God Heals Today

By Leo Harris

By Leo Harris


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God Heals Today

By Leo Harris


Foreword 3

Introduction 4

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

God Heals Today Because He is

Unchangeable 5

God Heals Today Because Christ has

Conquered Satan 10

God Heals Today Because of the

Atonement of Christ 16

God Heals Today Because the Ministry of Healing

has been set in the Christian Church 20

God Heals Today Because Every Believer has

Authority Over Satan and his Works 25

God Heals Today Because It Is Always

God’s Perfect Will To Heal 30

God Heals Today Because the Power of the

Holy Spirit is Still Available to Believers 35

God Heals Today Because Love is Still

the Greatest Healing Power on Earth 40

Chapter 9 Five Steps in a Faith that Brings Results 45


Chapter 10

How a Young Man’s Faith in God Brought

Deliverance from Tuberculosis 50

Chapter 11 The True Story of a Miracle Mother 53

Chapter 12 Instant Recovery from Incurable Complaint 57

Chapter 13 Two Years to Live 60

Chapter 14

Typical Testimonies that have Stood the Test

of Time 62



In 1945, as a young man of twenty-five, Leo Harris began in Adelaide, South

Australia, a ministry that was to make an impact around the world.

In obedience to the call of God, confirmed by prophetic gifts, Pastor Harris

established the assembly known today as the Adelaide Crusade Centre. This

church, now one of the largest in Australia, has become a centre of evangelism

and outreach from which many other assemblies have been pioneered.

He also founded the Christian Revival Crusade Inc. a fellowship which numbers

over sixty assemblies in Australia, with others in New Zealand and in Papua

New Guinea.

During his thirty-two years of ministry until his death in September, 1977, Pastor

Harris was editor of the popular magazine now titled IMPACT, and he was

principal of Crusade Bible College from its inception in 1959.

Leo Harris was a pioneer in Australia of vital and basic spiritual principles which

today are widely accepted and followed. The ministry of deliverance; the

authority of Christ and the authority of the believer; the principles of unity and

teamwork in local churches and between churches; the primacy of the word of

God – these are but some of the great truths he constantly taught.

The books that he wrote contain most of these concepts. One of them – Your

Faith is Power – has gone round the world.

In this book, GOD HEALS TODAY, the great truths of divine healing are clearly

and soundly presented. Indeed, many people have been healed as a result of

reading it.

It is our prayer that this third edition will continue to meet the needs of those who

are sick, and that it will encourage others to undertake a ministry of healing with

renewed faith and greater confidence than ever before.

- The Publishers




Scores of times I have said to congregations around the world, ‘To know God

hears is to know we have!’

We know God hears when we ask according to his will - and healing is certainly

his will. Once we know we are asking according to God’s will, we know God

hears - and to know God hears is to know we have the answer, even before it


I say this on the authority of the Word of God:

‘This is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask anything according to his will,

he hears us. And if we know that he hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know we have the

petitions that we desired of him.’ (1 John 5:14-15)

Let me say this again: when we have real faith, we have an inward, certain


When we have faith for our salvation, we know that we are saved. Just so for

our healing. We know that our healing is accomplished. We know it, even the

symptoms and feelings respond. We know it in our hearts. We have faith for it.

As you read this book, and as the knowledge of faith and the assurance of God

grows in your heart, may your every need be met!

May you be set free from all bondage of spirit, mind and body!

May you be made whole!

-The Author



Chapter 1


Because He Is Unchangeable

God heals today because he is the unchangeable One. The entire Bible - Old

and New Testaments - displays his healing power.

Moreover, God has covenanted with his people to be their healing God. We

have this divine healing covenant, or contract, and this is how it reads:

‘If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is

right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will

put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am

the Lord that healeth thee’ (Exodus 15:26).

Here is a great foundation stone of divine healing. God guarantees this contract

with his very healing. God guarantees this contract with his very name. Those

words, ‘I am the Lord that healeth thee,’ come from one of the compound names of

Jehovah, that is, JEHOVAH-RAPHA, meaning, ‘The Lord your Physician.’

JEHOVAH is the redemptive name of God, and is used whenever he reveals

himself to mankind in any particular capacity. In unfolding his various

relationships with man, God adopted certain compound names. Here they are:

JEHOVAH-JIREH, ‘meaning ‘The Lord will provide’ (Genesis 22:14).

JEHOVAH-NISSI, ‘The Lord our Banner’ (Exodus 17:8-15).

JEHOVAH-RAAH, ‘The Lord our Shepherd’ (Psalm 23:1).

JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU, ‘The Lord our Righteousness’ (Jeremiah 23:6).

JEHOVAH-SHALOM, ‘The Lord our Peace’ (Judges 6:24).

JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH, ‘The Lord is Present’ (Ezekiel 48:35).

And the one we have already introduced to you, Jehovah-Rapha, ‘The Lord your

Physician,’ or your healing God!

An Unchangeable God

God was Jehovah-Rapha to Israel so long ago, but he declared in Malachi 3:6,

‘I am Jehovah, I change not.’

Therefore, if he was a healing God in Old Testament days, he is still a healing

God today. He is Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord our Physician, and he changes not!

His name reveals his nature. His name cannot change because his nature

cannot change. God heals today!

It is the very nature of God to heal the sick. Man may separate himself from the

healing power of God by his sin, by his ignorance of God’s promises, by his

disobedience, or by sheer unbelief, but God remains ever the same - the Lord

our Physician.

The Apostle James wrote, ‘Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and

cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, neither

shadow of turning’ (James 1:17).

God is consistent. His will, his very nature, are unchanging and unchangeable.

They know no variableness.

God is consistent. He is no respecter of persons. When he turns to bless one,

he never casts his shadow on another. He will never turn to heal one believer,

and in so doing, cast a shadow over another believer ‘God is light, and in him is

no darkness at all’ (1 John 1:5).

David knew God as a healing God. Hear his words of faith and rejoicing:

‘Bless the Lord. O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thine

iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases’ (Psalm 103:2).

David’s God is our God today!

He is still Jehovah-Rapha, ‘The Lord our Physician.’

He healed Abimilech through the prayers of Abraham (Genesis 20:17).

He healed Miriam in answer to the prayer of Moses (Numbers 12:13-15). He

healed Naaman the leper (2 Kings 5). He was their healing God. He is our

healing God today!

His Present-tense Promise

God did not say, ‘I was the Lord who healed you.’ Nor did he say, ‘I will be the

Lord who will heal you.’ God revealed himself in a present-tense name, ‘I am the

Lord that healeth thee.’

He was the great ‘I am’ in the days of Abraham. He was the great ‘I am’ in the

days of Moses. He is the great ‘I am’ today.


Notice also, friend, that God did not say, ‘I am the Lord that could heal thee,’ nor,

‘can heal thee,’ nor even ‘will heal thee.’ He said, ‘I am the Lord that healeth


It was present tense when he spoke those words in the days of Moses. It is still

present tense, because God cannot change. He is still ‘the Lord that healeth


God is always healing, ever healing, and we need only to place ourselves under

his healing power by faith in his wonderful promises.

Just as on the dullest days the sun still shines, but clouds separate us from its

warm rays, so God’s healing power is always there, always available, but clouds

of fear, clouds of doubt, or clouds of disobedience, have crept in between

Jehovah-Rapha and ourselves.

‘But unto you that fear my name, shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his

wings (or rays)’ (Malachi 4:2).

Only the things that we allow to come between God and ourselves can cast a

shadow over us. God’s sun is shining. God’s healing rays are reaching toward


We have known people to be healed of all manner of sicknesses by simply

claiming the present-tense promise of God, ‘I am the Lord that healeth thee.’ From

the depths of their hearts they have responded in faith, ‘You are the Lord who is

healing me! Their faith has cleared the clouds away and the healing rays of God

have miraculously restored them to health.

The Healing Christ

Jehovah of the Old Testament is revealed in Jesus of the New Testament. All

that Jehovah revealed himself to be in the Old Testament, Jesus is revealed to

be in the New Testament.

Christ is our great Provider. He is our Banner. He is the Good Shepherd. He is

our Righteousness. He is our Peace. He is ever present - ‘Lo, I am with you


Christ is also the Great Physician. He is a healing Christ.

The earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ was largely devoted to the healing

of the sick. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, in recording the life and ministry of


Jesus, wrote whole chapters of healing miracles. If we were to remove from the

four Gospels the record of Christ’s healing ministry, there would be very little left

for us to read!

We see that our Lord’s ministry of healing and deliverance was the result of the

anointing of Spirit of God himself:

‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the

poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives,

and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the

acceptable year of the Lord’ (Luke 4:18-19).

The Spirit of Jehovah, the healing God of the Old Testament, anointed Jesus of

Nazareth to heal, deliver, restore sight, to set men and women free.

And when John the Baptist, assailed by doubts in the darkness of prison,

wondered whether Jesus was actually the Christ of God, he sent his disciples to

Jesus to find the answer. Jesus did not give them a long discourse to prove that

he was in reality the Messiah, but rather -

‘In that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits;

and unto many that were blind he gave sight.

‘Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have

seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf

hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached.’

Such were the credentials of Christ, the Son of God. He is a healing Christ. He

is a delivering Christ.

And what does the Bible say about him? Hebrews 13:8 declares: ‘Jesus Christ the

same, yesterday, today and for ever.’

Jesus cleansed the leper and rebuked the fever of Peter’s wife’s mother. He

healed the centurion’s servant and many times gave sight to the blind.

Christ delivered those possessed by tormenting and afflicting demons. He

healed all manner of sickness and every kind of disease among the people.

The multitudes came to him, bringing their sick folk and demon-possessed, and

he healed them all.


‘God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost, and with power; who went about

doing good, and healing all who were oppressed of the devil: for God was with him’

(Acts 10:38).

Yes, God heals today - because the God of the Old Testament was a healing

God, and the Christ of the New Testament was a healing Christ!


Chapter 2


Because Christ Has Conquered Satan

Sickness is of Satanic origin, and Christ has conquered Satan! That is surely a

powerful statement. If it can be verified from the Bible, it should not only

convince every believer of the truth of divine healing for today and inspire the

faith of all. But it should also challenge everyone to teach and practise this


Let us turn to the word of God and see what we can learn about the origin and

nature of sickness and suffering.

Origin of Sin and Death

We read in Romans 5:12 as follows: ‘Wherefore, as by one man (Adam) sin entered

into the world, and death by sin: and so death passed upon all men, for that all have


There would be no sin or death in this world were it not for the disobedience of

our first parents. When Adam disobeyed God, he lost fellowship with God, he

became mortal, and ultimately he died.

All who have been born into Adam’s race have been born in a state of spiritual

death - out of fellowship with God - and subject to physical death. That’s where

sickness originated.

And that fall of man in the Garden of Eden was engineered by Satan, the fallen

archangel, who now rules this world with the angels who fell with him, and who

are now the demon-spirits. These evil powers are working ceaselessly to bring

mankind into ruin and destruction.

Every gaol, every over-crowded hospital for mind or body, and every cemetery,

stands as undeniable evidence of the destructive work of the devil and his evil



Christ Destroys the Devil’s Works

Consider these words from 1 John 3:8 - ‘For this purpose was the Son of God

manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.’

We know those works included sin and death, but what else did they include?

Acts 10:38 will tell us –

‘God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power, who went about doing

good, and healing all who were oppressed of the devil: for God was with him.’

Here we discover that, not only is sin a work of the devil, but sickness also.

Those whom Jesus healed were regarded as having been oppressed of the

devil. Their sickness was the devil’s oppression.

Incidentally, that word ‘oppressed’ comes from a Greek word meaning to be

tyrannised or lorded over. Therefore, sickness is the devil’s tyranny! Satan is the

tyrant, and sickness is one of his evil works in minds and bodies of men, women

and children.

Satan does not personally afflict people but sends forth his demon-spirits to

seize every opportunity to gain an opening into mind or body.

The Apostle Paul wrote: ‘We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against

principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against

wicked spirits in high places’ (Ephesians 6:12).

These are the evil forces which contended with Jesus in his earthly ministry, and

all the way to the cross of Calvary, but over which he triumphed gloriously in his

death and resurrection.

