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From Prehistoric Pandemics to COVID-19

Man vs Virus

By Mostafa Tanim

Translated by:

Ashrafuz Zaman

Edited by:

Ashfaque Swapan and Dr. James Acquah


To all physicians, nurses and all other healthcare

professionals who continue to provide tireless service

worldwide during this pandemic crisis. They are the true

warriors for humanity.

To the scientists and researchers working day and night in

their search for new medicines and vaccines. They are our

real heroes. My gratitude to all of them is boundless.

Introduction and Acknowledgement

This is not just a book of biological science and health

guidelines, or a book to bring familiar facts together. That

is not the objective of this book. All aspects of the virus

and pandemic are discussed here. This book goes beyond

that. Besides viruses, the book also takes a look at related

interesting topics like what happened in the past, what

might happen in the future, what other threats human

civilization faces. It would not be an exaggeration to say

that this is almost a comprehensive book about the

unexpected Covid-19 pandemic.

While the book is written in a way to be accessible to

everyone, but there is no shortage of scientific

information. Having said that, those without a background

in medicine or biological science will find it an easy,

interesting read.

Health and biological science professors, physicians and

other specialists reviewed the first draft of this book

despite their hectic schedule during this pandemic. They

are Mashiul Chowdhury MD, clinical associate professor of

medicine, Drexel University College of Medicine and chief

of infectious diseases, Cancer Treatment Centers of

America; writer and pediatrician Shahab Ahmed MD;

Masud Baksh MD, Shenandoah Memorial Hospital,

Dr. Hossain Uddin Shekhor, professor of biochemistry and

molecular biology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh; Dr.

Farzana Musawir, clinical pharmacy specialist, University

of Maryland Medical Center; Dr. Ishrat Rahman, professor

of biology, Montgomery College, Maryland; Samina Hasan,

clinical case manager, Loudoun County INOVA Hospital,

Virginia; writer and journalist Ashif Entaz Rabi; writer and

architect Anwar Iqbal; Dr. Aminur Rahman, professor,

George Mason University- all provided invaluable help. My

manuscript reviewer Dr. James Acquah, Chief Operating

Officer, XPAND Corporation, Herndon, Virginia, provided

invaluable suggestions — my heartiest thanks to him.

I hope readers will enjoy the book. Please follow the

health guidelines during this pandemic and develop good

habits that you adhere to even after the pandemic is over.

Stay safe and healthy.

Mostafa Tanim

Herndon, Virginia, USA

November 09, 2020

Table of Contents

Virus: Basic Information ● 6

The Enemy Is Not Invisible Any More ● 8

Coronavirus – A Closer Look ● 13

Did Anyone Know? ● 23

How Do Pandemics Spread? How Can

We Manage a Pandemic?

● 28

How Devastating Will Covid-19 Be? ● 38

Pandemics: Attacking Us Again and

Again ● 43

Smallpox: A Lethal Virus but also a

Source of Optimism ● 50

Viral Rumor, and Rumors about the

Virus ● 55

Is Civilization In Imminent Danger? ● 60

How to Protect Your Mental Health

during the Covid-19 Pandemic ● 63

Covid-19 Checklist ● 66

The Post Novel Coronavirus World ● 68

About The Author ● 72

References ● 73


Virus: Basic Information

• Virus is a Latin word. It means “venom” or “poison”

in Latin.

• We cannot use conventional methods to classify

viruses as either living or dead. A virus contains

genetic coding, either DNA or RNA. But a virus does

not eat or breathe. It has no metabolic source. It

enters the cells of living organisms, such as animals

or plants, and replicates. It thrives as a living

organism inside the cells of other organisms.

Outside host cells, it acts like a non-living


• Millions of species of viruses exist on earth. We

have explored only about five thousand in some

detail. Over 99 percent of viruses remain


• The study of viruses is known as

virology (vai•raa•luh•jee).

• What if viruses did not exist? Scientists differ in

their opinions on the possible consequences. Some

scientists think the world would be overwhelmed

with bacteria. Although both viruses (20-300

nanometer) and bacteria ( 500-5000 nanometers)

are very tiny organisms, bacteria are much larger

than viruses, (about 100-fold larger). Viruses not

only get inside plants and animals; they can get

inside bacteria and cause disease.

Through genetic mutation, viruses are constantly

changing the world of living organisms. A virus can

replicate only within a living cell. It cannot do so on

its own. To put it simply, viruses do not reproduce

like other living organisms; they replicate.

• It is impossible to eradicate viruses. If all the

world’s viruses are set in one continuous line, it

would run across the moon, sun, our solar system,

our galaxy, and reach the next galaxy. This path

would be so long that its length would be

measured not in miles but in light years. It would

be a total length of 200 million light-years! [1]

• The first virus was discovered in 1898. While

conducting research on disease in tobacco plants,

scientists found the existence of an unknown

microorganism. But microscopes in those days

were not powerful enough to see the virus. It is

only after the invention of electron microscope in

1931 that the virus was first actually seen in 1935.

Chapter 2 of this book, “The Enemy is not Invisible

Any More,“ covers this topic in greater detail.

• Four microorganisms cause diseases in humans:

viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Together,

they are called pathogens.

• Antibiotics kill bacteria but do not affect viruses.

However, some antiviral drugs work on certain

viruses [2] .

• Viruses cause almost two-thirds of microbial

diseases in humans. Common viral diseases


i) The common cold

ii) Influenza/flu

iii) Chickenpox

iv) Polio

v) Jaundice (hepatitis)

vi) Measles

vii) Dengue fever



• Not every virus infects humans. Each virus has a

specific host. Viruses cannot replicate outside that

specific host. But viruses sometimes migrate from

one host to another and start replicating by

changing characteristics by mutation or

recombination. When a virus migrates from other

vertebrate animals to humans and then replicates,

it is called a zoonotic virus. Almost 70 percent of

viruses infecting humans are zoonotic. The rest

have been infecting humans since the very

beginning of human evolution. Zoonotic viruses can

cause serious and lethal infections in humans, such

as AIDS(caused by HIV), SARS, MERS and more

recently, the novel coronavirus. They change form

and learn how to survive in humans by first thriving

in animals. We shall discuss this in greater detail in

Chapter Three.

• The first species of coronavirus was discovered in

1965. But we did not know anything about the

current coronavirus at that time. That is why we

have termed this virus “novel coronavirus.”

• Covid-19 is the disease caused by novel

coronavirus. Covid stands for “Coronavirus

Disease.” The scientific name for the virus is

“severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2”


The International Committee on Taxonomy of

Viruses (ICVT) is the organization that names


The name of a virus is usually different from the

disease it causes. For example, the human

immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the name of the

virus which causes the disease AIDS.

The disease caused by novel coronavirus first

occurred in Wuhan, China, in November 2019.

Since then, the number “19” found its way into the

disease’s name. At first, the virus was termed

“2019 novel coronavirus.” The SARS pandemic was

another earlier coronavirus pandemic in 2003. That

is why WHO decided to call the present virus the

“Covid-19 virus” to distinguish it from SARS and

other previous coronaviruses. [3]

Although the novel coronavirus has three different

formal names (SARS-Cov-2, Covid-19 virus, and

novel coronavirus), the disease caused by it has

only one name: Covid-19.


The Enemy Is Not Invisible Any More

We often hear that this is a war against an invisible enemy.

it is certainly a war, but the enemy is far from invisible.

Even non-scientists like us can take a look at this virus

under an electron microscope. We can actually take a

picture of it through an electron photomicrograph.

However, it is so tiny that we cannot see it through an

optical microscope. The use of the term "invisible," I think,

is misleading because it sounds a little scary and ghoulish.

The fact of the matter is that this virus, very much like any

other virus, is an enemy we can fight. The more we know

about its characteristics and exactly how it attacks us, the

better we will be able to protect ourselves. This is a pretty

new (novel) virus, so our knowledge about it is still

rudimentary. The more we find about it, the better we can

prepare ourselves. Factually speaking, the virus is not an

“enemy.” It is a danger to us the same way cyclones,

tornadoes, earthquakes and locusts are. Locusts actually

have a nervous system and are more developed creatures,

whereas this virus is not. It harms us through biochemical

processes in cells of the people it infects. We must

understand those processes. Once we know enough about

it, we can guard ourselves against it.

We humans are immersed in a sea of pathogens. There

are countless pathogens around us and inside our bodies.

