Wish Book

The YNHCH Wish Book is an online catalog of various items that could help make a real difference in the life of a sick child, a worried parent or a family struggling with illness.

The YNHCH Wish Book is an online catalog of various items that could help make a real difference in the life of a sick child, a worried parent or a family struggling with illness.


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Virtual story time

Specially designed for young elementary school kids and their caregivers.

Reading, songs, and art activities offer a break while providing learning and

development for children with extended hospital stays. Offered via iPads or

computers during the pandemic.

#158 Each group session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

Weighted hula hoop

These provide a fun way for kids to keep fit during long stays in the hospital.

#159 Each ................................................. $30

Yoga mat

Yoga, exercise, and meditation are all great therapy for kids in the

Children’s Psychiatric Inpatient Service program at the hospital.

#160 Each ................................................. $15

iPads and protective cases

Even before the pandemic, nearly every department in the Children’s

Hospital requested iPad donations each year because they are useful in so

many ways: entertainment, distraction, homework, and keeping caregivers

connected to their jobs and outside responsibilities. But with restrictions put

in place during COVID-19, patients and their caregivers are far more isolated.

Help them stay connected by donating to our iPad fund or by buying an iPad


#161 Donation to iPad fund . ................................. $50

#162 Donation to iPad fund . ................................ $100

#163 iPad case ............................................. $35

#164 iPad & case .......................................... $600

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