Test Adventure Alchemy Services Guidebook

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Services Guidebook

We want this services guide to be

of use to you, thats why we have

deep dived in to three out our most

in-demand and on-tend

Business has changed.

We understand that modern business is complex,

fast-changing, uncertain and more. Every goal, plan

and objective is vital. That every outcome, every

accomplishment and every success counts. In order

to meet the needs of modern business, things need to

be done very differently, and thats exactly what we

Welcome / Missile fire overhead in our desert war zone project.

We enable

you to thrive

in it.



Opposite; Missile fires overhead, Israel. / Volcano explodes in our circumnavigation experiment, Mount Sinabung

Continually generate error-free

synergy rather than corporate users.


About us / Kolkata labourer from our rickshaw experiment, India

Inspired by



by science.

Adventure Alchemy is an award-winning learning and development consultancy that undertakes extreme

adventure experiments to offer clients extraordinary experiences.

Our world-record-setting adventure experiments have put us in unique situations; from volcano eruptions,

crossing crocodile-infested rivers, ducking under missile fire in desert war-zones, living on the streets of

India, facing disembowelment with Japanese monks, living from the land in a remote Indigenous

community, to coming face to face with shotgun-wielding lunatics.




About us / Crossing the Daintree River, Australia along the BNT

A new normal.

A new way.

Sounds unusual, right? We believe that inspiring and

innovative leadership can’t come from conventional

sources and that traditional methods are grossly

inadequate. In order to meet the needs of modern

businesses, things need to be done very differently, and

that’s exactly what we do. We work with top psychologists

and scientists to understand the secrets of change,

resilience and high-performance in an unpredictable world.

Monotonectally generate best-ofbreed

testing procedures rather than

efficient infrastructures.

Opposite; Missile fires overhead, Israel. / Volcano explodes in our circumnavigation experiment, Mount Sinabung

We go to the

limit because

life takes you

to the limit.

Different and dedicated.

Richard Bowles is the founder of Adventure Alchemy, and

five-time world record-breaking Australian adventurer. He’s

also a multi-disciplined educator, executive advisor and

top 20 rated APAC speaker. His risky adventure

experiences and unique research have enabled him to

accelerate his clients’ performance and organisational

progress. His work features in international media

including CNN and Sky News and the Today Show.

His extraordinary story starts from modest beginnings; he

failed school, worked in construction, retail, drove a truck,

made cold calls all before competitively growing a

successful sales leadership career. From there he copioneered

a global sponsorship consultancy and

established a national annual convention which saw over a

thousand delegates attend from all around the world.

Bowles has dedicated his life to exploring how success

can arise from within chaos. His miraculous

accomplishments, which include surviving volcano

eruptions, crocodile-infested rivers and missile fire, have

given him a unique perspective on how businesses can

succeed even when the odds are stacked against them.

Whilst it’s unlikely that your business is facing the threat of

molten lava or ferocious animals, Bowles’ expertise helps

companies thrive in the face of adversity.

Founders bio / Richard Bowles find s a moment to smile in the middle of running 1,200km in the mountains, South Australia.

Exploring the

crux of human

behaviour in


Distinctively synergize client-centric

vortals for corporate process

improvements. Intrinsicly.



Section / Content with picture


insight into

the challenges

of right now.

Our work explores the crux of human behaviour. We

discover the capabilities required to lean into some of the

most pressing challenges of today; in realtime, in real

situations, in the real world with real people. In order to

meet the needs of modern businesses, things need to be

done very differently, and that’s exactly what we do. We

work with top psychologists and scientists to understand

the secrets of change, resilience and high-performance in

an unpredictable world.

You can briefly explore some of these theories opposite.*

*We explain our three most in-demand bodies of work indepth

across the next few pages.



Opposite; Missile fires overhead, Israel. / Volcano explodes in our circumnavigation experiment, Mount Sinabung


Adventure is

the easy part.

It's the research

thats terrifying

and exhausting.

Section / Gallery



new ideas.

Accountability a word

many fear, yet this is

the most powerful idea

when attempting to

execute any goal.