There are ten times more pathogens in our body than the

number of body cells. Most of these are bacteria. As

these are very small, they constitute about 1-3 percent of

our body weight [4] . Most of the bacteria inside our body

are harmless; some such as some intestinal bacteria, are

essential for our healthy survival. For a long time, people

knew nothing about the existence of these minuscule

microbes which are well beyond the power of human


The Dutch scientist Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (1632–

1723) first looked at microbes in 1676. He was a cloth

merchant by trade and was familiar with the magnifying

power of lenses. He used those to count the number of

threads in clothes. He developed an improved lens to

magnify objects and was astonished to find quite a

different world that is invisible to the naked eye and even

under the microscope made before him. He could see

bacteria and red blood cells and was fascinated by the

sheer large number of what he called “animalcules.”

His invention opened up an entire world of microbes to

humankind. In his own words: "I then most always saw,

with great wonder, that in the said matter there were

many very little living animalcules, very prettily a-


Humans have faced pandemics for centuries. The first

known pandemic, the Antonine Plague, happened about

2,000 years ago. It claimed about five million lives. This

was a devastating toll at a time when the population of the

world was far, far smaller than now — an estimated 150

million. It was most likely caused by the smallpox virus.

Later on, pandemics caused by bubonic plague, cholera,

malaria, polio, smallpox, kala azar and Spanish flu have set

back human development considerably. Nonetheless,

humans have survived pandemics and moved on with their

development of civilization.

Humans did not know in early times that pandemics are

caused by pathogens. They were aware that the diseases

were contagious. People who got infected were thought to

be sinners, and society shunned them. Louis Pasteur in

1861 came up with “germ theory,” which proved that

bacteria cause many diseases.

The German scientist Robert Koch in 1882 discovered the

bacteria that cause tuberculosis and cholera. He is also the

scientist who discovered the relationship between

antibody and immunity and the mechanism of how

vaccines may protect against certain diseases.

“Much of the basis for modern medicine, as well as the

field of immunology , can be traced back to these two

scientists.” [5]

It was another 125 years following the findings of bacteria

by Leeuwenhoek that we got to know about viruses. We

have researched viruses and know much more about it.

Public health experts were always concerned that a virus

may infect and affect the entire world. We have been

planning a defense against it. Almost all countries have

health departments to research infectious diseases and

plan for protection against them. The World Health

Organization (WHO) has been quite active in planning a

defense against a pandemic. When Wuhan in China had

the first novel coronavirus infection, it created a huge,

immediate response in the whole world. International

airports became more vigilant and started to quarantine

people coming from virus-infected areas. While protective

measures were taken, not everyone heeded the warnings,

nor did all countries pay attention promptly.

In the past two centuries, almost all countries have

created a public health department. Dr. John Snow of

Britain is the pioneer of public health. It was his research

on a cholera epidemic that led him to develop the

concept. It is discussed in more detail in Chapter Six,

"Pandemics in Different Eras."

When someone is sick, they may be treated by a physician,

go to a hospital, or have relatives and family members

take care of them. If they die, their family and relatives

suffer most from the loss. What happens when the entire

population of a city or a country suffers from a disease?

Suppose there is a high level of arsenic in the water supply

in a certain city or country. That would be devastating for

the health of everyone who lives in that area. This is

beyond the scope of treatment or care by a single

physician or a hospital. Who will investigate this problem

and find the remedy? Who will perform research, give

guidance and restrictions as necessary to save the

population? That is when the public health department

comes in. It looks at the entire population's problem and

works on resolving it. That is the role of WHO, CDC and

similar organizations. They work around the clock to

protect us from similar public health hazards. The branch

of medicine that deals with pandemics is epidemiology.

Epidemiology helps us tackle pandemics by using data,

statistics and all available knowledge about the pathogen

causing it. Epidemiologists use contact tracing techniques,

determine the exponential rate of spread, the mode of

spread, and, most importantly, put in extra effort to find

the source of the pathogen by tracing patient “zero” – the

first infected person in the community or country.

Let's digress for a moment. There is a 750-mile fault line

that passes through California named the San Andreas

fault. This is where two tectonic plates -- the Pacific Plate

and the North America Plate -- bump into each other.

Tectonic plates are floating plates under the surface of the

earth (part of the mantle zone of the earth, which is superhot)

formed by irregular slabs of solid rocks. There are

several such large plates and multiple smaller plates. The

thickness of the large plates ranges between 20-50 miles.

Compared with the earth's diameter, which is about

7,917.5 miles, these plates are quite thin in the grand

scheme of things. If you think of the earth as an apple, the

tectonic plates are like the skin of the apple! So here we

are - all the drama, fights, music, love and hate of our lives

happening over this thin skin!

The San Andreas fault was discovered in 1897. Every year,

the two plates move away sideways from each other by an

inch. During this motion, friction may cause an

earthquake. San Francisco had a huge earthquake in 1906.

Scientists predicted another major earthquake around

1997, which eventually took place in 2004. Scientists have

drilled into the tectonic plate. USGS (United States

Geological Society) predicts a 7 percent chance of an

earthquake with a magnitude of 8 on the Richter scale

happening in California within the next 23 years. A Richter

8 earthquake would be a massive, devastating earthquake

(Richter is a logarithmic scale; an 8 on the Richter scale is

10 times greater than 7). They also have an estimate of

how many people will perish in that earthquake. If it

happens, it’s quite likely that most people will not know

the cause of it. They will not know that scientists had

predicted it a long time ago. The US government, of

course, has paid attention to it and invested in the

research to find out all about it.

Likewise, for a long time, scientists have worried about a

virus causing a worldwide disaster. The precautions they

were urging within three months of the novel coronavirus

outbreak did not come out of the blue. Years of research

and knowledge were behind what they are telling us now:

social distancing, hand washing, wearing mask, etc. If all

the countries had paid attention to the recommendations

right from the beginning, perhaps Covid-19 would have

been contained now.

The virus was first detected from a disease of the tobacco

plant. In 1886, farmers noticed that some tobacco leaves

get mottled and yellow from an unknown disease.

German botanists thought it was a bacterial disease, but

they could not detect any bacteria under microscopic

examination of the leaves.

They were puzzled by the absence of bacteria in the

diseased tobacco leaves. They tried several ways to

identify what caused this disease. "Is it a poison?" the

botanists wondered. They poured juice from diseased

tobacco plants onto healthy plants and found that healthy

plants also became diseased. Now they realized that

whatever is causing the disease is present in the juice of

diseased plants. But why couldn’t they see any

microorganisms? They infected healthy tobacco plants

with all known bacteria, but it did not cause the same

disease they called “mosaic disease” of tobacco. Dmitry

Ivanovsky, a young Russian scientist, had a brilliant idea.

He filtered the juice from diseased tobacco plants through

a very fine filter which should stop bacteria. The filtered

juice caused the same disease when applied to healthy


So, if this is not bacteria, what is it? Ivanovsky’s research

did not go far, as he had moved on to explore other

scientific questions.

Six years later, in 1898, Dutch scientist Martinus Beijerinck

performed the same experiment independently. He

concluded that the diseased plant's juice contains a

microbe which is so small that it can pass through bacterial

filters. He discovered some biological characters of this

microbe. It is pretty lifeless outside a living cell and starts

to replicate once within a host. But it is so tiny that it

cannot be seen even under a microscope. He named it

"filterable virus." Now we simply call it “virus.” It took

another 37 years for us to "see" a virus. Finally, in 1935,

the first virus was seen and photographed using an

electron microscope.

It is hard to understand how tiny a virus is if we say it is

about 100 nanometer in size. For a better perspective,

consider this: An average bacterium is 10 times larger than

a virus. A red blood cell is 10 times larger than bacteria.

The width of a human hair is 10 times larger than a red

blood cell. The width of an average human hair is about

100,000 nanometers [6] .

So, the width of a human hair is 1,000 times more than

the size of an average virus! Does it give you an idea of

how tiny viruses are? This tiny size makes it extremely

difficult to research viruses.

Picture 1: Tobacco mosaic virus, electron

photomicrograph (x1,600,000)

I’m not saying for a moment that we all need to have a

thorough knowledge of biology, microbiology and virology

to fully understand the dangers of viral diseases. That’s not

what this introduction is about. What I do say is that we

need to know the long history of the progression of human

endeavor, the steps taken and hurdles faced by

researchers to acquire the knowledge that benefits us all

today in everyday life. If science were even one tenth as

popular as Hollywood movies (or football, or baseball, for

that matter), we would not face such an uphill battle in

tackling Covid-19 on a global, state and personal scale.

Neither would we be frustrated or feel helpless. We would

be confident in the knowledge of what we are facing and

have faith in our ability to figure out how to deal with it



Coronavirus – A Closer Look

While researching different viruses, Tyrrell and Bynoe in

the 1960s found that viruses are responsible for what we

know as the common cold. The common cold has nothing

to do with cold weather; it is caused by various viruses.

The US-based National Institutes of Health (NIH) has more

information on this “common cold.” About two hundred

types of viruses cause the common cold, of which

rhinovirus has the major share of cases. [7] The second most

prevalent virus for the common cold is a coronavirus. But

it is not the novel coronavirus that caused this pandemic.

