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To sustain life in a

community is to

give and to recieve.

By nature, humans are ecological beings.

We thrive when we can interact in an ecosystem,

giving and receiving our energy to maintain

a dynamic but grounded body.

The ideal of the American Dream creates a mode

of individualism and self preservation that isolates

the individual from the communirty they inhabit.

We have to look past the ego that we build up

and reach out to our peers in order to hold each

other up. When the world is unstable as it is, and

constant tragedies and traumatic events leave

us repeatedly vulnerable to losing our safety as

individuals, we must turn towards the community

to find and build support in our ecosystem.

one can connect to their ecology in many ways.




Pooling and sharing resources is an important way

to build a strong and sturdy foundation in a


This can be done on a small scale, like building neighborhood

community farms and greenspaces.

-Baltimore Farm Alliance

-Baltimore Food Fridge

Or it can be done on larger scales with mutual aid funds

and community resource centers!

-National Resource List (Linktree)

-Baltimore Mutual Aid & Emergency Relief Fund (FB)

redistribute wealth and resources

give donations, time, or civic engagment

Volunteer/donation opportunities:

Bmore Community Food

OSI Baltimore


Baltimore Corps

Baltimore Community Foundation

Maryland Philanthropy (Covid-19 response funds)

BALT Community Bail Fund


ACLU Maryland

Baltimore United for Change


Find more at volunteermatch.org

One can also directly redistribute their wealth.

Buy from local artists, farmers, and small businesses.

Join co-ops like Hidden Harvest, or buy from farmers markets

and local farms at Farm Alliance of Baltimore

Baltimore black-owned businesses:

Urban Oyster



Land of Kush

Gangster Vegan

Pennsylvania Black Arts & Entertainment District

Ivy Hotel

Cedar & Cotton

Mess in a Bottle

Find more at Madeinbaltimore.org

Commission small artists to create work at places like

Make Studio or buy from art markets!

Look past the big corporations that already control our


Take civic action to protect yourself and those in your


Enact your own voice and elevate the voices of others.

VOTE in any elections that you can, and/or help others

exercise their right to vote.

Find voter resources on When We All Vote’s linktree

Protest with groups like Good Kids Mad City and the They

Them Collective.

Stay informed. Staying informed on a constant influx of

(often horrific) events is exhausting and painful. But to

remain active in a system, especially when you are in the

position of privilege, is to educate yourself on the topics

that surround you. Listen to others.

Respect those around you. Right now that means keeping

distance and wearing masks. Sometimes things are inconvenient

to ourselves, but it is worth it to go slightly out of

your way to protect others.

Having sustainable and equitable communities is not simply

about redesigning the systems within it or aspects of it, it is about

changing the individual’s point of view. We must redesign the

way that we look at our communities. Look to those around

you with empathy and communal care, and connect yourself

to them. They are a part of your ecosystem, and to ensure the

success of that ecosystem you have to work for and with them.

Consider that the self is not limited to your body,

but to the entire ecosystem that you live in.

Allow yourself to give, but also allow yourself to receive


Amidst tumultuous times like these, it is most important

to invest in your community, to hold those

around you up. so they may hold you in return.

When the systems in place are not sustainable,

we must sustain each other.


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