‘Having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing

over them in it’ i.e., in his death on the cross (Colossians 2:15).

And the victory of Christ was on our behalf, that we, too, might have victory and

deliverance from all the works of the devil.

To fully grasp this dynamic truth is to have a more aggressive faith in God and a

stronger resistance to every symptom, to every evil condition of mind or body,

that the devil would put upon us.


Know your enemy! Know the real power behind sickness and disease. Identify

the works of the devil and believe that Jesus came to destroy his works and give

you full deliverance.

We have known many people who have suffered patiently, believing God had

placed that disease on their bodies until they discovered this fundamental truth

and identified Satan as the author of their sufferings. Then they have arisen in

faith, commanding the devil to take his evil hands from their bodies, demanding

that his afflicting power be broken, and claiming their blood-bought right to

deliverance and healing in the name of Jesus Christ, the conquering Son of God.

Then the power of their sickness has been broken, and the healing power of

God has made them whole.

We must have an aggressive, active faith, and this is the truth that will give you

such a faith.

A Spirit of Infirmity

In Luke 13:10-18 we find the story of the healing of a woman in the synagogue.

The Scripture says she was ‘bowed together and could in no wise lift up herself.’

But what else does the Bible say about her condition? It says she had ‘a spirit of


And what did Jesus say about her? He said, ‘Ought not this woman … whom Satan

hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond?’

So you see, whatever may be the medical diagnosis of this woman’s affliction,

Luke (who was also a physician) declared that she had ‘a spirit of infirmity,’ and

Jesus said that Satan had bound her. Satan had bound her by afflicting her with

one of his demon-spirits of infirmity.

But Jesus delivered her! Why? Because sickness is of Satanic origin, and Jesus

had come to destroy the works of the devil. Or, in other words, ‘he went about

doing good, and healing all who were oppressed of the Devil.’

Sickness to be Rebuked!

In Luke, chapter 4, we observe the significance of the attitude of Jesus toward

both devils and sickness. In verses 33 to 36 we have the account of the man with

an unclean spirit -


‘And Jesus rebuked him, saying, hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the

devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not.’

But in verses 38 and 39 we read of Peter’s wife’s mother being sick, ‘taken with a

great fever.’ And Jesus ‘stood over her and rebuked the fever; and it left her; and

immediately she arose and ministered unto him.’

Jesus did not do, as most of his modern servants would do, that is, comfort

Peter’s wife’s mother, urging her to accept this sickness as sent by God to make

her a better person. No! He treated this fever as he had treated the unclean

spirit - he rebuked it! They were both from Satan, both were rebuked, and both

left their victims.

Amazing Modern-day Results

We regularly see the effectiveness of this Scriptural approach to sickness and

disease. We have seen the afflicting powers of Satan depart when rebuked in

the name of Jesus and commanded to leave. Week by week, as we minister to

suffering humanity in the terms of the New Testament, we see symptoms depart,

cancers leave, and many afflictions yield to the power and authority of the name


It has been our great joy to see sight restored to blind eyes, hearing return to

deaf ears, and all manner of sickness healed, as we boldly exercised the

Christian’s right and privilege to rebuke Satan’s afflicting power and command it

to leave.

We refuse to regard sickness as anything but the devil’s work, and refuse to

doubt that Christ has conquered Satan and secured full deliverance for every


Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh

Now I am sure that many who read these lines are already thinking about Paul’s

thorn in the flesh. That thorn! How much unbelief has found refuge behind

Paul’s thorn in the flesh!

We shall be examining Paul’s thorn in more detail in a later chapter, but let us

here consider the origin of that thorn. So many fine Christians, laid aside on a

bed of sickness, console themselves that God has given them ‘a thorn in the

flesh’ like he gave the apostle Paul. But did God give Paul that thorn? Let us see

what Paul said about it:


‘There was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan sent to buffer me …’

So then, even if we suppose for now that the ‘thorn’ was sickness, one thing is

clear - it did not come from God! Paul called it ‘a messenger of Satan.’

Sick Christians who console themselves with the thought that their sickness is ‘a

thorn in the flesh like Paul had’ would surely find very little comfort in such a

thought if they correctly identified that ‘thorn’ as ‘a messenger of Satan’!

Whatever Paul’s ‘thorn’ actually was, it did not from God!

Job’s Boils

Many others, rather than exercise faith for their deliverance, believe that they

have been afflicted by the Lord ‘like Job of old.’

It is true that Job was a sincere and upright man, and that he suffered a

grievous affliction of boils and many diasters beset him. But who was

responsible for these tragedies in Job’s life? The answer is obvious to any who

take time to study the Scriptures concerning the life of this man.

Satan challenged the Lord about Job’s faithfulness (Job 1:9-11). Job lived long

before justification was secured for all believers by the death of Christ, so he

had to justify himself against the accusations of Satan. God was obliged to allow

Satan to attack this man in order that he might prove his own faithfulness.

‘So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord, and smote Job with sore boils from

the sole of his foot unto his crown’ (Job 2:7).

So Satan afflicted Job. If you feel that you are suffering in the same way that

Job suffered, then admit also that the devil has afflicted you, that Satan is the

power behind your sickness.

But better still, accept the New Testament truths of the defeat of Satan at

Calvary, and of your justification by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the

dead. Satan can no longer lay accusations against the children of God, for at the

Father’s right hand there stands the Advocate, for ever pleading our cause, as

we accept and trust in righteousness.

We are redeemed! We are complete in Christ! We are justified by faith in him!

We do not have to justify ourselves, as Job did, against the lying charges of

Satan, nor do we have to endure the sufferings of Job!


Jesus Heals All Manner of Sickness

The Bible calls sickness the oppression of the devil. That means all sickness is

the devil’s oppression, even your sickness!

We saw in Acts 10:38 that Jesus of Nazareth healed ‘all who were oppressed of the

devil.’ Who then did he heal? What were these oppressions of the devil?

Matthew 4:23 states that Jesus healed ‘all manner of sickness, and all manner of

disease among the people.’ Then verse 24 itemizes this sickness and disease as


‘They brought unto him all sick people with divers diseases and torments, and those that

were possessed of devils, and those that were lunatick, and those that had palsy; and he

healed them.’

As we read on through the New Testament we find many other conditions that

Jesus healed. There was deafness, blindness, leprosy, lameness and … ‘all

manner of sickness and all manner of disease.’

All these, therefore, were the oppression, or tyranny of the devil. The real power

behind all this sickness and disease was Satan and his afflicting demon-spirits.

But Jesus healed them. And, in the name of Jesus, God heals today, for Christ

came to destroy all the devil’s works.



Chapter 3


Because of the Atonement of Christ

Here is the third strong reason why God heals the sick today: physical healing

was secured for all believers through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

Let me show you how the finished work of Christ on Calvary paid the price for

the healing of our bodies exactly as it secured for us the forgiveness of our sins.

Christ suffered vicariously, or as a substitute, for our sicknesses in the same

way that he suffered vicariously for our sins.

Consider these words: ‘Surely he (Jesus) hath borne our griefs and carried our

sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was

wounded for our transgressions, but was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of

our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone

astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the

iniquity of us all’ (Isaiah 53:4-6).

And now let us turn to a passage in the New Testament in which portion of the

above prophecy is cited:

‘When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils:

and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: that it might be

fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias, the prophet, saying, “himself took our infirmities,

and bare our sicknesses”’ (Matthew 8:16-17).

Now the quotation in that last scripture is taken Isaiah 53:4, but when we

compare the two passages we find they are not identical. This is because the

real meaning of Isaiah 53:4 is obscure in the Authorised Version, but Matthew’s

quotation brings out the real meaning of the Hebrew words used by Isaiah.

Isaiah says that Christ was to bear our griefs and our sorrows, while Matthew

says it was our infirmities and our sicknesses. However, there is no


The Hebrew words translated ‘grief’s’ is translated through the Old Testament

as ‘sickness’, and the Hebrew for ‘sorrows’ is a word meaning ‘pain’. Here is Dr.

Young’s translation of that passage: ‘Surely our sicknesses he hath borne, and

our pains he hath carried them.’

As Dr. Young is the author of the world-famous Young’s Analytical Concordance,

he is certainly a very reliable Hebrew scholar!

Friends, this is a very important point. Isaiah, looking down through the

centuries with prophetic vision, saw the Messiah, Jesus, bearing our sicknesses

and carrying our pains. That is why Matthew, when writing about the healing and

deliverance ministry of Jesus, quoted that prophecy in Isaiah 53. He knew it had

to do with physical sickness and infirmity.

Substitution, Not Sympathy

Some people contend that all it means in Isaiah 53:4 and Matthew 8:16-17 is that

Jesus was so sympathetic toward the sick that he carried the burden of their

sufferings in the same way that we might enter into the sufferings of one who is


Let me show you that Jesus did not carry the sickness and pain of the people

merely as a sympathiser, but rather as a substitute, which is a totally different


We shall briefly examine the Hebrew words used in Isaiah’s prophecy. First of

all, let us consider, the verb ‘borne’ in the passage, ‘Surely he hath borne our

griefs.’ It is the same word as used in verse 12 of Isaiah 53 where it says, ‘He

bares the sin of many.’

Furthermore, the verb ‘carried’ in the passage, ‘carried our sorrows,’ is the same

as used in verse 11, ‘For he shall bear the iniquities.’

Therefore, it means that Jesus bore our sicknesses and our pains in the same

way that he bore our sins. And those verbs mean to bear as a substitute, in a

vicarious manner, suffering in the place of another.

Sympathy means suffering with, but substitution means suffering in the place of


Just as God laid our sins and iniquities upon Jesus, that he might suffer in our

stead, in order that we might be forgiven, so our sicknesses and pains were laid

on Jesus too, that we might be healed in our mortal bodies.


Isaiah 53:4 may be correctly paraphrased as follows:

‘Surely Christ has borne our sicknesses as our substitute, and as our substitute he has

carried our pains.’

As Christ has borne both our sins and our sicknesses, so there is forgiveness

and healing for all who will accept them by faith.

A Personal Testimony

This fundamental truth gives the believer a strong faith for divine healing. We

not only believe it as a doctrine but, praise God, we have proved its

effectiveness many times in the experiences of those for whom we have prayed.

Here is a personal testimony that may be helpful at this point. I had believed for

many years the doctrine of healing in the atonement of Christ, but there came a

time a few years ago when this truth was made a powerful, personal conviction

to me.

I had become afflicted in such a way that my whole body was suddenly held in a

vice-like grip of severe pain, from my shoulders right through to my legs. The

slightest movement of any part of my body meant sheer agony. Some of our

officers gathered around and arrangements were being discussed to relieve me

of my duties in the ministry, particularly the next Sunday. Speaking with great

difficulty, I tried to explain how I felt, the assurance I had deep inside of me that I

would be preaching the next Sunday as usual.

The scripture that I clung to was Romans 8:32: ‘He that spared not his own Son, but

delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely gives us all things?’

I contended with Satan that, as God had not spared his own Son the slightest

amount of suffering, and as Christ has borne that pain as my substitute, then

Satan had no legal right to place the pain on my body, and I had no need to

bear what Christ had already borne on my behalf.

When the Sunday night came I was assisted to the meeting. The time came for

me to pray for the many requests that come to us week by week in the mail. I

prayed for the Lord to heal these people, even though it was an agonising

ordeal to utter every word, and the perspiration flowed freely from my body.

Then I opened my Bible to preach. I had chosen the text just quoted –

Romans 8:32. Somehow, I knew that that was to be the time of my deliverance.


As I began to preach, I felt the warm, soothing power of God flow through my

body from head to toe. Every trace of pain left my body. I preached for about

forty minutes, then prayed for many sick people in the ‘prayer line’ at the close.

Next day I arose early and drove 400 miles by car in the one day - without a

trace of pain, and just a little weakness as a result of the severe pain of the

previous days.

God has set me free from that severe, tormenting affliction because I believed

with all my heart that Jesus bore my sickness and pain as my substitute. I

resisted Satan with the truth that he could not compel me to bear the pain that

Christ had borne in my stead.

