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Newsletter of the European Chiropractors’ Union


Research Corner:

Null-Hypothesis Statistical Testing and

the problem of inductive reasoning

Sidney Rubinstein, DC, PhD, Jonáh Stunt, PhD

IN THE previous research

corner, we discussed Null-

Hypothesis Statistical Testing

(NHST) and the p-value. In

this article we want to elaborate

on a fundamental problem with

this approach: the problem of

inductive reasoning.

Key points

• Null-Hypothesis Statistical

Testing (NHST) is based upon

inductive reasoning.

• This approach can introduce

error because conclusions are

based upon the probability of a

given observation, particularly

when the likelihood is low.

• NHST and p≤0.05 were

never meant to be a basis for

conclusions, but only meant as a

means to disprove a hypothesis.

In order to understand the situation

better, it is important to understand

what NHST-reasoning entails.

NHST is framed as a deductive

argument and follows a rule of

inference. An example, put simply:

• If it rains, the road is wet;

• The road is dry;

• Thus: it is not raining.

However, this approach

does not always lead to correct

conclusions, even if both

conditions (i.e. the first two

statements) are true. Suppose

you buy a lottery ticket and win.

We all know that the chances of

winning the jackpot are extremely

small. If one were to formulate

a hypothesis about the chances

of winning the jackpot, it would

take the following form, using the

modus tollens framework:

• If the lottery is fair (H 0 ) then

the chance of winning the

jackpot is very small (x);

• I won the jackpot (x);

• Thus: the lottery is unfair

(reject H 0 ). [whereby H 0 is the

null-hypothesis and ‘x’ is a given


Everyone would agree that it

would be incorrect to conclude

that the lottery is false based upon

the fact that you won it. Yet, we

follow this exact same line of

reasoning when we use NHST.

So, where does the NHST line

of reasoning go wrong? It has

to do with probabilities. To

understand this, let’s go back to

the experiment with the coin

which we used as an example in

the previous edition. If you want


introduces the

importance of


that a theory

can never be

proven, only


to determine if a coin is fair (or

true), you toss the coin a number

of times, count the number of

heads and tails, and calculate the

probability of that observation

given your null hypothesis. The

probability of throwing heads or

tails is equal, so if you were to toss

the coin five times and the coin

lands on ‘heads’ every time, this

probability would be (0.5) 5 =0.031.

Quite a small chance, and you

would question the fairness of

the coin. Suppose we were to

toss the coin a thousand times

and every time the coin lands on

‘heads’. The probability of that

happening with a fair coin would

be (0.5) 1000 which is a probability

of practically null. This would be

very strong evidence for an unfair

coin. However, the probability

is not zero! Meaning, a fair

coin could result in a 1000 times

heads if we were to toss a coin an

infinite number of times, albeit

the probability is extremely low.

Following the NHST-reasoning,

we would conclude that the coin is

not fair and thus reject H 0 .

Even though the suspicion of

a false coin is high, observations

cannot provide definitive

proof. This is exactly the

problem surrounding inductive

reasoning and explains why

the modus tollens framework of

reasoning may lead to incorrect

conclusions with NHST. The

Scottish philosopher David

Hume identified this problem

in the 18th century. Simply put,

definitive proof cannot be attained

in empirical and inductive ‘open

systems’, which is in contrast to

deductive closed systems, such as

mathematics. In such systems as

the empirical sciences, definitive

proof is impossible because one

cannot sample ALL subjects

or ALL situations which fulfil

the study criteria. Consider, for

example, subjects with neck or low

back pain. It is simply impossible

to sample everyone on this planet.

Suppose you formulate the

hypothesis that all swans are

white. One would expect that

every swan you observe would

be white, and every observation

to be confirmation of this

hypothesis. However, one black

Sidney Rubinstein

Jonáh Stunt

swan would be enough to dispel

the hypothesis. This introduces the

importance of understanding that

a theory can never be proven, only


In short, conclusions based

upon a limited number of

observations may be false.

However, just as it is impossible

to sample ALL swans, it is equally

impossible to sample ALL subjects

with neck and/or low back pain.

NHST relies upon probabilities;

however, as with the lottery

or coin tossing example, these

probabilities are not zero, and

therefore, potentially valid.

The founding father of NHST

(Fisher) never suggested that

NHST and p≤0.05 are a basis

for conclusions. He considered

a small p-value as an outcome

interesting enough to warrant

further research, NOT proof.

“The null hypothesis”, he said,

“is never proved or established,

but is possibly disproved, in the

course of experimentation. Every

experiment may be said to exist

only in order to give the facts

a chance of disproving the null


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