Aiki - Bushido-Kai

Aiki - Bushido-Kai

Aiki - Bushido-Kai


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2013<br />


BUDOYA<br />

Book & DVD Catalog<br />


General Interest Books<br />

Typeset in professional formats with color covers, oversized (8.5 x 11) and velo-bound.<br />


What would it be like if you had a repertoire of aiki techniques that mutiplied your<br />

current knowledge exponentially? Why Comparative <strong>Aiki</strong> in Actiondoes each style claim<br />

to have "the right way" but no style does it the same way? What is the difference between<br />

dojo "exercise" technique and functional "street" technique? Does one lead to the other?<br />

If you are interested in expanding your aiki knowledge, you have picked the right book.<br />

Over 10 years in the writing with over 700 studio photographs by Toby Threadgill. Shihan<br />

Tony Annesi offers his overview of the methods most common among aiki styles — and<br />

the comparative value of each so you can grow exponentially!<br />

700+ photos. CCA bk: ONLY $40.00<br />


Cracking the Kata CodeThe new Benchmark in understanding kata! There has never<br />

been another book like it. A detailed explanation of the study of kata in karate but applies<br />

to any system. Make your kata study infinite! Chapters include: What You See is Not What<br />

you Get; Why Methods Die Out; Change of Structure, Change of Meaning; All Kata is<br />

Training; The Value of the Kata Training Method; Kata, Waza, Bunkai and Oyo; The Map<br />

is Not the Territory; Other Analogies to Kata; The Kata of Code; Cracking the Code; Types<br />

and Modes of Bunkai. Over 150 photographs. 160 pages CKC bk: ONLY $35.00<br />

PRINCIPLES of ADVANCED BUDO - Takeshin Okuden explained.<br />

Principles of Adv BudoMajor Takeshin Okuden explained: details to the majority of<br />

principles referred to in our wall chart by the same name (see charts). Now you can<br />

understand that which makes your technqiues work and correct them when they donít!<br />

Major Principles include Alignment, Allowing, Attack Detail, Attitude, Avoiding Direct<br />

Conflict, Conforming, Connection, Context, Continuity, Controlling Circularity, Controlling<br />

Vision, Hidden in the Open, In/Yo, Kuzushi Detail, Minimization, Preparing,<br />

Relaxation, Sensitivity, Skeletal Locking, Transmutation, Weight Use. Also included are 5<br />

ìuncategorized principlesî including Methods of Power, Principles of Reception, Principles of Kicking, Principles<br />

of Training, and Universal Principles. 170 photos. 202 pages. PAB bk: ONLY $35.00 postpaid<br />

THE ROAD TO MASTERY — Benefits of Budo<br />

You have heard time and again that the study of the martial arts can lead<br />

to many levels of personal improvement. Now, you can find out how! In this ambitious<br />

treatment of the non-physical and sometimes non-conscious teachings offered by traditional<br />

martial arts instruction, Tony Annesi outlines the essence of self-development as it leads<br />

to the higher level of awareness and achievement known as "Mastery." The students who approach<br />

Mastery actually travel two roads, one physical and the other conceptual passing by<br />

five signposts on their climb up the mountain. Their physical skills hold hidden conceptual<br />

lessons and their mental development sometimes reveals reveals spiritual lessons. Beyond<br />

the gates of traditional budo lies the Road to Mastery. This is your guidebook.<br />

190 pages. RtM bk: ONLY $35.00 postpaid<br />

EXPRESSING THE BUDO — Traditional Budo Dictionary<br />

Don't look for "gi" or "tsuki." This dictionary is for more inquiring minds. Interested<br />

in subtler concepts? You have come to the right place. A four-part (Japanese to English,<br />

English to Japanese alphabetically and by subject) Japanese Budo Dictionary with essays to<br />

stimulate further thought. 139 pages. EtB bk: ONLY $25.00 postpaid

Elevated ElementalsELEVATED ELEMENTALS — Kihon as Okuden<br />

Whether your martial art is a "hard-fist" art like karate or "soft-fist" like aiki, you begin<br />

with basics. And, if you are like most students, you can't wait until you learn advanced techniques.<br />

Surprise! You already have! Tony Annesi guides you through a course in recognizeing<br />

higher level skills hidden in both karate and aiki basics. Kihon (basics) is Okuden (advanced<br />

teachings) when you understand the intricacies of Elevated Elementals. 163 pages.<br />

EE bk: ONLY $30.00 postpaid<br />

SUDDEN ATTACK DEFENSE —Traditional Ippon Kumite For the Real World<br />

In most schools of karate, one-step sparring is taught as a gradual introduction to freestyle<br />

sparring. In reality, freestyle has very little in common with one-step sparring and<br />

less with self-defense. The Okinawan masters knew that one-step sparring was the way<br />

to apply what was learned in kata. Now you can learn what the masters knew! By varying<br />

your one-step sparring practice you learn to react to unexpected attacks. The augmentation<br />

of one-step sparring creates an ascending hierarchy to the more realistic drills of<br />

SAD (Sudden Attack Defense) and CAD (Combat Attack Defense). This book is about<br />

that ascension. Teachers can enhance their students capabilities by augmenting existing<br />

one-step sparring drills. This augmentation creates an ascending hierarchy to the more<br />

realistic drills of SAD (Sudden Attack Defense) and CAD (Combat Attack Defense). This book is about that<br />

ascension. 176 pages. Approx. 300 photo. SAD bk: ONLY $35.00 postpaid<br />

TALES of the DOJO — LifeLessons from the Martial Arts<br />

If you were lectured on the benefits of budo, it might sound like your old Civics teacher.<br />

You just might shut your listening aparatus. But, if Sensei starts talking about his past<br />

experiences, students start gathering around. Gather around! There are subtle lessons to be<br />

learned. And the teaching is not only painless, it is actually enjoyable. From the well-known<br />

articles originally published in KICK and INISIDE KARATE, Tony Annesi offers stories<br />

from his dojo files that integrate budo with daily life and daily life with self-development.<br />

186 pages. 10 Illustrations. ToD: ONLY $35.00 postpaid<br />

The DOJO FILES — Martial Arts Lessons from Life<br />

In this sequel to Tales of the Dojo, Tony Annesi inverts the intent: instead of LifeLessons<br />

from the Martial Arts, he draws Martial Arts Lessons from life ó from unexpected true<br />

life sources, many his own experiences. The dojo files yield never before published stories<br />

that take you out of the dojo and into real life. These are not adventures nor stories about<br />

street encournters. They are about simple, daily ocurences we often take for granted. They<br />

hold unexpected truths that integrate budo with daily life...and daily life with self-development.<br />

266 pages. 13 Illustrations. DF: ONLY $40.00 postpaid<br />


ROAD TO MASTERY (190 pages)<br />

Comparative AIKI in ACTION (239 pages)<br />

ELEVATED ELEMENTALS (163 poages)<br />

EXPRESSING the BUDO (139 pages)<br />

PRINCIPLES of ADVANCED BUDO (202 pages)<br />

CRACKING the KATA CODE (160 pages)<br />

SUDDEN ATTACK DEFENSE (173 pages)<br />

TALES of the DOJO (186 pages)<br />

The DOJO FILES (266 pages)<br />

ALL bks: ONLY $285.00 postpaid

AIKI NO KATEI: The Curriculum of <strong>Aiki</strong><br />

(official handbooks of TAKESHIN AIKI-JU-JUTSU)<br />

Self-published 8.5 x 11 with spiral bindings for ease of reference on a flat surface. They contain a wealth of<br />

information in the form of illustrations and reproduced photographs, descriptions and essays.<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong>-no-Katei: Volume 1 – Hachikyu and Shichikyu Waza<br />

Hachikyu waza is basic wrist releases and pivoting. Topics include: 8 preliminaries, wrist exercises, stances and<br />

walking, 8 standing hachikyu techniques, and hachikyu suwari methods. Shichikyu waza are basic takedowns<br />

including ude-otosu odori (ikkyo) and kagi (nikyo) with variations. Topics include: 7 divisions of shichikyu techniques<br />

with variations, shichikyu suwari methods. (105 pages) AnK-1, $18.00<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong>-no-Katei: Volume 2 – Rokkyu and Gokyu Waza<br />

Rokkyu waza is the sister list to shichikyu. It continues the takedowns of shichikyu and includes kote hineri<br />

(sankyo) and tekubi osae/gyakon (yonkyo). Other topics include: 4 preliminaries, 8 divisions of rokkyu techniques.<br />

Gokyu level begins body throws like koshi nage and seoinage, throwing by locks (kote gaeshi, gyakon<br />

nage) as well as throws without body lifting or locks like aiki-ura-ude seoinage (ude-kime nage/tenbin nage) and<br />

aiki-seoinage. (112 pages) AnK-2, $18.00<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong>-no-Katei: Volume 3 – Yonkyu Waza and Sankyu, Nikyu, Ikkyu Waza, Part I<br />

Yonkyu level makes throws less physical and includes tobi nage (flying throws) also known as kokyu nage (air<br />

throws). Sankyu, nikyu, ikkyu level begins kicks and kick defenses and well as combinations and escapes from<br />

various attacks. Includes the essay SOLO AIKI KATA. (103 pages) AnK-3, $18.00<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong>-no-Katei: Volume 4 – Sankyu, Nikyu, Ikkyu Waza, Part II, Shodan<br />

The second part of sankyu, nikyu and ikkyu groups previous techniques by families, discusses form of entry,<br />

suwari and hanmi-hantachi variations, all of which prepares the student for shodan. Includes the essays THE<br />

AIKI UKE and AIKI KUMITE. (99 pages) AnK-4, $18.00<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong>-no-Katei: Volume 5 – Nidan Waza<br />

Nidan and sandan waza specialize in variations of shodan waza, however, there is a special emphasis in nidan<br />

on ude-otosu-odori (ikkyo). New techniques include forms of kote hineri, kote gaeshi, tobi nage, tomoenage,<br />

and kaeshi waza. Nidan requirements include futari waza (defense vs. 2 people), bo and jo tori and jiyu kumite<br />

(randori). Includes the essay AIKI KUDEN. (92 pages) AnK-5, $15.00<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong>-no-Katei: Volume 6 – Sandan Waza<br />