Four other types of coronavirus are known to us since the

1960s which attack the human upper respiratory tract,

such as sinuses, the larynx and the nose. These cause

symptoms of common cold such as sneezing, coughing,

runny nose and fever. It is well established that exposure

to cold or sudden temperature change does not cause the

common cold. The common cold is entirely a viral

infection. Two other types of coronaviruses, SARS and

MERS, attack the lower respiratory tract, mainly lungs. This

is a severe infection and can be lethal. So, coronavirus

infection varies from a relatively trivial common cold to

what can be a fatal disease.

"Cold” viruses have a seasonal variation. Coronavirus

infects us mostly in the winter, whereas rhinovirus in the

spring, summer and fall. Each virus has its favorite season.

This makes us vulnerable to one or the other cold viruses

throughout the year. You will often hear people say: “I

caught a cold because of the change of season.” There is

little scientific reasoning behind this statement. Each virus

has a predilection for a certain season with some

overlapping. Why do we get more attacks of the common

cold in winter? That is because we spend more time in

confined spaces with recirculating air, easily infecting one


A word about influenza in this context. Commonly known

as flu, it is an infection by three viruses, influenza A,

influenza B and influenza C. There is even an influenza D,

which primarily infects cattle. The symptoms of flu are

similar to the common cold, with fever thrown in

occasionally. According to a Mayo Clinic article, flu-like

symptoms include fever, generalized malaise and body

ache. The symptoms are more severe than that of a

common cold. But both conditions are usually self-limiting,

and people recover on their own within a week.

The research of Tyrell and Bynoe (1965) identified multiple

similar viruses that cause common cold-like symptoms.

This genus of the virus was named "corona" as they

resemble a crown. So, the pandemic of 2020 is not by

simply any coronavirus, it is the result of infection by the

'novel' coronavirus or COVID -19 virus.

Below is an electron photomicrograph of coronavirus:

Picture 2: OC16 coronavirus under electron microscope


There are four main types of coronaviruses. Alpha, Beta,

Gamma, and Delta. Four types are known to infect

humans: 229E (alpha coronavirus), NL63 (alpha

coronavirus), OC43(beta coronavirus) and HKU1 (beta

coronavirus) [9] .

Other types of coronavirus infect animals and not humans.

But evolution and mutation change viruses and non-

human pathogens can then begin to infect humans. That is

what happened to SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV viruses. The

novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is infecting humans now

the same way by changing its characteristics [10] .

There is 96 percent similarity between a known bat virus

and the Covid-19 virus. There is also speculation that the

virus propagated through an intermediate animal,

possibly pangolin [11] before reaching human. Once it

started infecting humans, it then spreads rapidly from

human to human.

Since this is a new virus, we were not aware of its

biological behavior. It takes time to explore it in full detail.

But time is not a luxury we can afford.

Thanks to electron microscopic examination, we have now

discovered how the virus gets into human cells and which

organelles it attaches to. The picture below is from a

scanning electron microphotograph, taken on February

2020 in Montana, U.S. It shows the novel coronavirus in

yellow, a human cell membrane in blue and purple. The

novel coronavirus is not invisible to us any more, we can

trace it even within human cells.

Picture 3: Novel Coronavirus invading into patient’s body


Science has taken huge strides since Dmitry Ivanovsky and

Martinus Beijerinck discovered the virus. We now know

about the genetic sequencing of many viruses, how a virus

gets into host cells, how it replicates once it is inside cells.

The host is a living organism, maybe an animal, a plant,

rodent, cats, bats, mosquitos, or even a microscopic

bacterium. Viruses cannot survive outside a host for long

and cannot replicate outside a host. It uses the substances

within the host cell and sends biochemical instructions to

the host cell's ribosome to create exact or near exact

replicas of itself. These instructions reside in a place called

the genome, either DNA or RNA. A virus has either DNA or

RNA, but never both.

The novel coronavirus does not have DNA. It only has

RNA. So, it is an RNA virus. RNA viruses usually cause

deadly diseases like AIDS, SARS and Ebola. On the other

hand, hepatitis B is a DNA virus.

Viruses have an outer shell called a capsid. Some viruses

are enveloped, meaning the capsid is coated with a lipid

membrane known as a viral envelope. The capsid acquires

the envelope from an intracellular membrane in the virus'


By means of the capsid or envelope, a virus attaches to the

host cell and gains entry into it. That's all it is: a genome

(DNA or RNA) and a capsid/envelope covering it. Nothing

else. It is not even a complete cell. It’s almost as if it is an

instruction waiting lifelessly for an opportunity to get into

a host cell and replicate. Once inside, it gets energy from

hijacking the host cell's infrastructure. The ribosome is the

part of a cell that is needed for protein synthesis; the virus

doesn't even have one of its own. It uses the host cell's

ribosome for protein synthesis, sends RNA instructions to

it, and gets its agenda realized. It makes the host cell

create a replica of itself, like a parasite. But it’s much more

dangerous, because it creates billions of replicas within

host cells.

There are three ways viruses enter into the host cell:

endocytosis, penetration (for non-enveloped viruses), or

fusion (for enveloped viruses). Before the virus can take

charge of the host cell, the viral genome (DNA or RNA)

must get out of its shell or capsid, a process called

“uncoating.” Once the virus's replicas are produced by the

host cells in accordance with the viral genome's

instructions, the replicas get out of the host by a process

called “budding.” During the process of getting out of the

host cell, it damages the host cell wall and may destroy the

host cell completely.

Picture 4: A cross sectional image of a novel coronavirus


The protein coat not only protects the virus; it is also the

key to attacking the host cell. This acts like a key that

attaches to the host cell receptor. The key must be very

specific to the receptor on the surface of the host cell.

Otherwise, it will not be able to open the "lock" to enter

the host cell. That is why all viruses cannot infect all hosts.

When you look at Picture 4, the pointed spike-like

structures on the surface gives it a crown- like appearance,

hence the name “corona” (Latin for “crown”). These are

the keys that attach to the human cell surface receptors

and gain entry into the cells. There is a protein on the

human cell surface called ACE-2 (angiotensin converting

enzyme 2). The coronavirus attaches to ACE-2, which is

the receptor for novel coronavirus. The specificity of the

novel coronavirus and ACE-2 is key for the virus to gain

entry and infect the human cell [13] . The ACE-2 receptor is

present in abundance in the lungs, intestine, kidney and

endothelium of blood vessels. That is why the lung is easily

infected and damaged by the novel coronavirus and why it

may even cause respiratory failure leading to death. The

drugs used to treat hypertension and diabetes cause an

increase in ACE-2 receptors on human cells. That is why

people with diabetes and hypertension are more

susceptible to a Covid-19 infection.

It is vital to research and find all we can about this

receptor to protect us from the novel coronavirus.

“if you can prevent attachment and fusion, you will

prevent entry”. [14]

Some anti-viral drugs prevent the viral capsid/envelope

breakage, which contains the genome (DNA or RNA) inside

the shell. Some prevent the metabolism in the host cell so

that the virus cannot replicate. There are multiple ways of

how viral infection may be contained.

Outside the host cell, the virus is an inactive, extremely

tiny particle. It is not even a complete cell and cannot

perform a normal cell's functions on its own. It is an inert

particle when outside a host cell, for example, on the

surface of a table or doorknob. Soon, it is destroyed by

either heat or other adverse environmental factors.

The susceptibility of a virus largely depends on its ability to

survive outside a host cell. For example, suppose you drop

a key on the road, and it is run over by a car. The key may

bend, warp, or be destroyed. Now this key will not work

on a lock it was intended for. When the virus is destroyed

or changed, it loses its ability to invade and infect the host

cell. If viruses were living organisms, we could say that it

died. But outside the host, it is not a living organism, so

the word “dead” is not quite right to describe a virus when

it changes and loses its virulence to invade the host cell.

We can say it is destroyed, or more technically, not

virulent anymore.

Some pathogens cannot live outside hosts at all, such as

malarial parasites. It is not a virus, it is a parasite. It has

two hosts, mosquito and human. It directly transfers from

one host to the other. There is a lot of controversy over

whether the virus is living or non-living. Let us be clear

about one thing: Inside a host cell, it replicates and acts as

a living microorganism. Outside a host cell, it is a non-living

microscopic particle.

How many copies of itself can a virus make? When

someone has a common cold, twenty thousand

rhinoviruses are sprayed out in one sneeze! A person

infected with novel coronavirus spreads about three

thousand particles in a single cough like an aerosol, each

of which contains many viruses.

This is explained in greater detail in Chapter 4.