Healing by the Stripes of Jesus

Now there is another way in which Christ suffered for our sicknesses as well as

our sins. We read in Isaiah 53:5 these words: ‘With his stripes we are healed.’ That

text is also quoted in the New Testament in 1 Peter 2:24 with just a slight, but

significant difference. In Peter’s quotation it reads in the past tense, ‘With his

stripes ye were healed.’

Peter put that prophecy in the past tense because, when he wrote his epistle,

the work of redemption was finished once and for all.

The sufferings of Christ commenced in the Garden of Gethsemane, continued in

the Judgment Hall, and culminated on the cross of Calvary, It was at the

whipping post that Jesus was scourged, suffering the cruel stripes on his back.

The prophet Isaiah, looking down through the centuries of time and beholding

the sufferings of the Messiah, saw him at the whipping post, and cried under the

inspiration of the Holy Spirit – ‘with his stripes we are healed!’

The Apostle Peter, writing after Christ had returned to heaven, the price of

redemption being fully paid, now looks back to the sufferings of the Messiah,

sees that Isaiah’s prophetic words have been fulfilled, and writes of an

accomplished work: ‘With his stripes ye were healed.’

My friend, how can you doubt that God will heal you when Christ has paid such

a price to set you free?

Just as the price of your salvation has been paid once and for all by Christ, so

the price of your healing has been paid. There is forgiveness for you, and there

is healing for you. God heals today, because healing has been secured for us in

the atonement of Christ.


Chapter 4


Because the Ministry of Healing Has Been Set in the

Christian Church

Now let us see how God has set the healing ministry in the Christian church.

That Christ intended that his own miraculous ministry should be carried on by

his disciples after his return to heaven is made abundantly clear in several of his

statements. For example, in John 14:12 we have his words: ‘Verily, verily, I say

unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also: and greater

works than these shall he do: because I go unto my Father.’

Again, we have the great commission of Christ ‘Go ye into all the world and preach

the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that

believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my

name shall they cast out devils … they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall

recover’ (Mark 16:15-18).

This great commission of Christ should form the basis for all evangelism

throughout the present Gospel Age. The preaching of the Gospel should be

confirmed today with the miraculous signs listed in this last commission given by

our Lord Jesus Christ.

Healing in Evangelism

Just here it may be as well to point out the difference between healing in the

realm of evangelism and healing in the ministry of the local Christian church.

We see the principle of healing in evangelism operating in the earthly ministry of

Jesus, and in the ministry of the early church as recorded throughout the Book

of Acts.

Healing miracles take place … the crowds are attracted … the gospel is

preached to them … many believe in Christ. Such is the signs-following ministry

of evangelism.


This evangelistic approach to the healing ministry is seen in the great salvationhealing

campaigns throughout the world today. The gospel is preached, faith is

created, often the spiritual gifts of faith, healing and miracles (as listed in

1 Corinthians 12:8-10, and 28) are in operation, many are healed, and many


However, this also accounts for the fact that so many people of long-standing

Christian experience fail to receive healing in such evangelistic campaigns,

while inexperienced ‘babes in Christ’ are miraculously delivered. Indeed, we

have known cases where people have been healed in body before being saved,

although they have usually accepted Christ immediately afterwards.

In the evangelistic ministry of healing, the approach is one of simple faith in the

full gospel of Christ, and the purpose is mainly to confirm the word with signs

and to convince unbelievers.

Healing in the Ministry of the Church

Here we enter a different realm of the healing ministry. In the ministry of healing

in the local church the approach often requires further instruction and

preparation. The purpose of such healing ministry is that the believer might be

fully restored both physically and spiritually, according to their rightful, bloodbought

heritage in Christ.

Two provisions for healing are made in the local church. The first one is at the

Lord’s Table in the communion service. The second one is in the personal

ministry of the elders.

Healing at the Lord’s Table. In 1 Corinthians 11:23-32 we have the Apostle

Paul’s instructions concerning the breaking of bread service at the Lord’s Table.

Verse 30 says: ‘For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep’

(or die prematurely). Here then is a cause for Christians being weak, sick, or

dying before their fullness of years.

What is the cause? Paul tells us it is our failure to ‘discern the Lord’s body.’ He

says this constitutes eating and drinking ‘unworthily’. Notice that word

‘unworthily’ is an adverb - not the adjective ‘unworthy.’ The question here is not

of the believer’s unworthiness, but the matter of worthily or unworthily partaking

of the bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper.

We eat and drink unworthily when we fail to discern the Lord’s body. The word

‘discern’ means to make a distinction and an estimation. We should make a

distinction between the broken body of the Lord and his shed blood, and make a


full estimation of the value and purpose of each. The blood cleanses us from all

sin; the broken, striped body of Jesus secures healing for us.

Discerning the literal body of Christ. The broken body of Christ secured healing

for us as we saw in our last chapter. Exodus, chapter 12, records the Passover,

by which God delivered Israel in the land of Egypt. We see how the blood of the

slain lamb was to be used as a token of Israel’s deliverance from judgment, but

the body of the lamb was to be eaten for their physical needs.

Discerning the mystical body of Christ. Paul calls the church the ‘body of Christ’

of which born-again believers are members. Weakness and sickness can often

result from our failure to discern this greater body of many members - to discern

our relationship to Jesus Christ the head, and to other believers as fellowmembers

of Christ’s body. When matters are put right between ourselves and

Lord, and between ourselves and other believers, we can partake of the Lord’s

supper ‘worthily’ and receive healing and deliverance right there and then.

There is cleansing and healing in the Communion service, and none need take

their unforgiven sins, nor their sickness, past the Lord’s Table.

Healing Through the Ministry of the Elders

In James 5:14-16 we have what many have called the ‘New Testament Divine

Healing Covenant.’ It is a contract between three parties - the sick person, the

elders of the church, and God. Before we analyse this covenant, let me give it to

you in full:

‘Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over

him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save

the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he hath committed sins, they shall be

forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may

be healed. The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.’

Let us examine this contract clause by clause.

Clause 1: ‘Is any sick among you?’ By comparing this with the previous verse,

where we read, ‘Is any among you afflicted?’ we see there is a difference between

sickness and affliction. The word translated ‘afflicted’ means to be ill-treated, or

to suffer evil. It refers to persecution and hardship, and the Bible says, ‘Let him


This clause is an open invitation to ‘any’ who are sick ‘among you,’ or in the

church. This is different from healing in evangelism.


Clause 2: ‘Let him call for the elders of the church.’ This clause throws the

responsibility on the sick one to ‘call’ for the elders, pastors, or ministers of the

church. Incidentally, this clause answers the argument some would use, that

these words are addressed to Israel and not the church. These sick people are

members of the church, and they are to call for the ‘elders of the church.’

Moreover, it seems clear that this ministry is for those who cannot come to the

meetings of the church, therefore they send for the elders to minister to them in

their homes.

Clause 3: ‘Let them pray over him, anointing him with oil.’ Some ministers anoint

people with oil to prepare them for death, but this ministry was to be for their

healing! Others claim that the oil was used because of its medicinal value, but if

that were so, why isn’t oil used as such an amazing ‘cure-all’ today?

The oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, by whose power the sick are healed.

Clause 4: ‘In the name of the Lord.’ This divine healing covenant recognizes the

power and authority of the name of Jesus. It is not merely ‘faith-healing’ nor

mind-over-matter, nor auto-suggestion. This is healing in the name of Jesus

Christ. It is scriptural; it is Christian; it is fundamental.

Clause 5: ‘The prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up.’ It is

maintained by some that, as the text says ‘save the sick,’ it means spiritual, not

physical, healing. However, the Greek word ‘sozo’ here translated ‘save’ is used

throughout the New Testament for both physical and spiritual salvation. It is

translated at various times, ‘shall be whole,’ ‘may be healed,’ ‘were made whole,’

‘was healed,’ and so on. In the case of this divine healing contract it means, ‘The

prayer of faith shall heal the sick,’ or, ‘make the sick one whole.’

Moreover, this clause states that ‘the Lord shall raise him up.’ This covenant

means that the elders or ministers who pray for the sick should not simply pray

that they may be given courage to suffer, or to submit to the will of God. They

are to pray the prayer of faith, expecting that the sick one will be healed, that the

Lord will raise him up.

Clause 6: ‘If he hath committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.’ This clause

indicates the connection between sin and sickness, and between forgiveness

and healing.

All sickness is the indirect result of sin in the human race, and some sickness is

the direct result of personal sin. However, this contract provides for the

forgiveness of sin in the sick one’s approach to God for healing. We read in


1 John 1:9, ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to

cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’

In seeking healing from God, even though we may call for the elders of the

church to pray the prayer of faith, we are not coming to man for healing, but to

God, so our hearts must be cleansed from all known sin. If we confess our sins

to God, he will certainly forgive us and cleanse us in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Clause 7: ‘Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may

be healed. The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.’ This clause

provides for further steps to be taken if healing does not result from the elders’

prayer of faith and a general confession of sins to God.

This clause specifies ‘faults’ which must be confessed to the people concerned.

The Greek word translated ‘faults’ is one which is used elsewhere in the New

Testament for trespasses or offences. These faults are not just any

imperfections, but sins against another person, grudges, grievances, violating

the rights and privileges of another believer.

‘Confess your faults (grudges, criticisms, offences, etc.) one to another, and pray one

for another, that ye may be healed.’ Such ‘faults’ are often the cause of sickness. In

any case, they certainly hinder healing. They also hinder the answers to all our

prayers, as Jesus said: ‘And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against

any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses’ (Mark


This clause links closely with ‘discerning the Lord’s body’ in the Communion

service. Our responsibility is to forgive, forgive, forgive. Forgiveness is a

wonderful key to healing from God. Unforgiveness is a certain hindrance to

healing from God.

‘The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.’ Here the ‘righteous’

man is the man who is right with God, right with his neighbour.

Thus we see there is healing as supernatural signs in evangelism, and there is

healing in the ministry of the local Christian Church. There is healing through

self-judgment at the Lord’s Table, and healing through the personal ministry of

the servants of God in your home.

Healing in evangelism provides a supernatural confirmation to the preaching of

the Gospel and helps win souls to Christ. Healing in the Christian ministry to

believers involves forgiveness, cleansing, spiritual restoration, and the blessing

of God for spirit, soul and body.


Chapter 5


Because Every Believer has Authority over Satan

and his Works

Now our fifth reason is one which, if fully grasped and faithfully applied, can

entirely revolutionize the life of every believer in Christ. This may well prove to

be the most important chapter of this book for most of our readers.

We have already considered the victory of Christ over Satan and all his evil

works. We have seen how Jesus, in his earthly ministry, healed men and

women from the oppression of the devil. Few people, however, appreciate the

inspiring truth that, in his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ legally and

eternally defeated Satan for all believers.

Satan Legally Defeated

In his death on the cross of Calvary, Jesus took the place of humanity. He was a

representative man. He was mankind’s substitute. He bore man’s guilt and paid

the penalty for man’s sin.

It was a legal transaction, the innocent voluntarily taking the place of the guilty

and thus fully satisfying the righteous demands of divine justice. God

demonstrated his complete satisfaction with the substitutionary work of his Son

by raising him again from the dead, and then receiving him back at his own right

hand in heaven.

By our acceptance of what Christ has done for us, we are saved from the

penalty of our sins, we are justified from all guilt, we are redeemed from the

curse and restored to the favour of God our Father.

Thus, Satan was defeated by Christ and denied all claim upon the life of the



All Christ did was for Us – Not for Himself

Christ did nothing for himself. He had no need to come into this world for his

own sake. He had no need to suffer on the cross. It was not for himself that he

died and rose again. It was for us that he did it all. It was for our sakes, as our

representative, as our substitute, in our name, that he did it all.

It was on our behalf that Jesus legally defeated Satan, that we might enjoy his

victory over a defeated foe.

In our name he died. In our name he was buried. In our name he rose again. In

our name he ascended to the Father’s right hand. It was as though we had done

it all for ourselves.

This is the tremendous truth of identification.

Christ identified himself with us in our sin, in our defeat, in our sickness, in our

guilt. He did for us what we could not do for ourselves - he, the sinless one, paid

the penalty for our sins, died the sinner’s death, and rose again in triumph.