Sandan level emphasizes kote hineri (sankyo) but also includes variations of kote gaeshi, tobi nage, sumi gaeshi,<br />

irimi nage and kaeshi waza. Requirements cover sannin-waza (defense vs. 3 people), bokken and tanto tori, and<br />

freestyle. Includes the essay ANOTHER APPROACH TO AIKI INSTRUCTION. (116 pages) AnK-6, $18.00<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong>-no-Katei: Volume 7 – Yondan Waza<br />

Shime-waza (choking) as well as 5 divisions of nage waza, tobi nage, koshi nage, shoulder shrugging techniques<br />

(from headlocks). Yondan waza emphasize Kaeshi waza (countering) and the ken-tori-no-kata (sword taking<br />

form). (103 pages) AnK-7, $18.00<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong>-no-Katei: Volume 8 – Godan Waza<br />

Master level" instruction introduces minimal motion techniques,<br />

medical practices, energy flow, and unites hard and<br />

soft elements of the TAKESHIN system. Among the topics are<br />

external and internal health, external and internal psychology,<br />

external and internal energy flow, external and internal striking.<br />

(190 pages) AnK-8, $24.00<br />

AnK Set: ONLY $139.00

KARATE-DO no SHOSAI: The Details of Karate-do<br />

(official handbooks of TAKESHIN KARATE-DO)<br />

Self-published 8.5 x 11 with spiral bindings for ease of reference on a flat surface. They contain a wealth of<br />

information in the form of illustrations and reproduced photographs, descriptions and essays.<br />

Karate-do no Shosai: Volume 1 – SHOSHINSHA<br />

The Details of Karate, fine points of basics and testing basics for power and stability. Gives birds eye view of<br />

first 5 kata and includes the very important essays ANGLES AND ARMS AND SQUARES AND STANCES,<br />


YOUR STANCE? (88 pages) KnS-1, $15.00<br />

Karate-do no Shosai: Volume 2 – HACHIKYU through YONKYU<br />

Heian Shodan through Godan Kata is the method by which Takeshin karate teaches its concepts of self-defense.<br />

In volume 2, Heian Shodan through Godan are shown in detail with a suggested Tori-te (grappling-hand)<br />

applications. Pinan Shodan through Godan are shown for comparison. All <strong>Bushido</strong>-kai karate requirements<br />

through Yonkyu are categorized into the traditional kata, keri and kumite and illustrated. (170 pages,)<br />

KnS-2, $21.00<br />

Karate-do no Shosai: Volume 3 – SANKYU through SHODAN<br />

Kanku-dai, Bassai-dai, Tekki Shodan, Nidan, Sandan complete the basic 10 kata of Takeshin Karate. These<br />

are illustrated in detail with sample Tori-te Bunkai shown after each kata. Kicking and sparring requirements<br />

through shodan are also included, as well as two short essays on ippon kumite (one-step sparring) and jiyu kumite<br />


RING COMBINATIONS. (150 pages) KnS-3, $21.00<br />

Karate-do no Shosai: Volume 4 – NIDAN<br />

Shito-ryu and Shotokan method kata are illustrated including: Annanko (Light from the South), Empi (Flying<br />

Swallow), Ji-in (Temple Ground), Jion (Temple Sound), Jutte (Ten Hands), Matsukaze (Wind through the Pines),<br />

Meikyo (Shining Mirror), Nijushiho (24 Directions), Rohai (Emblem of the Heron), Wankan (Kings Crown);<br />

each kata is followed by sample Bunkai, a trademark of Takeshin instruction. Also included are nidan kicking<br />

and straight-line sparring requirements and the essay THE FUNDAMENTALS OF JIYU KUMITE.<br />

(140 pages) KnS-4, $21.00<br />

Karate-do no Shosai: Volume 5 – SANDAN<br />

Shotokan, Goju and Uechi method kata are illustrated including: Bassai-sho (Breaking through a Fortress,<br />

minor), Chinte (Unusual Hand), Gankaku (Crane on a Rock), Hangetsu (Half-moon), Kanku-sho (Viewing the<br />

Sky, minor), Goju Sanchin (3 Conflicts), Uechi Sanchin (3 Conflicts), Sochin (Tranquil Force), and Taihanchin<br />

(Our Greatest Example), a Kamishin kata. Each kata is followed by sample bunkai. Also included are sandan<br />

kicking and in-close sparring requirements. (170 pages) KnS-5, $21.00<br />

Karate-do no Shosai: Volume 6 – YONDAN<br />

Goju and Uechi method kata are emphasized: Gekisai Ichi (To Attack and Smash, one), Gekisai Ni (To Attack<br />

and Smash, two), Gojushiho-dai (54 Movements, major),<br />

Gojushiho-sho (54 Movements, minor), Saifa (The Final<br />

Breaking Point), Seienchin (The Lull in the Storm), Sanseru<br />

(Thirty-six), Goju Seisan (Thirteen), Uechi Seisan (Thirteen),<br />

Unsu (Cloud Hand); Sample Bunkai for each kata;<br />

yondan kicking and sparring requirements (fluid power<br />

and sen-no-sen). (174 pages)<br />

KnS-6, $21.00<br />

KnS set: ONLY $111.00

<strong>Aiki</strong> (<strong>Aiki</strong>-jutsu / <strong>Aiki</strong>do) DVDs<br />

Nine Masters of <strong>Aiki</strong> & Ju-Jutsu<br />


NINE MASTERS 1: Wally Jay and Joe Cowles at BUSHIDO-KAI<br />

Prof. JAY's favorite video of his small-circle ju-jutsu. Discover why Wally Jay is known as<br />

a master who can perform ju-jutsu with effortless grace with techniques that approach an<br />

aiki-type of application. Discover how Prof. Jay uses his own investigations to constantly<br />

upgrade and modify traditional techniques so that they cease to look traditional. Bruce Lee<br />

and ju-jutsu? Learn how Joe COWLES, a Seattle student of Bruce Lee, teaches his WU WEI<br />

Gung-fu, a hard/soft system with added ju-jutsu techniques. Cowles' Wu Wei was a strong<br />

influence on one level of Takeshin Seiken Budo (see our Secrets of Seiken Budo videos).<br />

Cowles is masterful in lightening-fast execution of in-close techniques.<br />

2 hours J-1, NOW ONLY $39<br />

NINE MASTERS 2: Shihan Roland Maroteaux of France<br />

New to aiki or coming from a karate background? The Voltaire of the Martial Arts teaches<br />

his powerful art of AIKI-GOSHINDO developed from a study of Hakkoryu, <strong>Aiki</strong>do, and older<br />

techniques of ju-jutsu and Daito-ryu. A perfect video for karate-ka who want a introduction<br />

to the forms of aiki. Maroteaux has picture-perfect form and receives attacks with powerful<br />

blocks before snapping on his aiki-ju-jutsu waza. Maroteaux's aiki would be considered hard,<br />

powerful and effective by those who prefer an explosive karate method of self-defense.<br />

1.5 hours A-2, NOW ONLY $39<br />

NINE MASTERS 3: Soke Don Angier — Inheritor of YANAGI RYU<br />

Soke Angier's art is from the Yoshida clan—a family art that contains <strong>Aiki</strong>, Ken-jutsu,<br />

and Hojo-jutsu (binding arts). Experience detailed <strong>Aiki</strong> with additional bonus of Kenjutsu<br />

etiquette and waza. Soke Angier puts little or no effort in his waza; instead, all his<br />

effort has been put into perfecting its soft but effective execution. In this video, he teaches<br />

you how to do the same with basic techniques from Yanagi-ryu. At first, they appear to<br />

be like many aiki-styles; however, perfecting their effortless execution make them a true<br />

challenge to experienced aiki practitioners. 2 hours A-3, NOW ONLY $39<br />

NINE MASTERS 4: American Masters of 5 <strong>Aiki</strong> Arts<br />

Don ANGIER, Yanagi Ryu; Dennis PALUMBO, Hakkoryu; Tony<br />

ANNESI, Takeshin Sogo Budo; Henri-Robert. VILAIRE, Kaze Arashi Ryu; Miguel IBARRA<br />

& Roy GOLDBERG, Icho-yama Ryu span the range from hard to soft with instructional<br />

methods from technical imitation to detailed explanation. With Master Vilaire you will use<br />

kempo-like blocks to enter into powerful and painful waza. With Sensei Ibarra and Goldberg<br />

you use pain but over a shorter range of motion. Sandai-kichu Palumbo offers you<br />

more conservative technique explained with detail and humor. Shihan Annesi instructs<br />

you in his minimal motion waza with lucid explanations. Soke Angier, the most senior and<br />

probably the most skilled <strong>Aiki</strong> practitioner in the country, treats you to nearly invisible execution.<br />

There is no better video available today to sample the array of aiki-ju-jutsu styles and emphases. 2 hours<br />

A-4, NOW ONLY $39<br />


4 DVDs together at a reduced price. 7.5 hours of seminar instruction.<br />


The Principles of <strong>Aiki</strong><br />

Tired of having haphazard success with your throwing and locking?<br />

It may be because you are imitating your teacher's good form without<br />

understanding what makes that form work. Soke Don ANGIER and<br />

Shihan Tony ANNESI take form a step further. Form, Annesi argues, is<br />

a way of "tricking" a student into doing something right. It is a classical<br />

shape that illustrates an underlying principle. If you don't understand<br />

the principle, you'll be locked into a form without meaning. Many aiki<br />

students have good form but produce varying success in their throwing<br />

and locking. YOU MAY BE ONE OF THEM. By mastering the<br />

principles underlying the forms, you can find technical success even when using dramatically different technical<br />

forms. Style is less important than principle. The rational West can sometimes explain more clearly what the<br />

intuitive East has discovered. Once you know the principles on which a technique is based, you can easily make<br />

adjustments in your own methods and see validity in others. Experience the rush of revelation you will get once<br />

mastering TRIANGULATION, BACK PRESSURE, COMMUTIVE LOCKING and a dozen others! There has<br />

never been another video series like The Principles of <strong>Aiki</strong>! TOTALLY UNIQUE! (2 DVDs, 4 hours) ASIAN<br />


