The Expanding Role of E-Commerce in Qatar- E commerce Companies

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The Expanding Role of E-Commerce in Qatar- E commerce


Qatar is one of those cities that faces an increase in its population on a day-today

basis. Also, as per the technology advancements happening these days,

there is a trend wherein people are shifting from physical purchase to

alternative ways. The use of e-commerce is much a necessity as it facilitates

easy and quick replacements of products and services without consuming

much time. Moreover, it allows the users to delete a set of services that he

does not want to opt for.

Today, there is a rampant growth in the e-commerce platforms that has

allowed the convenient and easy usage of various commercial platforms for

users globally. As of the recent study, almost 0.3 million users feel secure and

comfortable with the use of e-commerce features. It is an effectively used

platform that is getting popular day-by-day.

Now, the percentile of users has raised from what was earlier 1.02 million

users to an exorbitant 1.40 million users. Along with the increase in users,

there has been an elevation in the expenditure as well. E-commerce has thus

aided the users to go cashless and increase the value of services.

Popular methods of payment in e-commerce

The following are some of the most popular methods of payments opted for in

e-commerce to make the purchases comparatively simpler:

Cash on delivery

The most flexible and affordable mode of payment is always cash on delivery.

Since being the simplest ways of transaction, it avoids all kinds of

complications foreseen in other methods. This way, the customers are enabled

to reinsure the quality of payments and services before making payments.

These seem beneficial when there are no risks of card usage and the user pays

for the availed product or service. As a result, the users are saved from

fraudulent practices and there is more privacy given to their financial respects.

Credit card

Credit cards are best purposeful for online shoppers who are much interested

in making bulk payments and keeping credits. Another additional benefit of the

same is that it provides the users with several benefits such as attractive

offers. Then, the users are availed with special prizes during the promo period.

Normally, credit cards are accepted in restaurants, transports and for online

transactions. The users are free to redeem the same anytime that they prefer.

The best part of these cards is that it allows the users to go cashless anytime,



PayPal suits every e-commerce web development company that limits the

privacy of users by saving the passwords to one-time usage. Thus, it also assists

the users in making purchases using ‘n’ number of cards safely. Moreover, it

helps in the effective revival and saving of money in the simplest and most

effective manner. Then, while redeeming the information, the user is enabled

to see the details of the last transaction or from the latest to the oldest in

order. In addition, a platform like PayPal levies zero membership and service


Most Used Transaction Devices in E-commerce

The following are some of the most frequently used transaction devices in e-

commerce that make the same in Qatar much easy and carefree:


The best part of e-commerce when used on desktop is that it helps in taking

down bulk orders using very less time. It also helps the users to save bulk

amount of data and preserve it to be used anytime that they need. Also, it is

benefitted by being fast and easy for developmental usages. Then, it is cheaper

than the rest of the sources and can be shared with any number of sources in

case of any mishaps. All the more, it can be used anytime as the user wants.


Mobile phones are better preferred by the users since being convenient and

speedy for making bigger payments. Also, the perks of using mobile devices are

that they can be used as per the user’s needs and time more flexibly. This

saves the ink and paper that is used to create a physical copy of the


This then increases the cash flow by accepting and allowing bulk flow of

payment every three days. This is the same reason as why it is suggested best

for cross platform usage. As per the present ratio, even while 80% of users

adhere to desktops, 20% of them still prefer using mobile devices for cashless


Popular Categories where E-commerce is Used

The following are some of the popular categories where the role of e-

commerce can be seen growing extensively and is more in use:


The best benefits incurred by travel sector are in terms of making immediate

and convenient travel arrangements. This way then, booking and scheduling of

tickets become a much hassle-free process than what is expected of it. This is

the core reason for which 22% population of Qatar favour making online travel

bookings. Moreover, it consumes very less time compared to what is spent on

standing in long queues. Many e-commerce websites design that are

implemented now a day’s aid by making the multi-step procedure into one or

two. This way, the present users are enabled to make bookings easily.


The best benefactors of e-commerce are doubtlessly electronics. They are

provided with easy sales growth using this very platform. This is the only

reason as to why most electronic services are purposefully merged to one

single platform. Similarly, since being a fully integrated platform, e-commerce

can be used to make wholesale and retail profits of a commodity or service

flawlessly. 18% users of electronic devices prefer using it for their e-commerce

related needs. Therefore, by extending services on an integrated platform, the

owners of the website earn a lot of e-revenue from several sources.


Better looks and fashion is always something that most users yearn for by

staying intact with the emerging trends and vogue. Being supported by the

updated designs and pattern adds to the visibility and demand of most

pattern. Also, through the existing fashion blogs and websites the young

generation is made aware of the emerging fashions and accepts them easily.

Hence, the several web designs can gain a higher reach through unique and

prompt marketing messages. As per the present research, 15% population in

Qatar prefer conveying fashion trends via e-commerce platforms. In addition,

the users are allowed visually and virtually try out the services by getting free


Digital content and books

Many organizations offer digital content and books to their clients as a part of

adding to the brand awareness. This then helps to increase brand

consciousness by adding sufficient and relevant statistics about a particular

division of e-commerce. This way, their attention span is increased when

compared to other sources. Also, these digital content and books can be easily

shared with the other readers or within the organization. All the more, the

users are made more aware of a particular brand extensively.


YouTube is one of the finest sources of entertainment that is opted by people

most of the time. This way, the users can view and share visual content easily.

Also, information and videos can be saved for later or can be downloaded

within a matter of seconds. Sources of digital marketing for entertainment can

be opted for in a cheap and access their favourite programs, images and videos



Hotels are also one of the prominent users of e-commerce features as well.

Through the exceptional e-commerce features available, the users are able to

make bookings with the touch of a finger. Also, the reputation of a hotel group

can be raised through top guest reviews. 9% of hotels on a global range access

their operations, assessment, sales and marketing through e-commerce. They

also make plans for the concept of pre-planning and development using the

same ways.


The least users of e-commerce are sports fields where the users prefer physical

purchase of product and services. This way, the users are enabled to make a

direct check on the products and services regarding aspects of quality. Sadly,

only 3% of users’ successfully make successful use of these services being

availed to them. It is an activity that involves lot of risks and there could be

instances of out-of-stock and delays. The demerit involved in this field is that it

does not allow bargaining.

Auto parts

These are also similar to the above-mentioned sports field where there is less

growth due to the same purchase reasons. Even when it comes to auto parts,

the consumers prefer physically picking and choosing products and services

rather than searching over the website. This is mainly due to the fear of

duplicate parts being delivered. This creates a difference in the OEM (Original

Equipment Manufacturing) standards. However, 1/3rd of the population in

Qatar prefer their automobile parts to be delivered online itself.

With the effective usage of most updated and renewed equipment and

services, every e-commerce web development company in Qatar is assured to

make the most of the concurrent technology and thereby drive-in more users.

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