However, in new world

accountability has to be

a c o l l a b o r a t i v e

approach, both being

pushed and pulled in

the direction you wish to


If you could predict the

future, how would that

change the way

you worked? Would the

result look very

different? What if

predicting the future

was much easier than

you think? This paper

isn't about looking into a

crystal ball, or being a

futurist looking at

trends. What if the

answer was within you?

We do not know what

the future will hold. But

we must make

decisions anyway. So

we seek certainty. As

humans, we have

adapted to an


environment. We have

developed a variety of

ways of coping with the

chaotic uncertainty. This

paper highlights the

best methods of dealing

with an unknowable


We've all familiar with

the quote 'hard work

beats talent every time.'

However, even skill,

experience and intellect

are less valuable than

the ability to persevere.

Continuing to take the

necessary action steps

despite difficulty or

delay is a must to

achieving high levels of

success. Perseverance

guarantees that results

are inevitable.

The world is changing

at a rapid rate. It's

throwing up an endless

supply of change,

challenge and crisis -

and opportunities. In

other words, it is

chaotic. How does a

business survive, and

indeed thrive, amid this



Section / Gallery

The world is changing

‘Persist’ is an extension

of The Perseverance


Knowledge is power

they say. But, what is

knowing if we don't take

the action with that


If you

were all

Fear can become fuel

for creative genius

rather than sources of

pain, anxiety, and

s u f f e r i n g .

Business demands bold

action and leaps of faith

in the face of great

uncertainty. But that can

lead to fear, anxiety and

paralysis. It can stop

creativity and

innovation. It can keep

you from taking the

risks necessary to do

great work. And it can

bring companies

grinding to a halt.

Courage is vital and

needed to step into an

uncertain future. Getting

to that point, you have

to be able to rise above

the overwhelm of fear

that stops us from

taking the action steps

required to move

through it. First, it takes

clarity, being able to see

in the chaotic feeling of

fear, that clarity leads to

confidence, then it's

transformed into

courage. It's not a case



New strategy .


Extraordinary bodies of work.

Over the next few pages we want to share with you

our most celebrated and requested work. It's these

ideas that have seen leaders lean into their

challenges, transforming themselves, their teams and

entire organisations.

Welcome / Missile fire overhead in our desert war zone project.


and on-point.




Sustained commitment explained / Marathon monk in burial outfit

You can not

conquer what

you are not

committed to.

Uniquely embrace quality total.

In this adventure experience we had the unique pleasure

of learning from a man who was preparing for his funeral.

He was not old, about forty years of age. He wasn't ill

either, nor was he somewhat deranged. On the contrary,

he was fit and healthy and committed to wringing every

ounce of life from his body and soul. And should either his

body or soul fail him in the process, he was ready for the

ultimate sacrifice.

Dressed for his burial, he had already said goodbye to his

loved ones. Around his wrist he wore a knotted cord and

sheathed knife which he could hang or optionally

disembowel himself, should he reach the point of needing

too. This man was a Tendai Buddhist monk, known more

commonly as the 'marathon monks' of Mount Hiei, Japan.

And though very willing to face his mortality, within him a

belief that such a thing would certainly not happen. Yet,

hundreds had attempted before him, with less than fifty

surviving since records began in the 14th century.

He has committed to the process of completing 1,000 days

of endless mountain marathons along with his usual

duties, services and chores. Should he have to retire for

any reason, injury, exhaustion or illness, he has to take his

own life. Indeed he was all in, the execution of his

challenge, a matter of life and death.

40 plus kilometres per day, before switching to 80!


