

Many prophets are scarcely confirmed and trained enough for the Lord's church, let alone groomed<br />

enough for a secular prophetic assignment. One of the major reasons for the difficulty prophets face<br />

in finding their most compatible place in ministry is how the Lord brings them into His service. The<br />

situation goes something like this. The Holy Spirit starts by altering how He interacted with the new<br />

prophet in the past to signal that something new is about to take place between them. Sometimes<br />

abruptly, their interactions change without the prophet knowing why at first. If the person is in<br />

relationship with Jesus Christ, this is God's approach; if not, He simply breaks His silence in their life<br />

and tells them what He called them to do. This sometimes curt encounter is preceded or caused by<br />

extensive occult experiences. Either way, the difficulty in prophets finding their place in the ministry<br />

is rooted in one of the two approaches. In which 4case, the personal encounter between the Lord and<br />




Join us Oct ober 21 beginning 7:00 pm CST for 6 hours of preaching<br />

and docum ent aries on t he life of Dr. Richard D. Hent on<br />

7<br />


continued from page ....4<br />

Finding Your Prophetic Place Dr. Paula Price<br />

His future prophet and their subsequent interactions leave most of the confirmation of the<br />

calling up to the prophet to prove, unless the Lord sends another to bear witness to the secret<br />

events that took place between them. With formal career screening, verification, and schooling<br />

not being viable possibilities for this office as yet, the Lord must summon prophets to His<br />

service by approaching them directly. They in turn must answer His call by blindly going about<br />

figuring out what it means to be a prophet and how the ministry is to work through them. This<br />

approach could take years and court a lifetime of pain and suffering or setbacks in the process.<br />

Because of it, and due to the lack of a formal way to manifest and verify their ministries,<br />

prophets start out largely unaffirmed or only marginally affirmed at best.After a season of<br />

winging it on their own, learning what they can as the Lord gives it to them (or as they are<br />

willing and able to receive it), many newcomers to this office eventually become persuaded that<br />

either they do not need a human handprint on their prophetics to be valid, or that their<br />

one-on-one interaction with the Lord made then ready to serve and advanced them faster than<br />

other ministers. These two suppositions can ignite a naïve pride in novices that stumbles them<br />

later as far too many conclude that what put them in their ministry is too vague and improvable<br />

to be verified or defined by human methods or tools. Such messengers are convinced that<br />

affirming prophets can only be done by supranormal means. They feel the standards and<br />

procedures used by other vocations or careers are too worldly to be trusted. Prophets, they<br />

believe, are to be verified only by the prophets themselves, and maybe an admired<br />

predecessor. Now, we can debate the source of this misconception and blame this or that<br />

theology or doctrine for years, but in the end, it is just wiser to simply say ?the Lord is doing a new<br />

thing?and get on with it. Meaning by this, that the Lord is now structuring His prophetic callings so<br />

that those He calls can be concretely confirmed in their ministry and properly placed. Another reason<br />

is so that His established leaders can better help develop new prophets by taking a more active role<br />

in verifying, confirming, and equipping those claiming a call to the ministry. We can all respectfully say<br />

God?s initiatives are long overdue considering the havoc some prophets have wreaked on His body in<br />

the past.<br />

For God to initiate His new processes and procedures and their safeguards, He has to standardize,<br />

uniform, and solidify the full range of the office?s essential duties and responsibilities. In view of how<br />