2 DVDs, 4 hours of awesome aiki!<br />

PoAS, ONLY $99.00<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

AIKI for the STREETS<br />

With Miguel Ibarra (Daito-ryu Yamabushi-kai) & Tony Annesi (Takeshin<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu). Do you find that your traditional aiki art emphasizes defenses<br />

against wrist and lapel holds that are more theoretical than practical?<br />

On the streets, a grab is followed rapidly by a punch. A body hold proceeds<br />

from the rear so someone else can strike! This 2-part video set illustrates<br />

defenses to both strikes and rear seizures. Included are techniques that have<br />

been tested in actual arrests (Sensei Ibarra is a New York warrant officer) as well as techniques that illustrate<br />

theoretical but practical training in minimal motion aiki.<br />

2 DVDs, 3 hours<br />

AftS, ONLY $89.00<br />

Pascal SEREI at BUSHIDO-KAI<br />

Montreal's Pascal Serei has studied martial arts from the late '50s. He is a bodyguard, has<br />

taught SWAT troops, and specializes in an aiki-ju-jitsu that is unlike <strong>Aiki</strong>do but still emphasizes<br />

softness and fluidity. For practical application, there are few better teachers than Pascal<br />

Serei. 2 hours A-44, $69.00<br />


Combination Set<br />

3 DVDs, 5 hours<br />

SD-S, $149.00

Methods on the Edge of <strong>Aiki</strong> Plus<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong> Large and SmallAIKI, LARGE & SMALL<br />

Are you doing a true <strong>Aiki</strong>? Or an <strong>Aiki</strong> by name only? Tony Annesi (Takeshin <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu)<br />

demonstrates various methods of applying techniques identifiable as aiki, from large and<br />

fluid to medial circle to near invisible minimal motion. "<strong>Aiki</strong>," as often used by Daito practitioners,<br />

is more than ju-jutsu with a hakama, more than hard aikido, more than even an<br />

historical link to the parent art; "<strong>Aiki</strong>" is tori's minimal motion with uke's unwilling maximal<br />

compliance. Commentaries and discussions by Roy Goldberg (Daito-ryu Kodo-kai). (1.5 hrs)<br />

A-21, $59.00<br />

3 Levels of <strong>Aiki</strong>THE THREE LEVELS OF AIKI<br />

What "level" of <strong>Aiki</strong> skill is emphasized by your system? Tony Annesi (Takeshin <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu)<br />

demonstrates ju-jutsu, ju-jutsu with an aiki format, aiki-ju-jutsu, and the rarely seen and<br />

difficult level known as "aiki." Most ju-jutsu students have a hard, fast and very effective form<br />

of self-defense. Then, to become more efficient, they investigate aikido or aiki-jujutsu. What<br />

they often end up with is either ju-jutsu that looks like aikido or a large, fluid, and less effective<br />

method. Both ju-jutsu and aikido can be both effective and soft, both fluid and efficient if<br />

you are aware of the levels of development outlined in this video. Commentaries and discussions<br />

by Roy Goldberg (Daito-ryu Kodo-kai). (2 hrs) A-28, $59.00<br />

Edge of <strong>Aiki</strong>THE EDGE OF AIKI<br />

Tony Annesi (Takeshin <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu) demonstrates the many forms that <strong>Aiki</strong> variations<br />

can take. Annesi reveals three categories of variations: Simple Variations, Contraction (illustrated<br />

by Minimal Motion techniques), and Expansion (illustrated by coiling or entangling<br />

technique). This fast moving, action-packed video explains how you can make one technique<br />

become hundreds with variations on the Edge of <strong>Aiki</strong>. Commentaries and discussions by Roy<br />

Goldberg (Daito-ryu Kodo-kai). (2 hrs) A-37, $69.00<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong> Hard and SoftAIKI, HARD & SOFT<br />

You know the difference between a hard and soft art, right? Now you can understand the<br />

subtleties of hard and soft within your own art! Does hard and soft refer to your effort or<br />

your effects on the receiver? Does hard and soft refer to striking or not-striking or the type of<br />

energy used? Rather than offering a pat solution, Tony Annesi (Takeshin <strong>Aiki</strong> Ju-jutsu) suggests<br />

fascinating options to consider. More variation exists even in the <strong>Aiki</strong> arts than Hard &<br />

Soft can accurately encompass. (1.5 hrs) A-42, $59.00<br />

METHODS on the EDGE of AIKI Plus<br />

ALL 4 DVDs, 6.75 hours of MULTIPLE METHODS of AIKI<br />

MEA-p set, ONLY $169.00


Nine Masters of <strong>Aiki</strong> & Ju-jutsu<br />

The Principles of <strong>Aiki</strong><br />

<strong>Aiki</strong> for the Streets<br />

Methods on the Edge of <strong>Aiki</strong> Plus<br />

Pascal Serei at BUSHIDO-KAI<br />

13 DVDs (21 hours!)<br />

AASC: $499

Comparative AIKI in Action<br />

10+ years research went into this material. Those interested in functional aikido and aiki-ju-jutsu,<br />

are considering adopting some concepts of aiki into their own styles. With a new proliferation of information, <strong>Aiki</strong>based<br />

martial artists are coming out of their stylistic cocoons and are interested in comparisons between teaching<br />

methods...enter Comparative <strong>Aiki</strong> in Action.<br />


Different technical points of view of standard aiki techniques. Preliminaries and 15 Ikkyo with<br />

evaluations of efficacy. What makes one version of a technique more or less functional than another?<br />

Tony Annesi suggests that there are no superior styles, rather various technical methods<br />

work best in various situations. This may not seem like a grand revelation, but to martial artists<br />

who often want to believe that their style addresses all situations better than any other style, that<br />

admission is at least refreshing if not downright iconoclastic. (90 min.) A-7, $59.00<br />


15 Nikyo, 9 Sankyo with evaluations of efficacy. Annesi admits that his choice of variations are<br />

not complete, and his evaluations are not sacrosanct, but he also suggests that without an honest<br />

attempt at an objective investigation of methods, we will never really know what works best for<br />

us, what works best in what situation, nor will we understand the difference between an excellent<br />

training technique and one meant for actually application. (90 min.) A-8, $59.00<br />


8 Yonkyo, 13 Kote Gaeshi. Evaluations of efficacy from Tony Annesi. Among the least streetworthy<br />

techniques is yonkyo, yet it is also among the most painful. How can this be? Among the<br />

most used techniques in self-defense is Kote Gaeshi, but it also has some of the most elongated<br />

and indirect entries. How can it be functional if it takes so long to apply? That depends on one's<br />

intended use and the situation of the moment. (90 min.) A-9, $59.00<br />


7 Katate Osae; 4 directions and 6 irimi entries for Shiho Nage with evaluations<br />

of efficacy. Shihan Tony Annesi not only shows the Four Direction Throw to all compass<br />

points, he also evaluates various commonly used entries. Katate Osae (single hand press) is a<br />

technique in itself but can also be used as an excellent transition technique to Shiho Nage. (120<br />

min.) A-10, $69.00<br />


11 finishes for Shiho Nage; 4 set-ups, 11 variations of Te Hana (inverted Kote Gaeshi). Shihan<br />

Tony Annesi illustrates methods to terminate the popular 4 Direction Throw even when one has<br />

failed to properly off-balance the uke. The inverted version of Kote Gaeshi makes a total of 25<br />

variations for this much used waza. We strongly suggest purchasing A-10 and A-11 together for a<br />

complete picture of both Kote Gaeshi and Shiho Nage. (90 min.) A-11, $59.00<br />


11 Osaekomi (holddowns); once you take the opponent down, you must<br />

have a dependable method by which to secure him. 7 Yubi Waza (finger techniques) to add painful<br />

variations to already mastered techniques. Also: a Bonus Section featuring 5 Tenbin Nage<br />

(a.k.a. Ude Kime Nage) and 6 Irimi Nage (entering throw). (90 min.) A-12, $59.00


All 6 DVDs (A-7 thru A-12) together at a reduced price.<br />


CAiAS: ONLY $219.00<br />


All 6 DVDs (A-7 thru A-12) with 239 page book with 700 photos at a reduced price.<br />

CAiAmmS, ONLY $249.00<br />

-------------------------------------<br />


Most ju-jutsu and aiki practitioners know that are are suki (openings or weak points) into which one can slip a<br />

strike. Few realize, however, that the shape of the technique itself can provide one or more strikes that add a potential<br />

hard element of aiki’s notable softness. Learn about SUKI, STRIKING BY SHAPE, and SHAPING THE STRIKE so<br />

you can use the full range of aiki’s arsenal for self-defense.<br />

A-52, $69.00


Advanced Insights into AIKI<br />

AIKI RELEASES: TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu HACHIKYU Waza<br />

Seemingly the most basic of techniques lists, this series of waza actually sets the stage for both<br />

intermediate and very advanced techniques. The foundation for all further Takeshin <strong>Aiki</strong> study<br />

especially minimal motion techniques. (2 hrs) ARR-1, $69.00<br />

AIKI TAKEDOWNS 1: TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu SHICHIKYU Waza<br />

Takedowns which are taught early but are among the most challenging<br />

in aiki. This 7th kyu list is the preparation for the variations of the 6th kyu<br />

list. (2 hrs) ARR-2, $69.00<br />

AIKI TAKEDOWNS 2: TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu ROKKYU Waza<br />

The companion to the 7th kyu list, rokkyu emphasizes takedowns from<br />

strikes and introduces basic throws. (2 hrs) ARR-3, $69.00<br />

AIKI THROWS 1: TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu GOKYU Waza<br />

The takedowns of the 7th kyu and 6th kyu list lead to the locking and<br />

body throws of this list. Kote Gaeshi, Shiho Nage, Koshinage, <strong>Aiki</strong> Seoinage,<br />

Ushiro Zeme Otoshi all prepare one in subtly different ways for the<br />

flying throws of the Yonkyu list (below). (2 hrs) ARR-4, $69.00<br />

AIKI THROWS 2: TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu YONKYU Waza<br />

Flying Throws (Tobi Nage) sometimes called air or breath throws. These<br />

include Yoko Tobi Nage, Mae Uki Otoshi, Shuto Tobi Nage, Te Hana Nage<br />

and others. These are the easiest throws to learn, but the hardest to actually execute against a real<br />

attack. (2 hrs) ARR-5, $69.00<br />


Takeshin <strong>Aiki</strong> -ju-jutsu, Hachikyu through Yonkyu. 5 DVDs, 10 HOURS at one unbelievable price!<br />