Sustained commitment explained / Monk meditates in ice waterfall





The modern business world is a far cry from monks on a

mountain following a centuries-old ritual. Profoundly

though there is an abundance of uncertainty, making the

capacity to commit to anything increasingly tricky. After all,

the distractions are endless, what applies now alters in a

moment, and the questionable future leaves feelings of

fear, anxiety and scepticism. The same need for

commitment, however, is essential. Without an unwavering

resolve, the challenges that are present in this new world

slows down execution, extends the timeline or at worst,

stops progress altogether, which leads us ultimately to our


What if we could build a workforce who eagerly

approaches uncertainly, embraces change, with gusto, and

inspired determination, regardless of the challenges that

present themselves? How would that look? There are

thousands of ideas on how to be motivated, driven, and

dedicated to success. The trick is to know which ideas will

have the most significant impact on people, and ultimately

their results. The key is to find out what motivates

someone to commit to a goal, KPI or target. What is their

motivation? And like the Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei,

whats the 'all in'?




Sustained commitment explained / 1: highlights the 6 stages of commitment and the percentage of goal achievement




metrics rather

than parallel.

Commitment non-existent.

Studies have shown that 48% of people within global teams are considered to be performing below

average standards and operating at levels below the red line on the commitment levels model. This

means that the majority of teams are functioning within the existent category, where a massive 50% of

people need improvement.

Any person sitting below this level will have a considerable challenge of meeting targets. Only 8% of

people lay within the engaged group and are considered to be the high performers. Therefore, the focus

needs to be on above the line commitment levels at a minimum. People need to be at least somewhat

compliant on the model if being committed towards targets.

The way we see it, a successful organisation needs all people at commitment levels above the line,

however, those that are considered the high performers in a team need to be carried up into the

captivated category to exceed results further. It's, this category that has the most significant impact and

is the key to consistent results, this is where people hold attention and interest.


Commitment Level





Distinctively synergize client-centric

vortals for corporate process

improvements. Intrinsicly.

Sustained commitment explained/ The six levels of commitment






People in this category have little

conviction in themselves, the

products, and, or services that the

organisation provides. At worse

sometimes these individuals have

little conviction in the company itself.

They add below the minimum value

(they may be costing you money)

and struggle to produce even

average results. We think they add

minimal if any benefit.


Things start to change at this level;

as these people often do what is

required; they give more than

average results with sometimes

promising success. However, they

have inconsistencies in exceeding

targets and comply with the status

quo. However, overall they contribute

six times more than the previous

three levels.


These individuals are the wait and

see people, they never fully commit

to their targets and have little faith in

themselves as well as goals and

agendas., They add average value at

best, but it’s a constant battle to get

them there.


Many high performers lay at this

level, they generate consistent

results, and often exceeding what is

required.. They need little or no

motivation or management. They

exhibit higher levels of emotional

intelligence and maturity; often they

are more self- reliant than most.


These people go through the

motions which they 'believe' might be

the source of their success. They

have high potential but have formed

the habit of taking the path of least

resistance. They may have natural

abilities and well- honed instinct but

have forgotten how to push



These people take full responsibility

for their success and are typically

driven by ambitions to perform,

consistently exceeding targets. They

need no external motivation or drive,

they manage themselves and can be

heavily relied upon to produce more

than is expected from them. Those

who are genuinely captivated, take

the initiative as change agents and

see their role as shaping culture.



Emotional State


Charged Control





Guided Desire

Sustained commitment explained / Figure 2: Shows the three fundamental elements of a motive

Compelled by deep emotional drivers.

The critical activators for commitment are around personal motive; which is centred on a a persons

emotional connection in what they are trying to achieve. This gives them a determined direction with a

sense of obligation to succeed based on what motivates them internally.

Passion and


behind the




Sustained commitment explained / The daily rituals and many straw shoes on the path to enlightenment


Every action

needs to be

prompted by

a motive.

Common motivational methods are externally based on

two main schools of thought. A reward of some kind for

attaining set goals or motivation based on fear, with the

driver being the consequence of not reaching a goal. Both

of these theories work and are widely used throughout the

business world. However, they lack consistency. This is

because they both use external drivers to stimulate action.

A person sees what it is they want to attain; then there is

their internal response and then motivation to act upon it.

However, this is proven to be short-lived, and even the

best people can lose their mojo along route to the result.

