Stella by Starlight By Sharon M Draper-pdfread.net

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“Can I help?” Stella said, taking the stirring spoon from her and

peeping into the pot. “What are we makin’?”

“Killed lettuce. Quick, easy, and—” Mama paused and wiped her


“And yummy,” Stella finished for her. The bacon fat was crackling,

along with red onions and slabs of garden potatoes. Ohhh, it smelled so

fine. As Mama tossed the lettuce in, the green leaves wilted immediately,

absorbing the liquid and the flavor.

Carolyn lunged through the front door, toting a large pan. “My mama

sent pinto beans,” she announced, placing it on the table. “That woulda

been all we had for supper tonight, but now we get a feast!”

“Tell your mama her beans will go perfect with the killed lettuce. I

hope Mrs. Odom is bringin’ her famous corn pone,” Stella’s mother said

as she stirred another pot.

Just then two of the Spencer girls knocked on the front door. “We

brought collard greens and fried green tomatoes, Mrs. Mills,” Hannah


Stella whispered to Carolyn, “Glad she didn’t send frog legs!”

“Just set everything on the big table outside, girls, and thank you

kindly,” Stella’s mother sang out. “And Stella,” she added, “go find Tony

and Johnsteve and Randy, and ask them to bring over some chairs, would


“Yes, Mama.” Stella ran out to find the boys, who were already

sneaking samples of okra and hush puppies from the makeshift table.

Without even thinking, she popped Tony’s hand as he was about to swipe

a fingerful of icing from a cake. He looked at her with a smirk. “My mama

said get some chairs so we can eat,” Stella said, a flush coming to her

cheeks. The boys swiped one more hush puppy each and trotted back

toward their houses.

The makeshift table was soon overflowing with food—oatmeal cookies,

cheese grits, hot biscuits and honey, a sweet potato pie, Apple Brown

Betty, black-eyed peas, fried chicken, corn pudding, pulled pork, and

pickled pigs’ feet. Every single family brought just a little something.

Pastor Patton and his wife from New Hope Church brought a pot of

chicken and dumplings.

Mrs. Grayson arrived carrying a carrot cake. She nodded toward all the

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