You mustn’t think for a moment that that the virus will

infect humans after making millions of copies of itself

inside the host cells and ultimately win. We humans are

equipped with an immune system for protecting us against

diseases. Our immune system detects the virus invasion

by recognizing substances, known as antigens, on the

infecting pathogen’s surface and starts to produce millions

of antibodies against the infecting organisms. Antibodies

are "Y" shaped proteins that attach themselves to the

antigens on the infecting pathogen's surface and

neutralize the virus invader

[15] . Each antibody is

specifically produced against an infecting pathogen. Most

often the antibody wins in this battle against pathogens,

and we remain healthy. Sometimes, the pathogens beat

the antibody and keep infecting the host, and we suffer

from illnesses.

It may take the immune system several days, even weeks,

to produce the precisely correct antibody against a new

pathogen. But once it is produced, it stays in the immune

system's memory. Next time the same virus (or other

pathogens such as bacteria or parasite) enters the body,

the immune system doesn't need to go through a lengthy

trial-and-error process to produce the right antibody

against it. Instead, it can produce the right antibody from

its memory quite rapidly and neutralize the invading

pathogen before it can get out of control and cause severe


Because of the antibody, many infectious diseases are

automatically cured in a few days. The immune system's

memory is the main reason vaccines are effective against

infectious diseases. A vaccine is really an attenuated or

dead virus (or other pathogen) that trains the body’s

immune system to produce the right antibody, but itself

doesn't have the virulence to cause illness.

When a virus infects the pluripotent reproductive cells or

stem cells, it changes the host cell's DNA. Thus, the virus

attaches to the host's reproductive cells or stem cells and

is present in their subsequent replication. The virus's DNA

is permanently incorporated into the host cell and is

carried out in all offspring of the host animal/plants.

Scientists discovered that 5 to8 percent of human DNA

came from viruses. This is a very new area of microbiology,

and we still do not know if this viral DNA has any benefit

for humans. Research on this fascinating area continues.

Here's some more information about DNA and RNA for

interested readers.

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. RNA stands for

ribonucleic acid. The double helix is a term most of us are

familiar with. It resembles two threads intertwined

together. DNA has a double-helix structure. RNA has a

single strand.

Picture 5: DNA and RNA

The National Human Genome Research Institute of NIH defines

DNA thus: DNA contains the instructions needed for an

organism to develop, survive and reproduce. To carry out

these functions, DNA sequences must be converted into

messages that can be used to produce proteins, which are the

complex molecules that do most of the work in our bodies. [16]

The RNA structure is quite similar to DNA, but there are

some differences. Three different kinds of RNA serve some

quite specific functions. The genetic coding inside DNA is

translated by RNA to synthesize specific proteins. RNA is

carried inside into the ribosome, where protein synthesis

takes place.

mRNA (Messenger RNA) creates a copy of the genetic

code and takes it inside the ribosome. Protein is

synthesized inside ribosome according to the code carried

into it by mRNA.

tRNA (Transfer RNA brings the necessary amino acids into

the ribosome as needed for the specific protein synthesis.

Amino acids are the structural components of protein.

rRNA (Ribosomal RNA) remains inside the ribosome.

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) associates with a set of proteins to

form ribosomes. These complex structures, which

physically move along an mRNA molecule, catalyze amino

acids' assembly into protein chains. They also bind tRNAs

and various accessory molecules necessary for protein

synthesis (NIH).

Ishrat Rahman, professor of biology at Montgomery

College, explains RNA and its functions: “Suppose DNA is a

cookbook. It is written in coded language, and we need a

decoder to read it. It is a rare book, so instead of taking

the book to the kitchen, we photocopy the recipe page

and read it in the kitchen. Here, the book is the DNA; the

photocopied page is the mRNA. Then we go shopping and

buy the necessary ingredients from the grocery store. This

procurement is done by tRNA. tRNA gets the amino acids

necessary for protein synthesis. The grocery store is the

cytoplasm of the cell. The cook is the rRNA. The cooking

range, necessary pots, and pans are already in the

ribosome. All that is needed is to rearrange the proteins in

the correct order to make a copy of the virus (virion). Now

we see that the virus has the cookbook where the DNA or

RNA contains the coded recipe. Once the message reaches

inside the host cell, different RNAs take part in getting

requisite amino acids to synthesize the protein and make

copies of the virus. This is an oversimplification of viral

replication, but it gives you a basic idea about it.

The mutation of the novel coronavirus is worrisome.

Viruses mutate rapidly, especially RNA viruses. Sometimes

when a virus makes a copy of itself, there are minor

mistakes in the synthesis of the copy. As a result, a virus's

copy is not an exact replica, but a slight variation. This is

called a mutation. So, the mutated virus is a little different

from its original form. The subsequent copies of this

mutated virus will be different from the original viral form

too. Most often, the mutated form of the virus cannot

survive by infecting cells of the same type as before and is

destroyed on its own. Sometimes, the mutated virus is

more virulent or can be non-responsive to drugs and

vaccines developed for the original virus.

Scientists think that it is highly unlikely that this novel

coronavirus will mutate and become more virulent. To

quote virologist Nathan Grubaugh of Yale School of public

health, “The rate at which this virus is mutating or evolving

is not unexpected; it’s exactly what we would expect for a

virus like this. All viruses continuously evolve and there

shouldn’t be anything alarming about the process in

general.” [17]



Zoonotic Virus

Every virus has a specific host. It can survive and replicate

only within that host. The same virus does not infect other

hosts. But sometimes, the virus changes its form and

attains the ability to infect a new host and replicate itself

within it. When a virus that once infected animals, has

evolved and now can infect humans, it is called a zoonotic

virus. Seventy percent of the viruses which infect humans

can infect other animals, too. That pretty much tells us

that these are zoonotic viruses. At first, they were

infecting animals only, then with time they evolved to

infect humans. Most zoonotic viruses came from rodents,

hooved animals, primates, carnivores and bats. Zoonotic

viruses may come from birds, too. In the recent past, most

serious viral infections occurred from zoonotic viruses,

such as influenza, HIV, SARS, MERS and Ebola. Other

viruses have been inside host cells for thousands of years

but cannot cause serious illness because the host is so

used to it. For example, the SARS virus cannot cause

disease in bats, as it has been inside the bat cells for

hundreds of thousands of years. On the other hand, when

the same virus gets into human cells, it can cause serious

illness, because its interaction with humans is new. [18]

We also need to keep in mind that some non-zoonotic

viruses can cause serious human disease as well [19] .

Picture 6: Bat, the zoonotic virus carrier

HIV came from chimpanzees, SARS from bats, Hepatitis B,

dengue from primates. Common cold coronavirus (OC43),

measles, mumps came from domestic animals and

influenza from wild fowl. Sometimes zoonotic viruses are

transmitted through chain of two or more animal hosts to

reach humans [20] .

The novel coronavirus does not spell an end to viral

pandemics. It’s almost certain that new zoonotic viruses

will come in from the wild and start a pandemic from time


to time.

Some may think that the novel

coronavirus is a laboratory-made virus, but that does not

diminish the probability of another zoonotic virus


Viruses can infect humans suddenly after millions of years

of being pathogens only to other species. That is not the

case for other pathogens like parasites, bacteria and fungi.

Those pathogens (parasites, bacteria, and fungi) that did

not infect humans for thousands of years are unlikely to

start infecting humans now. That is because other than

viruses, pathogens do not evolve or mutate rapidly to

become human pathogens [21] .

Among millions of types of viruses, we have studied

probably only 1 percent of them. We have gene

sequencing of only those viruses that we have studied. The

more we know about viruses, the better equipped we shall

be to protect ourselves. We will have vaccines and

effective treatment against those viruses. We have to keep

in mind that the novel coronavirus is not going to be the

last virus to cause a pandemic. Consequently, the more

time and money we invest in research, the safer we will be

in future.

Words by themselves are meaningless without

commensurate effort. The only sensible option is to

invest significantly in research, ensure significant

advancement of science and technology, raise awareness

of decision-makers and ordinary citizens about the

devastating, existential hazard posed by a pandemic long

before it hits us. What else is the alternative to save

civilization from this kind of catastrophe?


Did Anyone Know?

There actually was an eerily premonitory movie in 2011…

You may think that the coronavirus pandemic came out of

the blue. Nobody could possibly predict it and nobody had

time to prepare for it. This is absolutely false. A pandemic

was expected to happen. The only question was when.

There are six more catastrophic events that may occur

anytime. We talk about it in greater detail in Chapter 9 .