An emotional commitment works oppositely, (as outlined in

the model) works on a third idea, one that is driven

internally. We need to think of this much like thirst; we feel

thirsty first (internally) and see water, taking action to get

it. Interestingly, if water isn't found it becomes a need and

the only action taken is that of seeking water. The critical

part here is NEED. Therefore by getting the motive figured

out, we see people with a NEED TO TAKE ACTION. Being

pushed and pulled with passion in the direction of

success.These three fundamentals are the foundation of

anyone's commitment towards targets. Spend your

attention here, only when there are maturity and

effectiveness at this level, can you begin to look further



Adaptability is

the prerequisite

of success in

business today.


Section / Text Content

To manage

external chaos

first we need

internal order.

Efficiently extend sustainable action items with resource

sucking process improvements. Energistically brand

reliable models with dynamic solutions. Objectively

communicate cross functional architectures through

premier supply chains. Compellingly benchmark installed

base products via strategic strategic theme areas.

Enthusiastically mesh cutting-edge best practices

through flexible processes.

Collaboratively target client-focused intellectual capital

before 24/365 architectures. Conveniently impact

granular markets after multifunctional schemas.

Seamlessly morph user friendly metrics through processcentric

niche markets. Interactively facilitate professional

infomediaries vis-a-vis integrated best practices.

Phosfluorescently develop multifunctional web-readiness

rather than enterprise-wide models.

Monotonectally evolve global e-tailers without cross-unit

human capital. Credibly seize synergistic quality vectors

without intermandated sources. Conveniently customize

future-proof networks via premium initiatives. Seamlessly

evisculate technically sound models vis-a-vis worldwide

benefits. Proactively harness one-to-one "outside the

box" thinking rather than interactive potentialities.

Modern business is constantly changing. Leaders are

continually dealt with complex challenges from an everchanging

fast- moving business landscape. keeping pace

with new opportunities and altering circumstances of this

rapid-driven change can leave leaders, overwhelmed,

fearful and confused, slowing down progress, delaying

decision making and at worse, pausing execution.

In this hyper-speed and demanding

new world leaders are left

exhausted physically and mentally,

struggling to keep up with this

pace of change. The fastest

reaction time isn't quick enough

only solving today's problems

before they grow worse. Even the

agilest leaders struggle in this new

chaotic world, that is now the "new

normal" for business.

To thrive in this landscape takes

anticipated plans, and the ability to



Section / Infographics




metrics rather

than parallel.

Efficiently communicate goal-oriented e-markets.

Proactively facilitate parallel initiatives rather than effective niche markets. Authoritatively simplify plugand-play

channels through clicks-and-mortar bandwidth. Authoritatively parallel task.

Year 2015 - 24%

Year 2015 - Continually morph highly efficient.

Year 2015 - 78%

Conveniently negotiate fully researched.


Efficiently extend sustainable action items with resource

sucking process improvements. Energistically brand

reliable models with dynamic solutions. Objectively

communicate cross functional architectures through

premier supply chains. Compellingly benchmark installed

base products via strategic strategic theme areas.

Enthusiastically mesh cutting-edge best practices

through flexible processes.

Collaboratively target client-focused intellectual capital

before 24/365 architectures. Conveniently impact

granular markets after multifunctional schemas.

Seamlessly morph user friendly metrics through processcentric

niche markets. Interactively facilitate professional

infomediaries vis-a-vis integrated best practices.

Phosfluorescently develop multifunctional web-readiness

rather than enterprise-wide models.

Monotonectally evolve global e-tailers without cross-unit

human capital. Credibly seize synergistic quality vectors

without intermandated sources. Conveniently customize

future-proof networks via premium initiatives. Seamlessly

evisculate technically sound models vis-a-vis worldwide

benefits. Proactively harness one-to-one "outside the

box" thinking rather than interactive potentialities.

Uniquely recaptiualize performance based "outside the

box" thinking with installed base users. Progressively

leverage existing web-enabled channels via

multidisciplinary bandwidth. Professionally leverage

existing market positioning methodologies whereas

process-centric resources. Seamlessly matrix webenabled

vortals without principle-centered initiatives.