Now we, by faith, identify ourselves with Christ in all that he did for us.

Moreover, God, for his part, reckons all that Christ did as on our behalf, on our


When the Father looked at the cross, he saw you and me there.

When the Father looked into that tomb, he saw you and me there.

When the Father raised Christ from the dead, he saw you and me come out of

the tomb, having paid the penalty for our sins.

When the Father received his Son back into heaven and seated him at his own

right hand, he saw you and me, justified, complete in Christ, fully redeemed,

seated at his right hand.

‘But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we

were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved) and

hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus’

(Ephesians 2:4-6).


What Our Redemption Means

The New Testament abounds with references to the fact of our redemption. It

declares that Christ has redeemed us by his blood.

There are several Greek words used to describe our redemption, and here are

two of them.

In Ephesians 1:7 we read: ‘In whom (Christ) we have redemption through his blood.’

Here the word ‘apolutrosis’ is used, meaning, to be dismissed, or set free, for a

ransom fully paid.

In Galatians 3:13 we find this: ‘Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law,

being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cured is every one that hangeth on a tree.’

Here the word ‘redeemed’ is from the Greek, ‘Exagorazo,’ meaning, to buy a

slave out of a slave market.

So we gather that we were slaves in the slave market of Satan, ‘sold under sin,’

suffering under the curse of a broken law, condemned in the sight of God.

But Jesus paid the ransom - nothing less than his own precious life’s blood. The

ransom was paid in full, and Satan could demand no more!

The devil will continue to hold us in slavery just as long as he can deceive us

from knowing that the ransom has been paid, that we are legally redeemed, and

that we have a legal right to demand our release.

This redemption applies to our spirits and to our bodies. We read in

1 Corinthians 6:19-20: ‘What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy

Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are

bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are


We are now God’s redeemed, blood-bought property. We belong to Satan’s

slave market no longer. We are not the devil’s property, nor even our own, but


When we plead the redeeming blood of Christ, and claim our blood-bought

freedom, Satan must acknowledge our legal right to deliverance!

Believer arise in faith! Command the devil to take his evil hands off your life.

Command Satan to remove his afflicting hand from your body! You are

redeemed! You are free!


Christ Has Overcome Satan for Us

Jesus said: ‘When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: but

when a stronger than he shall come upon him and overcome him, he taketh from him all

his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils’ (Luke 11:21-22).

Satan is the strong man who kept his palace and none could challenge him,

until … there came one who was stronger than Satan, and overcame him, and

stripped him of all his armour. Now the weakest believer in Christ can challenge

Satan and ‘spoil his goods.’

The ‘strong man’ has been overcome by a ‘stronger than he.’ Right now,

believer, take your freedom, shake off your fetters, and arise in the name of the

all-conquering Christ!

Know Your Authority – And Use It!

Speaking to his seventy disciples whom he sent before his face, Jesus said,

‘Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the

power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you’ (Luke 10:19).

You will observe that the word ‘power’ appears twice. However, each word

comes from a different Greek word. The first is ‘exousia,’ meaning authority,

right, privilege. The second is ‘dunamis,’ meaning power, force, might, ability.

Thus Christ is saying, ‘Behold, I give unto you authority to tread upon serpents

and scorpions (i.e., demon-spirits), and over all the power of the enemy (Satan).’

Then he added those wonderful words of assurance – ‘And nothing shall by any

means hurt you.’ Nothing! No power of Satan! No demon-spirit! Nothing shall hurt

those who exercise their authority over Satan!

My friend believe it. Accept this powerful truth. Declare your authority in the

name of Jesus. Act on your authority.

Satan has power, great power, but over all his power you have been given a

delegated authority. Satan has been placed beneath your feet, but you must

tread upon his power. God has given you your position of authority, but you

must act accordingly.

‘Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou

trample under feet’ (Psalm 91:13).


How is it that Christ can give us such great authority? Simply because he has

won for us that authority. God gave him that authority when he raised him on

high, and we share his victory.

‘The eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know what is … the

exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe, according to the working of his

mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set

him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power,

and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also

in that which is to come: and hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head

over things to the church…’ (Ephesians 1:18-22).

Christ is exalted to the seat of supreme authority. All things are put under his

feet. And we are in him. We are members of his body. We are joined to the Lord.

We share the throne with him. We have throne-rights, in his name.

To his disciples Jesus said (Matthew 28:18-19), ‘All power (Greek, authority) is

given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore …’

Go ye therefore! Go forth in his authority! Go forth in his name! Go and tread

upon serpents and scorpions in the name of Jesus! Go, and nothing shall by any

means hurt you.

Indwelt By The Living Christ!

Not only are we legally identified with Christ, thus enjoying the legal authority of

Christ over the devil and his evil works, but the Bible teaches that every bornagain

child of God is actually and vitally indwelt by Christ.

Galatians 4:6 says that ‘God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts.’

That is the miracle of regeneration.

Paul also declared ‘I am crucified with Christ (his legal identification): nevertheless

I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me’ (Galatians 2:20). Those last few words

express the vital union between Christ and Paul. He was indwelt by the Spirit of


In 1 Corinthians 6:17, the Apostle declared, ‘He that is joined to the Lord, is one


When a person is born again, his spirit, once dead in sin, is regenerated. God

sends into his heart the Spirit of his Son. Thus Christ is formed within us.


We hear much about the Christ of history, who walked the streets of holy land.

We hear much, too, about the Christ who lives in heaven. All that is very

wonderful. But you will never know real power and victory until you believe in the

Christ who dwells within you!

‘Christ in you, the hope of glory!’ (Colossians 1:27).

Not only the Christ in history. Not only the Christ in heaven. But the Christ in you!

That’s the secret.

At this moment, born-again believer, there dwells within you the Spirit of the

victorious, all-conquering, enthroned Christ!

Go forth in his strength and power. Go forth in his authority. Go forth in his name.

There is a victory for you over sin, sickness and defeat. There is healing and

deliverance for you. You have authority over the devil and all his evil works!


Chapter 6


Because it is Always God’s Perfect Will to Heal

We now deal with an important foundation stone of faith for physical healing by

the power of God. How often we hear people say, ‘God will heal me in answer to

prayer if it is his will.’ Such people, however well meaning, have no real faith for


To know it is God’s will to heal us is the very basis of faith for healing. How can

you have faith for healing when you doubt God’s will to heal you? Doubt cancels


Some good Christian folk desire to be so sincere that they actually displease

God by doubting his word.

‘But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe

that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him’ (Hebrews 11:6).

Satan’s Cunning Deception

Some sensitive Christians think it is being too presumptuous to claim God’s

promises of healing without adding, ‘If it be thy will.’ To doubt God’s will to heal

is to doubt God’s word. His word is his will. And his word abounds in mighty

promises of healing!

This is the devil’s most subtle trick. This is how he cheats the most genuine

Christians out of their rightful, God-promised, blood-bought heritage of healing.

He veils unbelief with apparent spirituality. He makes Christians deny God’s

word by making them doubt God’s will.

To Know God’s Will is Faith

To know God’s word is to know God’s will, and to know God’s will is faith!


‘And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his

will, he heareth us: and if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we

have the petitions that we desired of him’ (1 John 5:14-15).

What God has promised, it is his will to perform. If you have a promise of God,

then you have the will of God, and to know God’s will is to know that you have

the petition you desire of him.

When your request is based on the word of God, never, never, never add those

words of doubt, ‘if it be thy will.’

The Unreasonableness of Unbelief!

Some people suggest that Paul knew it was not always God’s will to heal, and

for that reason he took with him on his journeys Luke the physician. What an

unenviable task Luke must have had - resisting the will of God by curing Paul by

medicine when it was not God’s will to heal him!

It is quite as unreasonable today, when people who deny or doubt God’s will to

heal them will spend their last penny engaging medical science to heal them

and, apparently, get them out of God’s will!

Only Satan, the author of sin, sickness and unbelief, could so deceive God’s

people and rob them of their full deliverance through faith in his word, and

simultaneously rob God of the glory.

Did Luke ever treat Paul as a physician? The Bible doesn’t say so. On the other

hand, Luke, the author of the Book of Acts, records the many mighty miracles of

healing wrought in the ministry of Paul and others.

What was Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh?

How quick unbelief is to hide behind Paul’s ‘thorn in the flesh’! But let us tear

away the refuge of unbelief and expose it to the truth of the word of God.

We read about Paul’s ‘thorn in the flesh’ in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, and from that

passage we may gain the following important facts –


1. God was not the author of that ‘thorn in the flesh.’ Paul called it a

‘messenger of Satan.’

2. We are not told it was sickness in any form.

3. It was sent to ‘buffet’ Paul and is more likely to be his constant hardships

and persecutions in the cause of the Gospel. In 2 Corinthians 11:23-33,

Paul lists his many difficulties, but not once does he indicate sickness.

(The word translated ‘painfulness’ means literally in the Greek, ‘wearisome


4. Paul is most unlikely to have suffered any permanent serious affliction in

view of his strenuous activities - constantly travelling under trying

conditions, organising churches, suffering stonings, floggings, shipwreck,

imprisonment and other hardships.

5. The word ‘infirmities’ in 2 Corinthians 12:10 means weaknesses. It is

applied to both spiritual and physical weakness in the New Testament, but

here it obviously means physical weakness as a result of his continued

‘buffetings’ from the ‘messenger of Satan.’

6. Paul considered his ‘thorn’ as an exception to the rule! He rightfully

expected God to deliver him, but the Lord confided in Paul and told him

plainly why he was not delivered from this buffeting, Satanic power. It was

because of his ‘abundance of revelations.’ These ceaseless buffetings were

to be a thorn (a stake) in his flesh, crucifying pride.

7. Some people say, ‘if a mighty servant of God like Paul had to suffer a

thorn in flesh, how much more should I?’ Before we ask that, let us ask

ourselves who we think we are! Paul had to suffer that ‘thorn in the flesh’

because he was such a mighty servant of God!

No, the case of Paul’s thorn does not teach that it is sometimes God’s will for his

children to be sick. Such a faith-destroying doctrine is not to be found there!

Epaphraditus and Trophimus

Here are two more cases behind which unbelief seeks shelter. Let us examine


In Philippians 2:25-30, we have the account of Epaphraditus who ‘was sick nigh

unto death … because of the work of Christ … not regarding his life, to supply your (the

Philippians’) lack of service to me (Paul).’ But verse 27 tells of his healing: ‘But

God had mercy on him.’

This man was sick through overwork, but God healed him!


Now what about that rather obscure person, Trophimus? The reference to him in

2 Timothy 4:20 is so brief that very little can be gathered from it. Paul wrote

simply, ‘Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.’ Nothing is known of his faith or

consecration. In my case, who knows whether he was not healed soon after?

Certainly, such a brief and obscure reference is not sufficient to overthrow the

great volume of scriptural teaching on divine healing!

‘Have Faith and Doubt Not’

You must settle your doubts about God’s will to heal you before you can have a

healing faith.

‘Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not … it shall be done. And all things,

whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive’ (Matthew 21:21-22).

The word Jesus used for ‘doubt’ is one meaning to ‘judge,’ or ‘analyse.’ To

doubt in the sense that Jesus meant here, is to debate a matter, to weigh up the

pros and cons. There is no true faith in such an attitude.

Jesus said that, if we have faith, without judging, analysing, debating the matter,

it shall be done!

We must have a faith that takes God at his word.

We must have a faith that does not question what God has promised.

We must have a faith that does not theorise!

True faith takes God at his word and acts accordingly.

It is God’s will to heal, according to his word. Therefore, God wills to heal you as

soon as you believe his word!


Chapter 7


Because the Power of the Holy Spirit is still

Available to Believers

Many Christians fail to appreciate the fact that the Holy Spirit is as real and

active a force today as he was in New Testament times. Even in the Old

Testament, men of God were empowered by the Holy Spirit, but in isolated


In this Christian dispensation, however, the Holy Spirit has been sent into the

world to fill every believer who will receive him and to empower men to do the

works that Jesus did.