His prophets were introduced to and engaged in His service up to now, the effects of His actions can<br />

be shocking to most prophets. I have seen many of them stunted in their growth and ministries just<br />

because they either cannot submit to the change, or have no one to help them successfully make the<br />

transition. To find your prophetic place, you need more than a prophecy or a lofty spiritual encounter<br />

that alerts you to a call to the ministry. While both may serve as great catalysts for you, the truth is<br />

that they are only announcements. After that, what do you do when the service is over and the<br />

prophet or the presbytery is gone? I have found that what most people do is call around or roam<br />

from place to place to find someone to elaborate on the word they received so they can act on it. Or<br />

worse yet, many of them just launch their ministries as they see fit only to be disappointed when the<br />

masses marks them as a noviceand refuse to acknowledge them in their midst. Here is where it gets<br />

frustrating. Look at it this way.<br />

8<br />


Join Dr. Paula Price in her Global Prayer Initiative! Are you scouring the<br />

internet for answers to the tough questions? Are you frustrated with the<br />

church's fear of dealing with politically and culturally controversial<br />

subjects? The answers are here with Dr. Paula Price, author of The<br />

Prophet's Dictionary. Dr. Price, host of The Paula Price Show is a<br />

"Soulutionist".<br />

2020 Apocalyptic Prayer Project<br />

She consistantly provides wisdom and answers to a multiplicity of<br />

subjects. Her methods are decidedly Christian. The Paula Price Show<br />

broadcasts live on Thursday's @ 11am-1pm CST on<br />

www.blogtalkradio.com/paulapriceshow or call (319) 527-6218. You can<br />

call into the show and ask your questions directly to Dr. Price. The Paula<br />

Price Show also broadcasts on FB from her 'Apostle Paula Price' page and<br />

via Periscope @drpaulaprice www.drpaulaaprice.com<br />

9<br />



Polit ics and t he Pandem ics<br />

Jonathan Rothwell<br />

Nonresident Senior Fellow<br />

-Metropolitan Policy Program<br />

Christos Makridis<br />

Research Professor -Arizona<br />

State University<br />

The pandemic, which could conceivably have brought the country together, has instead contributed to<br />

our growing political divides. Partisan affiliation is often the strongest single predictor of behavior and<br />

attitudes about COVID-19, even more powerful than local infection rates or demographic<br />

characteristics, such as age and health status, as we show in our new paper, The Real Cost of Political<br />

Polarization: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Accordingly, a state?s partisan orientation also<br />

explains its public health policies, including the timing and duration of stay-at-home orders, bans on<br />

social gathering, and mask mandates.<br />

In the paper, we analyze survey responses from just under 50,000 U.S. adults surveyed repeatedly by<br />

Gallup from March through August, as well as publicly available policy and political data from a variety<br />

of sources.<br />

The implications are unfortunate. Ideally, public health policy would be driven by theory and evidence,<br />

not the relative power of partisans. State leaders have missed opportunities to adopt mask<br />

ordinances, limit gatherings in the most dangerous indoor spaces, and allow businesses to operate<br />

safely. Bad COVID policy, distorted by partisanship, has cost lives and jobs, as our work shows.<br />

Polarization of individual attitudes and behaviors<br />

When the pandemic started, two of the most popular news programs? both on Fox? covered it very<br />

differently. Tucker Carlson emphasized the disease?s severity while Sean Hannity downplayed it,<br />

according to striking research from Leonardo Bursztyn and his co-authors. In survey data, they find<br />

that Hannity?s viewers waited longer before significantly changing their behavior compared to Carlson<br />

viewers, who were otherwise demographically similar. More Hannity viewers predicted more infections<br />

at the county level. The ?Hannity Effect? illustrates a much larger pattern: Access to information is<br />

heavily distorted by our media diet, and that has real consequences for attitudes and behavior.<br />

Using Gallup data, we document large and persistent partisan gaps in levels of fear over COVID-19,<br />

social distancing, mask wearing, visiting work, and the scope of expected economic and social<br />

distribution (Figure 1). We also show that political party support is usually the most important variable<br />

in explaining these attitudes and behaviors, dominating county-level infections and other<br />

demographic variables.<br />

Politics shapes COVID views<br />

Notably, these gaps in attitudes and behaviors persisted even after the disease burden shifted from being<br />

disproportionately high in counties won by Hillary Clinton in 2016 in the spring to counties won by President<br />