ARR-LK, ONLY $229.00<br />


Ashi Geri Odori (Leg Kick Dance: kick defenses); Escapes from Various Holds and Locks.<br />

(2.5 hrs) ARR-6, $79.00<br />


Ashi Geri Odori (Leg Kick Dance: kick defenses); Putting Lower kyu Techniques<br />

into Families; Flowing from One Technique to Another.<br />

(2.5 hrs) ARR-7, $79.00<br />


SHODAN, Part 3<br />

Training for <strong>Aiki</strong> Freestyle (includes required and<br />

non-required drills): Kokyu-ho (kneeling and standing versions); Iai-kumite;<br />

Suwari Waza Kote Tori Tobi Nage (a kneeling drill unique to the Takeshin <strong>Aiki</strong><br />

System); Solo <strong>Aiki</strong> Kata (movement training for single and multiple person<br />

attacks); Touch-pass Drill (blocking or reception training for the upper body.)<br />

(2 DVDs, 3 hrs) ARR-8 $89.00<br />


Sankyu through Ikkyu plus SHODAN. 4 DVDs, 8 HOURS at one unbelievable price!<br />

ARR-UK, ONLY $189.00



Takeshin <strong>Aiki</strong> -ju-jutsu,<br />

Hachikyu through SHODAN.<br />

9 DVDs, 18 HOURS<br />

at one unbelievable price!<br />

ARR>sho, ONLY $389.00<br />

Yudansha (black Belt) AIKI-JU-JUTSU<br />

MODIFICATIONS FOR MASTERY Series: <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu HENKA (Variations)<br />

MODIFICATIONS FOR MASTERY: TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu NIDAN HENKA<br />

Second degree black belt variations, emphasizing the Ude Otosu Odori (Ikkyo) Group, the Kote<br />

Gaeshi Group, the Kote Hineri (Sankyo) Group, the Tobi Nage (Kokyu Nage) Group and others.<br />

Some variations may be familiar to aikido students but many you have never seen before.<br />

(1.75 hrs) ARR-9, $69.00<br />


Third black belt variations emphasize additions to nidan's Kote Gaeshi<br />

Group, Kote Hineri (Sankyo) Group, and Tobi Nage (Kokyu Nage) Group as well as body throws<br />

similar to judo techniques, the Irimi Nage Group and Sutemi (sacrifice) techniques. Some variations<br />

may be familiar to aikido or judo students but most you have never seen before. (2 hours)<br />

ARR-11, $69.00<br />


Neck, Hip & Flying Techniques. Variations of hip throws and flying throws as well as escapes<br />

form headlocks and chokes. (2 hours) ARR-14, $69.00<br />

The Henka (variations) of<br />

Takeshin <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu Black Belt<br />

3 DVDs, 4.25+ hours, normally $69 EACH ($207 for all 3)<br />

ONLY $189 for the set


Staff Taking, 2-Person Escape<br />

JO/BO TORI & FUTARI WAZA: TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu NIDAN<br />

In Takeshin <strong>Aiki</strong>, second black belt requirements contain weapon defenses (specifically,<br />

long and medium staff disarms) as well as escape from two attackers. This video also give a<br />

sampling of freestyle vs. two people. 2 hrs ARR-10, $69.00<br />

Blade Taking, 3-Person Escape<br />


In Takeshin <strong>Aiki</strong>, third black belt requirements contain weapon defenses (specifically,<br />

mock-blade disarms) as well as escapes from three attackers. This video also gives a sampling<br />

of freestyle vs. three people. 2.5 hrs ARR-12, $79.00<br />

Multiple Person Technique<br />

TANINZU-WAZA: Multiple Person Escape & Defense<br />

from TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong> SANDAN and YONDAN<br />

Defense against group attacks and escapes from multiple person holds. Logical, incremental<br />

improvement vs. what seem to be impossible odds. 2.5 hours ARR-13, $79.00<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong> Countering<br />

AIKI vs. AIKI: Countering Techniques from TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu YONDAN<br />

Multiple ways to counter the most commonly used <strong>Aiki</strong> waza. Invaluable for <strong>Aiki</strong>do, <strong>Aiki</strong>ju-jutsu<br />

and Ju-jutsu! 2 hours, 20 min. ARR-15, $79.00<br />

Minimal Motion <strong>Aiki</strong><br />

An Introduction to INVISIBLE AIKI, Parts 1 & 2<br />

from TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu GODAN<br />

From the Takeshin <strong>Aiki</strong> godan requirements comes a 2 DVD set that<br />

actually explains how to perform MINIMAL MOTION AIKI! Our most<br />

popular videos since the Principles of <strong>Aiki</strong>! 2 DVDs, 3 hours<br />

ARR-16, ONLY $89.00<br />

An Introduction to "Invisible <strong>Aiki</strong>INVISIBLE" AIKI, Part 3<br />

from TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu GODAN<br />

More details on how MINIMAL MOTION AIKI works! 2 hrs.<br />

ARR-17, $69.00<br />

The Introduction to "Invisible <strong>Aiki</strong>" set!<br />

3 DVDs (5 hours)<br />

AiMM-set, ONLY $139.00

Instructing INVISIBLE AIKI Volume 1: Basics, Releases, Etc.<br />

from TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong> GODAN<br />

The first of 3 DVDs to detail how Master-level MINIMAL MOTION AIKI in the Takeshin<br />

AIKI system is instructed, one step at a time! Compliments (does not douplicate)<br />

the Introduction to Invisible <strong>Aiki</strong> set. 2.5 hours ARR-18, $79.00<br />

Instructing INVISIBLE AIKI Volume 2: Locks & Takedowns<br />

from TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu GODAN<br />

The second of 3 DVDs to detail how Master-level MINIMAL MOTION AIKI in the<br />

Takeshin AIKI system is instructed, one step at a time! 2.25 hours ARR-19, $69.00<br />

Instructing INVISIBLE AIKI Volume 3: Flying Throws<br />

from TAKESHIN <strong>Aiki</strong>-ju-jutsu GODAN<br />

The third of 3 DVDs to detail how Master-level MINIMAL MOTION AIKI in the Takeshin<br />

AIKI system is instructed, one step at a time! For practical self-defense, especially against<br />

more than one person, you may not have time for locks or takedowns. Enter throws done<br />

minimally! 2.5 hours ARR-20, $79.00<br />

The "Instructing Invisible <strong>Aiki</strong>" set<br />

(These DVDs are the logical extensions of the Introduction to Invisible<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong>.)<br />

3 DVDs (7.3 hours)<br />

ARR-iiA-set, ONLY $179.00<br />


All 13 ARR videos (ARR-9 through ARR-20) as shown above.<br />

13 DVDs (25+ hours!)<br />

TAYS: $699


HIDDEN JOINT JOLTS from Karate Kata Set<br />

Although the kata are vehicles for learning hidden joint jolts, the purpose<br />

of the training is to instantly recognize an opportunity for a jolt in<br />

self-defense. The positions and theoretical situations the kata presents<br />

help you understand the body-mechanics needed for practical joint jolt<br />

application. 2 DVDs (4 hours, 53 min.)<br />

HJJ-set, $129.00<br />

HIDDEN THROWS & TAKEDOWNS from Karate Kata<br />

A follow-up to our HIDDEN JOINT JOLTS video, this<br />

triple DVD set revelas the less overt sweeps, takdedowns,<br />

and throws implied or hidden in the karate kata that are<br />

otherwise familiar to you.<br />

3 DVDs (4 hours, 20 min.) K-HTT-1, $129/set<br />

The AIKI of KARATE: Tensho, Hakucho, Papuren<br />

Tensho, Hakucho, Papuren 1Tensho, Hakucho, Papuren 2Many karate arts claim to start hard and develop soft<br />

skills at an advanced level. What turns out to be soft instruction (if any) is a few lessons in joint locks that has<br />

little or nothing to do with traditional kata. This double-video set is a unique<br />

approach to three traditional kata from Goju and White Crane that are<br />

overtly sought but seldom studied for the oyo (applications).<br />

You will learn each form, its stances and individual hand techniques and then<br />

Master Instructor Annesi will add "the Takeshin element" before revealing<br />

dozens of applications, some direct, but most subtle, fluid, and using energy<br />

that is somewhere between internal Chinese martial arts and traditional<br />

Japanese aiki. MORE about The <strong>Aiki</strong> of Karate 2 DVDs (4 hours, 45 min.)<br />

KCS-11, $99/set

Karate-Do DVDs<br />

NEW! Annesi LIVE! DVDs<br />

Annesi LIVE! Productions are full, partial or assembled seminars and classes shot by amateur videographers.<br />

Sometimes the sound or image is less than perfect, but <strong>Bushido</strong>-kai edits the video to bring out the essence of the<br />

instruction so the information is always fascinating.<br />

Annesi LIVE!: BASSAI & the Elements of Self-defense<br />

Bassai & Element sof Self-defenseShot in Richardson, Texas, this seminar was purportedly<br />

about the principles of self-defense. Only late in the semianr did many of the students<br />

realize that Hanshi Annesi was using Bassai-dai to teach fundamental concepts and various<br />

categories of self-defense waza like soft and hard blocking, weight shifting, locking, structuring,<br />

throwing, and “soft” power punching. 1 hour.<br />

AL-1, $39<br />

Annesi LIVE!: WANKAN, Theory & Practice<br />

Wankan, Theory & PracticeShot in Richardson, Texas, this seminar condenses the essence<br />

of Wankan (Matsukaze) into a single presentation that emphasizs both the method of kata<br />

analysis and the distinction between theoretical and applied techniques. 1.25 hours.<br />

AL-2, $39<br />

Annesi LIVE!: TENSHO, Range of Intensity<br />

Tensho, Range of IntensityShot in Toronto, Ontario, this seminar<br />

condenses the essence of Tensho (its detail, form and applicaiton) emphsizing both Hard<br />

and Soft applications over a range of intensities. Included is an intercession about Structural<br />

Analysis. 2 hours.<br />

AL-3, $49<br />

Annesi LIVE!: FORM to FORMLESS, A Private Karate Workshop<br />

Wankan, Theory & PracticeShot in a private Toronto dojo, this small, intensive class covered<br />

several subjects volunteered by the participants: Questions on the Details of Tensho,<br />