Christ Ministered in the Power of the Holy Spirit

We read in Luke 3:21-22 how the Spirit of God came down upon the Lord Jesus

after he had been baptized in water in the River Jordon. Then we are told how

he was led into the wilderness to be tempted of Satan. But in Luke 4:14, we see

Jesus returning from the wilderness ‘in the power of the Spirit.’ It was in the power

of the Holy Spirit that Jesus performed his mighty works, including the healing of

the sick.

This fact is confirmed by Acts 10:38 where we find the words of Peter; ‘God

anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing

good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil: for God was with him.’ God

worked with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit, enabling him to do good and

bring healing to sick.

A significant phrase appears in Luke 5:17 where we read, ‘and the power of the

Lord was present to heal them.’

It is apparent, therefore, that there were certain times when God’s power was

manifested in a greater measure than at other times, and it was this ‘power of the

Lord’ with which Jesus brought healing to the sick.


Now this word ‘power’ comes from the Greek ‘dunamis’ which carries the

thought of energy, force, might, ability, particularly the ability to achieve things. It

is the enabling, creative power of God manifested through the Holy Spirit. This

divine energy was displayed again and again in the earthly ministry of Christ.

The Holy Spirit Empowers Believers

God intended that every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should receive a

personal baptism of the Holy Spirit and be empowered to do the same works

that Jesus did. Before Jesus returned to heaven, he commanded his disciples

not to go forth in his service until they had received the Holy Spirit and his power

to be effective witnesses.

Jesus said, ‘And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the

city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high’ (Luke 24:49).

Again we read, ‘And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they

should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith

he, ye have heard of me’ (Acts 1:4). Then in verse 8 Jesus added, ‘But ye shall

receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses

unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost

part of the earth.’

The first disciples obeyed the Master and waited in the upper room at Jerusalem

until the day of the Pentecost when the ascended Christ honoured his promise

and sent forth the Holy Spirit. We read in Acts 2:4, ‘And they were all filled with

the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them


The Pattern of the Book of Acts

Throughout the Book of Acts which sets the pattern for the New Testament

Church, we see how individual believers received a personal infilling of the Holy

Spirit. In chapter 8 we find Philip preaching Christ to the people of Samaria.

Philip, being filled with the Holy Spirit, performed mighty miracles, casting out

unclean spirits and bringing healing to the sick.

Verse 12 tells us that the people believed the gospel and were baptized in water,

but the following verses record that Peter and John came to Samaria and

prayed for these baptized believers that they might receive the Holy Spirit, ‘For

as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord

Jesus’ (verse 16).


Here it is clearly seen that the baptism in the Holy Spirit was an experience

separate and distinct from salvation and baptism in water.

In Acts 10:44-48, we have the account of Peter preaching to the household of

Cornelius and these people who believed the gospel received the Holy Spirit

with a definite manifestation, ‘For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify

God.’ Then they were baptized in water.

In Acts 19 we read how Paul met 12 Ephesians who were disciples of John the

Baptist. Verses 5 and 6 relate how they were baptized in the name of the Lord

Jesus and then received the Holy Spirit through the laying on of the hands of


Throughout the record of the Book of Acts, emphasis is laid upon the fact the

individual believers were filled with the Holy Spirit and ministered in the power of

the Holy Spirit. In chapter 6 we find Stephen described as ‘a man full of faith and

of the Holy Ghost’ (verse 5) and ‘full of faith and power’ doing ‘great wonders and

miracles among the people’ (verse 8).

Full of faith, full of the Holy Ghost, full of power! Such was the equipment of this

first Christian martyr. Little wonder he was called upon to lay down his life, for

the devil fears and hates the power of God. Someone has said that one

manifestation of the power of God such as in a miraculous healing will stir the

devil more than a thousand sermons about the power of God.

The Power of the Holy Spirit is for Believers Today

This baptism of the Holy Spirit and power is promised to every believer

throughout this Gospel age or, in Peter’s words (Acts 2:39), ‘even as many as the

Lord our God shall call.’

At this present time there are an estimated 40 million believers throughout the

world who have received this personal infilling of the Holy Spirit with signs

following and every Spirit-filled believer has potential power which can be

released by faith. It is a tragedy that so many who have received the Holy Spirit

have failed to harness this power-potential by an active faith in the promises of


The world is hungry for the reality of Holy Ghost power. An atheistic doctor,

after examining a lady who had been miraculously delivered of stomach cancer

through our ministry, exclaimed, ‘Whatever you do, keep your faith, because the

world is waiting for reality like this!’


The Power of God is Real and Tangible

While many modern groups are advocating physical healing by processes of

thought and mental sciences, the New Testament declares emphatically that the

power of God is available to perform miracles for those who will believe.

Divine healing is not mind-over-matter, nor auto-suggestion, but it is making

contact with the living power of God by faith in the name of Jesus. It is not

necessary for one to actually feel the power of God to receive its healing benefit,

but many times those for whom we pray have described their experience as

God’s healing power has surged through their bodies. Some describe it in

various ways and different people have their own various reactions to it, but all

agree that the power of the Holy Spirit has moved through their bodies like a

divine current of healing life.

We shall never cease to marvel at the working of the power of God long after we

have prayed for some people.

Malignant Ulcer Removed by God’s Power

There was the lady who had been an almost complete invalid as a result of a

malignant ulcer. When we prayed for her, the power of God touched her body.

However, it was three nights later that she was awakened from sleep and

experienced a sensation in her body which resulted in the ulcer being

expectorated. During these three days the power of God continued to work in

her body to perform that for which we had prayed and believed.

Of course, the power of God often performs instantaneous miracles, but when

faith is complete it disregards symptoms no matter whether they leave

immediately, continue for some time, or even worsen after prayer. When faith is

whole-hearted and unwavering, it is sooner or later vindicated by the power of


Some describe the feeling of God’s power as a liquid fire, others as a powerful

vibration, while some call it refreshing coolness, but whatever the feeling or

reaction, it is the same living power of God bringing life and wholeness into our

mortal bodies.

We emphasize the availability of God’s power in this real and tangible way

merely to impress upon the minds of our readers the undeniable fact of the

operation of this power of the Spirit of God. True faith does not rely upon

feelings but accepts the promises of God in child-like simplicity.


A Child’s Simple Faith

How wonderfully this was illustrated in the nine-year-old girl who came to us for

prayer because she had been unable to eat or drink anything but beef and

goat’s milk, all other food causing such a serious rash on her body which could

be described only as ‘horrifying.’ The morning after this little girl was prayed for,

her mother found her in the kitchen helping herself to wholemeal bread and

ample supplies of honey and, at her mother’s expression of utter surprise, she

simply said, ‘Jesus has healed me, so I can eat anything.’ And since that day

she has done just that, without the slightest ill-effect.

A Divine Dynamic

Of course, the power of the Holy Spirit is not only for the healing of the sick, but

to bring into the believer’s life a divine dynamic which should be expressed in

many ways. It is a supernatural energising, a divine equipment for service. We

live in the same dispensation which began on the Day of Pentecost. The Holy

Spirit is with us today in the same way as he was with the early Church.

The signs which followed the preaching of Peter, of John and of Paul should

follow the preaching of God’s Spirit-filled servants today. Any believer can be

filled with faith and power as much as Stephen, the first Christian martyr.

The dire need for every believer in Jesus Christ is to receive a personal baptism

in the Holy Spirit and be endued with power from on high.

Yes, God heals the sick today because the power of the Holy Spirit is still

available to every believer.



Chapter 8


Because Love is Still the Greatest Healing Power on


This world is sick. Men and nations need healing. Deep in the hearts of people

of all races and colours and tongues is the yearning for a healing power.

We need healing not only of physical disease, but of spiritual maladies also. We

need healing of broken friendships, divided homes, fear-stricken minds. The

world needs healing spiritually, socially, morally and physically.

What then is the greatest healing power on earth?

The Power of Divine Love

Many would claim that faith is the greatest power to heal. Certainly faith is the

greatest dynamic given to man, yet the scripture says ‘now abideth faith, hope and

love; these three, but the greatest of these is love’ (1 Corinthians 13:13).

Therefore, love is even greater than faith.

Now in our New Testament we find faith and love associated about 15 times.

Here are two examples - ‘Though I have all faith, so that I can remove mountains,

and have not love, I am nothing’ (1 Corinthians 13:2). And again, ‘faith, which

worketh by love’ (Galatians 5:6).

Faith is a tremendous dynamic; yet its motive and character are determined by

love. Faith is safe in the hands of love. Faith reaches its highest and noblest

purpose in the heart of love.

“Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6), but without love it is

impossible to have God, for God is love (1 John 4:8).

It is love, not human sentiment, not natural friendship or even affection - but

divine love, the love of God himself in human hearts, that is the greatest healing

power on earth. It heals the enmity between God and man. It heals the

bitterness of human hearts. It heals tormented minds and casts out every fear.

It heals broken fellowship. It also heals sick bodies.

Love’s Redeeming Power

The motivating power behind the redemptive work of Christ is divine love. ‘God

so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son …’ (John 3:16). ‘And walk in

love, as Christ also hath loved us, and given himself for us …’ (Ephesians 5:2).

Love was the cause of the incarnation. Love was the cause of the crucifixion.

God could have destroyed a sinful race, but because God is love he was

compelled to redeem it. It was divine love that paid the price for our redemption.

Love’s Reconciling Power

Not only did love cause God to redeem us by the blood of his Son, but in

redeeming us his love also reconciled us back to God.

‘God commended his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for

us’ (Romans 5:8). Here the true nature of divine love is demonstrated. Human

love must have a cause outside of itself. Human love loves because it likes.

Divine love, however, finds its cause in itself. It loves because of its very nature.

Divine love takes the initiative. Human love is a reactionary love, but divine love

is always positive, always active.

Thus God commends his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners,

Christ died for us. And again - ‘We love him because he first loved us’ (1 John 4:19).

And so the love of God compelled him to make provision whereby sinful man

could be reconciled to a holy God through the Redeemer - Jesus Christ. Praise

God, love found a way!

Love’s Indwelling Power

So far we have been speaking of the power of God’s love towards us. The Bible

teaches that not only does God love us, but that he gives us his love. ‘The love

of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us’

(Romans 5:5).

The love of God is to dwell in our hearts (1 John 3:17). Believers are to be ‘made

perfect in love’ (1 John 4:18).


If you are born again, then Christ dwells in your heart by faith, and if Christ

dwells in your heart you have, at this very moment, the love of God dwelling in

your heart with all its boundless potentialities.

Let us see some of the expressions of the indwelling love of God.

Love is Irresistible

In Galatians 5:22-23 Paul lists for us the ninefold fruit of the Spirit, and the list is headed

by love. Actually, love seems to comprehend the remaining eight manifestations of the

fruit of the Spirit - joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and


Then, after giving us the ninefold fruit of the Spirit, headed up by love, Paul says,

‘against such there is no law.’ The love of God within us is irresistible. No law can

prevail against it. No law can condemn it. It is also written ‘love is the fulfilling of

the law’ (Romans 13:10).

The love of God in your heart gives you a positive attitude. It makes you a victor.

It makes you immune to hurts, grievances, resentments, grudges and the like.

When Jesus said, ‘Resist not evil’ (Matthew 5:29) he did not mean that we should

compromise with sin and wickedness, but that we should not fight back when

people do us wrong. To fight back is reactionary, but the love of God is always

positive, always active, always creative, and always healing.

The love of God in the human heart can remove the cause of sickness. Much

sickness is caused by emotional upsets, inner conflicts, broken relationships,

and fear. The love of God is the perfect antidote for all of these. It releases from

tension, removes worry, and helps you to relax with confidence in God.

Yes, the love of God is certainly the world’s greatest healing power.

The Love of God Re-unites

One of the greatest hindrances to answered prayer, whether for healing or

anything else, is unforgiveness.

Notice that Jesus, in Mark 11:22-24, expounds the limitless power of faith, but in

verses 25 and 26 he says - ‘And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought

against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.


But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your


So when you are praying, when you are endeavouring to exercise your faith,

check on yourself and discover whether there is unforgiveness, resentment,

jealousy or harshness against another. Your praying and believing will be

ineffective if there is. But the love of God is the answer - the love of God shed

abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit.