Trump over the summer. For example, New York City and the surrounding metropolitan area were especially<br />

hard-hit in April, with roughly 20% of the population eventually becoming infected, according to CDC<br />

estimates of antibody prevalence. Yet, over the summer, deaths per capita were higher in states like Florida and<br />

11<br />

Texas, while plummeting in the Northeast.<br />


continued from page ....8<br />

Finding Your Prophetic Place Dr. Paula Price<br />

A five to thirty second prophecy that alerts you to a prophetic call, or any calling for that<br />

matter, is not enough for you to grasp how to fulfill it. If you rely on this alone, you will end up<br />

equipping yourself only on what you feel inside? what yousensethe Spirit leading you to do.<br />

How accurate that is can take weeks, months, or years for you to find out. With the prophet<br />

and the apostle being the only two offices that you cannot enroll in a traditional or<br />

established educational program to prepare for, you are pretty much on your own. You must<br />

investigate the church or private classes (notice I said classes and not courses) that are<br />

available on your subject independently. Each one can vary extensively from class to class<br />

with some being gift-driven and others a hodgepodge of spiritual doctrines and practices. For<br />

you to decide which one you should take for what you are called to do is a matter of trial and<br />

error. So how do you do it<br />

To choose the best prophetic readiness program for you, you need a trustworthy list of subject<br />

matter, topics, and other related curriculum information to tell you what makes for a credible and<br />

useful prophetic education program. Without that, you have nothing to compare your possibilities<br />

with before choosing one. If you are like most newcomers to this office, you probably do not have<br />

access to such a resource since prophetic education is still so privatistic, and very little of it mature<br />

enough to be considered specialized. Besides all this, today?s prophetic readiness and placement<br />

choices can vary drastically from individual to individual, ministry to ministry, and prophet to<br />

prophet. Do you see your obstacle here? You in your heart want to do it right and yet you cannot<br />

seem to separate the right from the wrong without help. Left to your own devises, you are most<br />

likely forced to equip yourself prophetically. What an overwhelming task. Moreover, because the<br />

way prophets are inducted, trained, and used is erratic, finding one?s place in this calling is nearly<br />

impossible as everyone does what is right in his or her own eyes. This scenario is what I hear<br />

regularly when I meet people on this path. I, on the other hand, have invented a way to help you<br />

streamline the process and hopefully perfect your search.<br />

What I developed is a series of web-based standardized assessments to help prophets and all<br />

five-folders, church ministers and workers, discover their calling and place in God's service.<br />

My system locates your purpose and destiny as a minister of Jesus Christ. It customizes your<br />

readiness program automatically, and tells you how long it will take to get where the Lord is<br />

taking you in prophetic ministry. These assessments have been used for nearly five years with<br />

more than 90% success so far, and that is a very conservative estimate. I invite you to be more<br />

than mystical about your call to this office. I encourage you to be emphatic and not enigmatic.<br />

It is your calling, your purpose, and your obedience to God. So be proactive. You do not have<br />

to stay stuck in the old move?s way of discovering yourself prophetically.Leap into the<br />

twenty-first century and know for sure through this objective tool that you are a prophet,<br />

what kind of prophet you are called to be, and the best place for you to answer God's call to<br />

prophetic ministry. Your pre-appointed sphere and particular people group are just as<br />

important to your success as your actual donning of the prophet?s mantle. Don?t settle for just<br />

discovering your mantle; know your place, your authority, and your measure of rule.Find out<br />

what makes you ready to stand before the Lord as ?a workman that needeth not be<br />

ashamed.?-<br />

12<br />






St aying Safe During Corona<br />

Today, CDC issued updated guidance to itsHow COVID-19 Spreadswebsite, which includes information about<br />

the potential for airborne spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.<br />