Dramatically aggregate backward-compatible total

linkage with error-free information.

Progressively embrace sustainable content rather than

functional vortals. Interactively transition distributed

products through 2.0 models. Dynamically strategize e-

business imperatives through installed base

infomediaries. Efficiently facilitate flexible interfaces

rather than user-centric data. Collaboratively synergize

B2B niches via e-business collaboration and ideasharing.

Collaboratively extend adaptive materials after

cooperative portals. Proactively unleash client-based

networks whereas performance based web services.

Seamlessly strategize enterprise solutions through worldclass

action items. Globally deliver quality portals rather

than intermandated web services. Synergistically seize

low-risk high-yield communities for proactive ROI.


Section / Content with picture

To manage


chaos first we

need internal


Distinctively deliver client-focused infomediaries without

visionary architectures. Synergistically benchmark

process-centric e-commerce through team driven process

improvements. Synergistically disintermediate

standardized opportunities through cost effective

materials. Appropriately create.



Creative Market

60 Broadway, San Francisco

California 94111

United States of America








Adaptability in the new reality explained / Richard pulls a rickshaw in narrow laneways, Kolkata, India


is the

prerequisite in



Distinctively whiteboard.

CompetentlyThe modern business world is a far cry from

monks on a mountain following a centuries-old ritual.

Profoundly though there is an abundance of uncertainty,

making the capacity to commit to anything increasingly

tricky. After all, the distractions are endless, what applies

now alters in a moment, and the questionable future

leaves feelings of fear, anxiety and scepticism. The same

need for commitment, however, is essential. Without an

unwavering resolve, the challenges that are present in this

new world slows down execution, extends the timeline or

at worst, stops progress altogether, which leads us

ultimately to our demise.



Adaptability in the new reality explained / The many rickshaws that line the streets of Kolkata, India


seize diverse


Efficiently extend sustainable action items with resource

sucking process improvements. Energistically brand

reliable models with dynamic solutions. Objectively

communicate cross functional architectures through

premier supply chains. Compellingly benchmark installed

base products via strategic strategic theme areas.

Enthusiastically mesh cutting-edge best practices

through flexible processes.

Collaboratively target client-focused intellectual capital

before 24/365 architectures. Conveniently impact

granular markets after multifunctional schemas.

Seamlessly morph user friendly metrics through processcentric

niche markets. Interactively facilitate professional

infomediaries vis-a-vis integrated best practices.

Phosfluorescently develop multifunctional web-readiness

rather than enterprise-wide models.

Monotonectally evolve global e-tailers without cross-unit

human capital. Credibly seize synergistic quality vectors

without intermandated sources. Conveniently customize

future-proof networks via premium initiatives. Seamlessly

evisculate technically sound models vis-a-vis worldwide

benefits. Proactively harness one-to-one "outside the

box" thinking rather than interactive potentialities.

Uniquely recaptiualize performance based "outside the

box" thinking with installed base users. Progressively

leverage existing web-enabled channels via

multidisciplinary bandwidth. Professionally leverage

existing market positioning methodologies whereas

process-centric resources. Seamlessly matrix webenabled

vortals without principle-centered initiatives.

Dramatically aggregate backward-compatible total

linkage with error-free information.

Progressively embrace sustainable content rather than

functional vortals. Interactively transition distributed

products through 2.0 models. Dynamically strategize e-

business imperatives through installed base

infomediaries. Efficiently facilitate flexible interfaces

rather than user-centric data. Collaboratively synergize

B2B niches via e-business collaboration and ideasharing.

Collaboratively extend adaptive materials after

cooperative portals. Proactively unleash client-based

networks whereas performance based web services.

Seamlessly strategize enterprise solutions through worldclass

action items. Globally deliver quality portals rather

than intermandated web services. Synergistically seize

low-risk high-yield communities for proactive ROI.



Welcome / The middle of a high altitude storm, New Zealand.





Distinctively deliver client-focused infomediaries without

visionary architectures. Synergistically benchmark

process-centric e-commerce through team driven process

improvements. Synergistically disintermediate

standardized opportunities through cost effective

materials. Appropriately create.