Consider how the healing power of love is expressed in the words of James

(5:16): ‘Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, they ye may be


Here, the word ‘faults’ contains the thought of trespasses, and a trespass is a

violation of the rights of another. Therefore, what James meant was ‘confess

your grievances, grudges, bitterness, ill-will, against your brother and pray for

each other that ye may be healed.’

Here is a healing power which restores hearts, mind and human relationships as

well as the physical body.

The Love of God Casts Out Fear

The Apostle John wrote: ‘Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness

in the day of judgement: because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in

love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not

made perfect in love’ (1 John 4:17-18).

Fear torments. Fear destroys. Fear brings ill-health. But perfect love casts out


Recently a doctor told me how a comparatively young man was tormented by a

fear that he had cancer. He was operated on, but it was found that he had an

ulcer, but no malignancy. Yet this man, who was convinced he had cancer and

terrified by the thought of it, died a few days later - without any actual physical

cause. Fear has power to kill.

But love is God’s healing power. It casts out fear. Particularly does this apply in

regard to the final judgement. John wrote that, when our love is made perfect,

we have ‘boldness in the day of judgement.’

If you are fearful of the coming judgement, it is because you have never

surrendered to the love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ his Son. Accept


Jesus Christ, the unspeakable gift of God’s love, as your personal Saviour. Be

reconciled to God through faith in Christ, then, with the love of God in your heart,

be reconciled to your neighbour and learn to live by the positive, irresistible

power of divine love.

You will have greater confidence in God, a more complete trust in your

neighbour, less anxiety for the future and a more effective faith in the promises

of God, in your life is motivated and directed by the indwelling love of God.

The love of God is the greatest healing power on earth.


Chapter 9



A Message to Inspire Your Faith

Prayer, in the sense of communion with God, is a wonderful spiritual exercise. It

teaches us to draw near to God. It tunes our spirits into the infinite power of

heaven. It gives us a true divine perspective. We cannot fail to be blessed and

uplifted through the practice of prayer.

But what about getting answers to our prayers? What about receiving the things

we want from God? The practice of prayer brings its own result in the human

heart and mind, but we want to know how to receive the answer in a definite

specific form, to supply our needs, to heal our bodies.

In this connection, Jesus gave some very clear guidance. In fact, most of his

comments on prayer had to do with getting definite answers, achieving practical

and specific results.

In Matthew 21:22, he said, ‘All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye

shall receive.’ Here he speaks of ‘things,’ ‘asking,’ ‘receiving.’ He is referring to

asking for things and receiving them. And the key word in this text is

undoubtedly ‘believing.’

In Mark’s record, however, we have a little further elaboration on this matter of

believing to receive things through prayer, and this is what we read ‘What things

soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them’

(Mark 11:24).

Here again we see that Jesus had in mind things and speaks of our desiring,

praying, believing and having these things. This is something practical. Here is

something that really works. This is a formula to get results. Let us examine it

more closely.


1. Desire

The first step is to desire a thing. Here we lay the foundations for successful

praying and believing. It is imperative that we pay attention to our desires.

Many people fail to sort out and test their desires and, consequently, fail to

develop a definite strong faith.

When you need something from the Lord and you wish to pray and believe for it,

always remember such praying and believing must be well-rooted in the soil of

right desires.

The Apostle James tells us that we can desire with a wrong motive, simply to

consume upon our own lusts, and thus we desire in vain (James 4:3).

Some people have a wavering desire and consequently a wavering faith. A

shallow desire produces a shallow faith. Intense prayer and faith are born out of

intense desire. Likewise, a persistent desire produces a persistent faith.

We must test our desires to see if they are in the will of God.

Our desires can be tested by the word of God, which, after all, is God’s revealed

will. If you can base your desires upon some clear promise in the Bible, then

you may be sure that your desire is according to the will of God.

You can test your desire by the wisdom of God. If you cannot find a direct

scripture relating to the thing you desire, then you can turn to James 1:5-6, which

says that you can claim the wisdom of God if you ask for it in faith without

wavering. Such faith will produce within your heart a deep conviction as to

God’s wisdom, and if you have God’s wisdom in the matter, you certainly have

God’s will.

You can test your desires by the ‘law of love.’ If your desire is according to God’s

will, it will not violate this law of love. In other words, it will not harm anyone else

if your desires are granted. It will not be at another’s expense, but will be

according to the law of God’s love.

If your desires can stand this three-fold test, then you may be sure that they are

in accordance with the will of God, and here is the first foundation stone of faith

that brings answers to your prayers. It may seem strange to suggest that a sick

person needs to test his desire for healing, and yet it is a fact that many people

become so resigned to their condition that, while healing would be very

acceptable, they lack the burning, intense desire that gives birth to an intense

and fruitful prayer of faith.


We cannot over-emphasize the first step. Sort out and test your desire before

you attempt to carry through this formula for answered prayer.

2. Pray

Here our desire is expressed in words - in words addressed to God. This

specifies our desire. It nails us down and makes us define our desire.

It is important that we be clear in the expression of our desire. Usually, if we

cannot plainly specify our desire in prayer, it is because we have never taken

time to define our desires. When we draw near to God, we make our desire

known to him in prayer.

This is not to be thought of as engaging in a rambling, indefinite, faithless prayer.

This is not a prayer consisting of words just for the sake of words. The length of

our prayer does not indicate the greatness of our faith although, as we said

earlier, there is great benefit to be derived from communion with God; but the

prayer of faith that achieves specific results, that produces the ‘things’ that

Jesus spoke about, is a prayer born in desire which can be expressed in clear

and definite terms. ‘What things soever ye desire,’ said Jesus, ‘when ye pray …’

3. Believe That Ye Receive Them

Here is our third step and this, to many, is the hardest step of all. It is right here

that so many prayers break down and so many things desired are never


Some folk desire things and endlessly pray for them, but never arrive at the

point where they believe that they have received them.

We must believe, not only that God has heard our prayer, but that we have

already what we desire. This is real faith which, says Hebrews 11:1, is ‘the

evidence of things not seen.’ It is on this point that we so often fail. Either we have

never believed that we received, or else we have believed and then our faith has

wavered. In the period of time between believing we had received and the

actual materialisation of our faith, we must not waver, must not doubt, must not

debate the pros and cons or be influenced by changing circumstances.

In the previous verse Jesus said, ‘Whosoever … shall not doubt in his heart, but

shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have

whatsoever he saith’ (Mark 11:23).


The Apostle John had something to say on this matter also: ‘And this is the

confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth

us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the

petitions that we desired of him’ (1 John 5:14-15).

John here teaches that, if we have sorted out our desires and assured ourselves

that they are according to the will of God, we know that God hears us and that

we have the petitions we desire of him.

Consider carefully these vitally important words: Sooner or later in our praying,

we much reach the point where we believe that we have received even before

the answer to our prayer has materialized. When this conviction is received, we

cease praying in the sense of asking, and begin to spontaneously praise God for

answered prayer.

4. Shall Have Them

This is a further step, the step of actually receiving and recognizing the tangible

answer to another prayer. The thing desired, prayed for, believed for, is now an

actual, literal possession. ‘Shall have them’ - the consummation of faith. ‘Shall

have them’ – the reward of believing without doubting, even before seeing.

Are you living in the vagueness of shadowy desires, castles in the air, ever

wishing but never possessing? Then it is time to nail your desires down, it is

time to take them to God in prayer, to believe you receive the answer, not

doubting in your heart, and you shall have the petition you desire.

5. We Must Forgive

Jesus then added a very important clause to this formula for answered prayer.

‘And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also

which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will

your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses’ (Mark 11:25-26).

Many a prayer is hindered by unforgiveness and resentment. The channels of

faith become choked with deep-seated feelings against another. Jesus

specifically mentioned trespasses. These are not sins in the general sense, but

rather injuries and injustices committed against you. Maybe we cannot rightfully

justify the evil that has been done against us, but we must genuinely, sincerely

and wholeheartedly forgive those who have trespassed against us.


If you find your prayers are hindered and your faith seems ineffective, then

search your heart and seek God for cleansing of all your unforgiveness to those

concerned. Do this thoroughly and systematically as unto the Lord and see

what a difference it makes as you seek to follow what a difference it makes as

you seek to follow this divine formula for getting answers to your prayers and

receiving the things you desire.

These five steps can revolutionize the life of any believer and can most

assuredly bring healing and deliverance to those who need it.


Chapter 10




For over twenty years the following testimony has held true. The man concerned

tells it in his own words:

‘I was born of Greek parents in Alexandria, Egypt, on October 4, 1940, and

came with my parents to South Australia in 1949. I belonged to the Greek

Orthodox Church.

‘On leaving school I became an electrical apprentice, and I was also very

interested in theatrical work.

‘In October 1956, I developed pneumonia, and one night I spat up blood. Next

day, I was examined and X-rayed, as a result of which it was discovered that I

had a shadow on my lower left lung. I was admitted to hospital for three weeks,

and three gastric washes were taken. They then sent me home to await the

results of the tests, which take about seven to eight weeks.’

Admitted to T.B. Hospital

‘I returned on December 22 to get the results of the tests, one of which showed

a trace of tuberculosis. On January 3, 1957, I was admitted to hospital again

and about a fortnight later was transferred to a hospital for T.B. patients, for six

months treatment.

‘During this time, I was given 300 grammes of INH daily, and for a period of

about four months I was given six grammes of Streptomycin weekly.

‘At the end of about five months the X-ray showed little, if any, improvement.

They took three gastric washes and the results showed scanty germs on the

smear. I was then given a fifty per cent increase of INH drug. I was also given

PAS drugs. The doctor now recommended an operation for removal of the

affected part of the lung.’


Hears About the Healing Power of God

‘About this time, however, a friend spoke to me about the power of God to heal

in answer to believing prayer and mentioned the meetings of the Christian

Revival Crusade conducted by Pastor Leo Harris at that time in Legacy House,

Adelaide, every Sunday night. I decided to ring Pastor Harris, and he sent me

some literature, and suggested I attend the next Sunday night meeting.

‘I felt a little strange in this type of service but was encouraged by the faithinspiring

message Pastor Harris gave from the Bible. Then he invited the sick to

come forward for prayer. I went out and stood with many others.

‘After witnessing others being prayed for and seeing the obvious evidence of the

power of God, my turn at last came. Pastor Harris asked me, “Do you believe

that God will meet your need tonight?” By this time my faith was rising high, and

I assured him that I did believe.

‘Pastor Harris then laid his hands on me, according to the Scripture in Mark

16:18, and in the name of Jesus, commanded the tuberculosis to leave my body,

and called on the Lord to make me completely whole.’

Overcome by the Power of the Lord

‘As he prayed for me, his voice seems to me like thunder, and seemed to vibrate

right through me. I felt the power of God performing a miracle in my body. I

began to praise God, and cried, “I’m cured, I’m cured!”

‘I was so overcome by the sense of the presence of God that I could hardly

stand on my feet, and someone brought a chair for me. For at least twenty

minutes I was more conscious of the presence and power of the Lord than I was

of what was going on around me, and God wonderfully filled me with the Holy

Spirit right there!

‘On my way back to the hospital I called on my parents. They were startled by

my unusual manner, because they knew nothing of my going to be prayed for,

and I was still “walking on air”.

‘Next morning the doctor came to me and asked me if I had made up my mind

about the operation. I asked if he would first take one more X-ray, to which he

agreed. When the result came back, the house doctor came to my room in utter

amazement, saying the X-ray had shown my lung to be perfectly clear, without

even the usual scar remaining.


‘Three more gastric tests were taken, but all were clear. A month later I was

discharged as a perfectly well man.

‘God has not only healed my body, but has given me salvation and peace, and a

completely new life.’

Mr. Peter Perdikis,

Adelaide, S.A.


Chapter 11



Dianne Taubert was called a ‘miracle mother’ by a city newspaper when she

gave birth to her daughter, Cherie, in 1974. The claim was not an exaggeration.

For Dianne had been a patient for five years at the Home for Incurables (whose

name speaks for itself). Moreover, she had been told at the age of 17 that she

would never be able to marry and that she would certainly not bear children.