CDC continues to believe, based on current science, that people are more likely to become infected the<br />

longer and closer they are to a person with COVID-19. Today?s update acknowledges the existence of some<br />

published reports showing limited, uncommon circumstances where people with COVID-19 infected others<br />

who were more than 6 feet away or shortly after the COVID-19-positive person left an area. In these<br />

instances, transmission occurred in poorly ventilated and enclosed spaces that often involved activities that<br />

caused heavier breathing, like singing or exercise. Such environments and activities may contribute to the<br />

buildup of virus-carrying particles.<br />

CDC?s recommendations remain the same based on existing science and after a thorough technical review of<br />

the guidance.<br />

People can protect themselves from the virus that causes COVID-19 by staying at least 6 feet away from<br />

others, wearing a mask that covers their nose and mouth, washing their hands frequently, cleaning touched<br />

surfaces often and staying home when sick.<br />

17<br />



......continued from page 10<br />

Polit ics and t he Pandem ics<br />

The polarization of policies<br />

The individual attitudes of partisans seems to have affected policy in<br />

important ways. Throughout the pandemic, people living in states won by<br />

Hillary Clinton have been far more likely to live under mask mandates for<br />

workers or individuals, stay-at-home-orders, or limitations on social<br />

gatherings (Figure 2). These differences can?t be explained by any clear<br />

differences in the disease burden or risks across states, since the gaps<br />

persist after we controlled for these factors.<br />

Stay-at-home-orders and mask-mandates slowed the spread of the virus,<br />

significantly curtailing deaths, according to our analysis.<br />

The economic consequences of pandemic politics<br />

The downplaying of COVID, as well as opposition to mask-wearing and<br />

other precautions have had real consequences for health and safety. But<br />

the polarization of the pandemic has had another unfortunate side effect:<br />

Exacerbating economic harm.<br />

We found no evidence that closing all non-essential businesses, for<br />

example, reduced the growth in deaths, and yet these policies predict<br />

worse economic outcomes, measured in several ways. A growing number<br />

ofeconomistsand policyexpertsare starting to question the wisdom of<br />

stay-at-home-orders and other extreme measures. In the context of greater<br />

access to testing and a better understanding of transmission than we had<br />

in March, mask-mandates, social-distancing, and cleaning guidelines seem<br />

to work rather well at containing the virus at low levels, until there is a<br />

vaccine. This explains how the Northeast has been able to re-open with<br />

precautions, without seeing an increase in deaths or an increase in the<br />

positive testing rate.<br />


Polit ics and t he Pandem ics<br />

Yet, in Democratic areas, there is still considerable pressure to keep<br />

organizations and businesses closed, especially schools, and we?ve even<br />

seen recent calls to shut down the entire economy once again. These ideas<br />

strike us as unfortunate reactions based on distrust of the President,<br />

rather than proposals grounded in evidence. As one of us has noted<br />

through Gallup?s partnership with Franklin-Templeton to study COVID,<br />

Democrats are more likely than Republicans to overstate the risks of<br />

death to young people, whereas Republicans are more likely to mistakenly<br />

believe that the flu is more deadly than COVID, as Zacc Ritter of Gallup has<br />

documented.<br />

Whatever the public health merits, we find that lockdown policies and<br />

business closures do real damage to the economy that goes beyond the<br />

actual effects predicted by infections or deaths at the county level. Across<br />

a range of economic outcomes? employment, retail visits, work visits,<br />

small business revenue, and consumer spending? Republican states have<br />

performed better during the pandemic. Currently, the unemployment rate<br />

implied by Department of Labor unemployment insurance claims stands<br />

at 6.7% in Republicans states, compared to 11.3% in Democratic states<br />

Mask-mandates seem to lower death rates as effectively as stay-at-home<br />

orders, with much less damage to economic activity. With less partisan<br />

media and leadership, we believe mask policies and similar interventions<br />

would become universally adopted by state and local governments, with<br />

high rates of compliance from the public, saving lives and jobs.<br />

The insidious reach of polarization<br />

When Donald Trump debated his Republican primary rivals in 2016, he<br />

never mentioned public health. Likewise, these issues were absent from<br />

Hillary Clinton?s campaign.<br />

18<br />


Polit ics and t he Pandem ics<br />

It would be fair to say that pandemic preparedness and response was<br />

not a hot political topic. To give one example, since President George W.<br />

Bush started it, PEPFAR (The President?s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief)<br />