Goju & Daito Shuto, Testing Structure, The Structure of Nijushiho, Types of Power, Apparent<br />

Formlessness, The Triangle Defense, Weight Dropping. 1.75 hr<br />

AL-4, $49


The Foundation of Advanced Kata Study<br />


Cracking the KATA Code 1: Igata & Kata<br />

You know how to perform your kata but do you fully understand them? From the groundbreaking<br />

book of the same name (see book section), Shihan Tony Annesi reveals how kata is<br />

misunderstood by most practitioners, both modern eclecticists and traditionalists. There are<br />

two ideographs for kata. One implies a rigid mold, the other suggests a general shape — “the<br />

mold filled with gelatin.” As a beginner you were instructed to follow the rigid mold, but did<br />

you learn how that rigidity becomes softened by interpretation and personal sensibilities in<br />

more senior practice? Annesi offers the details of a 3-tier approach to kata study. Chojun<br />

Miyagi said, “Kata are not simply an exhibition of form; they are concrete manifestations of<br />

techniques that can be transformed at any time to any form at will and in which the essence<br />

of karate has assumed a definite form.” 2 hours. K-29, NOW Only 39.00<br />

Cracking the KATA Code 2: Types & Modes of Bunkai<br />

Are you the unusual student who can see beyond the surface? Bunkai means sample, example,<br />

or analysis. A method of analysis that reveals unexpected techniques and principles<br />

is the subject of this and the next video. Sometimes bunkai reveals overt oyo (applications)<br />

but, in other cases, these oyo are intentionally indistinct, even barely suggested. Kata are like<br />

great books -- what they offer is obvious but there are multiple layers of meaning that only a<br />

talented teacher or student can reveal. 2 hours. K-30, NOW Only 39.00<br />

Cracking the KATA Code 3: 10 Tips of Analyzing Kata<br />

Test your interpretive talents. Shihan Annesi suggests 10 simple guidelines that can help<br />

martial artists get the most from their kata study. He uses an unusual kata, Aragaki Unsu, to<br />

demonstrate the ideas previously taught. Both students and Shihan Annesi contribute to the<br />

possible interpretation of the material covered, exemplifying an approach both very traditional<br />

and simultaneously ground-breaking. 2 hours. K-31, NOW Only 39.00<br />


6 hours of traditional karate with an inconoclastic approach!<br />

CKCvs, NOW ONLY $99.00<br />

(These videos are NOT style-specific. Any practitioner can learn how to benefit more from their studies by viewing<br />

CRACKING THE KATA CODE, The Foundation of Advanced Kata Study. See next entry for videos detailing<br />

the Takeshin method of kata performance & analysis.)<br />


Mixed Media SPECIAL!<br />

CKC 3 DVD set and CKC book<br />

together at a reduced price.<br />

CKCmix, ONLY<br />


Unlimited Insights into KARATE<br />

for the TAKESHIN Student and for others, as well.<br />

TAKESHIN Karate-do HEIAN SHODAN: Form, Structure & Application<br />

Hidden Throws & Locks and more details than the eye can see. There is a reason why Funakoshi<br />

said that the Heian series is all one needs to know for self-defense. Conceptual and<br />

physical training following the ideas shown in CRACKING THE KATA CODE. Think Heian<br />

Shodan is for beginners? Think again. 2.5 hrs KH-1, $79.00<br />


Form, Structure & Application<br />

Second of the Heian Series (first of the Pinan series.) How to test each<br />

movement statically, dynamically and “bioelectrically.” Unexpected applications.<br />

Heian 1 and 2 set the format for the rest of the Heians. 3 hrs<br />

KH-2, $79.00<br />


Form, Structure & Application<br />

The shortest of the Heians but full of joint locking and throwing. This video is crammed<br />

with insights into advanced kata training. 2 hrs KH-3, $69.00<br />


Form, Structure & Application<br />

Fourth of the Heian Series and among the richest in variety of<br />

applications. Includes structure and power tests.<br />

2 hrs. KH-4, $79.00<br />


Form, Structure & Application<br />

The culmination and, in many ways, the summary of the Heian series. Heian godan links<br />

its companions together and prepares the student for the study of Kanku and Bassai. 2.5 hrs<br />

KH-5, $79.00<br />


All 5 “lower kyu” levels of Takeshin Karate Kata: Heian Shodan through Godan.<br />

9 videos on 6 DVDs , 13 HOURS at one unbelievably low price!<br />

KH-LK, ONLY $289


TAKESHIN Karate-do KANKU-DAI<br />

Among the longest forms in the Shotokan, Shito, Shorin and Tang Soo<br />

Do systems, Kanku-dai is surpassed in length only by the kata Gojushiho<br />

and Goju’s Suparinpe. Kanku-dai is the essence of the Heian Kata put together;<br />

indeed, some say that it was the prime source of all the Heian kata.<br />

In this fascinating form, there are many hidden throws, takedowns, locks,<br />

escapes and subtle, effortlessly executed techniques. 2 DVDs, 3 hrs<br />

KKD, $79.00<br />


There are actually 11 traditional versions of Bassai. Like Kanku-dai, it uses (or is the source<br />

of) many of the techniques shown in the Heian kata. We show four versions of Bassai but,<br />

more importantly, we spend the lion’s share of the video on oyo (application): hidden throws,<br />

takedowns and especially arm locks. 2.5 hrs<br />

KBD, $79.00<br />

TAKESHIN Karate-do TEKKI Shodan, Nidan, Sandan<br />

Also called Naihanchi, this series of horse-riding kata have had many interesting and<br />

sometime fanciful interpretations. Were they designed to fight against a wall? In rice patties?<br />

On the ground? We cover stance changes that most studies ignore as well as in-fighting<br />

interpretations. 2.5 hrs. KT123, $79.00<br />


All 3 “upper kyu” levels of Takeshin Karate Kata, Kanku through Tekki Sandan as shown above.<br />

4 DVDs, 8 HOURS at one low, low price!<br />

KH-UK, ONLY $189.00<br />

Get All the Takeshin Kata through Shodan!<br />

All 8 kyu levels of Takeshin Karate Kata, Heian Shodan through Tekki Sandan (10 kata).<br />

10 DVDs, 21 HOURS at one reduced price!<br />

KRR>SHO, ONLY $449.00

Related KARATE DVDs<br />

Kumite- and Keri-waza.<br />

One-step sparring and basic kicking as done in Takeshin Karatedo. 1 hour<br />

K-KKW, $49.00<br />


There were actually more than nine.... Gichin Funakoshi and his senior<br />

student Shigeru Egami both advocated throwing in karate. In fact<br />

it was Funakoshi, when first settled in Japan, who taught Jigoro Kano,<br />

the founder of Judo, throws that Funakoshi had learned in Okinawan Karate. In Funakoshi’s<br />

Karate-do Kyohan, he outlined nine throws which have become the basis of Takeshin<br />

Karate-do’s shodan requirements. In this unique video, Shihan Tony Annesi demonstrates<br />

the harder, more direct “karate” versions of the waza and then shows Takeshin’s modified<br />

“aiki” versions as applied in a one-step sparring format. A video that will be enjoyed by both<br />

Karate and <strong>Aiki</strong> students. 1.5 hours K-NW, $59.00<br />

Takeshin Karate COMPLETE SET!<br />

Lower kyu, Upper kyu, Keri, -Kumite-, and Nage-waza!<br />

All Shodan rank requirements of Takeshin Karate:<br />

All 10 Kata, as well as Kicking and Throwing Requirements:<br />

All 12 DVDs, 23.5 HOURS at one reduced price!<br />

KRR-C, ONLY $509.00



You’ve never seen one-step sparring like this! Not<br />

fancy, not complex. Just functional!<br />

Standard Traditional Ippon Kumite (Embu Kumite)<br />

prepares one for a face-to-face street attack. What if<br />

the opponent does not attack face-to-face? What if he<br />

does not use a head-high lunge punch? And, what does<br />

one-step sparring lead to if not freestyle sparring? The<br />

Okinawan masters knew that one-step sparring was a<br />

way to apply basics learned in kata. A variety of sparring<br />

drills help you react to unexpected attacks. By<br />

learning a logical, incremental set of one-step drills, you prepare for real sudden attack. Few students or teachers<br />

realize the depth to which the one-step exercises can go. This 3-part video series starts with traditional practices,<br />

troubleshoots them, and gradually adds variations until unexpected but nonetheless realistic drills emerge:<br />

Touch-Pass, SAD (Sudden Attack Defense), and CAD (Combat Attack Defense.) This video series allows you to<br />

bridge the gap between the master’s teachings and self-defense in today’s world. 5.5 hours SADvs, $139.00<br />


Mixed Media SPECIAL!<br />

5.5 HRS of DVD instruction AND the 176 pg.<br />

book with 300 photos!<br />

CKC 3 DVD set and CKC book together at a<br />

reduced price.<br />

SADmm, ONLY $159.00<br />

INSIDE the KUMITE GAP: Karate In-fighting for Self-defense<br />


Real fighting seldom happens at sparring range. Often, it is in-close and personal. Even if<br />

you spar well, the referee stops you when you get too close. But that is where the real fight<br />

starts. Are you ready to mix it up? Now you can learn how to finish that in-close fight.<br />

Learn closing skills, receiving thrusts, simultaneous block/strike, off-balancing blocks,<br />

checking hands, trapping hands, short & small technqiues, contouring, successive leg techniques,<br />

heave & earth techniques, clinches, and give-and-take drills that integrate what you<br />

have learned. 2.5 hours K-45, $79.00<br />

KARATE Engagements SPECIAL<br />

3 DVDs on the ranges of engagement not normally<br />

taught by karate systems:<br />

ground defense, in-fighting, and throws.<br />

3 DVDs (7 hours)<br />

KEs, $179.00


Empi / Wanshu<br />

Offered at the Nidan level of Takeshin Karate-do, Shotokan-style Empi (Flying Swallow) is<br />

compared to two versions of its antecedent, Wanshu. Sensei Tobey Reed performs Shuri-ryu<br />