Many of you have seen the movie Contagion. There are

some bone-chilling similarities between the present novel

coronavirus pandemic and the one shown in Contagion,

made in 2011. In Contagion, there are repeated warnings

about not to shake hands, and advice to wash hands

frequently. I learned about the origin of handshaking

culture from this movie. In the ancient world, when two

strangers could not fully trust each other, they would

extend their right hands to show that the hands did not

hold any weapon. Then they would feel safe and could

talk. Contagion imposes a ban on this age-old culture of

the handshake, because a virus can travel from one’s hand

to another, then from the hand to the mouth. We touch

our faces about two to three thousand times each day. Did

we notice this before? Most of us did not. The virus can be

present on doorknob, the elevator button, on table

surfaces and God knows where else. From these surfaces it

passes into someone’s hand, then to the mouth and

respiratory tract, and then is transmitted from person to


Picture 7: Movie Contagion

All the things that we are facing now during the Covid-19

pandemic -- the rumors discrediting science, stores

running out of food, water and hand sanitizer - were

vividly highlighted in Contagion. Looking back, the movie

was an eye-opener. It described in minute detail how a

pandemic (fictional in 2011) started, how research was

done, how it spread from country to country, what its rate

of spread and its death rate was. The CDC and WHO came

into the picture often.

Contact tracing is a vital and fascinating part of tackling a

pandemic. Who were the people in close contact with the

patient? From whom might the patient have contracted

the virus? Who has the patient spread the virus to? It is

like detective work: Finding this information is crucial to

getting a handle on the pandemic and stopping its spread.

Eventually, contact tracing finds patient zero, the first

person to have caught the disease. It is difficult to

ascertain all the facts about the pathogen and the

pandemic until patient zero (more generally known as the

“index case”) is pinpointed.

Did a writer in 1981 know about this pandemic?

There is an eerie similarity between “Eyes of Darkness”

and the present-day novel coronavirus pandemic. The

comparisons went viral on social media. Dean Koontz

wrote the science fiction novel in 1981, and the book

became a New York Times bestseller. His fans claim that

Dean Koontz predicted the novel coronavirus pandemic 39

years before it happened. He mentioned “Wuhan-400,” a

microbe synthesized in a Chinese laboratory. Some fans

posted photos from his book, highlighting the similarities

with this pandemic. Reuters, The New York Times and

many other organizations researched the facts along with

the fiction of “Eyes of Darkness.” It turns out that although

there are some similarities, there are many more

differences as well. His fictional pandemic started in

Wuhan, China in 2020. That matches the novel coronavirus

pandemic. But he said that the specific virus in his novel

does not thrive in other animals, which is not true for

novel coronavirus. He named his virus Wuhan-400 (which

in his first edition of the book was named Gorky-400),

which has a 100 percent fatality rate. That does not hold

true for Covid-19, which has a death rate of 1-2 percent in

the infected population. So ultimately, although there are

some surprising similarities, there are a lot of differences,


Picture 8: Writer Dean Koontz’s fans highlighted the line

on a page citing “Wuhan-400” microbial weapon

The theme of the “Eyes of darkness” novel was that China

created a virus that only infects humans with a 100

percent fatality rate. So, once this virus is spread in a city

or a country, everyone will be killed by the disease. Since

this virus will not infect other animals (because humans

are the only host), once everybody dies from it, the virus

will not thrive. China can then invade the country quite

easily without fearing the deadly virus infection.

Eventually, Reuter’s comparative analysis of the “Eyes of

Darkness” and the present novel coronavirus pandemic

concluded that the novel and the actual pandemic have

only a few things in common [22] . Meanwhile, Dean Koontz

has been mum about the comparisons.

There is a term for this kind of writing: fictional prophecy.

This goes all the way back to Jules Verne.

Bill Gates Warns…

Picture 9: In 2015, Bill Gates, at a TED talk, warns the

world about the threat of a contagious virus.

In 2015, Bill Gates presented a theory in TED talk: The

main threat to human civilization is a viral infection. More

people will die from viral infections than from war,

bombing and hunger, he said. He predicted that it might

happen in a few decades. Sadly, it took much less than

even a decade. It happened in five years! He predicted this

after observing the devastating effects of the Ebola

epidemic in Africa. Many scientists, infectious disease

experts and physicians have been trying to warn us of the

danger of viral infections. And it’s not just only

epidemiologists and microbiologists. Politicians like former

US Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama have

repeatedly tried to hammer this point. But we have been

oblivious to these dire warnings. That, alas, is common

human nature. Ordinary folks like us, politicians and

decision-makers tend to ignore a problem until it hits us.

Politicians like to invest in areas where the result is more

tangible. When a rocket reaches the moon or Mars, it gets

huge publicity. On the other hand, in a plan to prepare for

a pandemic, the visible return on investment is hard to

quantify. During the Ebola pandemic, Bill Gates said that

we should not worry only about Ebola. We need to

prepare for other future viral infections too. After the

novel coronavirus hit us, is there the slightest doubt about

how right he is?

There is a rumor making the rounds even about Bill Gates

and his predictions. Some suspect that he is somehow

involved in creating this viral pandemic. Rumor travels at

lightning speed, far quicker than truth; having to choose

between a colorful rumor and a drab fact, people will

choose a rumor – and spread it – every time. We talk

about this in greater detail in Chapter 8.

“If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few

decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus

rather than a war,” Gates said. “Not missiles, but


So, what is the takeaway from all of this?

It all boils down to the fact that warnings of a viral

pandemic were plainly before our eyes, not as a fictional

novel, but from analysis of data and science, like a weather

forecast. Many predicted it and warned us about it, but we

did not pay attention. Even the most advanced countries

of the world, it turns out, were utterly unprepared.

Perhaps we shall learn a lesson from this experience and

be better prepared for the next pandemic.


How Do Pandemics Spread? How Can

We Manage a Pandemic?

When we look into recommendations and findings from

reputable health organizations such as WHO, NIH, CDC and

respectable news agencies such as the BBC, The New York

Times, The Washington Post, there is unanimous agreement

that we still have a lot more to learn about the novel

coronavirus spread and the nature of Covid-19 disease. New

research is ongoing and new information is emerging even as

we speak. Not everything is definitive yet. The CDC and other

organizations are very open about acknowledging this

provisional nature of our knowledge.

The symptoms of Covid-19 are dry cough, fever and

generalized weakness. If these are accompanied by

respiratory distress, pressure in the chest and inability to

move around, one should seek medical help [23] . It may

progress to pneumonia.

Once the virus invades the lungs, it makes millions and

billions of copies. When the lungs cannot expand and air

exchange cannot occur, a ventilator is needed, which is a

mechanical way to aerate the lungs. Otherwise, patients

may die from respiratory failure.

Immunity plays a huge role in Covid-19 patients. Older

people, patients with pre-existing lung disease, diabetic,

and overweight people are at increased risk. A balanced

diet and exercise may have a protective role by improving

the immune system.

The incubation period of the novel coronavirus is 2-14

days. The time from contracting the disease to the

beginning of symptoms is the incubation period. In simple

terms, it means that from the time of contracting the

virus, symptoms may be totally absent for 2-14 days

before flaring up. But the person will remain potentially

infectious to others during this period. So, they will keep

infecting others without knowing they are infected. As

long as the infected person keeps infecting others, it is the

contagious period. The common cold or influenza have an

incubation period of 1-4 days. The contagious period is

only one day before the symptoms start. So, influenza or

common cold patients can spread the disease for only one

day without knowing they have the disease.

What is noteworthy is that novel coronavirus-infected

patients can infect others without knowing it for about

14 days. This is the main reason why it spreads so easily

from person to person. Another reason is that this virus

can survive on solid surfaces such as steel, plastic and

glass for a long time.

There are two ways to get the infection. One is directly

from an infected person; the other is to get the virus from

a surface where it has been sitting outside the host. It

enters the human body through three routes: nose, mouth

and eyes. That is why we constantly hear the warning: “Do

not touch your face.” The hand is very easily contaminated

with the virus. If we wash our hands for 20 seconds with

soap or use hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent

alcohol, the virus can be largely avoided. But if we touch

our face before we clean our hands, it can enter our body

quite easily.

Sneezing or coughing by an infected person produces a

gust of droplets of particles, spread out like an aerosol in

the immediate area. These are very tiny particles that float

in the air for a variable time. If the particle is very tiny, it

will remain suspended in air for a long time. A bubble or

water particles in the cloud can remain in the air or travel

a long distance. What about the droplets of aerosols

coughed by a coronavirus-infected person? In February

2020, scientists thought the virus is present only in the

larger droplets and then quickly settled on the ground.

Then a research article published in the New England

Journal of Medicine in March 2020 pointed out that the

virus is present in small droplets as tiny as 1-5 micron as

well, which is one-thirtieth the width of a hair! With the

larger droplets, the probability was high that it wouldn’t

travel for more than six feet. That is why we heard so

many warnings about maintaining a distance of six feet

from other people. But now it seems that the virus may

travel further in small droplets and remain suspended in

air for about three hours. If an infected person spreads his

breath, aerosol-style, in the air inside an elevator, another

person inhaling this air may contract the virus even after

the infected person is gone.

