Sor Juana Prize 2020

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From bellies that fall below the waistline, to bellies

full of nothing but worms (Painting)

Raquel Juarez

Mención Honorífica - Honorable Mention

From bellies that fall below the waistline, to bellies full of nothing

but worms, the origins of these two very different realities lie in

the broken system we have in place for feeding the world. We are

currently growing enough to feed 11 billion people on this planet,

vs the 8 billion we currently have. We first feed those animals that

are going to be consumed by wealthier individuals who can afford

the luxury like in the US , UK, Europe etc. This is a humanitarian

crisis putting those who are already oppressed in an already

worse state by selling off those grains grown in their 2nd world

countries to those animals instead of them. With no money or

food, it is our responsibility to not take part in consuming animals

who’s food led to their slaughter to your plate, which could have

gone to the 82% of children that starve for that cause.

Artes de México en Utah

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