Wanshu and Shihan Annesi shows a version of Itosu-kai (Shito-ryu) Wanshu. The kata are<br />

shown individually, then side-by-side-by-side. Shihan Annesi devotes the dominant amount<br />

of time to Empi applications while Tobey Reed inserts similar applications from a different<br />

part of Wanshu. These are compared and contrasted with Itosu-kai Wanshu to make for an<br />

action-packed hour-and-a-half of advanced karate analysis and application.<br />

1.5 hours KCS-1, $59.00<br />

Wankan / Matsukaze<br />

Offered at the Nidan level of Takeshin Karate-do, Shotokan-style Wankan (King’s Crown) is<br />

compared to Shito-ryu’s Matsukaze (Pine Wind) which is also known as Wankan. The kata are<br />

shown individually, then side-by-side.Ê Shihan Annesi then illustrates numerous applications<br />

from both kata. A non-stop hour-and-a-half of advanced karate analysis and application.<br />

1.5 hours KCS-2, $59.00<br />

Ji’in / Jutte / Jion<br />

Shotokan-style versions of “The J-series,” probably descended from<br />

Tomari-te. All 3 kata are demonstrated, taught, and analyzed, comparing, contrasting, and<br />

discovering new connections for deeper understanding.<br />

2.5 hours KCS-3, $79.00<br />

Meikyo / Itosu Rohai 1, 2, 3<br />

Shotokan-style version of Meikyo (Shuri-te influenced) compared and<br />

contrasted with its root forms the three versions of Rohai from Ankoh<br />

Itosu (these forms share a name with but are not the same as the<br />

Matsumora Rohai done by Shorin, Shito and Tang Soo do stylists.)<br />

2.5 hours KCS-4, $79.00<br />

Gankaku / Matsumora Rohai<br />

Shotokan-style version of Gankaku (Shuri-te’s Chinto) compared and contrasted with Matsumora<br />

Rohai, the Tomari-te influenced historical root of Itosu Rohai and<br />

Meikyo. 2 hours KCS-5, $69.00<br />

Hangetsu / Aragaki Seisan<br />

Shotokan-style version of Hangetsu (Shuri-te influenced) compared and<br />

contrasted with Aragaki Seisan (Tomari-te influenced).<br />

2 hours KCS-6, $69.00<br />

Uechi Seisan / Goju Seisan<br />

A follow-up to Hangetsu/Aragaki Seisan. Compares and contrasts similar<br />

but clearly distinct versions of Seisan from Uechi and Goju with many<br />

revealing applications. 2.25 hours KCS-7, $79.00<br />

Kanku-sho<br />

The Shotokan variant compared with its Kanku-Dai counterpart. 1.5<br />

hours KCS-8, $59.00

Bassai-sho<br />

The Shotokan variant compared with its Bassai-dai counterpart. Form and function with<br />

many, many applications. 1.33 hours KCS-9, $59.00<br />

Hard & Soft Applications of Gojushiho-dai & -sho<br />

The two Shotokan-style kata compared and contrasted with emphasis<br />

on the softer applications.<br />

2.5 hours KCS-10, $79.00<br />

Tensho, Hakucho, Papuren: The AIKI of KARATE<br />

Many karate arts claim to start hard and develop soft skills at an advanced level.<br />

What turns out to be soft instruction (if any) is a few<br />

lessons in joint locks that has little or nothing to do with traditional kata.<br />

This double-video set is a unique approach to three traditional kata from<br />

Goju and White Crane that are overtly sought but seldom studied for<br />

the oyo (applications). You will learn each form, its stances and individual<br />

hand techniques and then Master Instructor Annesi will add “the<br />

Takeshin element” before revealing dozens of applications, some direct,<br />

but most subtle, fluid, and using energy that is somewhere between internal<br />

Chinese martial arts and traditional Japanese aiki.<br />

4 hours, 45 min. KCS-11, $99/set<br />

Shotokan NIJUSHIHO vs. Aragaki NISEISHI<br />

Nijushiho (24 Movements) is derived from a Tomari-te version of Niseishi. Another version,<br />

Seisho Aragaki’s as shown in this DVD seems completely different. But is it? Compare<br />

the two forms and reveal scores of insights and applicaitons as well as unexpected counters<br />

form one kata to the other!<br />

2.5 hours KCS-12, $79.00<br />

EXCLUSIVE ! Rare KATA now available on video!<br />

The Lost CHANNAN Kata (with Dr. Elmar Schmeisser)<br />

You will witness the hidden roots of the Heian/Pinan Kata taught, analyzed,<br />

and compared with the Heian kata using plenty of<br />

unusual applications.<br />


A completely unique set of videos that you will find nowhere else.<br />

2 DVDs (2 hours, 50 min.)<br />

K-43, $89.00<br />

LOOK FOR THE BOOK Channan, The Heart of the Heians BY<br />



KING SIZE Kata Comparison Set<br />

KCS-1 through 12 PLUS The Lost Channan Kata<br />

15 DVDs (24.25 hours)<br />

KSKCs: $549

SITUATIONAL SELF-DEFENSE from Traditional Kata<br />

Every karate-ka learns to defend against punches and kicks but karate was originally<br />

intended as a holistic self-defense skill. That means traditional training must have included<br />

self-defense against lapel grab, front neck choke, rear wrist holds, rear chokes, rear body<br />

holds, hammer locks, etc. Shihan Annesi reveals these defenses and more, all from the traditional<br />

kata you thought you knew! 2.5 hours K-47, $79.00<br />

HIDDEN JOINT JOLTS from Karate Kata<br />

The blocks and punches are obvious. Sometimes the overt armlocks<br />

stick out like a sore elbow; but what about the subtle, quick, debilitating jolts to knees and<br />

elbows that are so easy to ignore when analyzing kata? Here they are, clearly instructed and<br />

drawn from the kata you thought you knew—amazingly effective and easy to apply! Download<br />

the FREE 2-page PDF notes to the seminar. 2.5 hours K-48, $79.00<br />

MORE HIDDEN JOINT JOLTS from Karate Kata<br />

Although the kata are vehicles for learning hidden joint jolts, the purpose of the training is<br />

to instantly recognize an opportunity for a jolt in self-defense. The positions and theoretical<br />

situations the kata presents help you understand the body-mechanics needed for practical<br />

joint jolt application. 2.33 hours K-53, $69.00<br />


Twice the Jolts (nearly 5 hours!) at Reduced price!<br />

2 DVDs (4 hours, 53 min.)<br />

HJJ-set, $129.00<br />

HIDDEN OYO (Applications)<br />

6 DVDs (2 hours, 43 min.)<br />

HO, $279.00<br />


Kata<br />

A follow-up to our HIDDEN JOINT JOLTS video,<br />

this triple DVD set revelas the less overt sweeps, takdedowns,<br />

and throws implied or hidden in the karate<br />

kata that are otherwise familiar to you.<br />

4 hours, 20 min. K-HTT-1, $129/set

Sogo Budo (Integrated Martial Arts) DVDs<br />


Tony Annesi’s MASTER CLASSES<br />

The Martial Use of WEIGHT CONTROL: •Drop •Shift •Turn<br />

Often the three principal uses of body weight (dropping, shifting, and turning) are overlooked<br />

in martial arts study and yet the proper use of one’s weight can make defense and<br />

counterattack efficient, powerful, and difficult to perceive. Using examples from Judo, <strong>Aiki</strong>,<br />

Karate and Seiken Budo, Kyoshi Tony Annesi details various ways to apply subtle weight<br />

changes for use in your own art. (120 min.) MC-1, ONLY $69<br />

The Martial Use of STRUCTURING: • Your Opponent • Yourself<br />

Structuring for martial arts teaches both positive structuring for yourself<br />

and negatively the structuring of your opponent. Using examples from <strong>Aiki</strong>, Shotokan,<br />

Isshin, Uechi, Kempo, and Takeshin Karate, Kyoshi Annesi details various ways to test your<br />

own stability and use your opponent’s stability to make him uncomfortably immobile.<br />

(120 Min.) MC-2, ONLY $69<br />

Aspects of Off-balancing · Subtle · Partial · Complete<br />

Kuzushi (off-balancing) was the secret Dr. Jigoro Kano discovered before founding Judo.<br />

Today that secret is taken for granted but, as the same time, is poorly understood. Using<br />

examples from Judo, <strong>Aiki</strong>, Karate and Takeshin Seiken Budo, Kyoshi Annesi details various<br />

ways to subtly off-balance an opponent either to throw, to structure, or to follow-up with<br />

strikes. (135 min.) MC-3, ONLY $69<br />

Methods of Throwing for Soft & Hard Arts<br />

Having understood off-balancing, you can progress to throwing, but<br />

there are so many different kinds of throws that it is difficult to understand what makes them<br />

work. Using examples from Judo, <strong>Aiki</strong>, Karate, and Takeshin Seiken Budo, Kyoshi Annesi<br />

reveals a simple way to categorize throws so you can easily analyze them and absorb the essence<br />

of what makes them work. (135 min.) MC-4, ONLY $69<br />

Principles Applied 1<br />

Principles are only valuable when they can be applied. They will vary<br />

according to the situation and the background of the martial artist. In this fascinating summary<br />

of four previous Master Classes, Kyoshi Annesi uses examples from Judo, <strong>Aiki</strong>, Karate,<br />

and Takeshin Seiken Budo, as well as student’s contributions, to illustrate how principles<br />

combine to form unlimited self-defense techniques. COMPLETELY NEW!<br />

(132 min.) MC-5, ONLY $69<br />

The First 5 Master Classes<br />

Principles Appied 1, Methods of Throwing, Aspects of Off-balancing, The Martial Use of Structuring, and The<br />

Martial Us eof Weight Control--5 DVDs, 10.5 hours of instruction. (See details and DVD SAMPLES below).<br />

MC-Unit 1, ONLY $239

Aspects of Alignment: • Tactical • Technical<br />

The study of Alignment has more variation and depth than is first apparent. The principle<br />

can apply to judo grips, facing a karate sparring partner, or arranging one’s limbs to make an<br />

aiki throw easier. Using examples from judo, karate, aiki, and Takeshin Seiken Budo, Kyoshi<br />