So, is it not obvious that wearing a mask will protect us?

The CDC first said that masks are unnecessary, but in

March 2020, agreed that masks would protect people.

Now it is universally accepted that masks will protect us

and everyone around us.

How long can the virus survive on hard surfaces? Outside

the host, the virus is not a living organism. So, the terms

“living” and “dead” do not strictly apply to the virus. The

real question is how long will it remain viable to infect a

host? Multiple factors influence the viability of the virus.

Temperature, humidity and velocity of air -- all play a role.

Our present knowledge about the novel coronavirus tells

us that it survives longer in cold temperatures. Richard

Grey of the BBC, a futuristic science writer, wrote, “It

survives about three days on a solid surface like plastic and

steel in 21-23 degrees Celsius (70-73 degrees Fahrenheit).”

But if the temperature is 4 degrees Celsius, it can survive

up to 28 days! It is worth mentioning here that the

temperature in a refrigerator is about 4 degrees Celsius.

The SARS virus, another coronavirus, is rapidly destroyed

at a temperature of 56 degrees Celsius (132 degrees

Fahrenheit) and higher.

Another important note: The temperature of the healthy

human body is pretty much fixed. Once it infects the

human host, the outside ambient temperature becomes


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is very diligent

in publishing novel coronavirus information on their

medical website. The website has a Q&A section, as

information tends to change quickly as we acquire new

information about the novel coronavirus on an almost

daily basis. They have thoughtfully appended the date to

all answers so that the reader may realize that this may be

old news, and newer facts may have been discovered after

this. [24] I am posting below some information from the

MIT website with proper credit and the date of posting.

Covid-19 FAQs from the MIT Website

What is the 2019 novel coronavirus?

The 2019 novel coronavirus, or Covid-19, is a new

respiratory virus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province,

China. It’s called a “novel” — or new — coronavirus,

because it is a coronavirus that has not been previously


February 29, 2020

Where did Covid-19 come from?

Covid-19 is the same type of coronavirus

as MERS and SARs, both of which originated in bats. Many

of the first people to contract Covid-19 in Wuhan either

worked or frequently shopped at a large seafood and liveanimal

market, suggesting animal-to-person spread.

February 29, 2020

What are coronaviruses?`

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that have a crownlike

(corona) appearance when viewed under a

microscope. Common human coronaviruses usually cause

mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the

common cold, with symptoms that last only a short time.

However, two other human

coronaviruses, MERS and SARs, have been known to cause

severe symptoms and even death.

January 30, 2020

What are the symptoms and signs of Covid-19?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC), symptoms of Covid-19 include fever

greater than 100.4°F (38.0°C), chills, dry cough, fatigue,

shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing, sudden loss

of sense of smell or taste, nasal congestion, runny nose,

sore throat, nausea or diarrhea, muscle or body aches and

headache. These symptoms typically begin gradually.

Not all affected individuals will exhibit all symptoms, and

there is now evidence that up to 40 percent of infected

individuals will have no symptoms at all. If you are

concerned about symptoms you are experiencing, call MIT

Medical’s Covid-19 hotline at (617) 253-4865 to speak with

a clinician and get advice about what to do next.

August 20, 2020

How does Covid-19 spread?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC), the virus is thought to spread mainly

between people who are in close contact with each other

(within 6 feet). The virus spreads through respiratory

droplets produced when an infected person coughs,

sneezes, or talks. These droplets can land in the mouths or

noses of people who are nearby or may be inhaled into the


It may also be possible to get Covid-19 by touching a

surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching

your own mouth, nose or eyes. However, scientists do not

believe this is the main way the virus spreads. To minimize

the possibility of contracting the virus in this way, the CDC

recommends frequent hand-washing with soap and water

or using an alcohol-based hand rub. The CDC

also recommends routine cleaning of frequently touched


April 7, 2020

What does “close contact” mean?

The CDC defines “close contact” as either (i) a “prolonged

period of time” spent “within approximately 6 feet (2

meters) or within the room or care area” of an individual

who has been positively diagnosed with the virus or (ii)

“direct contact with infectious secretions.” Examples

include sharing eating or drinking utensils, close

conversation, or kissing, hugging and other direct physical

contact. “Close contact” does not include activities such as

walking by a person or briefly sitting across a waiting room

or office.

January 30, 2020

If I were exposed to Covid-19, how long would it take for

me to become sick?

The time between exposure to a contagious illness and the

onset of symptoms is called the “incubation period.”

Based on what has been seen previously with

similar viruses, the CDC has estimated the incubation

period for Covid-19 to be in the range of 2–14 days.

April 7, 2020

What underlying health conditions or other factors may

increase my risk of more severe illness or other

complications of Covid-19?

The risk of severe illness or death from Covid-19 increases

steadily with age. Eight out of 10 Covid-19 deaths reported

in the United States have been among individuals aged 65

years and older. Certain underlying medical conditions also

increase your risk for severe illness. These include type 2

diabetes, serious heart conditions, sickle cell disease,

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), chronic

kidney disease, immune deficiency and obesity, defined as

a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. Other medical

conditions, such as asthma, smoking, and pregnancy may

also increase an individual’s risk of severe Covid-19 illness.

September 8, 2020

Who can get tested for Covid-19?

If you are concerned about symptoms you are

experiencing or have been in close contact with someone

who has tested positive for Covid-19, you can be tested at

MIT Medical if you live or work on campus or at another

MIT facility and/or if you get your primary care at MIT

Medical. Call MIT Medical’s Covid-19 hotline at (617) 253-

4865 immediately, and we will arrange for you to be

tested. If you do not live or work on campus or at another

MIT facility and you do not get your primary care at MIT

Medical, you should call your own primary care provider

for advice about what to do next.

If you need a Covid test for travel, documentation, or

another reason, and you get your primary care at MIT

Medical, you can be tested at MIT Medical. Call our

Primary Care Service at 617-258-9355 to make an

appointment. NOTE: Insurance does not cover testing that

is not medically necessary, so you will be billed for the cost

of this testing.

If you are coming to campus regularly, the Covid Pass

app will notify you when you need to be tested. But,

remember, if you have symptoms or have been exposed to

someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, do not

come to be tested at the Covid Pass testing site. Instead,

call MIT Medical’s Covid-19 hotline at (617) 253-4865.

September 10, 2020

How can I protect myself from Covid-19?

There are four main ways to protect yourself from Covid-


● Pay attention to personal hygiene.

● Practice social distancing.

● Wear a face covering in public.

● Keep surfaces clean.

See Four ways to protect yourself and others from COVID-


June 8, 2020

How long does Covid-19 live on surfaces? Is it safe to

handle mail and packages? What about take-out food?

While it is theoretically possible to get Covid-19 by

touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and

then touching your own mouth, nose, or eyes, this is not

the main way the virus spreads.

A study in the New England Journal of Medicine reported

that, in laboratory tests, the virus was detectable for up to

72 hours on plastic and stainless steel surfaces, up to 24

hours on cardboard, and up to four hours on copper. But a

detectable amount of virus may not be enough to cause

infection. In fact, most viral particles die relatively quickly

outside of the body. Even on stainless steel and plastic, the

half-life of the virus — the length of time it takes for half of

the microbes in a given sample to die — was 5.6 and 6.8

hours respectively. On cardboard it was less than four


While mail and packages could have small amounts of

infectious viral particles on them, the risk is relatively low.

To be safe, wash your hands after opening packages or

mail. Similarly, any small risk from take-out containers can

be mitigated by transferring the food to your own dishes,

disposing of the packaging in which it was delivered, and

washing your hands before eating.

June 8, 2020

How long do Covid-19 particles remain in the air? Is it

safe to go outside for a walk, even if I take stay six feet

away from passers-by?

A study in the New England Journal of Medicine reported

that Covid-19 viral particles could remain suspended in the

air for as long as half an hour. However, while this

research showed the virus remaining airborne longer than

originally thought, it also showed that the particles

disperse quickly. This means that unless you are physically

close to an infected person, you are unlikely to be at risk

from viral aerosols.

So, by all means, go for that walk! Exercise and fresh air

are important for both physical and mental health,

especially at this time. Your risk of becoming infected by a

stray bit of airborne virus while out on a walk and

maintaining a safe distance from others is minimal.

April 7, 2020

Can I get Covid-19 from airborne particles that end up in


Probably not. While we are still learning more about the

virus, according to the CDC, there is no evidence to

support transmission of Covid-19 associated with food.

This is not surprising based on what we know about the

varying paths organisms take to make people sick.