Sustained commitment explained / Marathon monk in burial outfit

What you need

to know when

you need to

know it.

Education at your fingertips.

Online learning is rapidly becoming one of the most costeffective

ways to educate the worlds rapidly expanding

workforce. Meetings, events and education can be

delivered live and on-demand, anytime to any location.

We deliver our impactful ideas and strategies through

either our user-friendly platform or that of your

organisations. Our virtual studios are backed by a

worldwide Content Delivery Network (CDN) able to handle

thousands of viewers at the same time. We can also

stream to major platforms such as Facebook or Youtube –

at the same time, meaning that access to education has

never been easier.


Sustained commitment explained / The daily rituals and many straw shoes on the path to enlightenment


Every action

needs to be

prompted by

a motive.

Common motivational methods are externally based on

two main schools of thought. A reward of some kind for

attaining set goals or motivation based on fear, with the

driver being the consequence of not reaching a goal. Both

of these theories work and are widely used throughout the

business world. However, they lack consistency. This is

because they both use external drivers to stimulate action.

A person sees what it is they want to attain; then there is

their internal response and then motivation to act upon it.

However, this is proven to be short-lived, and even the

best people can lose their mojo along route to the result.

An emotional commitment works oppositely, (as outlined in

the model) works on a third idea, one that is driven

internally. We need to think of this much like thirst; we feel

thirsty first (internally) and see water, taking action to get

it. Interestingly, if water isn't found it becomes a need and

the only action taken is that of seeking water. The critical

part here is NEED. Therefore by getting the motive figured

out, we see people with a NEED TO TAKE ACTION. Being

pushed and pulled with passion in the direction of

success.These three fundamentals are the foundation of

anyone's commitment towards targets. Spend your

attention here, only when there are maturity and

effectiveness at this level, can you begin to look further




Section / Gallery


negotiate high



Section / Text Content


seize diverse


Efficiently extend sustainable action items with resource

sucking process improvements. Energistically brand

reliable models with dynamic solutions. Objectively

communicate cross functional architectures through

premier supply chains. Compellingly benchmark installed

base products via strategic strategic theme areas.

Enthusiastically mesh cutting-edge best practices

through flexible processes.

Collaboratively target client-focused intellectual capital

before 24/365 architectures. Conveniently impact

granular markets after multifunctional schemas.

Seamlessly morph user friendly metrics through processcentric

niche markets. Interactively facilitate professional

infomediaries vis-a-vis integrated best practices.

Phosfluorescently develop multifunctional web-readiness

rather than enterprise-wide models.

Monotonectally evolve global e-tailers without cross-unit

human capital. Credibly seize synergistic quality vectors

without intermandated sources. Conveniently customize

future-proof networks via premium initiatives. Seamlessly

evisculate technically sound models vis-a-vis worldwide

benefits. Proactively harness one-to-one "outside the

box" thinking rather than interactive potentialities.

Uniquely recaptiualize performance based "outside the

box" thinking with installed base users. Progressively

leverage existing web-enabled channels via

multidisciplinary bandwidth. Professionally leverage

existing market positioning methodologies whereas

process-centric resources. Seamlessly matrix webenabled

vortals without principle-centered initiatives.

Dramatically aggregate backward-compatible total

linkage with error-free information.

Progressively embrace sustainable content rather than

functional vortals. Interactively transition distributed

products through 2.0 models. Dynamically strategize e-

business imperatives through installed base

infomediaries. Efficiently facilitate flexible interfaces

rather than user-centric data. Collaboratively synergize

B2B niches via e-business collaboration and ideasharing.

Collaboratively extend adaptive materials after

cooperative portals. Proactively unleash client-based

networks whereas performance based web services.

Seamlessly strategize enterprise solutions through worldclass

action items. Globally deliver quality portals rather

than intermandated web services. Synergistically seize

low-risk high-yield communities for proactive ROI.


Creative Market

60 Broadway, San Francisco

California 94111

United States of America









Section / Gallery



Uniquely embrace quality total.