Annesi explains the richness of this seemingly simple principle and its value in the serious<br />

study of advanced budo. (120 min.) MC-6, ONLY $69<br />

Methods of Receiving: • Hard • Soft<br />

The proper Translation of “uke-waza” is not Blocking but Receiving. You<br />

may receive an attack by striking it,Methods of Receiving deflecting it, baiting it, or avoiding<br />

it altogether. The skill of your receiving technique determines the possibilities for your<br />

counter. Using examples from both Karate and <strong>Aiki</strong>, Hanshi Annesi explains the richness of<br />

this category of skills and its value in the serious study of advanced budo.<br />

(120 min.) MC-7, ONLY $69<br />

Yielding & Leading<br />

Yileding and LeadingTo receive an attack,you may block it or yield ground so it misses you,<br />

but to maintian control of the opponent, Yielding must lead to Leading. Using examples<br />

from Boxing, Judo, <strong>Aiki</strong>, and Karate, Hanshi Annesi explains various methods of controling<br />

both the opponent’s body and his mind to maximize self-defense success with minimal<br />

effort. (130 min.) MC-8, ONLY $69<br />

Passing Hard & Soft<br />

Passing is an extension of Receiving and leads to Trapping. Use passing to move the opponent,<br />

to get to his opposite side, or to guide him into a strike or disadvantageous position.<br />

Using examples from <strong>Aiki</strong>, Karate, Judo and Seiken Budo, Hanshi Annesi illustrates siimple<br />

“hard” passes, hard-soft passes, and flowing soft passes that quickly reduce the opponent to a<br />

defensive state and increase the chances of controlling him.<br />

(120 min.) MC-9, ONLY $69<br />

Principles Applied 2<br />

A review and summary of many principles previous covered in the Master Class series with<br />

emphasis on Passing, Yielding & Leading, Receiving, Methods of Throwing, Off-balancing,<br />

and Weight Control. Hanshi Annesi offers all new examples from Judo, aiki, Karate, and<br />

Seiken Budo. A great way to review or a fine place to begin the study of principles.<br />

(120 min.) MC-10, ONLY $69<br />

The Second 5 Master Classes<br />

Aspects ofAlignment, Methods of Receiving, Hielding & Leading, Passing Hard & Soft, and Principles Applied<br />

2--5 DVDs, 10.2 hours of instruction. (See details and DVD SAMPLES below).<br />

MC-Unit2, ONLY $239

Elbow Awareness<br />

The essence of Elbow Awareness is simple: pay attention to your own and your opponent’s<br />

elbow. However, its applications are myriad in many different martial arts. Hanshi Annesi<br />

uses examples from Uechi, Isshin, Wing-chun, aiki, judo, and Seiken Budo to give a sense of<br />

the breadth of this fundamental concept. (120 minutes) MC-11, ONLY $69<br />

“Your promos often speak of “higher ed for the martial artist,” but that’s not accurate enough. After<br />

all, that phrase covers everything from freshman intro classes to postgraduate research. This new<br />

material is out there somewhere in the post-doctorate range…. You could say so, except that it<br />

hardly has the same advertising ring. The original Principles of Advanced Budo was great,…Comparative<br />

<strong>Aiki</strong> was excellent, still unrivaled and even uncopied. Methods on the Edge of <strong>Aiki</strong> was<br />

better still. The Master Class series is the best so far. This is so far beyond what I’ve seen elsewhere<br />

that it really defines a new class of instructional DVD for martial study. Here the teaching is essentialized<br />

as one would minimize action in practice. (Notice I speak here only of the aiki related<br />

material and address only the fraction of your catalog I know.)”<br />

--Dr. C. W. DeMarco, professor of philosophy




Transmutation 1Hanshi Bruce Juchnik (Sei Kosho Shorei <strong>Kai</strong>) and Shihan Tony Annesi<br />

(Takeshin Sogo Budo) teach you how to unify the arts by showing that, with small adjustments,<br />

a Lock is a Block is a Blow is a Throw. Bruce Juchnik is known for his relaxed presentation<br />

of unusual concepts. Tony Annesi is known for his organized and clear analysis<br />

of techniques. With them, you’ll move from style to style, from technical shape to technical<br />

shape to bring many martial arts into the same family. Learn how form varies not only according<br />

to function but also according to cultural preference. The differences in styles are not<br />

in effectiveness but in appearance and sometimes incidental detail. When you can transmute your favorite blow<br />

into a throw, you have soft within your hard style. When you can transmute your favorite lock into a block, you<br />

have hard within your soft style. (1.5 hours) AK-13, $39.00<br />


Transmutation 2Hanshi Juchnik on “always move twice” and “caging”. Shihan Annesi on<br />

seeing advanced applications within basics. You will learn how to understand technical<br />

methods with “a masterís mind” by seeing beyond the surface form. Once you study principles<br />

(see PAB videos) and know how a technique works, you are then free to change its form<br />

while maintaining its essence. Even your most basic techniques hold within them advanced<br />

applications. Discover how! (1.5 hours) AK-14, $39.00<br />


Transmutation 3Juchnik applies his concepts to the use of a blade. Annesi unifies the<br />

theme and transmutes advanced techniques back to basic ones. The circle comes around. As<br />

an experienced martial artist, you do not have to practice every one of your 10,000 variations<br />

to stay skilled. You continue practicing basics, but perceive them with “a master’s mind”. For<br />

you, the advanced becomes simple because it always resided in the basic. Now you can transmute<br />

the basic into the advanced at will.<br />

(2 hours) AK-15, $39.00<br />


5 hours of Budo made Boundless!<br />

3 DVDs together at a reduced price.<br />

TS, NOW ONLY $99.00




Road to Mastery 1Travel with Willem deTHOUARS (Kuntao Silat), Bruce JUCHNIK<br />

(KoshoRyu), and Tony ANNESI (Takeshin Sogo Budo) as they show signposts on the technical<br />

journey toward Mastery. Your first signpost is, of course, Basics. But basics are more than<br />

they first appear. Even for a beginner, each art has a different concept of what basics should<br />

be. DeThouars and Juchnik discuss basics like perception and awareness while Annesi covers<br />

basics like stance and blocking stability. Not only must you master basics, you should also<br />

test them. Discover Shihan Annesi’s unique way to test postural efficiency so you can improve<br />

your own. (2 hours) AK-16, $39.00<br />


Road to Mastery 2Basics become Forms and Techniques. You have practiced many basics<br />

as self-defense. More often, however, basics transmute into the more complicated combinations<br />

you know as kata or waza. Even these contain more than meet the eye. Annesi’s bunkai<br />

of Tensho kata, for example, illustrates a point made in his earlier Transmutation videos (see<br />

above) and Cracking the Kata Code videos (see karate videos), that any form, whether a kata<br />

or a waza can hold enormous meaning below its surface. Learn how a simple kata can have<br />

subtle application that can be lost upon even those who practice it regularly.<br />

(1.5 hours) AK-17, $39.00<br />


Road to Mastery 3Form & Techniques produce Variation. For most students, improvement<br />

in the martial arts means adding to their list of techniques or variations. The more choices<br />

of techniques you have with which to respond to an attack, the better you are able to handle<br />

that attack. Variations are endless so it is logical that students perceive a large repertoire of<br />

variation as the pinnacle of martial development. This video suggests that Variation, although<br />

essential, is merely a stepping stone on your way toward mastery.<br />

(1.5 hours) AK-18, $39.00<br />


Road to Mastery 4Variations lead to Principles. Once you have accumulated myriad variations,<br />

you must have a way to organize them. Even the master’s mind cannot work if clogged<br />

by a mile-long menu of technical choices. This is why the next signpost on the road to<br />

mastery is understanding how variations can be summarized into a relatively small group of<br />

Principles (genri). Different arts approach Principle in different ways; but, to master an art,<br />

you must go beyond the accumulation of concretes to the integration of concepts. New to the<br />

study of principles? Not after you experience this signpost. (2 hours) AK-19, $39.00<br />


Road to Mastery 5The fundament of freedom: Everything is Budo. When you integrate<br />

both techniques and principles, you go beyond shape, form, or style. Not only do your<br />

trained actions become automatic, but your everyday actions become structured with the<br />

new intent of self-defense. You now can turn any motion into a lock, a block, a blow, or a<br />

throw. Because budo has become part of your life, your life can serve as the shape, style and<br />

method of your budo. Beyond the gate of traditional budo lies the Road to Mastery. At the<br />

pinnacle of mastery lies Banji-wa budo desu (Everything is budo). (2 hours) AK-20, $39.00



All 5 DVDs<br />

RtMvS, $169.00<br />

ROAD to MASTERY Mixed Media Set<br />

9 HOURS OF DVDs plus the 190 page book!<br />

RtMmms: ONLY $189.00


The Past and Future of Traditionalism<br />


Science of Sogo Budo 1<br />

Ian Cyrus (inheritor of Choson-Do), Tony Annesi (Takeshin Sogo Budo) and Brian Wilkes<br />

(Seishi-ryu Sogo Budo) illustrate how to recognize your art for what it really is and really<br />

can be. Find out how to integrate hard and soft, large and small, striking, and locking methods<br />

without doing a disservice to your chosen martial art. Learn the 5 methods to “sogoize”<br />

your art, understand technical skills from an historical point of view, and discover why<br />

“style” is a necessary limitation that masters go beyond. Witness thought provoking viewpoints<br />

and beautifully conjoined techniques (from aiki, karate, Korean arts, Japanese sword,<br />

Chinese internal arts and others) — enough to keep you, the thinking martial artist, viewing<br />

this DVD set again and again. In Part 1, Shihan Annesi illustrates how a basic hook block can be used as a lock,<br />

a blow, or a throw; Kwang-jang (stylistic head) Ian Cyrus continues the theme, integrating Annesi’s movements<br />

with techniques from his own art; and Brian Wilkes relates the theme to the Japanese sword.<br />

(1.75 hrs.) AK-22, $39.00<br />

Science of Sogo Budo 2<br />

Annesi continues the sword analogy; Cyrus adds striking and kicking to the theme, and<br />

Wilkes completes his historical perspective. (2 hrs.) AK-23, $39.00<br />

Science of Sogo Budo 3<br />

Annesi and Cyrus both discuss the concept of “styles,” conclude the 5<br />

principles of integration and relate them to various stylistic techniques.<br />

(2 hrs.) AK-24, $39.00<br />




SSBvs, NOW ONLY $99.00


The Legacy of the Middle Kingdom<br />


Chinese (Martial) Connection 1<br />

Roberto Torres (Pencak Silat Perisai Setia), Ian Cyrus (Choson-Do), and Tony Annesi<br />

