
Final zine layout on the theme of imagination through rebirth.

Final zine layout on the theme of imagination through rebirth.


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Story Of King Bharata-Hinduism

As a young man he was brought up by his father, Bharata ruled the land with Dharma, He ruled the vast

corners of the land.

After fulfilling his duties as a householder he contemplating on the life of VanaPrasta & Sanyasa transferred

all his duties to his children. He moved to a forest and meditated with the ultimate purpose of attaining


Once Bharata was meditating peacefully on the banks river ‘Chakra’ a lonely pregnant doe was drinking

water from the river, there was a sudden lion roar from a short distance. The doe was terrified & tried to run

in hurry, it jumped over the river from the top of a big rock, on mid flight it gave birth to a baby doe which

fell into the river, the mother doe hit the rock on the other side and died.

Baby Doe was carried by the river current, overcome by the compassion for that little, orphan, helpless doe

sage Bharata got up and ran to save the baby Doe.

He brought it out of the water, forest was a cruel place for a young Doe to survive, he thought he would take

care of it until it could take care of itself.

Bharata was already at the end of his life, one day he couldn’t find the doe anywhere near the cottage, he

looked for it all day and couldn’t find it, he was overcome with intense pain, he lamented for the missing

deer, his old body couldn’t take the toll. Bharata died thinking of doe.

King Bharata because of his attachment to the doe was reborn in the womb of a doe, In his next birth as the

doe he realized what a big mistake he had done, because he had attained a higher spiritual realization in his

past he had memory of his last life even though he was born a doe.

Though trapped in a doe’s body, his actions were that of a yogi, he would go sit near Ashrams of Rishis, he

would listen to them sing chants and hymns, he liked living around them in the calm & peaceful spiritual


As time passed his life as a doe ended, he gave up the body and proceeded to heavens.

Bharatha knowing his past life attachment lead to a birth in doe’s body consciously took a brith in a Brahmin

woman’s womb. He was born as the second child of the 2nd wife of a scholar.

Knowing that his past attractions led him astray from childhood, Bharata decided to act stupid. He would

mispronounce mantras though he knew them very well. His father would teach him rituals and he would do

them in reverse.

while he was walking on road, a gang of men found him and assigned him the duty of carrying their King’s

Palanquin. It was the Palanquin of King Rahoogana of the kingdoms of Sindhu and Sauvira.

Without complaining Jada Bharata became a carrier of King’s Palanquin. He carried the king around along

with other carriers, as it happened a small worm walked on to his path, to avoid stepping on it, Jada bharata

stretched his step, and the Palanquin shook badly.

king threatened Jada Bharata saying “You fool! you look like a dead man, how dare you cross King’s order,

you are drunk with arrogance, now it has become my duty to teach you.”

Jada bharat who remained silent all his life, now spoke to the king “O king, how rude are you? I avoided

stepping on another life at the cost of your discomfort, where is your sense, how can you be so senseless

born in the King’s family, and being brought up with the teachings of scriptures?”

The King being a cultured one obediently enquired. “Wise one, who are you? I have not seen you around

before, who son are you?”

Jada Bharat replied “O King, In my past I was known as Bharata, in fact I’m your ancestor, you are from the

same lineage. I have no purpose in life except the realization of the final truth, I’m wandering because I have

no desire left anymore.”

The King begged him to take him as his disciple, he took Jada Bharata to the palace and had him initiate

all other members of his palace into Yoga. Jada bharata stayed there until he taught them some basics of

spirituality and then left the palace, again wandering around aimlessly, only keeping focus on the ultimate

reality. - Vedicfeed

Reincarnating into an animal

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