Later, she was again told that if she did become pregnant, she would almost

certainly miscarry, and that if she tried to give natural birth the baby could be

spastic or die.

Today, Dianne is the mother of two children. Cherie was five pounds at birth and

Andrew weighed four pounds 12 ounces. Both babies were born by caesarean

section - but the only reason for this is Dianne’s size. She is only four feet fourand-a-half


This also is part of the story! When Dianne was eight, her Father was left alone

to care for the four children. So she helped look after her five-year-old sister,

and helped with the cooking and cleaning. She also learnt to help manage the

family finances and to budget. This was to prepare her for the future as a

housewife and mother.

At five her disease was diagnosed as polyostotic fibrous dysplasia (a rare bone



‘I was always in and out of hospital’, she recalls. ‘The doctors said my long

bones were full of holes, like a perforated petticoat.’

At the age of 12½ she stopped growing altogether.

It was said that she would be in a wheelchair by the time she was 16. Naturally

enough, this made her fearful and apprehensive.


Many operations were performed through her teenage years to straighten her

legs which had grown crooked. Between visits to hospital, she tried to find

secretarial employment, but no one seemed to want her, largely because of her

diminutive size.

When she was 18, she became epileptic, for which she took constant

medication. Arthritis set in in her right knee, due to the extensive surgery.

By the time she was 19 she had developed a severe muscle weakness. Dianne

could not sit in her wheelchair without the aid of a steel back support, a board at

her back, and a board under her legs. She was then strapped into the chair with

a wide strap to keep her from slipping out.

At the age of 20, she was admitted to the Home for Incurables. A tendon release

was done at the back of her ankles because her feet had dropped, due to sitting

so long with her feet straight out.

A year later her right toes had curled under so much she had to wear plasters

bandaged to her feet.

It was at the Home she met a Christian nurse who introduced her to the Lord

Jesus Christ and she committed her life to him. As a result, she began to teach

Sunday School, from her wheelchair, and also to teach children at a Spastic



Then other nurses began to tell her about the baptism in the Holy Spirit. So

Dianne began to pray and ask God to fill her with the Spirit. She attended a

couple of Christian Revival Crusade meetings.

At this point, however, she was still not interested in being healed. ‘I could see

the life and love what these girls had,’ Dianne says. ‘I wanted to receive the

same marvellous power in my life. But when one of the pastors was about to

pray for me, I said to myself, “If he prays for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, that’s

fine. But one word on healing and I’ll go home. I’m glorifying God in my sick

body. I’m meant to be sick.”

‘Truly, I was afraid to lose my sickness, because I could hardly remember ever

being without it; it was like an old friend, and I was getting a lot of attention



But that night, Dianne was baptised in the Spirit and she spoke in new tongues.

It was after this that she began to pray and read the Scriptures on the subject of

healing. One verse in particular seemed to speak to her. It said: ‘You shall indeed

hear but never understand, you shall indeed see but never perceive, for this people’s

heart has grown dull, and their ears are heavy of hearing, and their eyes have closed;

lest they should perceive with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with

their heart, and turn for me to heal them’ (Acts 28:26).

‘That was just me,’ Dianne declares. ‘That day I was convicted.’

So she asked to be taken to a pastor, and a visit to Pastor Ian Simpson of the

Adelaide Crusade Centre was arranged.

The wheelchair would not fit into the lounge room, so not knowing that Dianne

could not sit unaided, they carried her inside and sat her there on the settee.

She fell over, like a floppy rage doll. They got her back into the chair and Pastor

Simpson prayed for her.

Then she asked them to remove the plasters from her legs. After this, she

walked across the lounge room, and sat in another chair! Excitedly, she walked

to every chair in the room and tried them all.

Her toes were still curled under, so they prayed about this. They straightened!

Then Dianne asked for a glass of water. For the previous 11 months, it had

been impossible for her to drink normally. She had been using a baby’s bottle.

Now she drank from the glass!

To this point there were two factors in her healing. One was, of course, the

Scriptures. But before this, Dianne points out, ‘It was the baptism in the Holy

Spirit that got me moving. It gave me power to think beyond myself, and to think

of the Christ who died for my sins and sicknesses.’


After this, there followed two months of deliverance from demonic power. As a

result, she was free from epilepsy, fear and arthritis, and free to face a new life.

‘I became a whole person,’ she points out. ‘God gave me a spirit, not of fear, but

of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7)’.


Within a couple of weeks she was discharged from the Home. She stayed for a

couple of months with Pastor and Mrs Leo Harris, before finally moving into a

flat shared with some other girls, but where she did her own cooking and


She attended a Rehabilitation Centre to improve her secretarial skills. There she

met a young man named Colin. They talked together and she led him to Christ.

The next day, he proposed to her! After prayer and reading the Word, they both

believed that it was God’s will for them to marry.

Today, Colin and Dianne and their children, Cherie and Andrew, form a happy

family unit. Colin is healthy and has a steady job. The children are happy and

well. And Dianne, the young woman who could not even sit unaided, is a normal,

hardworking mother. Normal? Well, perhaps not. For her story is the story of a



Chapter 12



A mother of four tells how God’s healing power changed her whole life.

When I tell you that for seven months in 1971, I was laid up with the most painful

and depressing illness of my life you might find it hard to believe. I find it hard to

believe myself, as since the day the Lord Jesus Christ instantly healed me I

have been filled with an abundance of health and life that I’ve never known


From the age of 11, when I had meningitis, my faith in God has helped me to

weather many illnesses and operations - but I was never really well. For

example, I suffered a nearly fatal attack of peritonitis following the birth of my

daughter. On different occasions I have undergone surgery for the removal of

my tonsils, appendix, gallbladder and uterus. In addition, there have been

several other operations.

I have also suffered from anaemia and encephalitis. Then, early in 1971 I

became ill with what was first diagnosed as acute infective arthritis, and I was

told not to expect to be better for at least 12 months. Blood tests confirmed this.

Suddenly the virus attacked the blood, causing a calcium and protein deficiency

and upsetting every blood value. This gave me excruciating spasms of pain from

head to foot, called tetany of the muscles. I don’t even want to remember what

is was like and I wished I could die.

The doctor and pathologist were very good and put in a lot of work, but seven

months later even an empty cup was heavy for me. The blood was still causing

concern and the doctor seemed helpless. The entire glandular system was now

on the point of collapse and I just felt so old and tired and achy and quite

useless to my family and husband.

A Challenge

I had an appointment coming up with an endocrinologist. When you are a

Christian, you never give up hope and we have pinning a lot of hope on that


endocrinologist, feeling that perhaps God would use him to find a cure for me.

Furthermore, we knew that many people were praying for me.

Suddenly we received promptings from every direction to seek divine healing in

the old fashioned Bible way.

Then one day my husband came home from work and told me that his young,

unbelieving friend had said, ‘You’ve got faith, Doug – you believe. So why don’t

you ask God to heal your wife? Why don’t you take her for divine healing? If

Evelyn was healed like that, then both my wife and myself would believe. We

couldn’t help but believe.’

Well, I was pretty dopey, ill and depressed, but I recognised God speaking

through this most unlikely person, and believe me, I was ashamed. Then I

became afraid. What if I asked for a miracle and it wasn’t God’s will for me?

In Jesus’ Name

An old friend who had spoken of his healing had mentioned Pastor Leo Harris,

and my husband rang him. Pastor Harris graciously gave up that very evening to

counsel us on the scriptural basis for healing, and to pray for us. Finally in

Jesus’ name he commanded the sickness to leave my body. In my heart I kept

repeating, ‘Oh, Lord Jesus, I do believe; help my unbelief.’

At a quarter to ten the next morning, the pain left me completely! Suddenly I was

able to move freely and I felt light and free and filled with energy. With a hop,

skip and jump I began by cleaning up the house. I did a huge family wash and

cooked the dinner! My muscles were instantly firm and strong.

The endocrinologist found nothing wrong with me and has since said that he

would not have known how to treat the disease any more than my own doctor.

Extensive tests have proved that my blood is now perfect and I have become a

blood donor!

From that day till this we have not ceased praising God for his kindness. I feel

better now than I used to when I thought I was well! And the same applies to my

whole family. Before I was healed, my husband, Doug, seemed to be accidentprone.

He was once severely burned in an accident with a tractor, for example.

He was much encouraged by Psalm 34:20 which says, ‘God even protects the good

man from accidents.’ And it has proven true!


Two of my sons, Alan and Kevin, were both born with defective hearing. Alan

suffered continuously with abscesses and seemed to grow worse in spite of

expert surgery and other treatment.

After I was healed, both Alan and Kevin were prayed for. Kevin, who was bottom

of his class, was top within 12 months! Neither of them again wore the hearing

aids they had used for years.

In fact, we had great difficulty returning Kevin’s hearing aid, because the

department concerned did not know how to handle the situation. There was no

precedent or procedure for it. People don’t usually return them!

The really thrilling thing, is that in the six and a half years since my healing and,

in spite of all of our previous illnesses, not one member of the family has needed

either medical or hospital treatment!

No Answer

After I was healed, my doctor said, ‘Payer cannot possibly have altered the

condition of your blood, Mrs Chigwidden.’

I replied, ‘Okay then, doctor, what did?’ There was no answer. So, I’ll thank


Mrs E. Chigwidden,

Myrtle Bank, S. Aust.


Chapter 13


A young married woman tells how God gave her a new life.

Lost! in the misery of grinding pain and muscle spasm and sinking further into

drug addiction. I could see the stark reality of the surgeon’s words to my parents,

‘If this can’t be controlled then I give your daughter two years to live.’

Born with a minor malformation of the lower spine, I was unaware of this

dangerous weakness until only months after starting as a trainee nurse in 1964.

Suddenly, the constant lifting caused injury and a spell in hospital. Six months’

treatment brought no relief and a bone graft operation was done, and then done

again, after the graft slipped on to nerve roots. The results, after six months in

bed, were an unstable graft, nerve damage and terrible pain.

A third and fourth operation still brought no relief but rather left more physical

and mental debilitation. After four years of long hospitalisation, operations and

plaster jackets, prayer with anointing of oil was offered. When nothing obvious

happened, I thought the Lord didn’t want to heal me.

One Bright Spot

The one bright spot through these years was meeting Geoffrey and, early in

1970, we were married. Soon after our marriage, a suit for common law

damages was filed in the Supreme Court but, although we were successful, the

future outlook of total and permanent incapacitation was bleak.

The last straw to grasp was an imported ‘Neuro-stimulator’. This electronic

pulsator sends shocks to electrodes wired on to the spinal cord to scramble pain

impulses. After being wired twice with many months in hospital, I was no better.

It was a failure.

At last willing to listen as my sister, Joy, told of the power of God today, I was

filled with the Holy Spirit and, with Geoffrey’s blessing, departed to stay with her

in Yallourn for C.R.C. rallies at Moe. Bedded in the back of a station wagon, the

bumpy trip brought great pain and, on arrival, I was admitted to the Moe hospital.

It was here that the Lord began a mighty work.


Rally speaker, Norm Armstrong, together with Pastor Lyle Potts, visited the

hospital, ministering the Word and prayer. As my faith began to blossom, Holy

Spirit ‘search-light-action’ began.

‘Do you really want to be healed?’ he asked. Recognising the drug problem and

seeing the responsibilities of normal life not faced in eight years of illness, he

again asked, ‘Are you willing to go all the way?’ Battle raged within me until I

was able to say, ‘Yes Lord, I really want to be healed.’

I was discharged from hospital to my sister’s home in time for the last two rallies.

The action began. We took position, standing on 2 Chronicles 20:15 ‘Fear not …

the battle is not yours, but God’s’ and singing praises, we expected a miracle. After

prayer, the only instant healing was to my stiff, inflamed wrists, but we praised

God for a completed work there.


In the following weeks, Pastor Potts ministered the Word, deliverance from

demonic power and prayer for painful memories. As we continued to praise God

that by his stripes I was healed, all my cramps, leg and back pain gradually

disappeared. Bone growth appeared on old donor sites to bone grafts, drug

addiction vanished with no withdrawal signs and numb patches began to regain


Freedom! To walk, to run, to sit in a chair. I was like a child in a whole new,

wonderful world.