(Takeshin Sogo Budo) investigate the history of technique transmission throughout Asia.<br />

Sound a little too academic? Hardly! In part I, Guru Roberto Torres explains the Chinese<br />

origins of the Indonesian arts and illustrates the distinction between Pencak (Pentjak) and<br />

Silat with a fascinating series of avoidances, strikes, and takedowns. Kwang-jang Ian Cyrus<br />

relates his knowledge of Pa-kua (Ba-gwa) and its connection to other arts with techniques<br />

that approach at unusual angles.<br />

(2 hrs.) AK-25, $39.00<br />

Chinese (Martial) Connection 2<br />

Shihan Tony Annesi shows a simple version of the Hakucho kata, relates it historically to<br />

China and then shows applications that look like aiki! Guru Torres relates entries and basic<br />

Jurus (forms) of the Indonesian arts to the previous material. (1.75 hrs.) AK-26, $39.00<br />

Chinese (Martial) Connection3<br />

Kwang-jang Cyrus introduces concepts of Chinese medicine and<br />

shows a Resuscitation “kata.” Guru Torres introduces Indonesian grappling. Shihan Annesi<br />

relates previously seen techniques to the opening of Tekki Shodan (Naihanchi). (1.5 hrs.)<br />

AK-27, $39.00<br />




CMCvs, NOW ONLY $99.00


15 hours of Integrated Budo ON SPECIAL!<br />

All three sets, normally $407!<br />



Takeshin Okuden explained and illustrated as only video can.<br />


Along with The Principles of <strong>Aiki</strong>, this is the first set of DVDs that address martial arts practices by principles.<br />

This 3-DVD set will change the way you look at your martial practices forever.<br />

Principles of Advanced Budo 1<br />

Part 1 covers Attack Detail, Attitude, Avoiding Direct Conflict, Conforming,<br />

Connection, Context, and Continuity.<br />

1 hour, 50 min. AK-34, $39.00<br />

Principles of Advanced Budo 2<br />

Part 2 investigates Controlling Circularity, Controlling Vision, Hidden<br />

in the Open, In/Yo, Kuzushi Detail, and Minimization.<br />

1 hour, 40 min. AK-35, $39.00<br />

Principles of Advanced Budo 3<br />

Part 3 instructs Preparing, Relaxation, Sensitivity, Skeletal Locking, Transmutation, and<br />

Weight Use. Also included are beginner principles. 1 Hour, 45 min. AK-36, $39.00<br />



DVD & Book set<br />

PAB dvd+bk, $119.00<br />

The PRINCIPLES of<br />





PABvs, NOW ONLY $99.00<br />


Ground Defense: Avoid Grappling!<br />

This is not about grappling. It is about AVOIDING GRAPPLING. Although grappling is<br />

an important combat skill, it is not suited for everyone. When you defend yourself, you do<br />

not spend more than a moment with one opponent unless absolutely necessary. Attackers<br />

know they can suddenly tackle and take down almost anyone! Now you will be able to fight<br />

back! Know what to do if you are kneeling, sitting, or lying down as an attacker approaches.<br />

Understand your options if he decides to rush you. Plan your escape even if he has you<br />

pinned down. Although there is no guaranteed escape from every assailant in every situation,<br />

GROUND DEFENSE will prepare you for self-protection from many disadvantageous<br />

positions. Down is NOT OUT! 2.5 hours AK-41, $79.00

ElevAted Elementals<br />

Your basics, hard or soft, are the roots of and the key to learning advanced budo.<br />


How to TEST basics<br />

How to choose the ideal “Proper” FORM<br />

How to vary and TRANSMUTE basics<br />

How to draw PRINCIPLES from VARIATIONS<br />

With examples from <strong>Aiki</strong>, Karate, and Seiken Budo, this study is an introduction to<br />

and a summary of 15+ years of work in Sogo Budo. From the book by the same name.<br />

2 hours, 30 min. AK-46, $79.00<br />

Elevated Elementals BookElevAted Elementals Mixed Media Special<br />

DVD with 160 page book (normally $35):<br />

EEmms, ONLY $99.00<br />


19 DVDs (34 hours!)<br />

SSS: $599



an introduction to BUSHIDO-KAI’s private, in-house martial art<br />

Learn how to “fill the gaps” that most karate and<br />

aiki studies leave blank. SEIKEN BUDO (Combined<br />

Fist Martial Way) addresses striking, standing<br />

grappling, ground grappling, and weaponry.<br />

It deals with 5 ranges from very close to very far.<br />

In this 3-DVD set, Shihan Tony Annesi, founder<br />

of the family of integrated martial arts known as<br />

TAKESHIN SOGO BUDO, teaches you to employ<br />

defenses to standard lunge punches to link the sections<br />

Seiken Budo to each other. You’ll pass though X-receptions and leg-entangles inspired by Shorinji Tetsu-<br />

Kenpo and Hapkido. Then youíll close the gap with techniques modified from Wu-wei Kung-fu. Finally, youíll<br />

draw in the opponent moving only minimally to defend yourself. This video set is a great benefit for both soft<br />

and hard stylists who want to expand the capabilities of their art as they deal with several ranges.<br />

3 DVDs, 5 hours TBS-1, $129.00<br />

The Skills & Drills of SEIKEN BUDO<br />

Defend Against Any Angle of Attack!<br />

Integration Drills of Takeshin Seiken Budo: your key to rapid learning and accurate application. The drills include<br />

those taken from other martial arts and those created especially for<br />

Takeshin Seiken Budo. The unique aspect of these drills is how Shihan<br />

Annesi integrates them to teach you HOW TO DEFEND AGAINST<br />

ANY ANGLE OF ATTACK! You can master the integration of hard and<br />

soft and in days or weeks (rather than years) and develop the coordination<br />

to respond to an attack from any angle with Kake-uke-ho (Hook<br />

block exercise), Dan Chi-sao (Single Sticky hands), Seung Chi-sao<br />

(Double Sticky hands), Morote Tekubi-wa Keiko (2-hand Wrist Circle<br />

Practice), Tui-shu (Push-hands), Cadena de Mano (Chain of Hands),<br />

Hubud Lubud (To Tie and Untie), The “Touch-pass” Drill, and Karate Sute Geiko (Exchange Practice). Drill integration<br />

is essential to skill integration. Integrated skills are your secret weapon against any angle of attack.<br />

2 DVDs, 4.5 hours TBS-2, $129.00<br />

Kick, Lock, & Shock SEIKEN BUDO<br />

Kempo Meets Hapkido<br />

At SEIKEN BUDO’s nidan (2nd degree) level, the practitioners uses X- and Scissors-receptions following them<br />

with kicks and leg entangles. This is an extention of shodan work (see the introductory Secrets of Seiken Budo)<br />

based on Shihan Albert C. Church’s Shorinji Tetsu<br />

Ken Ryu, a systematically taught overview where large,<br />

powerful motions gradually give way to mat grappling<br />

and still manage to pave the way for smaller, the more<br />

sublte standing techniques of sandan (see Attackthe-Atack<br />

Seiken) and yondan (see Minimal Motion<br />

Seiken). 3 DVDs, 4.75 hours TBS-5, ONLY $129

Attack the Attack SEIKEN BUDO<br />

Proto-JKD meets <strong>Aiki</strong><br />

At SEIKEN BUDO’s sandan (3rd degree) level,<br />

you attack the opponent’s attack forcing him to<br />

defend while you use his movements to off-balance,<br />

trap, lock, strike, or throw. These techniques were<br />

adapted from Joe Cowles’ Wu-wei Gugn-fu. 3 DVDs,<br />

4.75 hours TBS-4, ONLY $129<br />

Minimal Motion SEIKEN BUDO<br />

Hard Meets Soft Meets Minimal Motion<br />

At SEIKEN BUDO’s yondan (4th degree) level, you<br />

draw the opponent in and move only minimally<br />

while defending with both hard and soft movements<br />

in a deceptively relaxed fashion. Shihan<br />

Annesi refers to the result as “Educated Garbage.”<br />

You’ll be shocked at how quickly Minimal Motion<br />

Seiken Budo is learned and how easily it is applied.<br />

3 DVDs, 4.75 hours TBS-3, ONLY $129<br />

The TriAngle Defense<br />

Minimizing for Multiple Attack Defense<br />

After the rudiments of Yondan Seiken Budo material are mastered, the student is ready to<br />

compress what he/she has learned into an efficient, nearly invisible system of receptions that<br />

also serve as retaliations. These skills are then applied to multiple-person self-defense using<br />

a very simple concept that reduces the already refined movements of Minimal Motion<br />

Seiken Budo (see above DVD-set). 1 DVD, 2.33 hours TBS-6, ONLY $79<br />

A Summary of SEIKEN BUDO<br />

15 DVDs (28 hours!)<br />

SumSeiken $599

Released from the Vault!<br />


In 1985, Shihan Annesi created a 10-episode TV series for local cable television. Regionally and internationally<br />

known martial artists were interviewed and demonstrated their arts. Now, for the first time, this show is available<br />

to the general public on DVD.<br />


Volume One:<br />

Episode 1: Introduction/How martial arts differ/Interviews with students<br />

Epsiode 2: Uechi-ryu’s Walter Mattson<br />

Epsiode 3: Small Circle Ju-jutsu’s Wally Jay<br />

Episode 4: Kali/Eskrima’s Jeff Kunz<br />

Episode 5: Tang Soo Do’s Richard Byrne<br />

2.5 hours BKK-1, $39.00<br />


Volume Two:<br />

Epsiode 6: Shukokai’s Dan McCook<br />

Epsiode 7: Wu Wei Kung-fu’s Joe Cowles<br />

Episode 8: Hakko-ryu’s Larry Garron<br />

Episode 9: Goju-ryu’s Pam Glaser<br />

Episode 10: <strong>Aiki</strong>-goshin-do’s Roland Maroteaux, et al.<br />

2.5 hours BKK-2, $39.00<br />


Comprehensive Collection<br />

BOTH DVDS, ALL 10 EPISODES (5 hours)<br />

BKK-CC, ONLY $69.00

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