has embodied a major bipartisan commitment to public health, though<br />

not entirely without political controversy.<br />

A some point, the pandemic and associated media coverage became yet<br />

another deeply divisive political issue ? a board for politicians to score<br />

points on, rather than a challenge for the nation to rise to. Speeches,<br />

tweets, and news coverage became dedicated to giving or taking away<br />

points. In an alternative universe, leaders from both parties might have<br />

set aside their usual differences, united behind a national strategy, and<br />

held each other accountable to implementing it. Tragedy heaped upon<br />

tragedy.<br />

The authors did not receive financial support from any firm or person for<br />

this article or from any firm or person with a financial or political interest in<br />

this article. They are currently not an officer, director, or board member of<br />

any organization with an interest in this article.<br />

Get updates on economics from Brookings<br />





The Dance of Love of Child Caregiver<br />

Constance Kizzie-Gillett<br />

The Dance of Love<br />

Lillie?s Care Circle a 501© (3) a<br />

Tax-exempt organization was birthed out of<br />

my personal sadness, fear and<br />

desperation. I felt that my life was coming<br />

to an end I actually felt that I was hanging<br />

on by a thread and the thread was getting<br />

thinner and thinner by the hour not by the<br />

day but the hour. My mother Lillie, who was my best friend had<br />

been diagnosed with Alzheimer?s disease in 2008. My mother and I<br />

had always been very close to each other and we loved each<br />

other immensely. My mother and I had never been separated for a<br />

long period of time. We lived together until I got married. Even<br />

then we visited each other and spent days together. After my<br />

mother?s second divorce we both went to professional counseling<br />

for some time. The counselor said my mother was a child when I<br />

needed one and I was an adult when she needed one. That is why<br />

I called our relationship a ?Dance of Love? we knew what each<br />

other needed and somehow, we were able to fulfill those needs. .<br />

Whenever you are ?Dancing the Dance of Love? with a parent/child<br />

it intertwines like Siamese twins. When the dance is over and<br />

one person dies the surviving person has to learn to live and<br />

function as one person. In the light of my mother?s diagnosis I had<br />

to rely on what I knew about mom, what her likes and dislikes<br />

were and her personality traits. Uniquely, I knew I had to<br />


Constance Kizzie-Gillett<br />

The Dance of Love of Child Caregiver<br />

continued from page ......17<br />

focus on our non-verbal communication skills that we had developed<br />

over the years. By doing those things I was able to keep mom safe<br />

and happy. In some instances, I think the elderly and the sick are<br />

underestimated, undervalued and marginalized.<br />

n the month of October my mom was struggling with her speech and<br />

some memory decline. I was struggling with my mother?s illness. As<br />

well as struggling with sadness, fear and I do believe depression.<br />

Connie's story of becoming and care-giver for her mother will continue<br />

in our next issue of iMAG Magazine. We thank Connie for sharing her<br />

story with us and our readers. We believe story is an important as we<br />

know that many are dealing with this same plight. More from Connie<br />

on this very important topic in the November anniversary issue of<br />

iMAG Magazine.Also to get a copy of Connie's book "The Dance of<br />

Love " feel free to contatct Connie at:<br />

Constance L Kizzie-Gillett, ML<br />

Consultant / Trainer<br />

Website: lilliescircleofcare.com<br />

Email: Connie@LilliesCircleofCare.com<br />

Phone: 323-447-6718<br />


Christ Fam ily Net w ork Broadcast ers<br />

Christ Fam ily Net w ork Broadcast ers<br />


iMAG Magazine<br />

because w hat you read m at t ers<br />


Christ Fam ily Net w ork Broadcast ers<br />


30<br />

Available<br />

Sept em ber 20t h<br />

Am azon<br />

w w w.im pact forchange.org

Christ Fam ily Net w ork Broadcast ers<br />





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