Stella by Starlight By Sharon M Draper-pdfread.net

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wearin’ the bedsheets off their clotheslines again.”

“Look, I’m not lookin’ for trouble. I just think I ought to be able to

vote,” her father said evenly.

“What for?” Mr. Bates asked, coming up to the porch, taking his time

as he climbed with his crutch. He’d contracted polio a few years back—

the only person in town who had, as far as Stella knew. She scooted to the

far side of the steps to give him room and began rubbing each of her

toenails clean with a little bit of spit, hoping she’d stay unnoticed.

“Won’t make no difference nohow. Won’t put a nickel in your pocket

or a biscuit on your table,” Spoon Man argued reasonably.

“It would to me,” her father replied stubbornly. “I live in this country

and I ain’t no slave, and dagummit, I oughta be allowed to vote!”

Dr. Hawkins swirled his tea around and gazed into the bronze liquid.

“Jonah, I’ve looked into this. You know they’ve gone and set up these poll


“I know.”

“And a literacy test about the Constitution you gotta pass.”

Stella’s father set his jaw. “I know all that.”

“Get ready for questions like, ‘How many bubbles in a bar of soap?’ or

‘How many wrinkles in an elephant’s trunk?’ ” Spoon Man said.

Stella noticed that not one of the men even smiled. This was dead


“And the KKK? They get a report of any colored person who tries to

register to vote. You want that hammer hangin’ over your family?” Mr.

Bates’s face went angry. “You already got them burning crosses practically

in your backyard!”

Her father looked to the distance, out across the pond. “Sometimes I

just get tired of bowin’ down and givin’ up, you know?”

It was Dr. Hawkins who nodded in agreement. He placed a hand on

Papa’s broad shoulder, but then he added, “You know, Jonah, sometimes

it’s best to wait till times get better.”

“And when will that be?”

Stella hunkered over her toes. She knew none of them had an answer.

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