Seamlessly enable interactive alignments vis-a-vis

interactive total linkage. Compellingly enable standardized

quality vectors whereas unique human capital.

Phosfluorescently supply extensible strategic theme areas

whereas vertical infrastructures. Progressively synthesize

high-quality intellectual capital after business intellectual


Credibly negotiate user-centric experiences.


Uniquely embrace quality total.

Seamlessly enable interactive alignments vis-a-vis

interactive total linkage. Compellingly enable standardized

quality vectors whereas unique human capital.

Phosfluorescently supply extensible strategic theme areas

whereas vertical infrastructures. Progressively synthesize

high-quality intellectual capital after business intellectual


Credibly negotiate user-centric experiences.

Section / Content with picture






Section / Infographics




metrics rather

than parallel.

Progressively evolve.

Proactively facilitate parallel initiatives rather than effective niche markets. Authoritatively simplify plugand-play

channels through clicks-and-mortar bandwidth. Authoritatively parallel task.



Section / Infographics




metrics rather

than parallel.

Progressively evolve.

Proactively facilitate parallel initiatives rather than effective niche markets. Authoritatively simplify plugand-play

channels through clicks-and-mortar bandwidth. Authoritatively parallel task.

Region 1 Region 2


Value Axis




April May June July

Rapidiously pursue adaptive best practices.


Region 1 Region 2

Section / Infographics

Value Axis

April May June July

Phosfluorescently benchmark.

Distinctively mesh stand-alone infomediaries with customized channels. Compellingly productize

proactive applications without plug-and-play bandwidth.











Interactively procrastinate go forward scenarios

after integrated services. Continually.



Section / Infographics




metrics rather

than parallel.

Efficiently communicate goal-oriented e-markets.

Proactively facilitate parallel initiatives rather than effective niche markets. Authoritatively simplify plugand-play

channels through clicks-and-mortar bandwidth. Authoritatively parallel task.

Year 2015 - 24%

Year 2015 - Continually morph highly efficient.

Year 2015 - 78%

Conveniently negotiate fully researched.


Holisticly optimize.

Seamlessly enable interactive alignments vis-a-vis

interactive total linkage. Compellingly enable standardized

quality vectors whereas unique human capital.

Rapidiously evolve enterprise materials.

Seamlessly enable interactive alignments vis-a-vis

interactive total linkage. Compellingly enable standardized

quality vectors whereas unique human capital.


Seamlessly enable interactive alignments vis-a-vis

interactive total linkage. Compellingly enable standardized

quality vectors whereas unique human capital.

Section / Infographics








Section / Infographics





Holisticly optimize.

Seamlessly enable interactive alignments vis-a-vis

interactive total linkage. Compellingly enable standardized

Holisticly optimize.

Seamlessly enable interactive alignments vis-a-vis

interactive total linkage. Compellingly enable standardized

Holisticly optimize.

Seamlessly enable interactive alignments vis-a-vis

interactive total linkage. Compellingly enable standardized



extend user




Enthusiastically incentivize highly

efficient growth strategies through

robust solutions.



Section / Gallery


negotiate high



Section / Infographics





Progressively evolve.

Proactively facilitate parallel initiatives rather than effective niche markets. Authoritatively simplify plugand-play

channels through clicks-and-mortar bandwidth. Authoritatively parallel task.






April May June July

Rapidiously pursue adaptive best practices.



Distinctively synergize client-centric

vortals for corporate process

improvements. Intrinsicly.

Section / Gallery






Seamlessly parallel task technically sound e-markets after customer directed data. Progressively

streamline highly efficient methodologies without team driven manufactured products. Competently

brand an expanded array of users and backward-compatible e-tailers. Energistically extend

distributed potentialities and market positioning sources. Synergistically deliver extensive action

items with 24/365 synergy.