Coming down from Melbourne to see for himself what had happened, Geoffrey

found that after three years of marriage he had a transformed wife! The start to

a whole new life together was being able to sit in our car all the way back to


With a mixture of excitement and trepidation I went to see my doctors. The

stunned G.P. simply said, ‘I am very glad it happened but I don’t want to know


The neurosurgeon was very excited, having studied divine healing whilst at

Oxford University. He remarked that rather than call it a ‘miracle’ he would say it

was ‘beyond natural explanation’!

Five years have passed and my testimony is to the faithful God who continues

working within to bring wholeness - body, soul and spirit.

Mrs H. Burn, Melbourne, Vic.


Chapter 14



One of the questions often asked about divine healing is, ‘Does it last?’

In this chapter there are many testimonies that have stood for as long as twenty

years. Together they provide a convincing witness to the durability and

authenticity of the claims made.

Healed of Asthma 20 Years Ago

I had suffered with asthma for as long as I can remember. I think I was only a

baby when I first had it. Almost every night of my life I had an attack. When I

was a child I would have to stand up night after night resting my head on the

mantelpiece and month would have a little fire burning to keep me warm in the

winter months.

The night before I went out to be prayed for, I had a bad attack. But, praise the

Lord, God really touched me that night. I felt a fire go right through me, and

again after I had gone home. Now, praise God, the asthma has completely gone!

This happened in February 1958, and I have not had a single attack since! I can

lie flat with only one pillow, and no matter how much dust I get into there is not

the slightest trace of asthma.

I also had a murmur in my heart which gave me a lot of trouble when I was in an

attack of asthma, or if I lifted anything above my head. Now there is no pain of

any sort, and no palpitation.

I also had arthritis in my knees, but that is gone, too, and I can even run.

I always suffered with dreadful headaches and wore dark glasses all the time.

Now, however - no glasses and no headaches!

I can wash floors and work hard with no after-effects at all, not even tired. Praise



Zenda’s Miraculous Healing

Now I want to tell you what the Lord did for my daughter, Zenda, who was then

nine years old. She had been unable to eat most foods without breaking out in a

terrible rash, which would bleed, and big sores would be all over her. She lived

mostly on beef and goat’s milk. She should not eat such food as eggs,

wholemeal bread, tomatoes, oranges, butter, honey, cheese, and she could not

drink cow’s milk in any way at all.

Pastor Harris prayed for her one night in 1958. Next morning I came to the

kitchen to find her with a big slice of bread covered with honey – more honey

than bread! – and with a big smile on her face. I said, ‘What do you think you are

doing?’ Zenda looked up at me and said, ‘Jesus said I can eat anything,’ and

she was doing that!

Well, since then, she ate everything that she couldn’t eat before, and plenty of it,

too. Some days she had two eggs for breakfast, and two again at night. If she

had done that before she would have been in a dreadful mess, with her ears just

about eaten off. In the twenty years since that day she has had no further

trouble. I will never be able to praise the Lord enough for all he has done.


Mrs. N. Castledine,

Colonel Light Gardens.

X-Ray Verifies Miraculous Healing of Cavity in Lung

Many years ago I had a hydatids tumour removed from my right lung, but I was

left with a cavity which never closed.

I kept reasonably well for five years, and then this cavity became infected and,

over period of three years, it continually filled up and over-flowed with fluid,

causing me great distress and much discomfort and inconvenience.

I was unable to lie down because the continuous flow of liquid from the lung out

of my mouth at times nearly choked me. The nights were spent sitting upright

propped with pillows and coughing up the fluid, and the days were spent in lung

draining exercises.

I consulted my specialist and he strongly advised another operation as soon as

possible. However, while waiting for my call in, I heard about divine healing from

a Methodist minister, and was prayed for by Pastor Leo Harris in Legacy House

on 9 th June, 1957.

A fortnight later, I consulted my specialist again at the hospital, telling him I had

had prayer for divine healing and believed I was healed and would not need an

operation. He refused to X-ray request me, saying he had heard of some cases

being helped in that way, but it was impossible in my case and would be a waste

of time writing out an X-ray request for me, as the only way healing could

possible take place in my condition would be after an operation was performed

for removal of a lobe of the lung.

He reminded me that an X-Ray would be taken before the operation was

performed once I was admitted into hospital. I asked him what he would do if the

X-Ray then showed the cavity was healed. He replied, ‘I would still operate

because it is utterly impossible for healing to take place in such a condition as


His opinion did not alter my belief that, according to God’s word, I was healed

and I told him I believed ‘with God nothing is impossible.’ However, my husband

and another Christian friend believed with me that God had already healed me

and he cancelled the operation for me.

Later on, another specialist took X-rays of my lungs which revealed no evidence

of any cavity, fluid or disease. Hallelujah!

Before being prayed for at Legacy House, I was always full of fear, but since

then I have had a wonderful peace of mind.

It is over twenty years since I was healed of this condition and I have enjoyed

good health and a life more abundant since that time.

To God be the glory - I do believe we are kept by the power of God.

Instantly Delivered of Stomach Cancer


Mrs. Jean Pahl,

Blair Athol, S.A.

I was suffering from an inoperable stomach cancer and was under medical


It is over twenty years since I went to the Christian Revival Crusade meeting

where Pastor Leo Harris laid hands on me and prayed for me. As he prayed, I

felt the mighty power of God. I felt three distinct tugs in my body and all the pain

left me. Next day the cancer left my body.

Pastor Harris advised me to back to my doctor for an examination, which I did,

and he confirmed that I was now free from cancer and told me my faith.

I give God all the glory for this miraculous deliverance.

Mrs. A Curle,

Pennington, S.A.

Healed of Tumour and Slipped Discs in the Spine

This is my testimony of how the Lord Jesus healed me. On Sunday, 21 st August,

1955, I attended a meeting conducted by Pastor Leo Harris in Adelaide. I went

forward to be prayed for as I was suffering with a tumour and three slipped discs

in the spine.

As Pastor Harris laid hands on me and prayed, I felt the power of the Lord go

through my body. My spine was completely healed overnight and next day the

tumour was half the size it had been. Three days later it was completely gone. I

had been suffering for five years and had never known a day without pain, but

now I praise the Lord for all he has done for me.

Mrs. Y. W. Bignell,

Ascot Park, S.A.

Healed of Heart Disorder, Nervous Exhaustion and


I came to a meeting suffering with a heart disorder, nervous exhaustion and

arthritis. As I sat in the meeting, I felt the power of God go through my body in a

mighty way and later I went out for prayer. Hands were laid on me in the name

of Jesus and the prayer of faith was offered.

My healing began immediately. Since then I have enjoyed perfect health. I

praise the Lord for the wonderful healing he has given to me.

Pastor Alan Stevens,

Noarlunga, S.A.


Family’s Testimony to Miraculous Healing

At the age of three years, an abscess in my ear left me with a perforated eardrum

and, in later years, combined with low blood pressure, upset the balance

nerve, causing giddiness and near blackouts. I dared not forget to take at least

three tablets daily, as well as a tonic.

I was prayed for by Pastor Harris in 1958 and, thanks to God’s wonderful

healing power, my ear-drum was totally healed and I never needed a tablet


Having several internal misplacements, I was advised by my doctor to use

special surgical corsets, but by the power of God I have been made free from

these complaints.

My husband was also wonderfully healed of a chronic duodenal ulcer, nasal

blockage and infected tonsils.

My son was healed of a partly collapsed lung.

For all these miracles of healing, I give God all the praise and glory.

Stomach Ulcer Cured

Mrs. M. Smart,

Evandale, S.A.

For some years I had been questioning why there was so much sickness and

suffering among the clergy and people of the denomination to which I was born.

Looking through the word of God I felt that Christian faith should bring nothing

but joy.

Eventually, through my mother, I heard of the Christian Revival Crusade and

attended a service one evening. The impact of the preaching that I heard that

night was stupendous. There was a sure knowledge of having found the

answers for which I had been looking.

When Pastor Harris, asked people to make their decision for Christ, my decision

was unhesitatingly made. After being counselled, I said to my counsellor, ‘Would

Pastor Harris pray for me tonight for healing?’ And it was agreed.


Pastor Harris laid his hands upon me and I felt the power of the Holy Spirit upon

me. I knew without any shadow of doubt that, from that moment, I was healed of

a stomach ulcer from which I had suffered for some 28 years.

Following prayer, I did have moments of quite intense pain, but it was a different

pain from the one that had previously caused me so much suffering. It was

because I had numerous scars on my stomach, which God in his wonderful way

was returning to living tissue again, and it was the stretching and rejuvenation of

this tissue that gave me those inexplicable pains.

I praise God everyday for the relief I now have and also for bringing complete

relief to varicose veins and severe haemorrhoids.

To truly receive all of Christ’s blessing one must be baptised, and also baptised

in the Holy Spirit. I was saved and healed on 14 th July, 1959, and three weeks

later was baptised in water and filled with the Holy Spirit. What a glorious,

unforgettable moment that was when hands were laid upon me and the Spirit

descended upon me!

Since then I have had a much greater understanding of the word of God, and a

fuller appreciation of just what salvation means to all of us. Thanks be to God for

his unspeakable gift!

Goitre Removed by Prayer

J.A. Sinclair,

Kingscote, S.A.

It would be about 1952 when I first started seeking different doctors, trying to

discover the cause of my failing health, even to the extent of being put into

hospital for a week and being told, if I did not pull myself together, I would have

complete breakdown.

Gradually my condition worsened until a specialist diagnosed an over-active

thyroid gland and goitre. My condition caused a very high pulse rate, blurred

vision and a constant feeling of having just run a big race. I could not

concentrate or be relied upon even to remember that I had put milk on the stove.

Hot weather caused me to be just panting as I lay on my bed, and my throat was

always dry and parched and my voice husky.


I obtained a certain degree of relief by taking six tablets a day, plus two types of

blood pills and occasionally blood injections. I could never be without sodiumbromide

medicine and needed full-time help in my home.

Then, at Christmas, 1955, having done a little extra work and the weather being

warmer, I collapsed and had to stay in bed for ten days, not even having the

energy to talk. To try and raise myself off my pillow brought terrible pain in my

chest. I could feel that large goitre lump in my throat and, at times, feared it

might choke me.

I increased my tablets to nine a day – the very limit - but they were not able to

control the thyroid output. My doctor recommended an operation.

Then I heard that God will heal the sick today just as in Bible days. I attended

meetings where the message of divine healing was preached, and there

accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour.

When prayer was offered for my healing I felt the power of God go through my

throat from side to side, and I just knew that the goitre had no more control of

my body and I was healed in spite of the lump still being there.

Two nights later I was awakened from my sleep with the thought filling my mind,

‘Of what shall I be afraid?’ I realised it was a God-given thought, and then my

mind was filled again with the thought, ‘I believe.’ As this thought kept coming to

me, I suddenly realised, ‘Of course, Lord, I do believe.’ Immediately a large lump

broke off from my throat and travelled down into my body; then another – this

one even larger, for I remember it hurt when it reached the centre of my chest:

but my mind took hold of the thought, ‘Of what shall I be afraid?’ Then a third

piece left my throat and continued right down.

I immediately got out of bed and went around to the dressing table, where I took

the remaining medicine and threw it into the waste-paper basket. Then I threw

my arms into the air and cried, ‘I am free! I am free!’ and truly if the Son shall

make you free, ye shall be free indeed!

I have no sign or trace of that old condition or any lump in my throat; and God

also healed me of bad indeed!

I have no sign or trace of that old condition or any lump in my throat; and God

also healed me of bad anaemia. For all these wonderful things God has done for

me, I thank and praise him with all my heart.

Mrs. Joycelyn Barrett,

Millswood, S.A.


What He Has Done For Others, He will do For You

We have presented these personal testimonies simply to encourage you to put

your faith in God and his healing power. These people were healed because

they believed God.

The Lord will not heal you simply because he healed these other people, but will

heal you because you too believe his promises. May he set you free from all

fear and anxiety and fill your heart with the calmness of faith in God.

What he has done for others, he will do for you - through faith. You, too, can

prove that God heals today.


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