Respiratory viruses, like Covid-19, typically attach to cells

in places like the lungs and cannot survive the acidic

environment of the digestive system. In contrast, the

microorganisms that cause digestive illnesses, like

norovirus and salmonella, survive the acid in stomachs and

make people ill by attaching to the cells inside people’s


In addition, any viral particles landing on food would not

be expected to remain viable for long. Unlike bacteria,

viruses cannot grow inside food, so any amount of virus in

food would diminish over time, rather than grow.

When it comes to food and Covid-19, the biggest risk is

contact with other people — like cashiers, restaurant staff,

or people delivering food. Minimizing or completely

eliminating those contacts will greatly reduce any risk

associated with food.

April 7, 2020

When do I need to wear a mask?

The CDC recommends that individuals wear non-medicalgrade,

cloth face coverings in public settings where it may

be difficult to maintain social distancing, such as grocery

stores. This recommendation is based on evidence that

individuals may be at their most contagious in the 48–72

hours before symptoms are noticeable. In addition, it is

now estimated that up to 25 percent of infected

individuals remain asymptomatic and may unwittingly

infect others. If everyone wears masks, this might help

prevent those who are unknowingly infected from

spreading the illness.

However, the CDC emphasizes, they are not

recommending that individuals purchase surgical masks or

N-95 respirators that are desperately needed for frontline

healthcare workers. Rather, the CDC recommends making

your own. You can sew a mask or use a 3D printer; the

links below are a good place to start, but lots of other

patterns and how-to videos are just a web search away.

This video, for example, shows you how to create a no-sew

face covering using a T-shirt or face towel and a couple of

rubber bands or elastic hair ties.

Do-it-yourself face masks

● DIY cloth face mask

● How to make a face mask

● Simple respiratory mask

June 8, 2020

What is an “N95 mask,” and do I need one?

An N95 mask, or an “N95 particulate-filtering facepiece

respirator,” is a medical-grade respirator that is designed

to fit tightly around the nose and mouth. When worn

correctly, it forms a tight seal on the wearer’s face and

blocks out at least 95 percent of small airborne

particles, according to the CDC. While very uncomfortable

to wear, this type of heavy-duty mask is recommended for

any healthcare provider who is caring for a patient with an

illness that may be transmitted through particles or

droplets in the air.

No, you don’t need an N95 mask. There is no

recommendation from any public health agency that

members of the general public wear N95 masks. However,

the CDC recommends that individuals wear non-medicalgrade,

cloth face coverings in public settings where it may

be difficult to maintain social distancing. Because the virus

is often spread by individuals who are asymptomatic, your

face covering will protect others, and their face coverings

will protect you.

June 8, 2020

Should I wear disposable gloves when I go out in public?

No, while it may be possible to get Covid-19 by touching a

contaminated surface and then touching your own mouth,

nose, or eyes, experts at the CDC do not believe this is the

main way the virus spreads. In addition, people who wear

gloves often end up touching their faces as often as

anyone else, and sometimes even more often, because

gloves can give people a sense of false security, which

makes them less attentive to good hygiene practices.

Although the CDC does not recommend that the general

public wear disposable gloves to prevent the spread of

Covid-19 or other viruses, they do recommend wearing

disposable gloves if you are caring for someone who is ill,

particularly when handling their laundry or potentially

coming into contact with their bodily fluids.

April 7, 2020

What should I do if I have been in close contact with

someone who was later diagnosed with Covid-19?

If you have been exposed to a person with Covid-19, it

could take up to 14 days to know if you will get sick.

During that time, it will be important for you to selfmonitor

for symptoms and practice social distancing to

avoid infecting other people if you do have the virus:

● Take your temperature twice a day, morning and

night (and at least 30 minutes after eating,

drinking, or exercising and 6 hours after taking any

temperature-lowering medication, such as

ibuprofen or aspirin). Write down your

temperature in a log.

● Be alert for any other symptoms of Covid-19,

including cough or difficulty in breathing.

● Call your healthcare provider if you have a cough,

trouble breathing or a fever (temperature of

100.4°F or 38°C). DO NOT go to an emergency

room, urgent care clinic, or healthcare provider’s

office without calling ahead.

● Stay home as much as possible, and avoid close

contact with other people, even people you live


April 7, 2020

Is it possible to live with someone who is selfquarantining

because they are sick with Covid-19 or may

have been exposed to the virus?

Yes, it’s possible, but it isn’t easy. The individual who is

self-quarantining must stay as separate as possible from

other people sharing the living space. They should stay in

their own bedroom and, if possible, use a bathroom that is

not shared with others. If the self-quarantining individual

needs to come out of their room for any reason, they

should wash their hands and wear a mask. If there’s only

one bathroom, set up a bathroom rotation in which the

self-quarantining individual uses the bathroom last and

then disinfects it thoroughly (read more about proper

disinfection techniques).

Clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces

frequently. This includes countertops, doorknobs, light

switches, and bathroom surfaces. Wash your

hands frequently.

Do not share any items with the self-quarantining

individual. This includes dishes, drinking glasses,

silverware, towels, phones and remote controls. If

possible, use a dishwasher to clean and dry dishes and

silverware used by the self-quarantining individual. If this

is not possible, wash them by hand using detergent and

warm water. Dry them thoroughly, using a separate dish


April 7, 2020

Should I cancel house-cleaning services?

Maybe. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Taking into

account your individual risk of complications from

contracting the virus, such as age or underlying medical

conditions, it may make sense to suspend house-cleaning

services during this time. However, recognizing that

house-cleaners are often immigrants and low-wage

workers, you may want to consider continuing to pay

them if you can afford to do so.

If you do continue to use house-cleaning services, it’s

important to take precautions that protect both you and

the cleaners. Even though they are there to make your

house clean, they could still transmit the virus to you, or

you to them, if either of you were infected. Make sure

your cleaners don a fresh pair of disposable gloves when

they enter your home and change them often while they

are working. Stay at least six feet away from your cleaners

while they are in your home. Ask them not to come if they

feel sick, or if you become ill. You might also think about

trying to limit the amount of time they spend in your

home each time they visit; perhaps more time-consuming

cleaning jobs, like washing windows, can wait another

month or two.

There’s no way to remove all risks associated with having

people come into your house to clean, but being vigilant

about following these precautions will mitigate these risks

if you continue to use house-cleaning services during this


April 7, 2020

Can I donate blood or plasma during this time?

Yes, if you are healthy with no symptoms of upperrespiratory

illness and no underlying medical conditions,

and you haven’t traveled recently, then

donating blood, platelets, or AB Elite plasma is one of the

safest and most effective ways you can help our medical

community right now.

According to the Red Cross, employees at every blood

drive or donation center follow strict safety protocols that

include changing gloves often, wiping down donortouched

areas after every collection, preparing the donor’s

arm with an aseptic scrub, using sterile collection sets, and

conducting mini-physicals to ensure that each donor is

healthy and well. They are also practicing enhanced

disinfecting of equipment, providing hand sanitizer for use

throughout the donation process, and spacing beds to

follow social distancing practices between donors.

You can make an appointment online at one of these local

donation centers:

● Children’s Hospital

● Massachusetts General Hospital

● Dana-Farber Cancer Center & Brigham and

Women’s Hospital

Or go to the Red Cross website and enter your zip code to

book an appointment at a location close to your home.

April 7, 2020

I’ve heard that the most serious Covid-19 symptoms

involve pneumonia. Does having had the pneumonia

vaccine give me a measure of protection against this type

of pneumonia?

No. The pneumonia vaccine you got protects against a

specific type of pneumonia caused by the Streptococcus

pneumoniae bacteria. That vaccine will not protect against

the type of viral pneumonia caused by Covid-19.

April 7, 2020

You can visit the MIT website by clicking on this link and

find the latest information .



How Devastating Will Covid-19 Be?

Let us start on a positive note. All experts agree that the

Covid-19 pandemic will end one day, like all others before

it. We have had Ebola, SARS, MERS and swine flu (H1N1) in

the recent past. In 1918, the Spanish flu was a devastating

pandemic during the First World War, killing 50-100

million people. It spread more among soldiers, as they

lived in close quarters. When the war was over, soldiers

spread out, and the pandemic gradually died down. This

theory is changing as many researchers now think the

soldiers took it to different part of the world.

Picture 10: Novel coronavirus

Even though significant progress has been made to date,

we do not have any Covid-19 vaccine available for mass

immunization, or any definitive treatment for the disease.

How and when will this pandemic end? Experts have some

predictions and are forecasting likely scenarios.

Summer heat will gradually kill the virus. It is plausible,

but scientists still do not know the nature of the virus. We

already passed summer; there is no sign of its dying down.

Even though it was somewhat subdued in summer, it

flared up again in fall.