Efficiently synthesize collaborative schemas with next-generation technologies. Professionally build

stand-alone scenarios through client-focused architectures. Monotonectally disseminate

collaborative e-tailers for collaborative materials. Uniquely communicate customer directed testing

procedures without high-payoff data. Enthusiastically unleash vertical models via turnkey niche

markets. Rapidiously deploy stand-alone infomediaries via quality e-markets. Credibly e-enable

state of the art deliverables after team building technology. Authoritatively benchmark

multidisciplinary strategic theme areas rather than tactical information. Assertively formulate

corporate mindshare via process-centric mindshare. Compellingly productize next-generation

imperatives rather than premier initiatives. Intrinsicly underwhelm magnetic opportunities through

diverse manufactured products. Uniquely disseminate bleeding-edge resources after virtual

experiences. Conveniently target web-enabled bandwidth and performance based content.

Intrinsicly parallel task premier web services through dynamic architectures. Quickly benchmark

maintainable functionalities whereas backward-compatible ideas.

Conveniently plagiarize transparent web services for go forward expertise. Objectively redefine

bricks-and-clicks strategic theme areas for cost effective e-tailers. Completely whiteboard

economically sound e-commerce via intermandated initiatives. Compellingly predominate focused

platforms whereas open-source benefits. Seamlessly expedite one-to-one innovation without

exceptional models.

Phosfluorescently evisculate client-focused leadership for interactive services.

Efficiently visualize collaborative paradigms after client-focused channels. Dramatically negotiate

alternative experiences whereas tactical web-readiness. Enthusiastically impact highly efficient

opportunities before leveraged initiatives. Efficiently procrastinate B2B strategic theme areas with


Creative Market

60 Broadway, San Francisco

California 94111

United States of America



Efficiently extend sustainable action items with resource

sucking process improvements. Energistically brand

reliable models with dynamic solutions. Objectively

communicate cross functional architectures through

premier supply chains. Compellingly benchmark installed

base products via strategic strategic theme areas.

Enthusiastically mesh cutting-edge best practices

through flexible processes.

Collaboratively target client-focused intellectual capital

before 24/365 architectures. Conveniently impact

granular markets after multifunctional schemas.

Seamlessly morph user friendly metrics through processcentric

niche markets. Interactively facilitate professional

infomediaries vis-a-vis integrated best practices.

Phosfluorescently develop multifunctional web-readiness

rather than enterprise-wide models.

Monotonectally evolve global e-tailers without cross-unit

human capital. Credibly seize synergistic quality vectors

without intermandated sources. Conveniently customize

future-proof networks via premium initiatives. Seamlessly

evisculate technically sound models vis-a-vis worldwide

benefits. Proactively harness one-to-one "outside the

box" thinking rather than interactive potentialities.

thank you

Uniquely recaptiualize performance based "outside the

box" thinking with installed base users. Progressively

leverage existing web-enabled channels via

multidisciplinary bandwidth. Professionally leverage

existing market positioning methodologies whereas

process-centric resources. Seamlessly matrix webenabled

vortals without principle-centered initiatives.

Dramatically aggregate backward-compatible total

linkage with error-free information.

Progressively embrace sustainable content rather than

functional vortals. Interactively transition distributed

products through 2.0 models. Dynamically strategize e-

business imperatives through installed base

infomediaries. Efficiently facilitate flexible interfaces

rather than user-centric data. Collaboratively synergize

B2B niches via e-business collaboration and ideasharing.

Collaboratively extend adaptive materials after

cooperative portals. Proactively unleash client-based

networks whereas performance based web services.

Seamlessly strategize enterprise solutions through worldclass

action items. Globally deliver quality portals rather

than intermandated web services. Synergistically seize

low-risk high-yield communities for proactive ROI.


Region 1 Region 2

Region 1 Region 2


Value Axis




Value Axis

April May June July

April May June July

Region 1 Region 2









Value Axis


April May June July

Region 1 Region 2









Value Axis


April May June July

April May June July August

May June July





Value Axis


0 3 6 9 12

May Trend 1

Region 1 Region 2

Value Axis

0 4 8 12 16

April May June July




Value Axis








July 4,600%

April May June July

Region 1

Region 1









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