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1. John is very optimistic as he approaches life’s obstacles. This might suggest that John has

2. The instructor asks the students to self-reflect on the strategies they used in the past week that supported their

ability to effectively form accurate knowledge memories. They are prompted to discuss the results with the

class. This would be an example of a

3. The two key criteria for applying metacognition are

4. Numerous learning style inventories are available; however, each assessment

5. The intelligence quotient (IQ) is a mathematical formula indicating a person’s

6. It is suggested that the average IQ has risen over the years. This phenomenon is known as the

7. As Toni improves her learning performance, self-regulation research suggests that her ___________ will also


8. According to self-regulation, a key difference between the expert and novice is the nature of the

9. Jeanene applies imagery techniques to support her efficiency on the final exam. This would be an example of

______ in the ____________ of self- regulation.

10. _________ is suggested to be the key to _________.

11. Which of the following would be an example of metacognition?

12. Based on intelligence assessments, __________________ can be damaging to a person’s information

processing capabilities.

13. The text suggests that metacognitive efficiency does change based on age. Which of the following is an

incorrect representation of this change?

14. What are the three types of intellectual abilities according to the triarchic intelligence theory?

15. When Jeanene aces the exam, she rewards herself with a day at the spa. This would be an example of ______

in the ____________ of self- regulation.

16. It is suggested that a person’s __________ has/have no relationship to one’s learning style.

17. Caleb often reflects on the purpose of life. This might suggest that he favors __________ intelligence,

according to Gardener’s theory (MI).

18. Chandra has always seemed to be able to think about what she is learning, make accommodations to improve

performance, and be motivated to be a life-long learning. Her ability to be a self-regulated leaner could be due


19. _____________________ are suggested to affect intelligence.

20. Charlie receives feedback from one of his fellow managers about his performance. After consideration, he

designs a self-improvement plan based on this feedback that supports increased success on the job. This is an

example of something that ___________ would do.

21. Gardner’s model of multiple intelligences (MI) offers practical strategies for improving

22. Metacognition is

23. Metacognitive regulation suggests the ability to manage one’s own.

24. Sharon has great success at applying her past knowledge to solve problems. This may suggest that her

____________is above average.

25. According to social constructivism, the way that Joshua treats his girlfriend has much to do with

26. ___________, in general, suggests that we learn through a physiological response to __________.

27. Sarah’s understanding of the word cultivate differs from Javier’s understanding. This difference in meaning is

most associated with what theory?

28. ____________________ is when only one processing task can be completed at a time.

29. Skinner studied

30. Jason is rewarded for his efforts every 10 minutes. This is an example of

31. An example of an authentic training would be

32. According to situated cognition, it is important to not only rely on the _______ meanings of words.

33. A business woman responding to a work email during a meeting, while mentally planning out the rest of her

day, is most likely performing __________.”

34. Waldorf educational models reflect a focus on the _______________ a person.

35. ____ is most associated with the renewed vigor of the focus on humanism.

36. Which of the following best represents an educational model for humanistic-based instruction?

37. According to self-determination theory, _________________ are needs that all individuals must satisfy.

38. Schemata are considered to be a(n) ______________

39. Humanism suggests that a person’s personal ownership of successful learning is

40. Social cognition suggests implications in knowledge development about _________

41. It is important for organizational managers, according to problem-based learning, to reflect the ideology that

there are _________ ways to accomplish a task.

42. Sensorimotor stage is suggested by the theory of cognitive development to occur in

43. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory (SCT) stresses the following variables as vital for effective learning:

44. Which of the following is most associated with social constructivism?

45. Preoperational stage of development is suggested to occur during ______________.

46. _______ can affect the outcomes and effectiveness of knowledge acquisition.

47. __________ is the mental processes of thought.

48. Humanism suggests a more ______ approach to understanding learning.

49. Opponents of transformational learning consider critical reflection as too ___________ to the process of

effective learning.

50. The suggestion that a person’s reality is constructed and reconstructed as he or she gains knowledge most


51. Although often disregarded, behaviorism and cognitivism reflects ___________ ideologies.

52. An example of discovery learning would be

53. ___________ supports the brain in deciding which information is important and which is unimportant.

54. ______________ concentrates on how the learning is manifested, instead of the process of learning

55. A _____________________ learner adjusts strategies as needed to increase potential for successful

knowledge acquisition.

56. Behaviorists originally held the belief that learning was

57. According to problem-based learning, the human resources manager should include the use of __________

during training.

58. Gerald has run into quite the dilemma at work, involving how to increase his productivity based on his coworker’s

performance. As he addresses the issue through ___________ reflection, he strategizes possible

ways to help him have increased success.

59. Daniel is asked to apply the new information he just learned to a personal event during the following week.

Based on constructivism, this is an example of a(n)

60. Memories are __________ during the consolidation process.

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