Quarantine may solve it. If all the patients are

quarantined, it will not infect a new population. But

absolute quarantine is nearly impossible. It is not even

practical to detect everyone with the infection and isolate


Social distancing will stop the spread of disease from

person to person. Therefore, fewer and fewer people will

be infected. Now that scientists know the mode of

transmission, they are urging people to maintain a

distance of at least six feet between persons. A handshake

is completely forbidden, and social get-togethers are a nono.

No large gathering should be permitted. This will

prevent the growth of the pandemic. Wearing a mask is a

must when in a crowd or in a closed space with others.

Vaccine. Once we have an effective vaccine, it will protect

people. A lot of research is going on for vaccines, and the

light at the end of the tunnel does not seem too far.

However, it is at least months away. Vaccines need lots of

trials before it can be administered to people. Usually, the

first trial is on laboratory animals, and if successful, then

on human volunteers. There are three stages of a clinical

trial which any drug or vaccine must undergo before being

used on humans. It’s particularly important to find out the

effects of the vaccine on people who use other

medications, have underlying diseases, or have an

alternative lifestyle. It takes time to find out all the side

effects of a vaccine and declare a candidate vaccine as


The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is the final

authority to approve any drug or vaccine in the US. To get

this approval, first, a drug must be tried on twenty to

eighty volunteers. If found to be safe, it is administered to

a few hundred volunteers to gauge its efficacy. After

crossing this hurdle, a large clinical trial on a few thousand

volunteers in different age groups and demographics is

performed. Some vaccines for Covid-19 are already in

clinical trials, and hopefully we shall have a safe and

effective one soon.

Antibody. Once most of the population develops

antibodies against the novel coronavirus, it will not cause

disease in that group. Usually, when a microbe infects a

person, the body produces antibodies against it.

Knowledge of that antibody persists in the body for a long

time, sometimes forever, and gives immunity against that

infection. As a result, the same microbe cannot cause

disease in the person with antibodies in the system. We

are still unsure what type of antibody is produced against

the novel coronavirus and how long it lasts in the body

after the first infection. Immunity from coronavirus

depends on these factors.

Antibodies play an interesting role in preventing diseases.

Antibodies are immunoglobulins, which are produced in

the B lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. They

circulate in the blood stream throughout our bodies.

Microbes have antigens, a protein, present on bacteria,

viruses, fungus and parasites. The antigen is the key the

microbe uses to get into host cells, or in other words,

opens the lock of the host cell. Chemicals and non-living

organisms, such as pollens, have antigens too. When a

foreign (non-self) substance gets into the body, our

immune system detects it as an "enemy" and begins to

produce antibodies against it. This is the body's attempt to

protect us from injurious outsiders, such as pathogens or

allergens. There are innumerable types of antibodies, each

specific to a certain invader. Billions of antibodies are

produced against a specific antigen. Once produced, the

antibody neutralizes the antigen and protects us from that


Let us take a closer look into immunity. Suppose a virus

has the key to open the lock of a host cell. The antigen

present on the surface of the virus will attach to the host

cell surface protein. The viral antigen's key must be a

perfect match for the lock on the host cell surface. This

attachment is crucial for the virus to gain entry into the

cell. The antibody is a Y-shaped structure that attaches to

the antigen on the viral surface and blocks it. Thus, the

virus is neutralized and cannot use the “key” to enter the

cell. To neutralize a virus, the antibody must be quite

specific for it.

When our body is exposed to a new virus, it can take days

and sometimes weeks to produce the specific antibody to

neutralize the new virus. The immune system starts a trialand-error

process by continuously producing different

types of antibodies. Once the right antibody is produced,

the memory of this virus, more specifically the viral

antigen, usually remains active forever. When the same

virus enters the body again, the immune system

remembers it from prior exposure and immediately

produces the right antibody against it. In subsequent

exposure, the virus is neutralized quite fast, before the

onset of disease.

Many diseases are cured or self-limiting because of our

immune system's ability to produce the correct disease

antibodies. Antibody and immune-memory are key players

behind a vaccine. A dead or attenuated live pathogen is

introduced in the body by a vaccine. This pathogen cannot

cause disease, as it is not virulent enough or is dead. But

the immune system reacts to it and produces the specific

antibody to fight it, and of course, saves the information in

its immune memory. This specific antibody's faster

production from immune memory protects us when the

actual virulent microbe attacks us.

Convalescent Plasma therapy is a wonderful tool

occasionally used in the treatment of severely ill patients.

If someone survives an infectious disease, there is enough

antibody present in the blood. Blood has two components:

cells and plasma. The antibody is present in the plasma.

The plasma, rich with antibody, can be taken out of a

recovered patient and transfused into a sick patient. The

antibody present in the plasma will fight the pathogen in

the recipient patient and may cure the disease. This type

of immunity is called passive immunity. The patient did not

produce the antibody but borrowed someone else's

antibody to fight the disease. Some countries and

institutions have treated Covid-19 patients with plasma

therapy. FDA considers it a promising treatment in

severely ill patients (recently approved) but is still at an

experimental phase for Covid-19. Another important

aspect of plasma therapy is that the donor does not have

to donate blood cells to donate more plasma, which he

would have to do in the case of direct blood donation.

According to “Covid-19 Herd Immunity: Where Are We?”

an article published Sept. 9, 2020, in the science magazine

Nature: “Through vaccination or infection with novel

coronavirus, if 67 percent of the population develop

antibodies by either means, it will produce herd

immunity.” [25] , , also referred as “community immunity”.

The concept of herd immunity comes from American

livestock veterinarians in the early 20th century, when

they tried to protect cows from certain epidemics. Herd

immunity implies a situation when almost the entire

population acquires immunity. Herd immunity protects

against the spread of the infection.

We cannot fight Covid-19 on one front only. All the

weapons that we can marshal must be utilized to save us

from the crisis. Now the big question is this: How dire is

novel coronavirus?

Novel coronavirus is not necessarily a fatal disease. At first

it causes fever and cough of variable degree, quite like

influenza. Around 80 percent of Covid-19 patients will be

cured on their own. Similar to influenza, it is more

dangerous in the case of the elderly and people with preexisting

diseases. But while we have medicines for flu,

there is virtually no protection against the novel

coronavirus. The death rate in influenza is 0.1 percent (one

in thousand), but the novel coronavirus kills anywhere

from 1-2 percent of the people it infects. We can see that

the death rate is 10-20 times more than flu but getting

infected with Covid-19 is still not necessarily a death

sentence. What’s noteworthy is that country, locality and

many other factors play a role in determining the Covid-19

death rate. But then, this is true for determining the death

rate for any disease.

If Covid-19 is not a vicious, deadly disease, why is

everyone so worried about it? Why all these precautions,

quarantine, lockdown, travel restrictions? Perhaps the

most important reason is that we do not know everything

we need to know about this virus. This virus infects a

person, and before he or she is aware of it, the infected

person starts contaminating others. That is not usually the

case in influenza. Novel coronavirus spreads through

coughing, sneezing and the respiratory route. One infected

person, on an average, infects 2.2 people. All the

continents except Antarctica now have this pandemic. This

is the most widely spread pandemic after the Spanish flu in


A pandemic does not necessarily mean a deadly disease. A

pandemic is a widespread disease across countries and

continents, regardless of its severity. Why, then, is

everyone so worried about it? If we cannot control it now

or it limits itself, it will come back repeatedly. We are not

even sure if antibodies will protect against a re-infection.

Research is going on, but there’s still so much about it

that’s unknown. It may produce a new strain; it may

mutate and change its form, making available treatments

and vaccines ineffective.

Besides its health hazard, its economic impact on the

world has been devastating. Borders between countries

are locked down; travel has come to a standstill, industries

and businesses have been shut down. Even the 2020

Olympic games have been postponed, Haj, the annual

Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, has been

vastly modified. The entire world is feeling the impact of

Covid-19. Economists are predicting a recession and

economic downturn across all continents.

How does a lockdown help protect us against Covid-19?

Lockdowns have clearly caused an economic disaster, but

is it necessary? Let us take a critical look. If a country is

under total lockdown, the virus will not spread from

person to person. Even the viruses present outside the

host in the air or solid surfaces will be dead in a few days.

The infected persons will carry the virus for about three

weeks. Thus, after 3 / 4 weeks, the disease's progression is

totally halted, and the disease is completely eradicated

from that country.

It is true that this is a very theoretical scenario. Reality is

messier. A lockdown is never 100 percent successful; some

people will defy it. The disease will spread between family

members living in the same household. But it will not

spread exponentially and will be contained soon. This is

called “flattening the curve.” We discuss this in greater

detail later in Chapter 9.

Our civilization needs to prevent the spread of the virus

and contain it as quickly as possible. Health experts and

policymakers must step forward and come up with

definitive guidelines.

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